14-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, Decem ber 19, 1990 God Rest Ye Ge"ents anc lVerr] Garbage, and the subjeet of garbage arc bccomning BORIN~G. We have shown in Orono, Kendal and Environs, that we are a c om mit t ed group of peopleR interested in R responsibility to a massive problem. 1 hear by the grapevine that St. Marys Cement might be allowed to recycle tires. It appears thiat plastics are picked uip for recycling in Manvers, just a few short mniles north of us. Plastics front Toronto are trucked to Pennisylvania under an agreement between 2 known companies. Ministry of Natural Resources Report 1990 Deer Hunt by Paul Drysdale, Fish and Wildlife Supervisor Prcliminary results from the 1990 deer hunt in the Lindsay District indicate an increase in deer harvest. The total harvest for the Lindsay District is expcted to reach 11,500 deer. In 1989, over 1,300 deer were harvested. Lindsay District conservation officers contacted 1, 180 hunters during the 1990 four day deer season, Seventy-eight violations were detected by Lindsay District officers resulting in twenty persons being charged. Trespassing by hunters was minimal this year wîth only four trespassîng charges being laid. In spite of the increasing number of deer taken over the past several years, the deer population is stili increasing. Deer/vehicle collisions are expected to bc a record high by year end and complaints about agricultural damage are also înicreasing. Ministry officiais are reviewing mreanis of increasing the deer hunt harvest to assist with controlling the increasing deer Population. Lake Scugog Ice Fishing by Jim iM'lford Cýonservation Officer Coordinator Persons. planning on ice fishîng Lake Scugog this wvinter should note ail fish bhuts placed on ic lake must be registered at Lindsay District office. If you have not previously registered your ice but for Lake Scugog, please contact Lindsay District office for application frorms. Anglers should note district conservation officers will be conductingl regular patrols on Lake Scugog to ensure comrpliance of the fishing regulations as well as provisions of die Public Lands Act pertaining to the leaving of garbage on the ice. Please use linter bags and remiove ail garbage from the lake. A nmild Novemnber hias rcsulted in warmner [lhan] usual watcr temrperatures and inimiial ice formation to date. Anglers should exercise extremie caution until colder ,wcather arrives, and always check local ice conditions before velitlrinig onro Uic lake 'ice. Our Our new federal GREEN PLAN bas, apparently, a great face, which bas neiLher throat, teetb, nor money in its pocket. Nowbere ini the green plan dîd I read mention of TOUGH LEGISLATION ON PACKAGING. Our average weight in Orono this past week was 3.5 lbs./person. This is about the same as last week. A few people have fallen off, many olhers bave recently joined. People UCe more aware, and certainly more aware than any of us bas been in Uie past many years, that we cannot expect "THE Fishing mishap dlaims life A 78 year old Apsley man ice- fisinrg on Lake Scugog drowned on Suniday j ust off Ceasarea. A second mnai who hiad also plunged through the ice was saved by nearby cottagers. The two had been fishing somne 1600 feet from shore and were, returning to land when the mishap happened. GOVERNMENT*'to shoulder the full responsîbility. Have a GREAT CHRISTMAS! To ail those in the garbage program, God grant ye a well- earned, temporary rest. Please look for future commnents under THE CLEAN GREEN EARTH EMBLEM. 1 look forward to any answers that you may wish to cal mn. Pat Lycett 983-9605 TFeelings t his Ch risms rm wiLh love anld peace. Wakefield Insurance Rolf and Bey. Winter Paradise ln our 'Village Difference", mneaningful things are free. Wîshing you Love, Frien dship and Peace FASHIONS j 'Trak~e a ifo(idi(ay ~Break 6Dine Out 1-bic Olcn7 Days 8 a.m.-9 p.m. ORONO Salad Bar - Children .80 ea. yr. Smorgasbord Buffets FamlyParties Menu Specialties Taunton Rd. at Hwy.115, Orono 416-983-5001 Seasons Çreetngj gifsoflve, peace and brotherhood this Christmas We express our tak to everyone ic ~fo r their support in 1990. r' E -J from ffic Grundy Family at Grundy's Country Upholstelry 'j Af fordable Dream Vacations! * Free Vacation Planning Services * Discount Cruises 0 Charter Vacation * Airline Tickets 0 Honeymoon Packages 0 Hotel, and Car Resetations PERSONAL & CORPORATE TRAVEL SERVICES Travel Agents Internation We'ewith YoI?1 ail the wayv 68 KING ST. E., BOWMIVANVILLE Over 300 Agencies in North America 623-6600