6-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, October 24, 1990 Pr esentati ons at the ,Clarke Commenceme PRESENTATIONS 0F AWARDS AND SCHOLARSHI BOWMANVILLE BRANCH 0F THE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION AWARD For bigbest standing in Grade 10 Englisb, Advanced THE STORKS AWARD For bigbest standing in Grade 1 1 History, Genenal NEWCASTLE LION'S CLUB AWARD' For bigbest standing in Grade 1 1 Geography For bigbest standing in Grade 11i Society: Challenge and Change For bighest standing in Grade 12 Matbematics, Advanced To a graduating student wbo bas sbown tbe greatest improvement in tbe General Level Programme LADIES' AUXILIARY 0F THE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION For bigbest standing in Grade 10 History, Advanced For highest standing in Grade 12 Englisb, and enrolment in OAC Englisb RIENSTRA AWARD For bigbest standing in Grade 12 Science, Advanced KENDAL L.O.L. #405 BURSARY Awarded to a student of a History: Society and Cballenge course, wbo by tbeir words and actions sbow botb proficiency in their studies and Mil Ci DE Lisa bumanitarian concern for otbers Katbryn PEER COUNSELLOR CERTIFICATES 0F APPRECIATION An award of menit for Peer Counsellors B; THE O.S.S.T.F. EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION AWARD Awarded annually to an adult or adults in recognition of interest and support demonstrated toward tbe students of Clarke Higb Scbool c STUTr'S PHARMACY AWARD For academic proficiency and taking a course leading to a bospital career CO-OPERATIVE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT AWARD For excellence in Co-operative Education Mark Ch INDEPENDENT ORDER 0F ODDFELLOWS, For a graduating student wbo bas participated in volunteer work in the Orono Community (Students must apply for tbis award) Tan THE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL AUXILIARY AWARD To a student taking an approved course in any bealtb service field Tricia INDUSTRIAL ARTS AWARD To tbe most promising student in Industnial Arts K HORTICULTURAL AWARD To a graduatingt student pursuing studies in borticulture or a closely related field Da THE BANK 0F COMMERCE AWARD To the student wbo bas achieved the bigbest standing in Business Education Sh BUSINESS AWARD For an award of menit Alyson NRTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE ]BUSINESS CERTIFICATES Presented to students wbo bave successfully completed a minimum of business courses Ian Andrews Jeff Rickard Darryl Burke Ian Vanden Schee Casey DePlaa Alyson Westheuser Debbie Miller Shari Kennedy Patricia Reid O.S.S.T.F. DISTRICT # 49 AWARD To a deserving student g'-iduating fnom the Cenerai Level Programme wbo is pursuing bis/ber career outside of bigh school Lean THE NEWCASTLE LIONESS AWARD For academic proficiency, to a student graduating fiom the General Level Programme BOWMANVILLE DRAMA WORKSHOP AWARD To a graduating student who bas made a significant contribution to tbe Carke High Scbool Draina Programme Tanr THE CANADIAN AUTO WORKERS LOCAL 222 BURSARIES Darryl Burke Cathy McCullougb Ted Gaudet Vanessa Wallace Richard Maki THE TED VICKERY MEMORIAL AWARD To a graduating student wbo bas displayed bumanitarian concerns and wbo is proficient in Geograpby and Outdoor Education Br THE SHARLENE ABRAMS MEMORIAL BURSARY To a graduating student wbo bas displayed humanitarian concerns and wlho bas sbown an interest in tbe Fine Arts Ian V THE GARNETT DUETTA AWARD To a graduating student wbo bas sbown tbe greatest improvement in the Basic Level Programme Cast THE VISUAL ARTS AWARD 0F EXCELLENCE Proficiency in Grade 12 Art and to encourage furtber awareness of the arts1 CLARKE HIGH SCHOOL, BAND Directed by Mn. Keitb Nicbolas THE ARMSTRONG STORE AWARD For proficiency in Girade 12 Famiy Studies BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL WOWEN'S AWARD To a graduating girl planning to pursue a I h career preferably in a non-traditional field nt THE DARLINGTON YOUTH SOCCER AWARD Ips THE APPLE BLOSSOM AWARD To a student wbo bas bad a successful Co-operative Education experience in a field related to bis/ber cbosen career smeron Esier COURT VENTURE, L1892, CANADIAN FORESTERS AWARD Jeff Baker To a deserving student pursuing studies in a medical field icael Martin JOHN STONE SCHOLARSHIP To a deserving student pursuing studies Karen Sbaw in an agricultural field THE SPIRIT 0F CLARKE AWARD ndy Tamblyn For outstanding ail round contribution to Clarke Higb Scbool MODERNS DEPARTMENT AWARDS Scott Wallis For bighest standing in OAC French THE RUDDOCK AND RENA WADDELL aeron Esier SCHOLASTIC BURSARIES sniel Walters Marni Basic Leanne Johnson Marcia Blascbke Andrew Lowry Twardowski Casey DePlaa Kim Lycett Greg Donald Catby McCuilougb Mike Tait Ted Gaudet THE CLARKE HIGH SCHOOL YEARIBOOK AWARD To a graduating student wbo bas served as editor of tbe Clarke Higb School yearbook THE KENDAL BRANCH 0F THE WOMEN'S Vandermale INSTITUTE AWARD To a deserving graduating student wbo bas larbara Byers taken Family Studies at tbe OAC Level Julie Troost THE GREAT PINE RIDGE KINSMEN'S AWARD To tbe outstanding musician in tbe OAC programme Bert Reid MATHEMATICS AWARD ,harles Ewert For bigbest standing in OAC Matbematics DESCARTES MATHEMATICS CONTEST CERTIFICATE 0F DISTINCTION Tina Bryant THE BOB BEST MEMORIAL AWARD To an bonours student, winner of an event holmondeley in track and field, an active participant on any scbool team, on completion of OAC and enrolment in university THE WALLACE AUTO SUPPLY AWARD nmy Hansen For proficiency in OAC art THE WINTERS, SUTHERLAND AND MOASE SENIOR ACCOUNTING AWARD a Weatberup For bigbest standing in Grade 13/OAC Accounting en Verwoert THE ST. FRANCIS 0F ASSISI AWARD For higbest standing in OAC Geograpby THE S. B. RUTHERFORD AWARD vid Taniblyn For bîgbest standing in OAC Biology THE ORONO WEEKLY TIMES AWARD, For bigbest standing in OAC Englisb ar Kennedy THE THOMAS MONTEGUE SCHOLARSHIP For the highest standing acbieved in OAC, i Westheuser to a student who lives in the village of Newcastle THE BOWMAN VILLE BRANCH 0F THE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION AWARD For the higbest standing in OAC and to funthen education YOUNG WOMAN 0F DISTINCTION AWARD THE ROLPH HARDWARE AWARD For proficiency in OAC THE ORONO HEATHER REBEKAH LODGE AWARD For proficiency in OAC and to encourage futher education THE TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY ne Johnson COMMITTEE AWARD For tbe graduate wbo bas acbieved the higbest avenage, but is not an Ontario Scholar Rob Blight THE KEN DAVIES AWARD For the graduating student wbo demonstrates proficiency and encouragement of otbers and thus demonstrates positive leadership by rlmy Hansen example in tbein day-to-day living Van Da lan N Debbie Steven Mike '1 Ian Va Mar Tar, Ian'ý Ianlv Tan Anc Elain - SPECIAL PRESENTATION - by tbe Great Pine Ridge insmen Club PRESENTATION 0F ONTARIO SECONDARY SCHOOL DI -andon Coyle ander Scbee ;ey Sarginson Roy Mitcbell ONTARIO SCHOLARS Gregory Donald Edward Gaudet Tammy L. Hansen Kim A. Lycett Cathy McCullougb Mlike E. Tait Ian Vander Schee GOVERNOR GENERALS ACADEMIC AWARD For bighest standing in OAC VALEDICTORIAN ADDRESS CLOSING REMARKS ONTARIO SÊCONDARy SCHOOL D IPLOMAS \--' Kim Lycett Raymond George Adams Ted Gaudet Terri Lynn Alldread Ian Frederick Andrews Timnotby Lee Bailey Marni Liane Basic Scott Wallis Stephen Jobn Beelen Marcia Jayne Blascbke George Robert Blight Tina Marie Bryant essa Wallace Darryl Wilfred Burke Liana B. Cbard Mark J. Cholmondeley ivid Tamblyn David Donald Cox Stephen Crawley Sarah J. Cunningham Allison Jury Patricia Darlene Daize eennetb Edwin Davies Vander Scbee Casey J. DePlaa Gregory Donald Mary R. Evans eMiller Jody L. Farrow iScbaefer Cbnisty E. Flintoff Iait Sue Gaudet nder Sçbee Edward Gaudet Scott Grundy Micbael Halminen Tammy L. Hansen scia Blascbke Sbawn Hardy Heidi Hartwel Tom Hope Leanne F. Jobnson Julie Troost Allison C. Jury Shari Kennedy Gwen Lafont nmy Hansen Leonel LaLande Karen S. Lindo Vander Scbee Andrew Lowry Kinm A. Lycett Vander Scbee Colleen Martin Murray Dwayne MartIn Cbris S. Maskell Catby McCullougb Shaunna M. McInnes Allison Jury Ricbard S. McKinlay Diane McKnïigt lleen Martin Mike Mendonca Debbie V. Miller Ping Ng rnmy Hansen Kelly L. O'Boyle Greg Donald Brent F. Osmond Janiie W. Oxenham 3erek Zander Clint A. Peters Paul Pfeiffer Julie Troost Rod A. Pierce Brenda Pierik idy Rorabeck Scott W. Pollard Patricia L. Reid David Reid Jeff Rickard Mike Tait Brian J. Rodd Derek A. Rogers Carla Rowe Julie- A. Sandercock Mike Tait Casey Sarginson ine Stevenson Steven O . Scbaefer Mike K. Sbaw Ted Gaudet Leigbann E. Smitb Elaine L. Stevenson Mike E. Tait Ping Ng David Tamblyn Todd C. J. Thertell' Julie A. Troost Allison Jury Ian J. Vander Scbee Jeff Rickard Katbryn Vandermale Vanessa M. Wallace Scott S. W. Wallis Tricia L. Weatberup Wendy L. Weber Mike Tait Alyson Westbeuser Andy Wbite Jerrett Wicbman - Tammy J. Winter Lucy M. Woods [PLOMAS Tami N. Woodward Todd L. Yarrow Derek Z. Zander Mike Tait Mike Tait and Ian Vander Scbee Mr. Hugb Hubbs "Best Broadway 'M-arches" Ann Woods "Work Wanted" o& R CUSTOM FENCING and CUSTOM CHAIN SAWING ORONO, ONTARIO 983-9627 Be