Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 31 Dec 1990, p. 1

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..........- Happy N Business has Orono connection looking to expand in recession era promated is that no order is too small or too large. Customers range from hobbyists, to farmers, sheet mietal shops, garages, macbini;sts even to m unicipalities and boards of education. Some of their steel bas been used ini the Skydomne. John Siater states the company seils service and a wide selection of metal cut to any size. In August of 1986 the company hired one fuli-time m ad one part- time employee. Today staff numbers five fuli-time employces. 'îhe two ow-ners do flot expect to bc bit by thc recession as thcy have a broad-based group of customers along witb an extensive product range. Metals IJnlimited supply customers as far east as Brockville to, west at St. Catherines, north te, Lake Siinicoe and soutb to thc lake. Confidence in the future is shown through their purchase of an acre of land in Oshawa for a duplicate of the Markham servce and plans also include a fuyther new building in tbe flot too distant future. Tiown withholds decision on revamp of Conservation Authority areas Orono Weekly Times, Monday, December 3Ist,,1990 RKegion to expand composting plan for ail residents willing to assist former Townsbip of Clarke being melded witb tbe Central Lake Ontario Conservation Autbority. A report fromn the Town's planning department bas suggested that the Ganaraska bc adviscd tbat tbe Town cannot support the amalgamnation proposai until there is resalution of the CLOCA jurisdictional limits. The Towns report also suggests "thei Region of Durham and the Ministry of Natural Resources initiate discussirmns amiong ail conservation authorities witbin the Region to address the review program with particular attention to the defition of jurisdictional limits. Sucb a revicw would consider present conservation authorities that are presently within the regian from the Metro area authority to CLOCA, Ganarasica, Kawartha and Otonabce whidi bas been drawn in tbrough negotiations with tbe Ganaraska. The town staff report states that tiere is not going to lye immnediate resolution of the revamping and cspecially the setting of flcw boundaries. The province la 1987 raieased a commniuee review report, known as Uic B urger report, wbich outlincd roie and miandate fer conservation authorties. it alua soughta amalgamnation te redu e i numnber of authorities across the province, made changes te membership qaid funding. This report bas suggested Ù=a CLOCA 'join wth thc Ganaraska and that Otonabec tnd the Kawarth-a conservation authorities ha joined into anc cntity. The Town of Newcastle generaliy agrced with Uic raie and mandate, supported the amalgamation of th~e two authorities as well as supporting Uic reduction in membersbiip. 'Mei Town withcld decision on funding until further information was (Continued page 2) -Cameco granted one The Waste Reduction conittee of the Durham Public Worlcs dcpartmcnt would have every homne in Uic Regian using compasters in a devscd haif-price deal. According ta Larry Hannah, Newcastle councillor and memibcz of the comimittee, those in~ the Town of Newcastle will have access ta twa types of con¶posten by Msxch Ist, 1991. Hannah said, "lwe (Regionalf council) must sbow leadersbip in tbe reduction of waste." He alsa said it has ta ho expaned beyond the present boundaries of Pickering. Hannah said he had made Uic proposaI at cominittece ta cxend Uic plan toalal residents in thc region. "T'he plan will be region-wide as of March Ist," he said. Currently there art îwo types of Region may find old glass useful again Durham Regian may have a solution for recycled glass collectcd la Uic blue box program. It would serve as a base for paemeùt and Uic plan could bc la operation this coming yea. 'Me wuste reduction coMmitte bas suggested Uic region go along wii a proposai from Miller Waste Systcmn for a demonstration project uing glass. V_- if Uic plan gains support froin the Ragion Uice regian would supply glass ta Mviller Pavlag for Uic next twelve months. Miller Paving wauld crush and screen in tbeir Uxbridge plant until it takes on Uic gualities af sand. Tbis would be mixed with gravel ta ho used for road base on a regional project t"S comning year. It bas been pointed out that lte program would eliminiate Uich need ta separate glass from Uic blue (Continued page 2) comiposters available, Bardxnatic and cedar Bio-Bins at a cost of $20 and $26 each. The Ministry of the Environinent subsidize Uic cost by fifty percent reducing Uic cost to the $20 and $26. Tbc Regian presently bas 17,000 camposters as invcntory. Some 3000 bave already been sold ta residents la Pickering, a program that was started last summer. The program now bias been extended ta Ajax and Whitby. The cedar Bio-Bin composter accepts organic material including vegetables, coffce grounds, and leaves and grass clippîngs, weeds, etc. Maintenance includes turning Uic pile pcriodically with Uic result that Uic material composts ta soil. The cone-shaped plastic Bardmnatic digester accepts such tbings as meats and bones. The digester is placed in a hole in thc ground and covercd with a lid ta keep animais out. Throughi the use oft composting tbe Region expects ta reduce residential garbage by 25 percent by 1992. At Uhc present trne waste diversion througb the blue box and composting takes 18.4 percent of residential garbage. year licence renewal Cameco of Part Hope bas been grantcd a anc year extention ta their operating licence for Uic Port Granby low-lcvel radioactive waste dump la tbc Town af Newcastle, The extention of Uic licence was made a week aga Friday at a meeting of the Atomnic Energy Contral Board hcld i Ottawa. The granting of Uic licence followcd a meeting beld la Bowmqanvillc, Uic second only meeting by Uic AECB, bcld outside of Ottawa. AiUiaugh Uic AECB staff and Cameco wcre calling for a two yèar extentian ta Uic operating licence Uic board reduced Uic rcquest teaa anc year extention. Mayor Hubbard, of Uic Town of Newcastle, callcd the decisian a victary for the Town wbo at the Bowmanville meeting had asked that Uic two year recommentiation be squashed and îhat thc licence only be cxtended for a anc ycar period. The Towný was suppartcd la this view by other local graups and area mndividuals. The AECB bas reaffirmned its commnitment ta an "orderly and timely" decommissioning of the Port Granby site now maintained by Camcco. The waste ut the site is uranium tailings from Uic former Eldorado operation la Port Hope. Further Uic AECB wil review all its operating licences for sliilar facilities across Canada. These facilites as Uic ooe la Port Graby will ha subjecita an annual public rcvicw as ta tlicir performance. The AECB, lanUic decision an Port Granby, did state Uiat briefs from Newcastle sud local groups did have a bearing on asking Camneco ta inform bath municipal and provincial authoriies of any significant events at Uic dumnp. The Town of Newcastle blad stated that Uiey had beenl unaware of the finding of radioactive material outside the fenccd arca until it was read la Uic news media. This information had flot been made known dircctly ta the municipality. The AECB bias also promised ta answ-c,,.r ail briefs tbat bad been submittcd ta the Bowmianville

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