ô ()roio V'ekIy'i'illies, W'CdIIes(kly, I )cceihlcr 12. 1 ~90 It's Christmas Time and.. JC.bWs 'EVERGREEN Snanta's, qu MMM6- lu ,dlgllm qqmiiý IL -1ý ICe where we make the prices to keep you jolly Corne and share in some Christmas Cheer and pick out your own pot plant from a selection of 4,000 square feet Taunton Road & Durham Rd. 42 Diagonally across from the Mushroomi Farm - west of Orono 983-9616 Help yourself to Hot Apple Cider and Christmas Munchies Looking for Something Unique? Santa's Balloon Stuffers from Toy toRigs for ail knds of tig -- ------ -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - --lip Here Purchase any 6 "pot plant selecting fromt !Poinsettias, Cyclamen, Gloxinias Martha Washington Geranîums s Coupon redeemnable anytimne while supply lasts. 200 Selected plants LOUimît one coupon to a customner f '0 SAVE $4.99 -Regular $9.99- SAVE* $4.99 o'on~ S- -. Mixed Baskets ... Gifts Mr LOW OW R1ICES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -