Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 7 Feb 1990, p. 5

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Orono Weeklv Timùes. Wednesday, February 7, 1990-5 TNewtonville Alive by Peggy Mullan "O Canada!" When an issue touches our every- day lives, gets under -our skin an crawls, we become agitated - we become verbal. This is exactly what bas happened with the Canadian bilingual fiasco. SFînally. after over twenty years of the graduai influx of pro-Quebec politicians fiitering up into the high ranks Of governinenit, and in turn feeding more and more of everything back into Quebec, Cana- dians have begun to take a galant stand. Such a Canadian is Sault St. Marie's Mayor Joseph Fratise. Fratise declared his city officialiy Engiish last week. - Not because he has 'a "dîsturbed mentaity" as David Peterson bas quoted, or because Fratise is racist, prejudiced or anything else, but purely for sent- sible and simple economics. Sadly, polîtîcians have hurt the French culture and, influence overail. fThc unrest was not evident in Canada years ago. French is in- deed a beautiful language. Quebec is a beýutiful province. It is a shame that year by year, more and more Canadians from coast to coast are rejecting Quebec, denying tourism and getting their backs up whenever the French subject is raised. Jhqusands ofFrench, as well as Enls speaking Quebeckers are being hurt, many finding cause to relc ate outside of Quebec. Democracy lias been put on a dusty back shelf it seems, wjien again, a, minority dictates ail levels of Cana- dian gbvernment. Sault Ste. Marie, Hastings Coun- ty, perbaps Thunder Bay, Niagara Falls, tiien more will take a stand for Canada, not as the English or French, but as Canadians. Like it or not, with this Sault deciaration, Canadians ail over the country have seen a ligbt in the distance, and, are ýholding their heads a litfle higher because of it. An Open Letter to-the Minister 0f En. The* Honorable James Bradley Minister of the Environment 135 St. 'Clair Avenue West Toronto, Ontario M4V 1P5 1 arn writing to you on behaîf of the Commitee of Clarke Consti- tuents to express our support of the recommendations contained in Report. No. 38 froni the Ontario Environmental Assessment and Ad- visory Committee on the Ganaraska Watershed. We would also like to draw your attention (again) to the environmental "time bomb" con- tained within this saine Ganaraska Region Authority Conservation area - namiely the Laidlaw Landfill site north of Newtonviiie in the Town of Newcastle. Dr. Byer's committee (O.E.A.A.C.') cleariy has an understanding and appreciation for the environmentai sensitivity of the area in which the (former) township of Clarke is located. 0f particular interest to our community is the Report's Recommendation No. 3 in which the Committee 'urges the Region of Durham to impose a tem- porary moratorium on officiai plan ammendments that would allow ,more intensive land uses in the Ganaraska headwaters area until the studies set out in Recommenda- tion No. i are compiete and a com- prehensive set of revisions to the guidelines, -designations and other policies in, the Region of Durham Officiai Plan review is in place.' As you know, the Laidlaw Land- fi site has applied for an expansion (Infill) to its current site which you designated under the Environnien- tai Protection Act, and a massive "Main Expansion" under the En- vironmental Assessmient Act. Both of these proposais require rezoning by the Town of Newcastle and ant ainmendmnent of the Region's Of- ficiai Plan. 0f these two proposais, the "Infili' expansion is farther aiong in the review process. The Town of Newcastle and the Region of Durham have clearly expressed their oppostion to any expansion of this site, and both have retained consultants to review the iatest pro- posaIs. However, Laidlaw in its haste to expand their operation bas requested the Town to complete its final tecbnicai reports by February 15, 1990 in order that a hearing could be convened in March 1990. Town staff have advised botb Laidlaw and your Ministry that the Town will not be able to complete its review and forward a recommen- dation on the proposai within its time frame, and have requested your Ministry not to expedite the scheduling of the Hearing. We have also been advised that Laidl-aw bas requested the Minister of Municipal Affairs to refer Laidlaw,'s Application for an O.P.A. (for the Infili) to the On- tario Municipal Board. -This re- quest has been made by Laidlaw because the Regional Council failed to deal with Laidlaw's request for an O.P.A. within 30 days of mts receipt by the Council. <Both of these manoeuvers by Laidlaw are designed to expedite their applications at the expense of "due process" and uitimnately the environment . This situation is par- ticularly ironic in view of Dr. Byer's recommendations for this area and, his Committee's comments on the Region's Officiai Plan. As the Minister of the Environ- ment,' last summer you asked the Environnientai Assessment Ad- visory Committee to provide advice on the adequacy of the enivironmen-- tai planning and approvals process to protect this area in v iewý of poten- tial developmecnt. The subject of their review was primariiy residen- tial development. Obviously the tbreatto our environment posed by inappropriate residential develop- ment is dwarfed by the threat posed by a landfil expansion that already bas a long sordid history of en- vironmrentai problemis. This site (which has neyer been subject to a full environmiental review), wili finaily reach capacity this year. You are aware that this site has been denied expansion on two previous occasions by the Town, Region and your Ministry because of environmiental concernis. This site (then N4) was aiso rejected out of hand in 1988 by Metropolitan Toronto in its search for an Interimi Landfili Site. However, Laidlaw once again has its "eyes on the prize" and bas recentiy proposed this site as one of its submnissions for the long termi waste disposai site for the Greater Toronto Area (G.T.A.). Mr. Bradley, we commend you for commissioning the O.E.A.A.C. to review the developmnent issue in the Ganaraska. We ask that you review the Laidiaw Landfill expan- sion proposais for Newtonviile to ensure that our community's en- vironmient does not becomne a victim of loophoies in the process and legalistic opportunism. Specificai- ly, nothing should be referred to the Ontario Municipal Board unitil the Town of Newcastle and'the Region of Durham have made their recom- mendations. We look forward to. your comments on this important issue in our community. Yours Truly, D. J. Scott Job Prîntîng at the Orono Tmes 983-5301. THERES MORE THAN ONE WAY TO SAY " LOVE YOU' Just cali or visit us today to send the FTDO' Hearts & Flowers® Bouquet. $39.95 ~,Or the FTD® Sweethearts Bouquet. - Greetings to former Newtonvitie resident of many years, Bessie Bellamy, now residing in Hamilton. Bessie wrote use a note saying how much she enjoys keeping affec- tionate ties with Newýtonviile through this column. She mention- ed a numnber of historic incidents,, wrote about old buildings and recalled very special friends,-many of wbomn are tiJJ here in town. In bier own words she writes, "Newý,toniville bas aiways been very precious to mie in happy miemories." Thank y ou for keepingi tfjuch, Mrs. Beliamyý. ~bruary is Heart and Stroke M-Ontbi. Canvassers vwili be out in your area. AIl donations are deepiy appreciated. - February lth - l7th is the annual Big Brothers Bowl for Millions Week. Cali Big Brothers to. pick up your sponsor sheet. In our region, bowl for this truly marvelous cause free, at Liberty Bowlin Bowman- .ville ail next week. Those having $so.wO in sponsorship will be eligi- bIc toiwin, a-weekend for two at a Holiday Iinn. in Toronto. Bowlers are needed f'or this area! The grand finale, Ceiebrity Bowl, takes place on the 171h. - Next Wedniesday is Valenfine's Day. Remremrber that certain special orle - don)'t wait until the last minute. VALENTINE'S DAY is-Wednesday, Febru ary l4th APPLE BLOSSOMSHOP - 983-9155 Open Monday - Saturday 9 - 6 Friday 9 - 8 Feb. 13 & 14 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. for your convenlence We deli ,ver to Pontypool, to Newtonville, to Oshawa and place5 in-between Little Scoops..

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