Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, November 21, 1990-7 Second Orono Brownie Enrolment Letter to the Editor On Wednesday, November 14, the 2nd Orono Brownies held their enrolment. Guests for the evening were parents and grandparents and little brothers of the girls being enrolled. New Brownies are Victoria Grabowski, Jennifer Cox, Rebecca Boyd, Larissa Grabowski and Lind- say Hawkshaw. A special moment for Brown Owl More and more we hear of babies and children snatched from their mothers arms, car seats, shopping malls etc. Friday I was at the bank when a young mother innocently sat the tiny baby in its car seat on the chair at the front of the bank and went on to do her business. Being a grand- mother of three, I was very upset to Letter to the Editor Dear Mr. Forrester: As you may be aware. November is Wife Assault Prevention Month. the Denise House wishes to pro- mote the campaign with your help. Enclosed is a public service an- nouncement. Wife Assault Prevention Month receives provincial recognition. The Ontario Government has become more aware of the issues of wife assault and designated November as a time for heightened awareness and hopeful preventign. Please print the Public Service Announcement as often as possible during the month of November. Thank you for your help in our promotion for Wife Assault Prevention Month. Sincerely Sandra McCormack Executive Director think what could have happened in a matter of seconds. Also a little one left alone in his car seat at the IGA parking lot was another inci- dent. Please! do not let those precious little ones out of your sight for a minute. We trust our town is a safe place to live but is it? a concerned grandmother Helen Wood Barina Home Check -Vacation Home Checking -Let us make your home look lived in - Barb Shetler-Ina Cox NEWTONVILLE (416) 786-2996 A special moment for Brown Owl (Hooey) Boyd. Mrs. Heard had just Madeline Heard was when she started the 2nd Orono pack and enroled new Brownie, Rebecca Patti was a member of that first Boyd. Twenty-three years ago she group of Brownies. also enroled Rebecca's mother Patti One Voice. On Friday evening I found myself creeping along the highway in a futile attempt to race back from the big city. I was a little late and by the time I found a parking space, the crowd was already spilling from the sidewalk and onto the street. My efforts were rewarded and i had the privilege or bearing the sweet voices of a young choir sing- ing Silent Night. The stress of the traffic jams and the city were quickly forgotten and I lost myself in tbeir eager chorus. My eyes wandered from the freshly decorated spruce tree to the proud and sometimes moist eyes of young parents and older neighbors. Even the light rain couldn't dampen the spirit and pride I felt surrounded and embraced by. From the top of the town hall steps, a man rang a bell and cleared his throat to speak and everyone of- fered the respect of silence. He spoke loudly and clearly. "Despite the recession, we ail seemed to be happy...." On Saturday and Sunday, while dressed in red and crowned with an itchy white beard I found that I was puzzled. The man on the platform is correct in his observation that a were happy. Santa felt that this happiness had nothing to do with . . . . the state of the economy or the most up-to-date reports on third quarter trade deficits or recently released consumer price index figures. Santa was blessed with many young elves and a patient photographer named Jake. Strangers that we were, we worked smoothly as a team and everyone understood that this effort was for the children. As soon as one entered the room, we swung into action. The toddlers who happened our way were as different as the home- made decorations in front of town hall. Some were shy, some were en- thralled, some were asleep and one wanted a corvette. Santa had to be very careful and he was often lost in creating their fantasy. Like the man on the steps, and in my role as Santa, I was able to pro- mise many things to many different people, not always secure in the knowledge that there was no ac- countability in my actions. Each and every one of the tod- dlers will come to question Christmas and somehow put it into the projer perspective. I wish that I was as confident about the country and politics as I was Santa. Thank you Jennica, Krista, Karrie, Ellie and Carla. Anne too. steven g. wiggins. Ive prepared fr the GST Have you? Now is the time to register, Are you ready for the pro- posed GST? If not, now is the time to register and prepare. Registration applies to anyone involved in a commercial enter- prise. This includes fishing, farming, professional services and many activities carried out by non-profit organizations. Revenue Canada is ready to assist you with information on: " How to register and the benefits of doing so " What the GST means to your operation " Simplified accounting options and administrative procedures " Rebates of the Federal Sales Tax " How to recover GST on business purchases " GST return and filing options Contact us today. Phone: 1800 4611082 Telecommunications device for the hearing impaired: 1 800 465-5770 Or drap by the Revenue Canada Excise Office nearest you, Monday to Friday, 9:00 arn. to 5:00 p.m. Revenu Canada Revenue Canada *I Douanes etAccase Customs and Excse Canadci Canada's GST. It's good business to prepare now.