Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 12 Sep 1990, p. 3

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Presents picture to local Kinsmen Onu Weekly Times, Wcd.meudsy, September 12, 1"0-)3 Regional Police request no more street dances Pictured above: Norm -Dawe, D.B.î.A. by artîst Peter- Boots. Parker said she wsproud that Peter Bopots, Sylvia Parker and The picLtre, called "Hlarmontious the Kinsmren had won thie- prize Danny Stacheruik. Conver gence" was ued .as a prize whichi Not Just Faishions, had had Sylvia Parker, chairman of the-daw from anemis of those who framied. Orono DBIA, presented t o the had donated to the Orono signs at She said the two organizations Great Pine Ridge Kinsn a picture eithr end of the Village and created were working towards a bet ter corn- which had been donated to the by Peter Boots. munity. Clarke Museumr- and Archives, wýill belholdinig a(GianitSecond Hlanid Book Sale on Saîurday, September and Sunday, September 23 from Il a.m. Io> 4 p.m. bol h days. There cwiill he hdtndreds 0f book, Iochioose fromn, paperbhacksý, hardback,, nIovels, iho w to, texi l)o o k , magazines, collectibles, fiction, rion-ficlion and more! laperbacks; 'will seIl for 10) cents cach, while hardbacks wil! l sI for 25 cents eachi or 5ltor $1 .(). TIhe following l'ire calîs were reeeived hy (ihe Townî of' Neweasile l'ire l)eparinient, Station 3, Orono, during the week of' September 3 Io Septini er 9, 1990. Monday, September 3 beiweeni 5:38 p.m. and 7:38 p.m. * pumiper 12 responded Io a niotor vehiele acci- denti on Highway 1l5, souiih of' L'ollw~sriotî8. Friday, Sepiember 7 pumnper 12 A Ictet r i'în Ontario Hydrlo was included in i(lie TFown of Newýcast le agenda on Monday dated i une 281, I190. Il ictei ii cd[o a mccl ting held ai wlîichli oth (>nîaî o fHydro and i une22îd . Ih appeaui liai H ydilo did table a nu lliin ei o f iusfoi isssoîand si ai cd in filic cter i lîev wonld [be pleased Io parit ici pateC intîav adviso ry conuiii tce relat cd i o h ydro ni aiticis w hicli connci I mm whi o arrange. Ilydi o Jates t liev hopec oiuncil will soot I ass a resoltion gîinig giidance tb an advisorv coinnitîeeII on Illie 'orinai ol f i iii meime cd iîsss, and appoiniting a chairpei sou. (On barlo Hdî Iaied Ithe\ are s'illiiwt îo wor-k iîh Illie I'l'owi aff io0 prepare reporis f'oifi lie Ii nîlcet 111. lnQnkn ili h si.anne Si icklev (~ilo ing onda's neeiin.g Jie cd i:îîHvdo iad not hleard Buy a whole bag or box! Just mnake an oier. . .we neyer refuse! Thi érc will be-no slsor browýsing belotecIl1.m.Ali l poeesfrom the sale will go directly 10 the C larke Musuiemi & Archives Building Addition Fund. l)oatins l books ,may be drop- ped otiTali te NMuscum1 in Kirbyý anytme during the musýeumn's public hioursý: Tuesday- Friday, 10 -5 p.m., Saturday - Sunday, Il - 5 p.m . and tanker 3, responded to a garage. lire ai 74 MilI Street ai 6:56 p.m., and returned bIo he fire station a( 11:(X) P.11. Sagaurday, Sepiember 8 between 10:42 a.m. and 11:04 a.m. pumper 12 responded Io a report ol' a notor veh-icle accident on Highiway 115 south of MilI street. The pumiper was not needled. tirons .council since the June 2211d nilctli ng. ,)lie did sialee that mseeing,, do continue as îo I he building i eguLla iilpermil anîd l'ie po io concernsý. Son1(- seises liasve lbee seî led ti luougli ciîioie he saidc. The Coiniînîiii s Relai ions O li'm r lIlie taî Ii îîgîo niîe I i Stiioii SaiýI iii leliC asbeetisac- :oinp lislied osci i(lie pasi \ea i as i jointî efforts wilihiî !lie Town of Newcast le. Hs'dio is; wel on11ils waïv oseltiiîîg iup a 1 iaison Coniîîiitiee wiih Hiope To'.iîlip lich is io consider ihe iwnvfiesear dlevelopnîient plan anid moe peifelv psie n î &'cai 'gceiealîiîg a(iolîs hai îîav lie srig esed l'or îlîis iiînmediaîe ýisrea. SticklevN said Hydro i hopel'ul of tIiakiiîg alrranigeilleii s wýilih (lie Towii of Nfat elor a iiîilar coînlliliee. ;OBITUARY STORSBERGEN, William Ferdi- nand- Retired restauranteur, passed away peacefully in his home in Pickering on September 4, 19)90 at age 73. Suirvived by Rena Storsberg-en, Io\ving father of, Ria IHttoni, Lakehuri, Fred StorsbIerg-eni, Orono, Ch rîisinra Danrii ko, Blaicktock.ý Grandfather to Nick Van Seg- gelen Ir., Bowmianville, Williamn Vani Seggeleni, Calgary, Robert Van Seggeleni, OShIla wa, B illy Storsbergen, Bo(wmanviiilie, Rodney Storsýbergen, Orono. Jeffrey. Jen- iier and Lisa Danilko, Blacksýtock. Great grandfather Io 1-ollie and 1-ailey Vansegglen, Bowmianville. Prc deceased by grandchiidren Caroline Van Seggelen and Michael Storsbergen. Survived by brother fin Storsbergen, Rotterdami and sister "T1oniy" Van Voorden, 'Toronto. "Bill" born in Rotterdami, thre Netherlands, immigrated in 1951 with his famnily to Canada where cventually hie established his suc- cessful1 restaurants, best known as The Duîtch Oven, Brampton, and the New Dutch Dutch Oven Family Restauirant on Highway 115. Avid gun collector and boater, world traveller, sponsor of many hockey teamis. Bill will be sadly missed by fainily and friends.' Funeral services were held at the Morris Funeral Chapel in Bowman- ville. Cremation tèliowe.d. Many thanks 10 family and friends for thieir support during this lime of' bereavement and for ftowers and donations, to the Cancer Sociely or Hear.. Founda- lion. When asked about the campaign promise of the new Premier of Ont- tli io, Bob Rac, that no more nuclear stations will be built in On- tarîo she w as non commîital. CIE, Durhamr Regional Police have suibmlitted( a repô5rt to the Town of Newcastle related] to thle Great Pinle Ridge Kiinmen Club Street[Danlce field in Oronlo on] AuguSt l10h. The report tates that the Force appreciates tIle good wor k that is ac- :omlplîshed by al servce cIlubs buit do have% concerns for the particular type olf fund raising evýent as thre Street dance which they state is dif, ficuit to conitrol and do infringe on surrtounlding nivdalsproperty' and 0heir rightf to enljoy t(hat proper- tyV. The report to0 counclil iisted twýCive diffîcuities wî,th the Oronlo Loo"koing "ba Se-ptember 1 by Gord Milis it'S fifty years ago this week that the greatest bartde of ail took place, the Battie of Britain. i was 12 years old at the tine and remember it well. To a sehool boy it was exciting times, watching dog-fights off the coast, seeing German fighter planes zoom over our house, so close that you could see the piiot's face. The chatter ofimachine gun-fire, a plane going down, the pilot baling out in- 10 the channel. Stuff to keep a schooi boy awake ail night, dreami- ing of instantly growing up in order to enter the fray. WVhat 1 didn't know, in those heady days, was that thre Battie of Bprtain saved FEngland fromt inva- sion. I-ad 1 understood that, there iS no0 doubt I wouildn't lhave been 50 exuberant. After ail il was fun miar- ching arouind w\ith a hammner in hand looking for spies and the like. The Battie of Britain not oniy saved England fromn invasion il was thre first defeat suffered by the Ger- promotion ot the annual Street Dance. ,In the closing paragraph of the report the Regionai Police Istated "that due to the number of pro- biemis encournered this Force wýouid requnest that no funrther permits be issued for- events of thiis type in the Town of Newýcastle. Couinc. Hamire stated that there w'ould be nio more such permlits. Larry Kotseff, Chief' Ad- miitaieOfficer, stated that a staff report woi e presented 10o couincil in the near fuLtuire as to such evnsand a proposed action on Ille part of counlcîl. ,ck tod mians since their invasion of Poiand in 1939. 0f course Winston Chur- chili said it ail in his House of Com- monts speech, after the battie. Wil hiswords ever be forgotten - 1 thinik not: "Neyer in the field of human conflict was so much owed by sel many to 50 few." The British have been celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Battie of BritaiA over the ýUnited Kingdomi since January, bt Septemnber 15 fias always been con- sideredl the key day of the batie. On Saturday, the Queen wiii greet "The Few" in the palace, forecourt. ,Amnong îhem wili be Senator Hariand Molison, 83, and considered an "old man"ý fifty years ago. Forty-seven Canadians were kiil- ed in the Battie of Britain. This week we honour them, and as a sechool boy who didhn't reaiiy know what was going on then - a belated thanks for everything. MICherever' you -re headed,. travel with DESTINATIONS TO GO INO. SPECIA L Amsterdam -$490 plus taxes 98 KING ST. W., BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO LUC 1 R4 (416) 623-9533 Giant Second Hand Book Sale coming Orono Fire Statio n fire cails for the week Hydro offering to m'eet with Town council . -.1 -- "Il,"".. 1 . , ý -'. . ýjeww"w"

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