Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, November 21. 1990-13 Two displays by locals Marian deGraaf and Rose cones and there was a lot of themn in Orono over -the week-end ail ar- Verkuyl, R.R. i Orono, display just their display at the Craft Show in ranged wvith a Christmas theme. what can be done with coniferous PUBLIC NOTICE MUNICIPAL GRANTS Ail comm unity organizations interested in applying for a grant, from the Corporaton of the Town of Newcastle, for their activities during 1991 must subimit a completed ap- plication form to the Community Services Department on or before Friday, November 30, 1990 ai 4:30 p.m. Applica- tions wiII not be accepted after this date. Application forms and copies of the Municip al Grant criteria are available at the Community Services Depart- ment, Third Floor of the Municipal Administration Centre, at 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville. Requests for operational funding wilI be considered only. MONOF( Dates of Publication. November 21 and 28,.1990 P.O. 4194 Rita Boneham and Kay Gustar from clowns to dlocks. Another had a wide selection to choose fromn feature of the show. r-J 2020 Vision .(Continued from page 9) searched for the words 10 try and explain to bis young daughter what had happened to this once beautiful rural area. He stopped the car at the top of a hilI that once had provided a sweeping view of their 'family farm' and the countryside beyond. As they opened the air-lock doors and sepped out, they were almost overwhelmed by the stench that greted them. The view was worse. "This is grossi" cried his daughter. Directly in front of them, the huge landfill operation sretched across hundreds of acres. The seagulîs screeched overhead and the occasional rat could be glimpsed scurrying among the piles of gar- bage. "Just over that hilI of garbage was your grandparent's farm. Your ancestors ived in this area from the mid 1 800's until the end of the 2th century. If things had been dif- ferent, you might have been the 8th generation to live here!" he stated. "But how could this have been allowed to happen?" demanded his angry daughter. "It is flot an easy thing t0 ex- plain," he said. "The people that lived around here at that lime didn't really believe this could happen. There were a few vocal people who tried wýarn them of the danger to the environment, but most people were 100 busy with their daily lives to worry about the future. Some peo- ple even believed the so-called 'ex- pe rts' employed by the dump owners who claimed that the site was safe and could be properly 'engineered'! " "But Daddy, they must have known what the dump wouldo to the water and the land around here. Even the kids in my class know what a dump can do on a bad site!" she exclaimed. "That's true," he said slowly, "there were many independent con- sultants' reports that for years had warned of the dangers to the en- vironment. Even the Ministry of the Environment was on record with their concerns. But you have tw undersand," he continued, "At that time, the people of Greater Toronto were in the middle of a 'garbage crisis' and were desperate for a place to dump their garbage. At that time, this area did flot have a large population. It was mainly farms and villages. It had 10 go somewhere. This area was conve- nient, flot safe, - but convenient!" "I don't-understand," said the little girl, "Where did alI this gar- bage corne from?" "Well," responded her father, "in those days people didn't recycle and re-use the way we do today. They used bo produce millions of tonnes of garbage a year. The only thing thcy could think to do with ih was to dump it mbt a hole in the ground." "But didn't they realîze they were destroying their environment?" she (Continued page 15) H1EAT FOR 1RELIABLE WINTER COMFORT CHOOSE, CO-OP HEATING FUEL *Computer Controlled automatic 'Degree Day Deliveiy e Radio despatched trucks -Equal monthly paynient budget plans e 24 hr. emergency service Call 9839134 or 1 -800-263-7805 VOUR LOCAL CO-OP M Durham Farmers' County Co-op ORONOHOEEA Finally in Nwtonville.. Country Accents Store fealturing RATTAN and WICKER POTPOURRI WOODCRAFTS Lexington and Lee Middleton COLLECTOR DOLLS and Much More Open Friday, Saturday, Sunday 9 to 5 ChequeNiSA Accepted 416-786-2399 OIL