basking i southern climates. I fact, many of our featuered friends are spending these frigid months right here i Durham Region. For an introduction to these winter residents, join C.L.O.C.A.- Greethîgs!1 In the joyous Christmas spirit, we extend our greetings to those whose friendship we value so much. Gord MUls Durham East M.RP. Winter YBirds Where h7ave the1 the winter? Well,t staff for a tour of our new bird feeder trail in the Lynde shores #12, talce Victoria Street west 2.5 kmn to the parking lot on the south side of the roati.) Beginning at 2:00 pan. on Sunday, January 6, 1991, youll have a FREE opportunity to leamn about their survival techniques as well as pick up some of the ins and outs of attracting wildlife to your backyard. Staff will discuss bird feed, feeders and locations, and lead a tour with many opportunities to sece different species of birds. One of the highlights will bc a chance to feed the chickadees. (Well provide the seed.) Bring your camera along to take advantage of these close encounters and other photographic opportunities. So grab your binoculars, bundle up and corne out te enjoy some winter fun in your local conservation areas. Huy rb*àor. the. 8T SUNFLOWER SEEDI W Ibs. 15.5 WiId Blid Seed With Com or Millet Mix Shurgain and Martîns DOG FOOD Also available CAT FOOD ALLIN BROOK FEED & FARM SUPPLIES Corner of Hwy. 115 and Clarke 4th LineE. (416) 983-5791 GARBAGE COLLECTIO: Reou r Gorbae Collectio Tuosday, DeoSmbf 2mt We&ueday, Decomber 26th Tuesday, JawaY li Monday. D.crnnb.r 241h ThmWday. Dornbw ZM1 Note: lnmtasod vdumn and mvhd Urne aohSUpeMay muait hilnaYod calucian. Thrwit b. no Blue Box Coecâ0 tom Demosbr 24,, 199 ba Januuy lai, 1991. CIIRISTMA8 TREE COLLECTIOMi Chrishnas Toa wi b. coiwlcied for reçycgng L>3ý y cn Mdonday, January 11h. 1991. AU goage muei be pWacodaicabsideby 7:00 am. __________ WaisrA. Evans. P. Eeg., Directar of Public Wod<s , e gÙle Town of Newas t Wag 40 Temperanc. 8Sirem LI C 3 UmS.Aun z~-z. Along with the magie of the Kseason, goes ol expression of friendship and S thanks for your very special patronage Hair With Flair Shari, Lisa and H eather Vie wer's Choice 5345 Main Street, Orono 983-9890 OPEN CHRISTMAS DAY 12:00 Noon - 6:00 p.m. Rent 1 Movie Get 1 FREE (New Robeas.. Not lncluded> GARBAGE AND RECYCLING COLLECTION HOLIDAY SCHEDULE - Browning-Ferna IflchJ8ies (B.F.I.> uil collec* residlential garbage in accordance wiUi the folowing ochedule: