Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 3 Oct 1990, p. 14

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14-Orono WeekIy Times, Wednesdlay, October 3, 1990 SER VICE DIRECTORY Phone 983-5'301 The So APPLE BLOSSOM Afle DutJuatSp ýeetalîze WeMkEvery Order Speciai ManStreet,Orn MainI-Strei etwen FOlir"Ts-Hll LADES and eNTSd Mriindaireet, Oirloo 983-5133 OR TALH-i Wit ieo WengOue FrigidaireeWti rpol 983-5108 FOR-NIK Auto Body andi Collision Quality Body Work and Refinishiflg INSURANCE CLAIMS FREE ESTIMATES R.R. 3 Newcastle, Ont. Phono 987-5071 FLOWERS PL US FLOWERS GIFTS and CRAFTS 29 Kng Street East Newcastle, Ontario 987-1500 Betty Lycet 983-5908 Wlda Mideton 983-9819 GRUNDY'S Country Upholstory Studio Quality Work In Upholstery R.R. 2 Orono, Ont. 982-9874 Bryon Grundy Lf-A 4 iMl 0ffs Ný p(j 0DANCE TAP, BALLET JAZZ 147 MILL. ST., ORONO =983-8218 KENDAL CHIROPRACTIC Office and Reàidence Dr. Ernest'Schroeder B. Sc. Chiropractor RAR.1iKENDAL, ONTARIO LOA 1EO (416) 983-5510 LLOYD SCOTT M.A. COU NSELLI NG Specializing in MARRIAGE COUNSELLING PARENT-CHILD and PERSONAL PROBLEMS Orono Medical Centre Orono, Ontario LBO 1iMo Apponments and Inquiries 983-9792 »YES! Get the facts. Let'sTalk. Cail the ~OntarioMisty of HeaIthAIDS Hqtine i -8odC-668-MIDS (416> 623-8161 4, Jo-Elen Sportswear &Gifis Suppliera of Teama, Schools & Clubs Corporate Gitt P ackages 12QenSt, IBowmanville, Ontarol Lic 1M6 PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIO 5 George Street, Bowmanviîle, Ontario 623-4473 WINDVIEW FEEDS inc. Featuning a Specialized, une of Martin'«; Compte Extruded HorSe Rations and Supplements Double Cteaned Qats, Bended Sweet Feed and Pet Food four Martin FeeuiWds eaer - inurham tegîen 5 Mi. East of OronolHwy. 115 on Çonc. 5 786-2578_ _ In Memoriam iJONcKHELERE - In loving memoery of my dear husband Eugeen,, who passed away Oc- tobe r , î1974. If is .-, c' wa/ theroad a/o ne Instead ofside!y sid When t/wwaysof ive di vide- You gave me yaso happiness Then came Sorrow'and rears Bult you left me beauif ,ul memories I wl/i treasure through the years Dear Lord put your arms around him And keé'p hlm in your care Make up for ai/ he suffered And a/i thaf was unfa/r Dear God, take a message, Io hlm in heaven above Te// hlm hoW much I miss hlm And give hlm a/i my /ove. Dearly Ioved and always remembered. Your Ioving wife forever Eugenie DEATH NOTICE SZAFRAN, Paulina (Lu) (Served in the 316th Transport, Company of the 2nd Polish Corp. within the th British Army). Suddenly ai Sunnybrook Medical Centre, Toronto, on' FridayI, September 28, 1990. Lu (Trego) of Bowmiianville, formerý,ly of Lakefield in her 68th year. Beloved wife of Stanley Szafran. Loving mother of Elizabeth and her husband Bill Buddle of Lakçfield, Kryslyna and her husband Alan Jones of Orono and Rafal and hîs wife Cathy of London, Ontario. Dear sister of Wacek Trejgo of Toronto, Adela, Henryka, Genia and Jadzia, ail of Poland and the Wae Ziunia and sister-in-Iaw--of Halina Szafran of Poland. Loving Babcia of Melanie, Christopher, Keri, Lucas, Rain and Brianna. Funeral service complete at St. Pau's, Lakefield. Intern- ment at Hiliside Cemetery, Lakefield. Corn Stove Sales DOVE SERVICES KENDAL, ONTARIO (416) 983-9442 Discussion group Recommend flu vaccinle for parents with frthe elderly The annuat bout with the "flu" thai p-lagues su mrnany Canadians eaitl wiinter cao be much mrore than just a riuisance that make you te mie, abte for a kw, ayIl, car kil you. ln lthe pasts s>nre o h s th, Aslin Ou )957> aiîd thRu s:ir il, (11977). The Spari h ;.u.ssas devastatirg. h rîet 21 million denti! in its wake. This veurtthe Sharnghai fluiis cxpected to be iheotatin culprit. Every year tin Canada, îhousands of peuple due of influeniza or sshaî we commonly cati tthe flu anti thousantis more suffer very serious, life-titreaiening illness. Titis represents lthe very worst kinti of ituman suffering andi deati - that witich is preventable. The National Advisory Committee on Immari tion (NACI) states that "influenza vaccine is the single most effective way of preventing or attenuatirng in- fluenza anti has long been recom- mendeti for those ai high-risk uf serions illness or death." But NACMI also recognîzes "that ontly about 30%' of titis population (itose at greatest risk) receive the vaccine an- nually." Anyone eau gel thte Ou andi even for normal heaflhy people ii eau be severe enougit. It usually keceps peo- pie in bcd for several days in an ex- trcmely weakened condition wtith weakness andi fatigue lingcirng for several weeks afîerwards. lUnfor- tunately, this also leaves a person susceptible to many otiter w\inrii n- feetions unil titeir strenriti returius. Classie flu symptoms inctiu a bati cougit, fever, cilîs, achesý anti pains, wcakness anti lnssut ap- petite. People in higit rîsk groupri are in greater dange-r ou titlering sesere, lite-threatenîng î, llness irori tie flii. These peuple iinclude e\cryone user tlig age oit(65 at n ewith citronte men calconditis sn ýcb a iteari, luîîg or kidney isecase or metabolte disorders suit has diabetes., Residents uflîîîîrsing homes or chtronie care facities uisually faîlltîuto one or more ol titese hîgit risk calegories anti are ai atiditional risk because iheiri ustîlti tional environment may promote the spreati of the disease. Influenza is an exîremely con- tagions respiratory disease which spreads across tfie country in TV - VCR - SEE Service Cals ESTIMATES GIVEN 983«5082 JOHN HRUSKA Licensed - 15 Years Experience eidemic force esery witer. Up tu 301,ofthte population may con- tractî Ou cadi year.Altitougit otîter vîrusie e c omnion cuttimay cause ïitolar vrtoms, truc i real~ ~ ~ ~~'nrý "agrsibfn b fta '0 s h j' ni a, e ii , i reu ssns sated acri fatal as weill Influenza cari beprevenîcti. Fln' vaccine provîdes, a sate anti eflece tive meit ot prtecting tIiose aI greatiesi risk. But influenza vaccine cant proterl ibose wito doni'i receise il. Medîcal experts snggesî titat influenza will continue tu cdaim lives îînnecessarily unleas cfforts tu increase public awareness about the dangers uf infîunz a anti the benefîts of flu vaccine are dramatically increaseti.lTe message is simple- if you wan t 10 avoîti lhe fln titis year ten a visit 10 tite doctori, as soon as possible afler Septemiber or October, for an an- fluai flu vaccination, is te way tu play il safe. If you or someone yon know is over 65 or itas a cironme medical condition, consider a fln sitot. Il coulti save a life. children age 5 to Il years Is it realisîîc ti assume, thýat wicn a baby c, born tise nss paret, as il by magi, sumcbuw knws al rxpedt atlunsof: ii ît en -iti ssc ssari tciras sdifler ontI oru -yen une generaliori back, tiat parents a ar for skîlls ibat wtl itetp ibein ti titeir îask of raistig£ esposîbe citren. Ciiltiren wito feel gooti bot itemseses antidh carimkectorsantidecisions- wilh ýonf1idnce. lTe familyEducattori Resout ce. Centre of hi ia House îs offer- ing a 8 sesion study gronp at En- niskîllen Puiblic Scitool, startîng Tuesday Oclober 16' from 7:00 9:00 p.m. lTe focus will be on untierstantiing wity citiltiren beitave tite way titey do anti, learning positive practical ways for redirec- tingmisbeitavionr anti eneouraging ciiltiren. "Kintiness, Respect, Firm- ness anti Encouragement are tite in gredients of Positive Discipline," says Jane Nelson fromtwitose book itis course is motielleti. For more informaton anti to register for titis or any otiter paren- ting programs being offeredt iis fal please oall te Centre at 579-2021 or 686-4353. n n DncOn -Clarke Museum & Archives 1990 HOUSE TOUR Sat., October 13 12:30 - 4:.30 parm. Four Local Area Homes From the 1840's to 1990 Featuring Unique Restorations, Reconstructions and Combinations of Styles. ALL PROCEEDS TO THE MUSEUM BUILDING FUND TICKETS $8.00 PER PERSON TICKETS AVAILABLE AT: Bowmanville - Big Brothers Community Care Orono - Apple Blossom Shop Newcastle - Flowers Plus Clarke Museum and Board Members Help Wanted TREE PULLERS 5 o8" high trees, men or womnen required Orono Forestry Station Rate of pay,$15.00 per thousand. Start date October 22nd Phone 623-9749, 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Ater f ive phone 433-7290 MMUJierever youlre headed.. travel with DESTINATIONS TO GO INC. Elizabeth Belanger-Linkietter NA 98 KING ST. W., BOWMANVILLE '7$I'4ONTARIO LiC 1R4 10 ,(416)>987-1846 (416) 623-9533 STAFFORD' MONUMENTS 143 King St. E. Bowmanviîle, Ont. Phono 623-8150 OUr OF TOWN CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-461-4848 Granite Monuments, Markers, arc! Cemetery Lettering Prvate home or showroorn.appointents available Serving ail taith.5 References available on reqLle'rt Atter Hours Cal Oshawa 1-416-579.1116,

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