CONTRACTI NG Fencing, Excavating, Duct Cleanmng, Piumbing, Heating Electrncal, Carpentèring, Roofing "Work Wanted" D &R CUSTOM FENCING and CUSTGm CHAIN SAWING ORONO, ONTARIO 983-9627 TENNANT DUCT CLEANING 15ù7 Popular Plains Dr. Cavan, Ontario LOA iCO- TELEPI4ONES 70&9445720 705749-3174 418-433-2505 BYAMS11 fluuihIso uNuInarMPorasd Sale and Service 24 Hour Burner Service Gulf Flnanclng Low Interest rates 263-2650 IVAN JONES TONY FANARA I&T Carpenters Lcensed - 25 ears Experence HOUSE TRIM STAIRS - DECKS ADDITIONS Ail Carpentry Reiated Work Orono - 983-5303 Hampton 2832961 Job Prînting at the Orono Tmes, 983-5301 PARTNER & SONS PLUMBINO and HEATING MAY TACI DEALER Professionai Gould's Pump Dealer. Auhorlzed Consumner Gas Deaier 01I - Wood - Eectric %epairs 10 ail maesa ORONO, ONTARIO 983-6206,or 623-2301> .0. CHATTERTO &2 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING POLE LINE CONSTRUCTION Phone 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono, Ontario LYCETT CONTRACTING L. Genersi Corpentry, Renovatlons, Roofing Custom Homes end Commercial Builings PIones (705) 277-3308 Box 598 Orpno, Ontario or (705) 277-2003 E3A RR-'_S (416) 987-71445 a (416)-986-4277I Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, April4 Banlna Home Check -Vacation Home Checkîng -Let us make your home IOOK ived in -Wedding Day Gift Stting -Reiale References - BONDED lBarbmShetier-lna Cox NEWTON VILLE (418) 786&2996 NOTICE Women in Abuse Reiaionships For Heip Cati "The Denise House" For Women and Chiidren Toit Free 1-800-263-3725 or 728-7311, confidentiality assured I (n WANTED Cedar trees and white birch ciumps - 4' to 6' tait and cedar for fence posts. Lumber, also pine for togs. Phone 1-705-432-2237. 28,4 ap HELP WANTED Permanent part-time heip wanted on locat horse farmn to clean statis and feed. Ap- proximatety 2 hours per day, tate afternoons, $ 10.00 a day. Ideai for students cati 983-5980. 28,4 ap TREE PULLERS WANTED Orono Nursery Starting Aprit tth Phone 983-5174 Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. or Phone 433-7290 And Leave A Message Rate of Pay: Piecework 28,4,11,18,25 ac OFFICE 983-5115 HOME 983-5767 HAMILTONS INSURANCE SERVICE MAiN STRE ET. BOX 309 ORONO, ONTARIO LOB 1iMO "35 Vears of Service" Susan Sawyer Nelda Dawson 416 983-5767 $16-623-4835 Fitirwinds Antiques & Coillectibles Antiques, Memorbilia & Collectibles from tîntes gone by WE BUY and SELL OVERSEAS JOBS High Demand in Australia, U.K., France plus 18 dif- ferent countries. Need per- sons willing 10 work overseas on contracts. Al trades. Supervisory posi- tions aiso available. Cai Smart International Incor- porated 1-719-687-6084. Mar. 21,28 Apr. 4,11 ap Kitchen staff and waiters and -waitresses wanted, North-End Gardens, cati 983-9755. 4,11 ae WORK WANTED Watipaper hanging, reasonabte rates, phone 983-9255 or 983-5244. tîn HARDWOOD FLOORING Experienced installation and sale of Danish Hard- wood Ftooring. Lomar Installation For Free Estimates 983-5554 tfn. Basic house cleaning ser- vice avaitabte. For retiabte hetp cati 987-5591. 4,ap Top quatity handicrafts to seit on consignment at a store opening soon in Oronio. Phone Diane 983-5529. 4,11 ap iovce Rosseau l)ecOrative & Folk ART CLASSES Beginning Aprit 9, i990 Cali 983-5312 10 Register U.4 ap JOB AVAILABLE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY McFee's French Fries Ltd. Require people in- terested in operating their own French Frie Truc k. Equipment and Training Supplied Cati Doug Pingle (416) 432-6294 or' (416) 797-2344 28,4,11, 18 ac COMING EVENTS Y.W.C.A. Spring Registration Locat Fitness Ctasses and much much more... April l7th - 20th 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Extended Hours April 19th and 2Oth 6:00 p.m - 8:00 p.m at 133 Church Street Bowmanvitte For more information on Y.W.C.A. Prograns> contact the Y.W.C.A. at 623-9922. 4,ac Orono TFown Hall CALENDAR 0F EVENTS April 1990 Sunday, April lst MacGregor-West Auction Wednesday Aprut 4th, llth, l8th, 251h Euchre 8:00 p.m. Friday, Apri l 3tii E. Gaustin Auction Saturdaye April 2Ist Spring Fest Orono Commrunity Home Show, Featuring - Demnonstrations,ý Dispiays, Fashion Show and More... The Orono Town Hait is availabie for Weddings, Showers, Banquets_ and Meetings. ApprovedLiquor, License number. For book- ing or information phone, 983-9561 after 6:30 p.m. 28,4,11,.18, ac REGISTRATION Registration for Kendai Minor BaIt - Girls an d Boys,- Saturday, April '7th; t0:00 a. m. - 12:00 Noon. Home of Brian Foster, north-west cor- ner of Schooi Yard. Watch f'or signs at Park. Cati Brian, Foster 983-8141; Artene Mercer 983-5467 -oý Bob Foster 786-2268. 4,ac (Conrjnued page g0) COME SEE MY SPRING PRICES C. W. Lemon SMALL ENGINES Authorized Dealer !For Jonsered, Tanaka, McCuiioch and Poutan Pro Cainsaws Oregon Bars and Accessories Sales - Service & RentaIs 987-5200 2 mites east of Hwy. 115 on 3rd Concession - 4,11 ap Atlow us to, remove the bad taste and,,s-mell of chiorine from your- municipaily treated water. Our product wilt do just that. For a week's free in-home in- stallation of our demo unit cati Jolor Associates 1-4 16-623-7924 1986 Oids, Cutiass Suprerne Brougham, fully toaded, ,$9,500 certified, phone 983-9514. 4,ap 1987 Cavalier Station Wagon, four cylinder, automnatie, 62,000 kmn., ask- ,ing $5,800.00, 1989 fibergiass truck cap, sliding Windows $500.00; phone 983-9204. 4.11 ap FOR SALE ALL STEEL BUILDING Factory Clearance 21'x24', 30'x4', 40'x75', S0'x100'., 60'xt00', 75'x150' We can erect or deiver to site Supply is Iimited Please Cati 983-5872 or 98S'-8179 t1989 Corsica, 'am/fm radio, air conditioning, must seti, driven oniy 5 months, phone 983-9447 after 5:00 P.m. tfn/ap Cedar lumber, posts and potes for fencing. Phone 1-705-432-2237. '28,4 ap COUNTRY TREASURE STORE. NEWý BUNK BEDS $165.00 - $ 199-00 ANTIQUES Wicker, Dott Carniage etc. COLLECTIBLES & CRAFTS GOOD USED FURNITURE BOATS YARD SALES :Wednesdays & Saturdays R.R. 2, Orono Located -North of 8th Concession of Clarke on Hwy. 115/35 North. 28,4 ap 1987 Chevette, 4 door, automatic, $3,000 or best of- fer, will certify, phone 983-5551. 28,4 ap 1975 Ford LTD, tow miteage, as ýis, phone 786-2435. 28,4 ap OPEN - Thurs.-Sunday 10 - 5 Mon. t0 Wed. by chance 5028 MAIN STREET ORONO, ONT. LOB 1iMO (416> 983-9806 Mei Hartwlg Excavating ORONO, ONTARIO 983-5140 8ULLDOZING - BACK HOE SEPTIC and TILE BEDS SAND - GRAVEL TOP SOIL AI. EARD EloctricalContracting New Construction Repairs Eiectric Heating Polo Line Construction Central. Vacuum Systems ORONO, ONTÀRIO 983-5041 e OâSPECIALS 6 Ibs. Ali Varieties Cold Storage - $3.00 C.A. Mac lntosh, Empire, Spy, Deliclous- $3.50 - 6 Ibs. Mutsu (Crispen)-$3.95 - 6 Ibs. CA's are crisp, juicy and full of flavour 100% Pure Wyles Grape Juice Fred's 100% Pure Apple Cider' Farm Fresh Eggs Seasoned Apple Firewood $1 90.00 Delivered Orono and Newcastle Fred's Fruit Market Hiohway 115, Haif mile South of-Orono- P.0, Box 340, Park & Church Streeta Orono. Ontaro LOB 1 MO TelephonO (416> 983-9144 LMatthews & Associates N"I;UAN 1HP0KFlsE L TD Pauline Mote. AIIC ROOFING SHEET METAL - SKYLIGHTS FLAT ROOFS SHINGLES PRE-PAINTED STEEL SIDING - SOFFIT- TROUGH - SUNROOMS - SOLARIUMS COLLECT CALLS ACCEPTED 20 Vears Experlence 1