Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 16 May 1990, p. 13

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Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, Mov 16, 1990-13 C'lassified Advertising AUCTION SALES Continued mile north or 1 mile south of Orono on 115 Hihaio Concession 4 and 1 mile eaýst and 1 mite 1norrh; Century property _50 acre farmi fron- tage on 2 roads, 40 acres prime agriculture land, 10 acres pasture land; 9 room 2 storey frame house, 4 bedfooms on second floor, 2 stair cases, living room, din- ing room, full bahroomn and kitchen on ground floor and summer kitchen; excellent out buildings, good well. An excellent property for a hob- by farmi. Farm Implemnents Massey Ferguson 180 diesel tractor with loader; 1947 Minniapolis Moline tractor with chains; New Hollanti 275 bater; Massey Ferguson double disc; Massey Ferguson plough 4 furow 14's; Grain 0 Vator blower; Massey Ferguson 33 seed drill 17 run grass grain and fert excellent condition New Holland side rake, New Hollanti mower 3 pth.; fer- tilizer spreader; wagon on rubber; bale buncher; hay elevator New Holland manure spreader pto; ham- mer milI, belt driven; grain auger with motor; single plough; farm scales; liter carrier and track; cattie squeeze; quantity hay and straw; toots to numerous to mention; quantity of rails; lawn mower; ladders; 1981 Oldsmobile car good condi- tion as is. Household Furniture Dining room suite with six chairs tead glass buffet and oval table; side board; chest of drawers; odd tables; Findlay oval stove; diningý- roomn table and six chairs; couches; Hot Point electric, stove; Hot Point refrigerator freezer; RCA TV; record cabinet; hall tree; dresser with mirror; 3 piece bedroom suite; single bed; antique cradie; beds; butter bowl; coal oil lanterns; enamel ware; dishes, many items to numerous to mention. Viewing of Real Esate May l8th 9:00 a.m. (0 7:00 p.m. Or by appoiniment cali 416-623-5461 - Bitl Bragg. Real Estate terms 10% cdown sale day, etosure in 60 days subject 10 Reserve Bid. Sale Time 1 1:00 a.m.« Furniture and Machinery Real Estate - 2:00 p.m.. Ternis Cash - No Reserve Sale Manager and Auctioneer Arnot Wotten R.R. 1, Hampton 416-263-2512 Charles Reid - Auctioneer 416-983-5914 9,16 ac ESTATE AUCTION SALE Saturday, May 26tb 11:00 a.m. 23 Larry Street, Oshawa Go north on Wilson Road at Taunton Road to Larry Street, lst left. Sellinig thle Estate of Mr. Bruce Lee Sr. House trailer, riding lawn mower, grass catecr for riding mower, traiter, box trailer. More details next week. Auctioneer Don Stephenson 623-1726 16,ac. CAREER TRAINING FREE: 1990 guide to study-at- home correspondence Diptoma courses for presuigious careers: Accounting, Airconditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cos- metology, Electronics, Legat!- Medical Secretary, Psy- chology, Travel. Granton (SA) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto, 11-800-950-1972. LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering. Next ciass: June 9-16/90. For information, contact: South- western Ontario Schooi.of Auctioneering, R.R#5, Wood- stock, Ontario, N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115 MARKEL 1-800-265-7173. Class AZ-DZ Professionat Transport Driver Training. Careers? Financing? Tax Deductible? We've got the answers. Markel Institute of Professionai Transport Training. Guelph 1-800-265- 7173. HELP WANTED TRAIN TO MANAGE an apartment/condominium complex. The government ticenceti homestudy certifi- cation includes free placement assistance. Free brochure: (604) 681-5456 or: RMTI, 1120-789 W. Pender, Van- couver, BC, V6C 1H2. CAMELION NEW to most areas. Be the first te make 40- 50% profit marketing sheer non-run hosiery & sterling silver jewetry. Work your own hours. A business of your own= financiai independence & tax deductions. Cati collect in B.C. (M-F) (604) 687-0409- /687-0510, weekends/eveffings (604) 736-6703. TOPS'N TRENDS neetis consultants. Seil ladies ctoth- ing at home parties. Easy to start. Fuît training provideti. Start today, earn money tomorrow. Cati Lynn, Rooney 1-800-268-5670. SALES HELP WANTED HOUSEWIVES, Mothers andi interested persons needed immediately to seit- toys anti gifts for National Home Party Plan. No investmnent, deliveries or money collection. Cati (519) 258-7905. BUSINESS OPPS. IINVEST $12,000 in a high end deck waterproofing dealership for this area. Top quality product line altows for above average return on investment. We supply npening inventory. tools and training. Successfuî dealerships establisheti across Canada. Phone colect Mr. D. Chaisson (604) 860-1200. EXTRA INCOME! We train you to grow big baitwormns in your basement, garage or sheti. Odorless operation. Low investment. Market guar- anteeti! Free information. Earty Bird Ecology, RR#1 Smithvilte, Ontarin, LOR 2A0, (416) 643-4252. Chatham Kent, Bait Farm, RR#7, Chatham, Ontario, N7M 5S7, (519) 683-2468. Kumari Sait Farm ,, Box 69, Camden East, Ontario, KOK IJO, (613) 378- 00213. READY-TO QUIT? Why not be your own boss! Start your own business from home. Free Details. Canimex Enterprise, 934 Chiids Drive, Milton, Ontario, L9T 4J6. A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS ADVENTURE AWAITS YOU! If you ... *want instant income? *want unlimiteti potential? *want job fiexib- ility? *want independence? *want to meet new people? *ioveexquisite lingerie & fashionable sportswear? Cati us cotiect RIGHT NOW for details (416) 632-9090. Ma Cherie Ltd. Home Fashion Shows (Est. 1975). LEASE TO OWN your own business equipment. Coffee shop, $245. per month; sub shop, $295; pizza business, $595; deli store, $659; variety store, $695; grocery store, $795; 40-seat restaurant, $948. Installation, delivery and taxes not incluried. Aretic Refrig- eration & Equipment (Est. 1945). Hamilton (416) 528- 8528. BRAKE & MIJFFLER Busi- ness on Vancouver Island. Leased premises. Approxi- matety 4000sq.fL, 5 bays, large office & storage. Asking $169,900. & inventory at cost approximately $45,000. John Mitchell (604) 758-3312, (604) 754-5367 eves. FOR SALE: Collision Repair Centre fulty equipped. Living quarters on lot next to body shop inciuded. Lot 420'x300'. Location North Western Ontario. Close to Lake of The Woods. Phone (807) 483-5852 or (807) 483-5808 anytime. CANADAS LARGEST Cal- endar and Business Gift Company needs self-starters setting to local businesses. Highest commissions. Smal refundable investment requuted. ODonnell-DRG 487- 16 Westney South, Ajax, LIS 6W8. (416) 427-8520. RETAILERS ONLY. Video Laserdises, Nintendo, and Video Movie leasing. We are wett-stocked, fast, efficient. Bi-weekly rotation. You select your inventory. Canada-wide: i-800-665-5082. Fax: (204) 231-1150. WANTED TO BUY (Note phone # change) OLD WRIST WATCHES wanted. Eatons Quarter Cen- tury Club - mens rectangutar wrist watches (25 years service watch) wiIl pay $3,000 and up for this watch. Aiso wanted old Rotex wrist watches especially the fottowing Rotex models - Prince, Oyster Perpetual, Oyster Royale, Chronograph and Cosmo- graph. Also buying Patek Phillip, Cartier, Movado, Vacheron Constintine, or any other high grade or compli- cated wrist watches such as Chronographs and Moonphase wrist watches (mens only). Cati toltfree 1-800-668-8463 or write: B. Walsh, 211 Queen St. East, Toronto, M5A 1S2. OLDER PIAINTINGS and works of Art. One or entire collection. Karl Mearns. Box 1266, Caledonia, Ontario, NOA 1AO, (416) 765-6782. FOR SALE BEST BUILDING BUYS - Miscelianeous stock clearance - save thousands while suppiy iasts - limited steel left from spring clear-out - ail/steel andi Wood/steel types - Paragon - 24 Hours - 1-800-263-8499. STEEL BUILDINGS. Spring Sellabration" on Buildings from Future Steel. No gimmicks, just solid value for your money. Cati tollfree 1- 800-668-8653. ALL STEEL BUILDINGS - Manufacturer Speciats - Quonset 33x36 $4,745*; 5- 35x40 55,759* with sliding doors. Straightwalt 40x4O S9,939* with solid endwalls. ,imiited suppiy. Somne areas may require heavier gauge. Construction crew availabte. PIONEER/ECONOSPAN 1- 800-668,5422 (24 hours). STEEL BUILDINGS for immediate liquidation. 20'x30' $2,306. 25'x30' S2,903. 30'x34' $3,672. 40x46' $5,091. Complete with end watts. Other sizes available. Positive savings. We pay the cati 1- 800-668-4338 or 1-416-792- 2704. PORTABLE BAND SAW- MILLS: Canadas ieading manufacturer offers four modeis to choose from. Save Money, Make Money. Free Brochure, cati or write; Enercraft, 474 Welham Road, Barrie, Ontario, L4M 6E7. Phone (705) 734-1211. FARMERS: FOR ALL YOUR Livestock Equipment Needs see Reas Welding/REAL Industries in Manitoba. Panels - S4.75 inear foot; Feeders - from $87.50; Automatic Headgates - S265. Squeeze chute with headgate and palpitation cage - $1,395. Gooseneck Livestock Traiier 6x16 - $4,600. (prices FOB Rathweii). For more information cali (204) 749- 2075 or in Ontario Jim Whiutaker (705) 374-4604. SUMP PUMP OWNERS' Stop Ftooded Basements due to pump or power failure with the New Battery Back-up Sump Pump System. Free Brochure. Chelie, 1554 Gregory, St. Catharines, Ontario, L2R 6P9. (416) 685- 6037. Direct Setiers aiso required for this hot new item. REC. VEHICLES BONAIR R.V.s, Campers, Traiters, Hardtop, Tent, Fotdown, Fifth-wheel, Travel, Park-models, Accessories. New & used. Large setection. Fibretine fiberglass & aluminum truck caps. Royal Traiter '& R.V. Centre in Teviotdale, Ont. (519) 343- 2122. AUCTION ONTARIO CLASSIC Sjiort- horn Sale, Saturday, June 2, 1990, lpm. Exhibition Ground, Peterborough_. Herd- sire prospects, replacement femates. Information, cata- logues, contact Neit Brown, RR#2, Uxbridge, LOC iKO. (705) 228-8380. Auctioneer BiH Walker. ADOPTION ADOPTION. PREGNANT? Warm Ioving estabiished couple anxious to adopt. Working with government iicensed social worker. Please cati coitect (416) 593-4245. PUBLIC NOTICE R-AVE YOUR NAME pninted in Kincardine Old Boys andi Girls Reunion (Aug. 2-6, 1990) Souvenir Program. Send $5- with name, phone, to Reunion Commîttee, Box 407, Kinicardine, N2Z 2Y8. SERVICES LOSE SERJOUS WEIGHT NOW! 10-25 lbs. a month. Diet Disc Prograin. Bat the foods you love. Inches & cellulite disappear. 100%/ naturai. 100% guaranteed. Tollfree 1-416-550-0214. CAREER TRAINING TRUCKING CAREERS. Driver job training with placement help isavaitabte. Complete details can be mailed to you. Phone Rodgers Schoot at 1-800-668-0031, CLASS A'Z' OR D'Z'. Cati now for professional one-on- one training by the experts. Registered, approved Private Vocational School. Kim Richardson Training Speciai- ists (416) 765-3445. Cale- donia. HELP WANTED RETAIL MEAT CUTTER. Permanent fuli-time position. Fuit benefit package immediate position. Huntsvile I.G.A. Box 1498, Huntsville, Ont. P0A iKO, (705),789- 9172. RESPONSIBLE COUPLE as' caretaker-housekeeper for Beaumaris area Island. Caretaker position yearly, housekeeper seasonal. Season- ai live-in accommodation. Interested cail (705) 687-4061. Buy UNICEFi Carcis Save a child's life unicel 9 FRUIGRNETLCCE SDENTILCOMERIA LAWN PROeS, OAS8 L NPOFEIVEWAL Y «M9»TIN ASPHAI.T SAuNO . 983-5267l ..O2 BALANCED FEEDS FARM SUPPLIES Durham Farmers' County C 0op TAUNTON RD. & HWY. 115 BOX 178, ORONO, ONTARIO LOB 1iMO (416) 983-9134 (416) 983-9135 TOLL FRE (Area Code 416) 1-800-263-7805 STÈEVES' AUTO SUPPLY, A compisu ine of AUTOMOTIVE REPAlIR and SUPPLY PARTS forDomostlC &ImporCs 21â kingSt. E. N EWCASTLE 987-1657 987-1 658 Monday - Friday 8:00 - 6:00 Saturday 8:00 - 1:00 InR

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