Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 21 Nov 1990, p. 18

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18-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, Novemher 21, 1990 SEVIE'IRCTR Phone bLý-R'elvvICE DEKE IORY983-5'301 The Shop APPLE BLOSSOM 'We Dont Just Specialhze" We Make Every Order Special Main Street, Orono YVONNE MAITLAND We Delver Newtonville, Pont ypool, Oshawa and Places in-Betwveen With Flair" For LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 Orono Eloctric Ltd. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOUR TVs - HI.Fls Sales ard Service lrotpoint - R.C.A. .White Westirîghouse Frigidaire - Wiripoo1 Wood's Freezers Magic Chef - Hoover 983-5108, Corne to ... MOM'S KITCHEN FOR REAL HOME COOKING >Eat in or Take Out * Main Street, Orono 983-5310 "The /atest in fashions for aif times and ai needs 983-9341 FOR-NIK Auto Body and Collision Ouality Body Work and Refinishing INSURANCE CLAIMS FREE ESTIMATES R.R. 3 Newcastle, Ont. Phone 987-5071 FLOWERS PL US FLOWERS GIETS and CRAFTS 29 King Street East Newcastle, Ontario 9,87.500 Betty- Lycett* 983-5908 Wilda Middieton 98319819 GRUNDY's ICountry Upholstery Studio Quality Work In Upholstery R.R. 2 OrOnO, Ont. 98'3-9874 Bryon Grundy Double D Gifts & Crafts MAIN STREET, ORONO 1 983-9585 Handicrafis A ccepted L on Cons gninent JEAN SIMONE SCHOOL 0F DANCE TAPP, BALLET JAZZ 147 MILL ST, ORONO 983-821,8 K E NDAL CHIROPRACTIC Office and èesdence Dr. Ernest Schroeder B. Sc.Chiropractor R.R R1 KENDAL, ONTARIO SLOA 1EO (416) 983-5510 LLOYD SCOTT M.A. COUNSELLING Speciatizing in MARRIAGE COUNSELLItIG PARENT-CHILD and PERSONAL PROBLEMS Orono Medical Centre Orono, Ontario LBO iMO Appotements and Inquires 983-9792 LARRY JACKSON PLIJMBING & HEATING PUMP REPAIRS and INS TALLATIONS 10 discount on service calis for Senior Citizens 983-9412 (13 years experience) (416) 623-8161 Q> Jo- Elen Sportsweair & Gifis Suppliers of Teams, Sehools & Clubs Corporate GuIf Packages, 102 Queen St., Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 1M6 J. Wayne Aasen PATRICK G. DEEGAN, DENTURE THERAPY CLINIO 5 George Street, Bowmanville, Ontario 623-4473 WINDVIEW FEEDS inc. Featuring a Specialized Line of Martins Complete Extruded Horse Rations and Supplemnents Double Cieaned Osis, Blended Sweet Feed and Pet Food Your Marin reed Mlis Dealer tn LDurham Region 5 Mi. Easstof Orono/Hwy. 115 on Cane. 5 786-2578 CARD 0F THANKS_ We would like f0 thank everyone for flowers, cards and gifts received on the oc- casion of our 5Orh Wedding Anniversary. A special thank You f0 our famnilY for organizing the celebration, those who at- tended and the ladies who served lunch. You have left us with happy memories of our special day. Jim and Ada Rutherford 21,ap Thank you to family, friends, and neighbours, for their flowers, gits and get well wishes during my recent stay in hospital. Thank yau also to friends and neighbours for helping with the boys and for more than welcomed meals they provided. Where would we be without friends and neighbours., The Hegarty Family' 21 .ac IN MEMORIAM CATHCART, Annie - In memory of an aunt and a dear friend, who passed away November 21, 1989. You left us on a mild beautiful day in November As times unfold we dear!y miss you, it is sad to walk the road alone Instead of side by side. But to ail there cornes a moment of sadness When the ways of lWfe divide. You gave me years of happiness Then came sorrow and tears But Y47a left us in beautiful memories Annie. Dearly loved by your fami- Doug, Frances, Robert and Elainte Catheart and Frienrie SUT TON -ToIn oving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, Reginald, who passed away November 25, 1976. You had a smile for everyone You had a heart of gold You let the nicest memories This world could ever hold. To us you were 50 special What more is there to say Excepî' ta wish with alil ur hearts Tisai you were here today. Sadly missed by wife Frances and Family 21,ap Bih Bramah's Ontarjo 've met intcresting people: id seen interesting places during our visits to Northern Ontario. The spîcodor of Lake Superior's forth shore is etched in mv memory. Joining MY Prospector buddy Alex Peron as we trudged througb the bush to bus mining camp on autumn morning brings happy recoileci ions. But one of the most surprising places we've been is a huge garden- ing compiex in Timmins called Lafleur Gardens. Somehow, you don'i expect to sece sucb a sbowplace in a mining town. On top of that, il was origioally started by ani underground miner and bis wife, and now their seven sons and their wives are in the business. Back in 1946, Agnas Lafleur and his wife' Germaine planted a vegetable garden, primarily for their own use. But before long they were selling iheir surplus produce at the local Farmer's Market. Wben the market closed in the mid '60s, tbey converted an old garage mb oa vegetable stand. Later, their sons buili a small greenhouse oui of old windows for them, which was beateti witb a coal oil furnace. tbe greenhouse was filled witb tomates and bedding plants. the first crop was a sellout aod a second greenhouse was built the following year. Il continued that way year after year tbroughout the '70s until there were thousands upon thousands of square feet of greenhouses. As the business grew, aIl seven of the Lafleurs' sons becamne involved 143 King St. E. Bowmranville, Ont. Phone 623-8150 OUT 0F TOWN CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-461-4848 Granite Monuments, Markers, and Cemetery Lettering Private home or showroom appointmenîs avaîlable Servi'ng ail faiths References avai lable on request After Hours Cal Oshawa 1-416-579-1116 KEN'S PAINTING & DECORATING Free Estimates Reasonable Rates Seniors Discount Friendly Courteous Service Phone 983-9380 TV - VCR- STEREO Service Ca lis ESTIMATES GIVEN 9835082 JOHN- HRUSKA- Licensed - 15 Years Experience in il. Marcel was put in charge of a Garden Centre., lt's become a mnagnificently colorful place wbere :bridai couples often go to have their ssedding pictures taken. Sbortiy after, brotbcrs Richard and Robert ýstarted a landscaping divtsion serving Northern Ontario. A nursery stock division was added, and then a forestry division wbich 1 found the most impressive of al. In vast greenhouses, the Lafleurs grow twelve million small trees a ycar. Thye are supplied to tbe Ministry of Natural Resources and companies such as E.B. Eddy for their reforestation projecti. Wben seedlings extenuf, ,uesth îe can see. Agnas and Germaine are now crowding 80, but are still on the job every day. Meanwhile, that littie vegetable garden they started bas becomne a multi-million dollar business. Easy way to save fuel and money Continuing hostilities in the Mid- dle East could lead ta fuel shor- tages. Already the crisis bas resulted in bigber gai prices for Nortb American mosorisîs. Frustrated drivers know there is little they can do to stop fuel shor- tages, or rising gai prices. But by ap- plying a few simple car-care and driving tips, motoristi cao make a difference in bow quickly ibeir tanks run out of fuel and tbeir wallets out of cash. Firsi, the car. lt's pointîcîs in master the art of fuel-efficient driving if the car is undermining your efforts. A veblicle thati h not properly maintained wastes fuel. For optimum performance and fuel efficiency, today's vebicles must be adjusted to factory specifications. Tbe iradtitional tune- up is nos applicable for veblicles less iban 10 years old. These cars need ta be periodcially cbecked witb computerized test equipment ta assure tbey are running properly'. To ensure the best fuel economy, follow the maintenance schçcdule in the veblicle owner's. manual. Pay special attention to: AIR FILTERS. Check air filters at least twice a year -- more often if driving in dusty conditions. Dirty and clogged air filters are the single greatest contributor to bigb fuel consumption. .OIL. Dirîy etigine ail and dirty and clogged ail filters increase air pollutants and reduce fuel economy. Change ail and filter i leait six monîbi or 5,000 ta 6,000 km. Check ail levels at leait once a montb or every other time you fili up. Don't waiî until ail gauges or on-dash lights indicate ail is needed. Once ail pressure draps enaugh ta affect gauges, the car prabably will bave -suffered engine damnage. 1ENGINE. Be certain beles and bases are kept in proper warking order. Check fluid levels and pay special attention ta the car's cooling system, wbicb plays a major raie in today's fuel-injected vehicles. TIRES. Keep tires inflated accor- ding ta manufacturer's recommen- dations. Underinflated tires are a safety hazard and reduce fuel economy. Once your car complies witb fac- tory specifications, yau can practice fuel-efficient drtving. Wbether beading for a vacation in the Grand Canyonor for the dai- ly grind at the office, travel plann- ing can save time, reduce driver stress -- and conserve fuel. Choose drîving routes that bypass beavily congesîed areas. The less-îravelled paîh may be a few miles out of the way. But by avoiding traffie and travelling at more constant speeds, you will save fuel. And you might enjay the trip. Avoid rush-hour 4diing. -While on vacation, be considerate of ihose driving ta work. Sight sec during non-Peak traffic times. if con muting, consider leaving a lutile earlier or ask the boss about flexible or staggered work shifts. Observe the speed limit and try to maintain steady speeds., Driving too fast wastes fuel and ean create traffie hazards. But remember, driving too slow also can be bazar- dous -- and frustrating to other drivers. Following these simple tips can increase your car's fuel efficienc) and make driving safer and more enjoyable. Canadien Athiete motiva tes students S andra Levy, a world class athlete and member of thc Canadian Field Hockey Teamn visited students at Pines Senior Public Sebool. She was born in Jamaica, now resides in Markham and attends York University studying Mass Communications and English. She recently attendcd the 1990 World Cbampionships in Australia, was 6th at the 1988 Olympies in Seoul and have won many other medals over the pasi five years. The miessage she is bringing to studentsail around Ontario is that Athleti cs and Academies must have an even balance. Sandra represents a province widc Speakers'Bureau (FAME) "Femalc Atbletes Motivating Excellence." The bureau is made up of successful Oniario female athletes, retired comrpetitors and coaches. ln recounting their own personal experiences and accomplishments, tbey try ta make girls and-boys more aware of tbe benefits of an active lifestyle. The presentation also relates ta excellence and setting continuai goals as well as learning ta handie stress. This keeps students moving in a forward direction. She said unfortunately fewer Ontario girls and womcn participate and excel in sports thani is the case witb boys and men. lit ber opfinion it bas just been tradition tbat girls were not expected ta participate in sports as boys were. But tint is cbanging. Being an athiete lakes bours of weekly training and stili being able ta maintain, a minimum of a C+ average in order ta compete at the Varsity level. She urges all atbletes ta take their studies as seriaus as there sport as it only taises on seriaus injury in any sport ta finish an athlete. Setting bots short and long terni goals in sports and career sbould bave an equal balance. .She said regretfully that it is much taugber for a rural student ta train and campete against opponeots that are enralled in sports elite programs in bigb sehools in the culies. Altbough some rural high scbools are understanding and can adjust timetables wben necessary, the strain and expense of travelling can make it difficult. Witb athletes peaking at a younger age as is the case in the past decade, parents also must be committed as tbey bave to drive young athletes ta the larger ceoters in most cases, wbere the higb level of coaching and balanced programs are run. Sandra Levy feels stroogly that good athietes make good students and vice versa. They learn ta acccpt discipline and build good working habits through an active life at a very early age. The stress they must learn ta bandle also reflccts in the classroom under pressure. Il stands ta reason, that if a students wants special privileges through a scbool then be or sbe must bave the marks ta justify tbe request. lim sure ail boys and girls who had the opportunity ta listen ta Sandra Levy left school that day thioking of how ta better theIý- lifestyle or maybe even set a go&-" Even small short termi goals couait!

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