4-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, April 11, 1990 Nwonville Alive -by Peggy Mullan "Gotcha!"- With Faster just around the cor- ner, Bradley Steele, 51/2 months, of Newtonvill e decided to have a Bryan Landry came out a winner, with his project on Momentum. Bryan learned that by gaining momentum, swinging his arms, he could jump farther. Congratulations to ail Science Fair exhibitors this year. Students put alot of effort into their projects, and their pride in their ac- complishments was evident. Good for you ail! It was a difficuit task for judges, C. Zander, B. Berry, Rev. Ransom and C. Nichols to choose winners from the twenty-eight excellent en- tries... .all were impressive. In the primary* division (Kindkergarten to Grade 3) First place went to Kathleen Nichols of Grade 3 for her project on "mulching"; Second place went to Matthew Higgins also of Grade 3 for his display showing "be st mud content"; in Third place, Erîn Hig- gins of Grade 1 for her'experiments with vinegar. Winners in the junior division (Gr. 4-6) were: in First place, Grade 5 student Gillian Lucy. Gillian ex- plained about water and its con- tainer expansion; lSecond place went to Erin Muizelaar of Grade 5 for her charts on dykes; Third, Bryan landry with his very in- teresting project and discoveries on Momentum. Science Fair Co-Ordinator, Grade 5 teacher Gord Kribs was very pleased with students' en- thusiasîn and the amount of work heart-to-h'eart talk with one of the rabbits, his parents, Michael and Sharon, are raising! each put into their individual pro- jects. AIl entries were representative of the bright future Newtonville- students hold. The theme for this week is recyci- ing paper and cans. Teachers and students are encouraging everybody to put used paper and pop cans ini the boxes that will be put in every classroom. This.will be recycled. The performance at Clarke High School for Education Week is May' Little Scoo ps... - April is Cancer Month. Can- vassers will be calling - ail donations are greatly appreciated. - Belated Wedding Anniversary wishes of April 4 to Frank and Bet- ty Stapleton. - And best wishes also to John and Karen O'Donnell on their April 9 anniversary. - There will be a Good Friday "Cross Walk" from Newtonville United Church to Newcastle United Churcli beginniiig at 1:00 p.m. in Newtonville. - A Good Friday evening service will be held at Kenidal, 7:30 p.m. April 13. Everyone is welcome. - Along with a lovely Easter Sunday Service, Baptism and Communion will also take place Easter Sunday, April 15, Newtonville. - The Newtonville School parent Fundraising Committee is proud to present a Fashion Show on May 10 at 7:30 p.m. Those who attended the last one will remember what a successful enjoyable evening! It was $4.00 a ticket (which includes refreshments) they will not last long. Contact Anita Newman at 786-5762 or the School at 786-2550 for advance tickets. Ail proceeds will be used to purchase a new sw- igset for our school. - A grand time was had by ail last Friday, April 6 at the Euchre party. Draw winners were Jean Allun, (twice), Ron Gibson and Olive Lit- tle; Top scores came in from Jean Allin with 81; Eva Lalonde 81; Doris Simpson 80; Hilda Schippers 80, Gladys Greenwood 79 and Harvey Partner 77. There were 16/ tables. Everyone welcome always - next game April 20. Always happy to hear from you on keeping Newtonvilie Alive! Cal me at 786-2964 or drop a note at P.O. Box 104, here in Newtonville. Here's hoping that with the com- ing of Easter, Spring in ail its warmth and glory will follow! Orono Tennis Club invites ail interested and enthusiastic people to loin, us and "get in the swing!," Registration, Saturday, April 21 Orono Town Hall 9:00 ar..- 4:00 p.m. Tuesd4y, April 24 OR Orono Town Hall 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. FeeS Family $50.00 Aduit $25.00 Youth $15.00 *Fees Include 6 Tennis Lessons* For more information contact Jonathan at 983-5849 or Frank at 983-9656. 3rd. The winners for the rap songs are JiI Rypstra and Danielle Bor- remnans and Julie Plath and Meagan Reid. Eight students will also be performing. DOWNTOWN ORONO Orono Public Sehool News Report Bruce Wilson D.D.S.. Dentist wishes to announpce the opening of his office for the practice of dentistry 118 King St. W., Newcastle, Ont. LOA 1 HO By Appointment Phone 987-2155 983-5310 EAT IN or TAKE OUT, Easter Monday Have Breakfast With Mom 9:00 A. M.- 3:00 P. M. Good Friday- Normal Hours Mon.-Wed. - 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Thurs. 6:30 ar. to 7:00 p.m. Fri. 6:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Sunday Closed 50 cc Reg. $528.95 Sale $465.95 38 c Reg. $379.95 61 cc Reg. $605.95 Sale $349.95 Sale $519.56 - -- oup t o $%7 0.O0vO OF F Retail Price Free Chain With Every Saw Free Bar Guard -and File Kit ROLPIH Hardwalr1 Downtown Orono Phonie 983-5207. The science fair was on Tuesday. The students did very wvell on their science projects this year. On Satur- day students from other schoolIs went to the Board's Science Fair in Bowmianville High School. Con- gratualtions to everyone who entered. By Michelle Faulkner KITCHEN UMM"