6-Orono WeeklyTimnes, Wednesday, November 21, 1990 From Around the Region Sliould not hide heads in the sand School trustees of the Peterborough -Victoria, Nor- thumberlan d and Newcastle Separate School Board who sup- ported a move to ban rock videos portraying violence on TV said they must not bide their heads in the sand. While trustees of the Separate School Board gave support to such a resolution being presented by an Ottawaarea board. On the other hand members of the Durham Board of Education failed tô sup- port the request. United Way short $600,OO - extends campaign The local United Way campaign for $3 million ended on Frîday of last week some $600,000 short of their objective. .The time for the campaign will be exended and those wanting to help may obtain pledge cards by phoning 436-7377. The campaign time has been extended over the past four years. Whitby parts plant closing in January A whitby auto parts plant will close January 1 8th throwi ng somne 143 workers out of a job. Triplex Lloyd Automotive Plastics has been makîng plastic auto grills. The Whitby company has been underbid in a contract with GM by an American firm Wife Abuse Survivers seek Regional program Members of a recently formed Wife Abuse Survivors group are to seek a post-abuse programi to be setup by the Region of Durham. The group would have the pro- gram fashioned after simnilar pro- grams to be or having been, established in Peterborough and other Ontario communities. Bowmanville Goodyear plant charged Charges have been laid by the Ministry of the Environment against the Goodyear plant in Bowmanville for alleged controven- lion of the Enviroamiental Protec- tion Act. The charges resulted fromn fumes that have allegedly spread from outside the plant and7penetrated in- to the Senior Public School where it caused nausea and headaches for some of the students and staff. Some students were sent home. Whitby contracts-out Blue Box collection A private firm has been con- tr acted to pick-up blue box contents throughout, the municipality of Whitby. Muscillo Transport of Kleinberg bas been bired to under- take the pick-ups for the next thir- teen months when it is considered a permanent plan will'be in place for aIl of the municipalities in the Region. it is fet that other municipalities will follow suit witb a similar deci- sion as that of Whitby. Hundreds flock to sub at Oshawa Harbour Somne two hundred people have taken advantage to tour the Cana- daian sub docked at the Oshawa har- bour over the past week-end. The sub left Oshawa to visit Kingston and later Montreal. To hold joint PD day Teachers and instructors at both the Durham Board of Education schools and Durham College are holding a joint Professional Development day. The event is to be held on November 23rd. Some 5000 are expected to attend the various workshops. To withdraw amalgamation p lan with Hope Twp. Port Hope is withdrawing its re- quest to amalgamate with Hope Township under restructuring of the county system of government. lnstead Port Hope is to ask the county to sice over 1000 acres of land north of the Town extending above Highway 401. The final decision will be made by the county. Port Hope states they are in need of industrial land and going north would be the most economical. Hope prepares to operate its own recycling plan .Although Hope T ow nship may flot reach its set-up date àof December lst for its own recycling program it is near to bing put in place. They intend to recycle cardbaord and have a purchaser. They will also use crushed glass in their own road work and plan on shredding old newspapers for animal bedding. .Once the programi is in operation they plan to expand to other items for recycling. Money available for Northumberland firms It has been reported that some $350,000 is available to small businesses in Northumberland untîl the end of December. The monrey is loaned out at prime plus one per- cent. Monies are available îhrough the Northumberland Business Develop- ment Assistance Corporation which is one of some 52 such corporations across the country. In total, over five years the Nor- thumberland Corporation bas a sumn of $1 .55 million. To be able to gain a further $400,000 for 1991 the Northumberland Corporation must have loaned out the $400,000 for 1990. $350,000 is still however available. Wesleyville Church designated After a year of delays the Wesleyville United Church bas been received uts historical designation. The church was closed in 1967. Hope Township had delayed the designation pointing to the possibility financial, support in the future would be needed. They were advised this would not bc the case. County considers resource recovery plan Northumberlanld County waste management committee has given their approval to a resource recovery plant and are 10 seek a provisional certificate of approval fromn the province. The County is working with M.M. Dillon whose studyoutlines methods of collection, sorting and recycling of waste. The Cour'ty would expect to remove 60 percent of waste fromn landfill. A resource rccovery plant does not require a hearing under the Environmental Assessment Act. Women dominate teaching profession bût .. . Although womnen dominate the teaching profession they do lag behiad men in holding down the higher posi- tions. As of this year only 16 percent of principals and 45 percent of vice- principals are women in the local board of education. Thle local separate school board has a simnilar record of 17 percent and 44 percent respectively. School board objects to loss of program ibe Northumberland and Newcastle l3oard of Education trustees feel that the loss of the student liaison programn is too great. The programn is operated in the four eastern high schools by the Childrens' AidSocityând is to be closed out as of the first of the year. CAS states the staff is needed to han- die child abuse and child protection cases. The school programn, according to a report, states the CAS program has been of great assistance to students in parental conflicts, suicide and famàlY cnisis. Fonn'er Mayor would form GST opposition John Winters, fonmer Mayor of the Town of Newcastle is ready to help formn a regional commuittee to oppose the Goods and Servics, Tax being in- troduced by the federal government. He points out that Canadians are reeing at the present time in a recession and'states the new tax wilI drive the recession deeper. There-'s ne ver been a better tim»e yGr il Fromi Ottawa to Banff, house prices have slowed almost to a sandstill. We in Canada are not alone either, it is the same in Englan d. And over there nowhere is the effect more clearly shown than at the very top of the market. LIVE Entertainment Every Thursday, Friday and Saturday Night Terry Sumsion November 2223, 24 ""ALGONQUIN" Çpresent8 LADIES NIGHT every Thursday FOR SPORTS FANS "150 inch Screen and Dish" TA LENT CONTEST Sundays from 7:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. Prizes for best -entertainers THE NEWCASTLE INN 789 King St. E.59745 Newcastle'9845 If you have somne extra dollars for investment you may like Arlescote Manor House in Warickshire, just \, thirteen miles from Stratford-on- Avon. This manor-house is set in four acres and adjoins the Edgehill battlefield where the firs Faiie ëof the Civil War was fought in 1642. It is reputed that the- then Prince Charles aged 12, and the then Duke of York, nine, spent the night at Arlescote, before joining their father, Charles 1, after the battle. The housq which has ten bedrooms, lies in the Warickshire Hunt and, on a late 2th century note has easy access to the new M40 (like the 401). The price a miere $ 1,750,000- please cali Knight Frank and Rutley to view!!! Orono Weekly Times Phone 983-4301 Main Street, Orono NO COVER Celebrate you birthday with us We supply Cake Call for reservations Y Our Chnoice- satellite Systems " Eqtjlpment, 11e service warranty " Free 3 yr. extended warranty on ail electronics "Free site swrvey. Ton years experlénce systemrs Global Tech Communticatlins PLC FINANCING FROM $49.00 mo. O.A.C. Showroom 10 Mary St., S., Oshawa Oshawa 436-95611 -38-7-4155ý After 5:00 p.m. cal 983-5705 Ask for Kelly or Sandy'Adams BALANCED FEEDS FARM SUPPLIES Durham Farmiers' County TAUNTON RD & HWY115 BOX 178, ORONO, ONTARIO LOB 1iMO (416) 983-9134 (416) 983-9135 1-800-263-7805 I