Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 1 Aug 1990, p. 4

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4-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, Aqgust 1, 1990 Fire Station No. 5 opened vr hoigi ikn u friends. Reliai: (worthlessness) the spirit of evii personified, the devil, the wicked one." In Thessolonians? 1:3-5 "he's called the tempter" and he wiII tempt you in the vcry thing you are weak in until you give in to. him, if he can. If you are weak and can't say NO to drugs that's where he'Il tempt you. There will be someone everywhere you go trying to give you drugs. If its aichohol you'll have ail kinds of friends calling you over to have a beer. If its flot your friends its the T.V. commerciais. It seems ail the commerciais are anymnore is advertising booze, and if lust is your problcmn Satan with exemplify that desire in your iife by again T.V. commerciais, shows, filthy magazines, X-rated shows just to name a few. He's no dummy he's been around a long time and he knows ail the tricks in his book and they are flot nice, they are mean and nasty like he is. But God came tilat we mieý have life (flot death like Satan is ing to give us) and have it more abundantly." John 10:10. Comments or Questions Box 179, Orono Bible Study Tuesday - 7:30 983-5962 by GJord Milis The new fire station located on the north-east corner of Concession Road 8 and Regional Road 57, was offlciaily opened with a ribbon cut- ting ceremony by Ward 1 councillor Arnot Wottcn on July 27th. Mayor Marie H-ubbard in her short speech said, the ncw fire sta- tion was the answer to a dream comni true, and was a wonderful moment for everyone. She added that since Councillor Wotten had devoted so much time and effort in- lo .making the new lire station a, reality, she was going to forgo the officiai opening herseif to turn the event over to Arnot. 'Thetask of declaring the fire sta- tion open caused Councîllor Wot- ten a momentary period of emo- tion, which resuited in him asking for a few moments to "gather himself". Once this was overcome, Coun- cillor Wotten responded in fine style, mcntioning the team effort of council in placing thé new1 facility in place, and the benefits in cheaper rates of insurance to those living in Hayden, Enniskillen and Burketon areas. Ail members of Newcastle Coun- cil were present for the opening, t ogether with several represen- tatives of the builders of the station, and the Town of Newc(astle Depart- ment Heads. Ross Stevenson, MP Durham, was also present. A prayer Pot Pourrie corner Gord's View Is our caring being misdirected? The other day, whiie visiting at a friends home, their cat seemcd to walk right through the wall into the kitchen. Close exaiination reveaied that the cat could come insîde the house at any time through standing close to and'activating a photo-eiectric ccii which caused a small door to open, from a position ither inside or outsidc, the house. The next day, I picked Up my ncwspaper and saw an advertise- ment ail about cat food. The ad was a wonderfui creation as the ar- tist had been able to draw a "senior citizen type of cat" complete with a living perception of built-in fragility and tenderness. It was almost as if one were iooking at one's dearest grandmna - in a fur coat with big round eyes. The objective of the advertisment was to let cat-lovers know that for older, less active cats, a food had been crcated offering 20 percent less fat, fcwcr calories, formulated with the righit balance of minerais and vitamins, ail to meet the special necds of older, iess active cats. This catchy littl.e catfood ladvert causcd me to aks myseif if we are al quiIity of misdirecting our caring, including the corporate con- glomerates. Shouidn't we be more, caring of our fllow humans than worrying about giving the oid cat fcwer calories. As corny as it seems and as unap- pealing as it may be to today's young affluent, an old adage re- mains sound: no soceity is any stronger t han its weakest ink. Those who are unabie to care for themselves drain resources from the rcst, in one way or another. As long as there arc chîidren growing up ncgiected, the famiiy structure wiil wither toward ob- solescence. The misery that sinks through city streets these days has icss to do with a few sorry people who refuse to get their lives together that with tremendous socicty upheavais: the decline of the family structure, and the availabiiity of massive amounts of potent illegal drugs.ý If we rcaliy want to hep those icss fortunate than ourselves to lift themsclves up by their boot-straps, we ve got to make sure the supply of boots is stcady. Now my outpouring or compas- sion and consideration is causing me flot to focus on my cat, and him a senior citizen at that. Ah Wiii, at Christmas gencrosity is in ample supply, I gucss we wili have to icave it until then. Ste phen-'s Guilh Tour This former site of a bustling car- iy Canadian community provides the setting for a tour of some dif- ferent land forms and the natural communities that occupy thcm. This event will be led by CLOCA staff and takes place on Wedncs- day, July 25th, bcginning at 7:30 p.m. in the Stephen's Guich Con- servation Arca parking lot. To get there follow Taunton Road west and take Bethesda Road (it is 1.5 km cast of Liberty Street) south to Stephcn's Miii Road, then cast to the, parking lot. Come and leara about one of the many interesting aspects of Cana- dian history and enjoy your Conser- vation Areas even more! of thanks and blessing for the fire station was offered by Reverand Gerard McMahon, of St. Joseph's Roman Cathoiic Church. The station was build by Gerr Construction Limited.at a cost of $600,000., within the budget set for the faciiity. Fire Chief Michael Creighton informcd the crowd of about 125 people, that the.station was ready to sprîng into action im- mediateiy foilowing the ribybon cut- ting. Lîght refrcshments were seryed after the opening to ail present. It, was learned, that in the fail the sta- tion would be holding an, "open house" for everyonie to come and sec the building and equipmcnt on hand. Christian Corner by Rev. Marg West The last couple of wecks we have been having a look at some of the names of Satan and his function. I pray you have noticed that ail his names so far arc rcaiiy not to edify- ing. In fact he's trying to des troy anyone and everything in his path. In Rev. 9:11 we sec that another of Satan's names is (destroyer) Apollyon. "And thcy (the demons)- had a king over thcm, which is the angel of the bottomiess pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greck tongue his name if Appollyon." In 2 Corinthians 6: verses 14-15 wýe sec that wc are told "flot to be unequally yokcd together wîth unbciievers: for what feiiowship has righteousness with unrighteousncss? (how can Chris- tians' have any kind of right rdla- tionship with peoplje who do not believe God's word) and what com- munion hath ight and darkness. They are completely opposite. And what concern hath Christ with Beliai? Or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel." Concord is agreement between persons, unanimiity, accord, peace, harmony." There is nio peace, or harmony between God and Satan. Satans attributes are entirely op- posite. of Gods, and we have just seen by the above verses that even we Christians should have no place or relationship with anyone who does flot believe the word of God because we are as opposite as day and night. Now don't go getting ail excited and run off saying that we aren't to communicate one with another. How cisc are the people who don't know Christ supposed to get to know him. I'm talking about-rela- tionships close,, knit together as blood relationships. We should be KITCHEN DOWNTOWN ORONO%350 WILL BE CLOSED> FOR HOLI DAYS Monday i 3th, August to Saturday 25th,' August Inclusive1 Thurs. 6:30 a.r to 7:O Mon.-Wed. - 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. m. Fri. 6:30 a.m.. - 8:00 p.m. Ip.m. Sunday Closed I I 38 cc Reg. $379.95 Sage $W4.95 Up to $70.00 OFF Retail Price Free Chain Witti Every Saw Free Bar Guard and File Kit 50-3.Ocu.in . 49e Easy to ose on tougir lobs, tins Chan sa. pts prootssonai performancerrf10 the fands of non- professiooais Efficient, quiet. vibration dampened. the 50 s' portei octfor part tte asors wfto demancJ ful-tme peforrnace, Inertia activated cfain brafre standard. 61-3.8 cu. in. 61. 5icc Ideal for farorors. homreoiiiners. utifty workers Ruit for felfng average-szed timher and f0or S bng FElet uni gniton. chin catchr, and inertia acf ated chia obrafu standard. 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