Orono '4ieekfy Times 1,eçndaaa Mail Regstration Numbher 00068 Puiashed Every Wedneeday at the Cilice of PLuicnfion 531Ô Main Salmet, Qrono, Ontario LOB 1 MO Telephone 416-983-5301 Like what we hear! It was somewhat surprising to rend Prime Minister Brian. Mulroney's address both in Toronto and in Quebec. Surpnising as is was it was niso heart-warming to hear that the federal govemnment would take the lead role in the constitutional debate and that sorne strengthhad to bc maintained at the federal level. We would think that tbis statement would be received witb relief frorn most Canadians. But words are but words and bas ofien been said the proof of the pudding is in the eating. This corner bas always supported a strong federal government which feel is a iequirement to the status of a Canada ranging from sen to sea. Cutting this nation mbt pieces will, in the end, be the destruction of Canada as a nation with the segments much weaker in a closing-in world. This fact is now ýeing presented from many in the business world and we would think suçh comments are but common sense and actually the way tbe system\works. There bas been a steady decine in tbe ~wer of the federal governmenî flot only in Mulroney's days but dating back for a number of prime ministers and parties. At sone point this depleting of power at the federal level bas t0 stop and there is no botter time than at the present. There is another side to tbe story ana that came from tbe Parti Quebecois Leader Jacques Parizeau following the Mulroney nddress in Quebec wbere Mulroney asked bis counterparts in Quebec to corne forth witb specifîcs as to the glowing end they dlaim for separation etc. Parizenu called for Mulroney to provide his spocifics and to show that a federal systemn does and would continue to work. It is up 10 the federal government to play their part in the economics of the whole country through their social programs, and especinlly at such a time as now, to be leaders in promoting the strenghtening of the economy. The areas of job traning, research and development is a requirement but where the feds are falling back in comparison with otber countries. The federal govemnment has to play its part and ils an unending part. If tbey fail, and tbey have boon trying, then Canada fails. A sound, constructive government in Ottawa could well obliterate any cause for separation or breakup. Laidlaw plea (Contnued from page 1) Ministry was satisfied, "they are the lead agency in this matter", it was said. It was also noted that Laidlaw had jusî flled their hydrogeological study. Counc. Hannali said he did flot have a clear picture but there had neyer been an Environmental Assessment hearing on the lands. "You want an extension and that is cause for a hearing", he said. Counc. Hamrre noted that other than those in the Town of Newcastle was using the landfill site and suggested Port Hope and aren as One 10 mnake such use. Later it wa s noted that Manvers and Cavan Township does rnake use of the site and that there is space for n further 1400) tonnes when the dumnp will reach its capacity. Mike Pullen, also representing Laidlaw said the present lnndfill Kinsmen Week, can enjoy homemade sausages, pancakes with fresh maple syrup, coffee/hot chocolate, and a horse drawn sleighi ride through the sugar bush. The kids cani cone pet the farma animals, including baby pigs, lambs, and calves. Watch newspaper, for further information, and plan 10 join us for Ibis fun filled day. The Kinsmen have also started working on this years Bike- A-Thon and Rodeo, which is going 10 lie even bigger and better. In addition 10 their Grocery Draw and Car Wnshes, keep watch Ibis spring f or several new Kin Projecîs. The Kinettes also had a busy holiday season with donations sent naa been broughrto 1 standard by Laidlaw since their purchase and that over $2.5 million had been- spent 10 do so. A further $0.51 million had also been spent for reports. Counc. Hamire did state at this point, that improvements had been made since Laidlaw took over the operation but that il did have a terrible history. John ,McDermott, >also representmng Laidlaw said the Town should handle the land-use portion of the application and that there was no reason 10 do such. He said the environînental aspect should be handled separately. Diane Lemieux, representing Laidlaw, said the company again requests a meeting and asked for the release of comments which had been asked for some four month.s ago. She s aid the Town appeared to wish the closing of the site rallier dma dealing with the application. There was little debate by council following the presentations and the staff report was received for information. (Contjnued frp,or age 1) 10 area schools and hospitals, and making up of Christmas Baskets for necedy families. They'll continue 10, hold their Youth Dancos at the Orono rIown Hall. A Dance Contest will be at their next one on Friday, March 22nd. The Great Pine Ridge Kin family are always thrilled t0 have perspective members corne out 10 a meeting. If your between the age of 21 and 45 and would be interested in serving your community and finding a whole new family in Kin then just give themn a cal; Kinsmen-President Dan Stacheruk 983-9540, Kinettes - President Julie Pearson 987- 1765. Well once again we are in the deep freeze, snow, winds and cold. Saturday I wore a spring jacket and on Monday back 10 the winter jacket. By Thursday it felt like long-john weather, oh well uts just a matter of weeks now until spring. Sunday was a clear cold day, there was a good attendance at Church. Following the cail to worship, the choir sang the lovely ant.hem "He lives, Christ Jesus Lives To- day, He Lives Within My Heart." The children's hymn was, "Jesus Loves Me". Rev. Ransom asked the children if they go for drives with their parents? He then asked lhemn, what signs they see along the ronds, the children named ail the signs, it shows just how observant they are. He then told them the most important sign was the sign telling them the speed limit, that sign is there to protect you, if you go over the limit you could have an accident and be hurt. The limait is there 10 make you safe. Brian Ihen asked lhem if they had limit signs at home. They said no. He then went on to tell them that not being allowed to stay, up ail night, or being able 10 open the fridge and eating everything ini i, were limîits set up for them. If they aie ail day or went without sleep, they would become sick. Going past the limits is dangerous. God also sets limits. The children said the Ten Commandments were Gods limits, if we keep themn we will be safe. The Psalm reading was from Chapter 25: 1-10. Rev. Ransom read from Genesis 9:8-17; Peter 3:18-22 and Mark 1:9-15. K E ND"A L H AL NEW S by Phyllis Lowery On Sunday, February lOth, the Junior Orange Lo dge held their Valentines parly ai the hall. On Thursday, February 14th, the ladies lodge, cancelled their regular meeting, due to the weather and the bad road conditions. The Ladies Lodge will have theirmeeting this Thursday, February 2lst. On Friday, February 15th, there were 8 tables of euchre in play, high score Dean Polley, with 93; 2nd high Brian Alcock and Terry MacDonald with 77; 4th Maurice ONeill with 74. The draw was won by Dora MacDonald. Next card party, Friday, March isi. The flyers delivered door t0 door in Kendal will be honoured at this time, if you stayed at home because of the wealher we will be glad 10 welcome you at this time. The Men's Lodge are sponsoring a dance on Saturday, March 9th t0 be held at the Orange Community Hall, in Tyrone. Tickets available at the door. This 15 10 be a St. Patrick's and a Fifties Dance, corne'dressed the way you did in the 50s, or come in Green, but cone on out and have a good time. Conservtion (Continued from Page 1) Natural resources. Bill Campbell agreed with Houston. He did say that there appeared a question of a triangle of land in the Town of Newcastle and where il might be placed as to amalgamation. He said il appeared a simple matter but that was not the case.. I feel it is premature to discuss any issue at this lime," he said. The Sermon was bnsed on "Where is the Limnit?" The sîory of Noah's Ark has led to, many humorous stories told about it. 15 the sîory true or not? If il did happen to ramn for 40 days and 40 nights, that would bc a rainfail of 30 feet of water, every 24 hours. Imagine the length of time it would take for ail that water, 10 go away. There must be limits, Noah, called a spade a spade, we must have limits. We found ouI fromn the children, the linilts itheir lives. Without limits there would be chaos, we must be accouiable t0 some one. We alI know what happons if we overeat, if we did that everyday, we would be fat and sick. If we go beyond the limit, it will destroy us. God wishes us to enjoy day 10 day living, within our limits. His love is limitless. Lent is a lime of forgiveness, a lime of, where and how we have gone beyond the limits, 10 get back on track. God's Covenant is a challenge 10 test God's strength and Henling. When we go beyond the limits, we know God will forgive US. The Communion Hymn was, "Let Us Break Bread," the children were brought back into the Church from the Sunday School and, iook Communion with the Congregation, this is a first, for our Church, and we hope it will continue on special occasions. The teachers have been explaining t0 the children what takes place and whal il means. If you have a youngster that is flot coming t0 Sunday School, bring them 10 church or send them wîîh another child, ail are welcome, il is flot nîl serious, there is fun and friendship. TIhe teachers have many activities planned. Don't forget tie birthday- party for Catherine Stewart, March 2nd. We are glad 10 report that Mrs. Alta Langstaff and Mr. George MacDonald are home from the hospital and on the mend. Mr. Jack Westlake is still a patient in the hospilal in Peterborough, -but is recovering well. We were sorry to hear that Les Reid is under the weather, we wish him a speedy recovery. Capsules of Wisdom... Actually there's only a slight difference between keeping your chin up and sticking your neck out, but its worth knowing. 983-5009 Job Printing at the Orono Times 983-5301 St. Saviour 's Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. Douglas Hall 987-4745 SIJNDAY SERVICE and SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE Rev. Fred III Milnes 983-5208 Marlene Risebrough, Secretary Sunday, February 24th Kirby United Church Momning Worship at 9:30 a.m. Sunday School ai 9:30 a.m. Orono United Church Momiing Worship ai il a.m. Sunday School at il a.m. ORONOIKIRBY Officiai Board Thurday, February 2lst 7.30 p.m. Upper C. E. Hall FILMS Focus on Christian Communlty Concerns Sunday, February 24th 7:00 p.mn. "Cry from the Mountain" Orono United Church World Day of Prayer Frlday, March lst Orono United Church' 7:30 p.m.