Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 14 Feb 1990, p. 9

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Christian Corner by Rev. Marg West Valentine's day is here and people are giving, getting, sending and receiving valentines, candy, flowers etc. Valentine's day according to the illustrated Columbia Encyclopedia is "connected to a Roman martyr priest. His feast is Feb. 14. The customs connected with him in English speaking countries are pro- bably a survival from a period whien a pagan festival associated witb love occurred about Feb. 14." Thus Valentine's day is originally a Pagan festival. "Pagan" means a person having no religious beliefs, Heathen, irreligious, yet almost ahl beliefs celebrate Valentine's day if flot ail. Should we as Christians be par- ticipafing in 'Pagan beliefs, I don't 0 0 0 think we should. It is nice to receive flowers, cards etc. But do we have to do it only on one day a year to show our affection - one to another. The ultimate love day was when Jesus died on the cross for our sins, that love is an eternal love, it doesn't get eaten like candy, nor fade like flovwers, it lasts and lasts and lasts. Wouldn't it be great if instead of al the worldly tbinpgs we do on- Valen- tfnê-s iay wc wouicd start giving peo- ple we love Bibles.' Then they could learn about eternal love and life in Jesus Christ. SBible Study Tuesdays 7:30 p.m. phone 983-5962.'. 1 1 Comments or Questions Write Box 179, Orono. Region studying transit system for whole'area Dr. Michaels,, Regional director would now bc reached by tbe yea'r of planning and Mr. Harold Dalkie, 1992. "The growth in the Region senior transportation planner, also bas been substantial," it was said. for the region meet wtb Town Daîkie said there was no overal counicil on Monday discussing a transit systemn in effect in the study relating to a Regional Transit Region at the present time. He did plan. note the express GO bus service and It was pointed out that Mayor other municipal transit services in Hubbard had been appointed chair- sucb as Oshawa and Witby. man of the task Force in Transpora- He said of 100,000 work trips a tion for the Region of Durham day only 3 percent make use of which is undertaking a study of a public transit. possible transit systemi witbin the Daîkie also said it had been Region. demonstrated that there is an need Daîkie said the study will bring for an integrated transit service forth a data base by the end of the across the region witb a single f'are. year to planning and u1timnately to At the present time the existing ser- council. vices only service their individual He said there would be consulta- municipalities. tion witb the province, GO Transit He frît that a regional systemr and the municipalities within. the would be as cost effective as the region. It was said they would presently run systems. rep1ort back to al counicils. It is expected that the committee It was noted in the brief to count- can report back to council with cil that the population set for the costs, benefits and needs witbin two Region in the year 1986 for 2001 to three months. Council Brie (s The Town received a letter fromt Bob and Lynda Willsber, Newcas- tle, over the issue of change of name from the Town of Newcastle to the Town of Bowmanville. The letter notes the ýcost of, the change and. the damage to the municipality this issue is creating as to its image. The writers said they felt it would be of no purpose to obtain a countering petition but if it was felt that there was a need to show bow the rest of the Town felt they would undertake sucb a petition. A letter to the Minister of the En- vronment, James Bradley, was copied to the Town. The letter was submitted by Gordon A. White, presîdent of the Port Darlington Community Association lnc. White states that the efforts of the Port Darlington group as it relates to the St. Mary's Cement proposai, is at a standstill. White points out that is group is flo t getting co-operation from the comnpany for information that should -be made public. He also states the need for a full en- vironmental assessment hearing and points to the lose of lakefront shoreline along a portion of the waterfront. On motion of Hamre and Stapleton the Town is assisting witb a $200.00 grant to the Orono Skating Club. The money is to be used for the hosting of the Eastern Ontario Section lnterclub cbamn- pionship at the Orono arena on March 3 and 4. Janet Mayer of R.R. 1 Bowman- ville asks for a -recyling drop-off depot at the new firebal i the En- niskillen area.- The request was passed on. to the Public Works department for a report. Counc. Wotten asked if there (Continued fromt page 10) JUST GEORGE' <Continued front page 7) after he finished listing a whole bunch of extras (which he suggested we ap- parently couldn't do without) 1 decided that I Most emphatically "could" do without, especially when he arrived at a figure considerably higher than I can probably count!!! (1 hoped that this included wheels on 'the vehicle!) I May be dense, but I hope flot that stupid. No wonder car sales are down. And so before closîng, Ive just thought of a quote, that goes something like this, "God helps those, that help themselves" - He must have been think- ing of our govern ment!? - Thiink about it. Just George Clarke. Museum holds annual meeting The Clarke Township Museumi and Archives this Septemnber celebrate the twventietb aniniver-sary, of the Museumi operation in the community. Interest in the Museum bhas in- creased considerably over the past few years and the boar d o fdirectors look forward to the day that a new addition, complimienting tbe ex- isting school bouse, will be a reality. At the annual meeting in January Helen MacDonald was again elected chairman of the board with Donna Robins, vice-chairman and Katbryn Dennis as treasurer. During the year Anne Bickell was appointed to the position of recor- ding secretary. It was noted at the annual meeting that visitors to tbe Museum at Kirby had increased some 25 per- cent over the past year reacbing a total of 4001. The largest increase came through visits by cildren. There bias been considerable growtb in the Outreacb program undertaken by the Murseum and its curator, Mark Jackmian. The Muiseumi's travelling exhibition "In Repose" bas certainly been a success story baving been on di splay in tlic Peterborough Muiseum for a montbi and a ,half and will be on display 'in the Fort Erie Historical Museumii for a period of three mon- ths this summiiier. "In Repose" will also bcecxhibted at the Hasting County Museum in Belleville, at the Ontario Genealogical Society con- vention in Agincourt and for the third time at the Ontario Historical Society's "Milestones in tbe l9tb Century Life" event. Mark Jackman in his annual report stated that thec museum exists for a number of philosophical reasons but,. the utmost reason is to' benefitthe Presenit for the develop- ment of the future. A number of members of the Museum are preparing a history of the pa st twenty years of the Museum which was first operated out of the library building in Orono. In her address to the board Helen MacDonald, chairman, pointed to three new members during the year, Kathryn Dennis, Catherine Staples and Nancy Scott. The chairman also praised the publishing of Curos, a bimonthly publication by the local Museum and complim-ented Mark Jackman for bis approach and effort in the publication. Helen said it was a wonderful avenue for educating the public, a fun way of Ilearninig history. Job Prîntîng at the Orono Times 983-5301 Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen and Kinettes invite anyone seeking further information to contact: President Norm-- 983-9777 President Janet - 987-5341 WHEREAS The Association of Kin Clubs has been a vibrant, responsible, ali-Canadian association of service clubs devoted to the concept of serving its communities throughout Canada since its founding in Hamilton, Ontario on February 20, 1920, AND WHEREAS The Association of Kin Clubs has been dedicated to meeting the needs of our community and has diligently sought the, 1. development and completion of timely, relevant programs to meet the needs and challenges of our constantly changing society, AND WHEREAS The Association of Kin Clubs is celebratlng ts lOth annlversary on February 20, 1990, THEREFORE, 1, Éce yviC) (b Of the 'In________of 0 -"jC ,Ç-r -4ý feel that each citizen would welcome the opportunity to pause and, reflect with pride-on the rlch heritage of accomplishment throughout the more than 69 years Kinsmen and Kinette clubs have been in existence in Canada. And with the express idea of honoring our local cl-ub, 1 DO HEREBY DECLARE February 20, 1990 KINSMEN DA Y and declare the week of February 18 - 24, 1990 KINSMEN WEEK and urge ail citizens to salute their local Kinsmen and Kinette clubs. seal of the IN WITNESS WVHEREOF, 1 have here unto set my hand and caused the ftj, F JA r& to be affilxed this -M day of 1990 Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, February 114, 1990-9

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