Orono It was the intent last Saturday at Scbool band -members laid the JlilI Brown,- Dan Walters, Andrea Armstrong's IGA that the family water and polish to the exterior. Trafourd, Nicole French and Scot auto was to look its shining best Funds raisecd go to the band. Hall. after this group of Clarke Highi Pictured above: Tanya Staples, A fam i/y occasion ' When one might have expected pomp and pageantry with the swearing-inf ceremony of the Ex- ecutive Council of the Province of Ontario on Monday at Convocation Hall, Toronto, - it turned out to be but a famnily occasion. We bad the opportunity allong with Bill Carmian and BillButn through the courtesy of Gord Milîs to at tend the swearing-in event, the first NDP government to be elected and now ready to serve the province through their deliberations. The famnily occasion atmospbere came not only from centre stage with the top players of the event but was evident throughout the mas;sive audience jammed into Convocation Hall. It was there sitting or standing beside you. The Intergenerational Choir set the tonie for the occasion with their opening number "Side By Side- and delighted the audience with the first line of the song "We ain't got a barrel of money". The, Lieutenant Governor of On- tario, the Hon. Lincoln Alexander kept uip the tempo with bis few frienidly quips for Bob Rae who, retaliated. There certainly are a lot of new namnes for us to get acquainted with in the Executive Council or can- binet as we know it. A lot of youth and, inexperience. Bob Rae still looks to me as the dlean-eut kid down the block, a bit like a little peacock, but we know there is a lot of experience with that kid. SWe did have interest in a number of cabinet positions being filled in- cluding that for Minister of Educa- tion - Marion Boyd, a former ex- ecutive director of a clinic for bat- tered women in London and the giant killer taking one David Peter- son. From our own area, over Oshawa way, Allan Pilkey takes on Minister of lndustry and Trade while up north of us in Peterborough,' Jen- nifer Carter, a lecturer at Trent University, takes over Ministry of Energy. Evelyn Gigantes, formerly in the legislature three years back and f'rom Ottawa Centre takes on the position of Minister of Health. Ruth Crier takes Ministry of the en- vironment while John Wildman, MPP for Algoma is Minister of Town Commîttee Briefs The General Purpose committee on Monday received a report fromn public works in that theTown is to complete- works of surface paving and ditchînig in the Kresia Lane and Gjearing L Jane sub-division, Th wrk was to be undertaken by tedeveloper, Gearing IFarmns, but the dadline for the works bas Ihe Towsn intrnds to daxdw on a Letter of (Creditiniithe aon of $46,.531.58'. The subdivision agreement was signed betwee n the parties in September of 1983. The Oshawa Garden Service Ltd, Oshawa, has been granted the con- tract to undertake Westview Park Development at a cost of $67,713.82. A report to council from the treasury shows at the end of August a total cash available in the amount of $27.607 million which compares with $20.500 at the saine period in 1989. Total expenses during the month Natural Resources. Eleven women were appointed to the cabinet on Monday, two wthout portfolios. Anyone you spoke to on Monday was fuît of hope and wished the new- government well. It is the sanie in Orono. People feel it is more than the usual change ofgovernment when everything seems the samne after as before. Hughi Segal in a special t o the Toronto Star puts it well. "The NDP, by virtue of its fresbness, its leader's integrity, its clarity and frankness bas earned the badge of Iegitimacy." We certainly hope so and it is refreshing., 1ntegrity, clarity and frankness are the keys and may they now live on. amounted to $5.620 million which compare,-s with expenditures of $3.661 million the previous year. As of August 3ls t, 1990 cash on hand is shown at $21.987 million comparing with $16.839 in 1989. 1The Towri hà's $21.379 million in- výested as of the end of August. Town staff, the planning depart- men, bas submitted a report to the Town commtte poînting tb liabilitice counci] \ ould h iV f they refrainnmugatan c ~lein the Ne Vati Ntlage area. [lTh wn- adreccîved a torn- plaint as o heu : of t'ne wbistle in the nigbt hoursý and seek ing that this noise be eliminated through the passing of a Town by-law. A Planning Department report to council approves of suggested changes in procedure for Fn- vîronmental Assessments hearings. A number of recommendations seek to speed up the process wirhout negative impact for those involved. The Town's summation of the Provincial report suggests the recommendations are comprehen- sive but are long overdue. In a report to the Town commit- tee the planning department notes. 852 acres of designatèd industrial land in the Town of Newcastle of which 391 acres in the Courtice area is unserviced. It is noted that the Courtice in- dustrial area is well located for development. Town staff again recommend that an amendment to the Offical Plan for a lot severance be denied to Mr. Jan O'Chonski on O'Chonski Road. It is noted that Jan O'Chon- ski is flot a bonafide *farmer and that since 1988 he has been granted four lot severances along the Road. SiOAro uniid Home,- Tiff PROPOSED GSI, FIND OUT WHAT'S Wondering whether your grocery bill will go up? Thinking about how much to save for that new car? Asking if your bank, service charge will be taxed? Or, just plain confused? The answer is as close as your phone. Caîl us, your GST Cosumer nration Office. 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