1, Imaimommuiva-ý 12-Orono Weekly Tinmes, Wednesday, November 21, 1990 Clarke, High Sehool "Thje Future Starts Here" Froni the Principal: Next week is the time to which students and parents look forward. It is report time. Students receive the mid term report on Tuesday, November 27. This report will be a good indication of the progress of each student. Any parent or guardian that has a concern should telephone the scbool at 987-4771 and ask for Stu- dent Services. Stacey Thompsoni, a student at Clarke High School reports on the conference he attended: O n October 26 1 attended the Education Futures Conference at Trent University in Peterborough. I received a ride to Peterborough by a mother wbo lives in Orono. She was als attending the conference. Once ~yetrdWenjack Theatre-, a part '6ôf Trent where the coniference took pla ce, 1 was given a folder with my name on it. This folder contained 1an agenda of the conference and the Newton ville Alive (Continued from 'page 1l) - now that water hydrants are operational here in Newtonville, many of you may find that a rebate is >in order from your boeuse in- surance comipany; worth looking into (thankyou to the lady who was kind enough to let us know about this) - thank you to parents who. are supporting their children's gar- bageless lunch efforts for scbool; everyone is invited to attend a special assembly on November 30 at which an award will be presented to tbe class showing the highest Par- ticipation. - the Newtonville Sunday Scbool will bc presenting a very special Cbristmas concert on Sunday, December 2 at 7:00 p.m. Anyone wishing to participate, please caîl 786-3000 or 786-2194. - Happy -Anniversary, November 27 to Bruce and Donna Turner of Newtonville. - Eucbre results fromr last Friday, November 16 were: Helen Couroux <and Audrey Graham with 79, Walter Murphy 78, Eva Lalonde 77, Leta McAllister 75 and Betty Walsh 72; on the draw Marie Couroux, Kay Woolscott, Dorothy Stark, Helen Couroux and Nettie Gordon. - Starkville,,Crooked Creek and Kendal areas need Avon reps. loin the fun! Interested? Call me 786-2964. With the Toronto and Bowman- ville Santa Claus Parades marching this past weekend, along with the frosty mornings and cooler temperatures we have been having Iately, it isn't a wonder that that old Christmas spirit is beginnin£ to creep into, our hearts and imagina- tions., one of rny very favourite tradi- tions of the season bas got to be the festive decorating, intloors and out. SWouldn't it be Iovely if every single home in our community bad sorne kind of Christmas seasonal dressup bringing kind of a Charles Dickens air about it aIl... Let's keep in toucb. Reach me at 786-2964 or Box 104, Newtonville. if you've got sonie special happen- ings or anniouncments you would like to share, l'd be bappy to hear fromn you. Thank you. namnes of the people in my discus- sion group. First on the agenda was a speech by Dr. Walter Pitman. His speech was entitled "Wbat it Means to be an Educated person in the Future." Dr. Walter Pitman gave a.powerful and inspiritional speech about bis expectations of the future of the world. What he sees for the future is a workable global economy and education that is strongly linked to environmentalism. He wants educa- tion to teach our cbildren how to think for themselves. For education to do this he gave us seven guidelines to work towards. After the speech, aIl the people in the theatre were told to go to their separate discussion groups. I was in group four. Each group was first asked to discuss the positive ,and negative aspect of today's educa- tion system. AIl the discussion groups met back in the theatre for a snack. Within fifteen minutes we were back in our groups discussing the next question which was, "What are the major trends affectingthe future of society?" The groups met at the theatre after lunch for another speech. The speech was given by Mr. Richard Barker, a General Electric Com- pany representative. The topic of his speech was "Crystal BaIl Gazing - Futuristic Perspective". We entered our discussion groups for another hour and discussed the question "In what ways can the edùcation system address the trends of Society?" SIn between three o'clock and three-thirty aIl the groups met at the theatre for "'Reflection of the Con- ference". A representative from each of the four discussion groups gave an answer for one of the four questions asked of the groups. My group contained parents, teachers, business people and, myself, a student. At times we argued priorities and the role of education but we came up with a mutually agreeable conclusion. This conclusion was that education is do- ing well at the moment but as in the business world, education should reflect current trends of society and business. Student Council by Jeff Walters Gee, I'm glad that I don't have decide on my entire future in one week (sarcasm). University applica- tions go in this week and from one' OACer's point of view - li'm a BIT worried. C'est la vie! Perfect, timing for a dance to shake those frustrations out! This Thursday (Friday's a P.D. Day) at 8:00 p.m. - we're havin g a get loose 'and get'funky November dance, and Clarke - you're învited! Net much else is happening with the student council. Around the town, Christmas lights are going up like wild tire and Scrooge is back on T.V. It's definitely that time again! Awesome! 1 still think that we need snow! 0 f course Clarke is the best high school around! (Last week's ques- tion). We've got it aIl! Or as our moto states, the "Future Starts Here". Music Notes by Sharon Peleshok If you missed the Senior Stage Band jazzing up the Bowmanville Santa Claus Parade you stili have a chance to hear them, and ail the rest of Clarke's musical groups before Christmas. The Annual Christmas Dessert Concert is coming up on December 13 and is well known for its homey Christmas atmosphere. Net only do you get to thear the bands and choir you also have the chance to taste some delicious homemade desserts! Thank you to Jili Brown for play- ing "The Last Post" at Clarke's Remembrance Day, Ceremony. It brough tears t many an eye. ili, along with Cindy Tamblyn and Jeff Walters played a lovely rendition of "Pie Jesu". The senior concert band was also on hand at the ceremony to play the national an- them, "Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring" and "Pomp and Cir- cumstance." This was truly one of the most touching ceremfonies in Clarke's history. Thank you to al who made it possible.', Our annual poinsetta sale for Christmas will be starting shortly. The Senior Concert Band will be selling mini-wreaths in four styles. Don't be left out! Boys VoIIeybaIl. The Clarke Seniors won COSSA for the fourth year in a row! Last week the Senior Boys travelled te Belleville for the Central Ontario Championships. Clarke easily made it to the finals whecre they faced Quinte Christian'H.S. Clarke won the first game 15,9 and ran into trouble early in the second game as they faced a 10-0 deficit. Clarke didn't give up and fought hard, Clarke eventually lost but the score was 15-10. In the third game it was obvious who had more endurance, the long second game had taken its toîl on Quinte Christian as Clarke cruised to a 15-3 victory in the third game to take the Central Ontario Championship. Clarke now travels to London for the Provincial cham- pionships th is weekend. Good luck boys! Coming Events Novenber 2lst Poinsetta Sales Begin (Athletic and Music Depts.) Noveniber 2n School Dance November 23rd P.D. Day Noveniber 27th Mid Tersa Reports Go Home November 30(b Intermediate Ban4 ,Festival at Cobourg DCI East Deceniber 5th "Phantom of the Opera" Trip Deceniber 6th Poinsetta Pick-up Deceinher 7th OAC Carrolling becember l3th Dessert Concert 7:00 p.m. Decensber l4th Staff-Student Hockey Game Christmas Dance Deceinber 17th Door Decorating Contest December 21st Christmas Talent Assembly December 24th - January 7th Christmas Holidays COMMITTEE-APPOINTMENTS The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle wiII> be considering appointments, to various committees. Tho following is a ist of the Committees and the pertinent information relative to'forthcoming vacancies. COMMITTEE/ FREQUENCY 0F BOARD DESCRIPTION TERM MEETINGS REMUNERATION Property Standards Committee, Newcastle Community Services Advisory Board Uvestock Valuers Fonce Viewers Pound Keepors Game Commission To roviow mattors relative to tho prescribod standards for maintenance and occupancy of property within the Town of Newcastle To assist the Dopartmont of Community Services by providing input on recreational facilities, programs and services. To evaluate livestock damage caused by dogs and wolves. To arbitrate and settie fonce disputes To provide a facility to house livestock until claimod by the owner To buy and rlease pheasants and seli hunting licences for designated ameas. 5 positions 1 year term 3 ear term Ward 1-1 position Ward 2-1 position Ward 3-2 positions 2 positions 1 year terni 3 positons 1 year terni 4 positions 1 year teni 6 positions 1 year tern As required First Wednesday evening of each month As required As required As requimed As required $28.26 per meeting $14.13 per inspection $28.26 per meeting $14.13 por sub-committee meeting, $27.02 per evaluation $24.69 per viewing None None If you wish to be considered for appoîntment to one of the above Committees 0f Boards, application forms for appointment are available at the Town Hall, Clerks Depariment, 40 Temperanoe Street, Bowmanville, Ontario., Completed application forms must be received by the undersigned by 4:30 p.m., Novemnber 23, 1990. k~Aiï O Dates of Publication: Wednesday, November 14, 21, 1990 Marie P. Knight, A.M.C.T.(A.) Deputy Clerk Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LlC 3A6 P.O. 3563 --7 L