Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 24 Oct 1990, p. 8

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8-Orono Weekly Timnes, Wednesday, October 24, 1990 INewtovillie Alive by Peggy Mullan Durhamn East Junior Farmers (I- r) Terry Hollingsworth, Marvin Stapleton and Wendy Hollingsworth present a $750.00 cheque ta Newtonville Public School Principal, David Gray. Every year at the Orono Fair, the Junior Farmers hast a Food- Refrehsment Booth -- and its always one of the most popular places ta stop, while at the Fair. A record $3,000.00 was made this year by the Jr. Farmers, and organizers Terry and1 Wendy Hallingswarth are tickled. It wasn't long before it was decided that 'a very generous one-haîf of the praceeds, $1,500.00 would be donated ta twa area schools, nrnaely Orona and Newtanville, ta be used towards the purchase of new playgrou nd equipinent. David Gray extended the heartiest of thanks ta the organization on behaîf of al] students, parents and staff. This non-profit group, the Durham East Junior Farmrers, welcomes Young people from 15 ta 29 ta join in. The members, who are not really farmers, are involved in a wide range of community and sporting events in our area. They enjoy getting together about once a month for an informal, sociable meeting. Anyone wishing more information is openly invited ta call Marvin Stapleton at 786-226. The Junior Farmers. . . pride of Durham East indeced. - As unbelievable as it seems, we are about ta close out yet another month, with Halloween sneakinig up on us. Hopefully, that old wet, miserable weather speil wili be broken, and those ghosts, witches, goblins or Ninja Turtles will have a .Municipalities to colleet Blue Box recyclables The Blue Box operation con- tinues in Durhamn Region with a split in repsonsibilities with the close-out of the present systemn as of December 1, 1991. Last w,,eek at Regional council it was decided that the processing operation of the program will be undertaken by the Public Works department of the Regioni. The col- lection of rec-yclables at the curb- side is to becomne the responsibility of the local miunicipalities with the Region to continue to fund the col- lection through to the end of 1991. The Region will continue with present emuployees at the Centr e processing plant thus reducing the loss of jobs fromi the present opera- tion. It was pointed out at the meeting clear night ot strut their spooky stuff. Take care in making sure kids' costumes and masks are easily seen, warm and safe. -There is stili timne ta ready for next spring, by planting colourful bulbs, or shrubs and trees now. T'here are alot of sales on now, Sa make the very best out of what mild Indian summer weather we have left - because - before you know it, everything will be brown the winds will blow alot chillier, thus the beginning of the long winter haul... Thank you for your continued interest, support and contribution ta this column; and thank you for the kindness sent my way during my stay in hospital last week. Being laid up in'Toronto for a few days makes one think of home and miss the freshness of just about everything about life in a sinal rural community. last week that collection is the responsibility of the municipalities as it is wiith garbage. The Region is to make available to' the municipalities the trucks now used, by Durha,?m Recycling. They will --béofferedT oT--Teï at a reasonable price. In most ca.ses ii is expected that the collectiona of recyclables will be undertaken by private contractors for the municipalities. This will be carried out, on a contract basis, to the end of 1991. During this period' of time tenders are expected to be called f'or a permanent programn of collection. It has been stated the passing of the collection responsibility to the municipalities will carry a $3 million costs annually for t hese municipalities. This cost has been carried by the Region under the pre- sent systemti QamITY ffiOUCTS BALANCED FEEDS FARM -SUPPLIES Durham Farmers' County CodoP TAUNTON RD & HWVY. 115 BOX 178, ORONO, ONTARIO LOB 1iMO (416) 983-9134 (418) à83-9135 - It bas been a busy beginning ta parents on Open H4ouse nighit the 1990/91 school year down at earlier, this month. Students and Newtonville Public School. H-ere, staff anticipate an exciting year! grade 4/5 teacher Gord Kribs greets Little Scoops - Belated but warm birthday greetings October 20th ta Marie Trim. - Happy Anniversary October 22 ta a wonderful Newtonville couple, Don and Mary Vinkie. - Happy 25th Anniversary October 23 ta Ernest and Mamaon KNapp. The couple were treated ta a lovely dinner by their family, this past weekend, then it was on ta the Orono Mrena for more celebrations with friends and family from far and wide. Congratulations Ernie and Marion. - Former Fire Chief Jins Aldridge and his wife Linda have sent their fondest hellos ta their mnany friends in the area from their home in Riverport, Nova Scotia. Being the sinaîl world thiat itis... Newtonville's Barb Shetler ran into Jim and Linda while visitîng her sister Liz and her hubby Art Oakly in Granville Fury, N.S., just two weeks ago. They had been touring Fart Anne in Annapolis Royal with Alf and Ruth Perrin and Kay Marquis, who alsa were on a Maritime trip of their awn. The Aldridges hold dear their memnories of this area. - Craft classes will begin tonight, Octaber 24 here in thec village. Anyone wishing more details may cali Susan Barton at 786-2756. - The Annual Newtonville Church Bazaar is alI set for this Saturday, Octob er 27 froin Il a.m. ta 3 p.m. A must ta attend! - Everyone is invited ta a very special anniversyar service, this Sunday, October 28 at Newtonville U. C. Guest speaker will be former moderator of the United Church of Canada, Dr. Anne Squire. All welcome ta came out and enjay the Church Anniversary festivities. - October 19 Euchre results were as follaws: on the draw, Jean Allin, Eva Lalonde, Marg Linton, and Bernice Saper. Top scores from Dorothy Stebbings with 93, Lena Clysdale with 91, Lavemne Finnie with 83, Vi Harwood withi 82, Kay Battersby with 82 and Ed Galipeau, with 81. COMMUNITY LIAISON GROUP SITING TA SK FORCE Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management NEWCASTLE Port Granby Low-Level Radioactive Waste LEARN ABOUT THE ISSU ES 1 rom the Newcastle Community Liaison Group Ail residents of the Town of Newcastle are invited to ary of the followlng Communi- ty Information Meetings. ORONO Thursday, October 25th 7 p.m. at the Orono Town Hall SOLINA Thursday, November let 7 p.m. at the Solina Communlty Hall TYRONE Thursday, November Sth 7 p.m. at the Tyrone Community Contre Before recommending an appropriate course to follow, we need to know what in- dividual viewpoints are. This is your opportunity to hear how the Siting Process works and ta, express your opinions. For further information contact: Janet Mayer, Facilitator Newcastle Community Liaison Group'- (416) 623-0720

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