',- '.'. v Orono Skater te Compete-at Ontario Winter Games ÀM Oreno Weekly Times, Wednesaay, February 20, Ï991.5 Aninic iKndej Foundation dlance siate7or March 2nd ,The annual Kidney Foundation Dance, SpoflSored by the Ransberry family, will be beld at Uic Newcastle Community Hall on Saturday, March 2. Tickets are on sale now. The hall is located on the main street of Newcastle Village. The Tradesmen, a five piece country band, will provide the entertairnent. Meanwhile, those attending will enjoy square dancing, under the direction of Harold (Mac) Ransberry, event coordinator. The event kicks off at 8 p.m. with a mix and mingle hour. Special entertainment will be provided during the hour. Due to the popularity of the dance, Mr' Ransberry encourages people te corne early. Its boped that everyone planning to -attend will be there by 9 p.m. Dancing continues unitil 1 a.m. Tickets are $18 a couple. Price of the ticket includes Uic buffet lunch. Tickets are on sale now. For information regarding tickets, call Mr. Ransberry at 983-9597 or bis daughtcr Joan Ransberry at 434- 7205. Ail proceeds will be donated to the Kidncy Foundation. Local residents are reminded that Marcb is Kidney Montb in Canada. Meanwbile, Mr. Ransberry also reminds Durham residents that a five bed kidney dialysis unit will open at Oshawa General Hospital soon. The unit opening means that kidney patients from Durhamn will no longer be required to take treatrnent in Toronto. The Ransberry family, members of the Durham unit of tbe Kidney Foundation, have hosted the dance for Il consecutive years. Other fund raising events hosted by this family include bazaars and a quilt raffle. Meanwhilc, a fcw ycars ago, a family member authored a contest wbich raised about $50,000 for the Kidney Foundation. Ransberrys also take part in tbe annual peanut sale, sponsorcd by the Kidney Foundation. Mr. Ransberry says the family, got involved in fundraising as a way to show appreciation to Uic Kidney Foundation, He says researcb funded by the Kidney Foundation of Canada enablcd doctors to save bis sons life in 1969. Don Ransberry, 44, of north Orono is one of the world's longest living organ transplant recipients. Last year,' officials of the Kidney Foundation of Canada attended the dance and presented the Ransbcrry family with an award in recognition of their ongomng support of thc founidation. Melissa Allin, daughter of Neil and Shelley Allin with ber panner Mark Bradshaw from Unionville will compete at Ontario Winter Games in Barrie on March 7 - 9. Melissa is 12 and Mark is 13 and have been skating together for two and a itaîf ycars. Althougb thcy skate in Orono on Sunday Uic major training is donc in North York with their coaches, Roy and Suc Bradshaw, Mark's parents and former British Champions. Tbey train two momnings before school and One afternoon. That makes for a vcry carly stat in Uic day. 1The City of Barrie and Uic Town of Collingwood will behosting this multi sport event, showcasing Uic Province's best amateur athietes in over twcnty five sports! The Gamnes are meant to stimulate enUiusiasm and participation in amateur sport' in order to achieve a bigber level of physical fitncss throughout the province. The athietes are-providcd wiUi a 1ev-el of competition wbicb will increase their ability to attain national and international status. The Gamnes arc supportcd by the Ministry of Tourisin and Recreation, Melissa and Mark were invitcd to attend Uice Canada Winter Gaines Run-Off in Woodbridge on January 3, 1991 wberc tbey placcd third overaîl. Melissa skated with a dislocatcd finger prior to an accident Uic night before. Thcy did skate well and although this was their goal for Uic past ycar and a disappointinent at flot winning and attcnding the Canada Wintcr Games in PEI, tbey arc wcll prcpared for the Ontario Wintcr Games in Barrie. Melissa and Mark will be skating at thc Orono Carnival on April 6 along with Uic reccnt Junior Ladies Canadian Champion, Nctty Kim, only 14 years of age. The Orono Figure Skating Club will pay a tribute to Uic late and talented Jim Henson as well as provide good skating fromn our littie ones rigbt up te our competitive skatcr. Mark your calendar for April 6 for 1 :3Opm or 7:30pm. Christian Corner by Rev. Marg West Are the HEATHEN Really LOST? Who are Uic beathen? Arc you a beathen? Docs anyone today in the world we live in consider theniselves te be heathen? Webster defines beathen as: "A pagan, idolater, an irreligieus person." I dont think anyone would wanîte put thcmselves, in that category, would Uiey? I don't believe that anyone would want te bc known as a pagan, (one with ne (Christian) religieus beliefs) do Christian rellgious beliefs) do you? Everyonc thinks Uiey are religieus and mes: of them are. (Religion is net Christianity) How about idolatry. Do you want te be known as-one wbo werships idols? How can an idol answer prayer? Prayer is answered by Ged threugh faith in His son Jesus Christ. Jesus paid a debt Uiat we owed. That debt was sin. Jesus bled and dicd on Uic cross t to remove the debt of sin from our lives. We could net and cannot remove that debt ourselves, it cas only be rcmoved by the shcdding of the Blood of Jesus. It was donc once and for cveryoe. V~If you owced a debt and sommoe offered you the rnoney to pay it and you refused the offer you'd stili owe the debt right? It's thc same with the debt that Jesus paid for you, if you dont1 accept thc offer He has given you, you are sti in.debt (sin). Everyone bas a God-given conscience that indicates what is right, and wams tbcm of what is wrong. If the heathen are flot lost then God sent Jesus to be a Sin offering in vain. If Uic heathen are flot lost God did flot need for Jesus to dieon Uic cross, that would have been really ludicrous. God does flot make mistakes, everyone needed an offering-for their sin debt. Jesus is that offering. Bible Study, Tucsday 7:30 p.m. 983-5962. Comments or Questions, Write, Box 179, Orono, Total Christian Television, Channel 49 Buffalo. BYAMS Plumbing Heatng incotparated Sales and Service 24 Hour Burner Service Gulf Financing Low Interest Rates 263-2650 Tenants m- Landiords We want your views on Rent ontrol, You can help the Ontario Government develop a new rent control Iaw by Ietting us know your views. Because both tenants and landiords want to settie the rent conti ol issue without delay, we want to have a rent control law in place within a year. To help us do that, we will meet with te nant and landiord associations, municîpalities and other interested groups across the province. But most important, we want to hear fromn you. Here's how you can make your views known: iA newsletter summary of the main rent control issues will be delivered to most apartments during the next few days. It gives you a way to get back to the govemment with your views. If you don't get onejust tell us. 2 You can obtain the full discussion paper on rent control. Free. We welcome your written comments and suggestions. 3 You can attend public meetings which will be held in Barrie, Etobicoke, London, Ottawa, Toronto, Sudbury and Windsor throughout March. If you wish to speak, please cali the number below. (This opportunity will obviously be limited by space and time.) Also when the proposed rent control law is introduced, you may appear before a legislative committee to make your views known. We would like to hear fromn you by April 5, please. Contact us for information or materials by phoning toll-free: 1-800-461-6767 OMinistry Housing Ontario