2-Orono Weekly Tim'es, Wednesday, January 3, 1990 secend ciae mail Registration Nwnber ûKýw Publishéd Every Wednesday ai the office of Publieatiffl Main Street, Omno luy C. Fýe5ter' FAftý Yeariy Subscription $1200 Phone 983-5301 Hie dared to i5e différent J. Kenneth Galbraith in a recent article stated "It's far safer to be wrong with the majority than right alone". This phrase cornes to mind in our review of 1989 and having chosen Mikhail Gorbachev as the man of the year and like Times Magazine "The Man of the Century." Gorbachev dared to challenge the very heart of his country's politics and decades of the cèommunist theory. No doubt it was inevitable but still a daring move while he stood alone in the beginning. Not only has Gorbachev jolted his own country but has done likewise with many in the so called free world and its afflixtion with the military-industrial base for their economy. With his determination for a peace the military-industrail complex could weIl crumble like that of the Berlin wall. It bas been proven in the U.S. after Vietnam when the complex struggled to replace the military sounding board for industry. 1Who would ha ve thought a year'ago that Eastern Europe would'erupt to gain freedom of expression and public participation in government. It did happen and in the main quite peacefully and one can only realize that Gorbachev played a great part by his actions and daring in his own count- try. But there is much to ýbe recorded yet in Eastern Europe as to the eçonomics of the various countries. The days ahead must surely be one of beit tightening and perseverance. The free enterprise system does not have ail the answers as som e are lead to believe and some d3 believe. Poland seeking funds from the International Monetary Fund face a wage slash of 20 percent and an further unemploymnent by some 400,000. Hardly something to look forward to even with ail the freedoms. Again much has yet to be written for Eastern Europe. There is much to rememrber from 1989 from around the world, from the happenings in our own country, our own province and our own municipality. Listing some would include: -the fact that South African countries that had gained independence and for a number of years saw and enjoyed economic growth and the ability to feed their own now face a return to depressed days. -the UNICEF organization paints a bleak picture for millions of chiîdren who could be saved with the money that cigarette manufactures pay for advertising. -that the free enterprise systemn breaks down at a specific point and the gaps widen between those that have and those that have not. -it was the year that in Canada the Industrialists left the cloak of the board room to enter politics. -the country is more sepiarated to-day than prior to the early morning decision resulting in the Meech Lake Accord. -Free Trade has yet to prove itself as described by Brian Mulroney. -the breadlines increase daily in our province although it has been the most prosperous of any area in North America. -taxes and costs rising unrelentlessly as growth proves less than economic favourably. But man was molded to be an optimist and one could hope for a perestroika in our lands and also those Iess for- tunate. The kids in our schools and in community organiza- tions have this year demonstrated some caring modes with. decorative pieces for those in hospital, assistance for those in the Denis House, entertaining seniors and other baskets of food to be distributed to those in need. They are to be coin- mended for their thoughtfulness. Challenges do lay ahead but that has always been the case down through the ages. Gorbachev meet the challenges of the 1980s. There surely will be others to follow. Ontario Hydro circulating emergencY bookiet "Planning tor an Emergency" is a bookle't that will be mailed to al households, workplaces and institu- tions&vthin 10 kilometers of Danl- ington Generating Station starting January 8th, 1990. This booklet has been prepared by the Ontario Ministry of the Solicitor General. Ontario Hydro and Durham Région, and describes how each of these groups would respond in the event of a nuclear accident at Darlington Generating Station. It also informs residents of protective actions that they may have to take during an emfergency. Everyone who receives the booklet is encouraged to read it and discuss its content with- al family members. Persons who have not received the booklet by January I 2thor who woffi like additional iuiormation should caîl the Darlington Informa- tion Centre at 623-7122.. Kendal News Letter *Well here we are in a new year, the 1990's. I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and that this coming year wiIl be a happy healthy and prosperous one. It is time to clear up the news for the past 2 weeks. There was a good turn'out for the Sunday Ser-vice on Decemiber 24th, featuring Christmnas songs heralding the birth of Jesus. Rev. Ransom assisted by, one of the children, lit the th can- die of Advent, the-candle of Love. The choir sang Sulent Night. Ron Pililips of Newtonville told the children the stor-y of "The Grinch Who Stole Chiristmias," this was en- joyed hy ail, as Ron hias a way of telling stories that certainly holds your attention. The Sermon was based on, -Christmnas is real, the rest of the year is a myth." Rev. Ransomi told of overhearing people talking, xhile riding the Go train, complaining- of ail the things they had to do before Christmas and the cost of everything, it is like a door left unopen, only words. Only when we open the door is Christmas real and we should not close it after Christmas. Special music was pro- vided by Bernie Martin, on his ham- mered Dulcimer. On Sunday, December 31 st, there was a smaller than usual attendance at Church, no0 doubt due to the icy condition of the roads and the fog, the hymns were songs of thanks for the gift given to us in the birth of Jesus. Rev. Ransom's Sermon was about how the Grinch was neyer the saine after he tried to steal Christmas, how his heart became s0 much big- ger and how we should ail feel the samne and keep our heart bigger al year long. The Sacrament of Baptism will take place next Sunday, January 7th, anyone wishing to have their child Baptized, please contact Rev. Brian Ransom. Following the Church Service on Sunday, January l4th there will be a pot-luck lunch, and then the annual Congregational meeting will be held. Please plan to attend and take part. The first meeting of the year will be held on Thursday,- January 4th by the U.C.W. ladies, at the church. Well that writes finis to, 1989, may 1990 be brighter, with the news from Europe, it should be very pro- mising, for ail of us. For the people in our community, that still have friends and relatives in that part of the world it must be a joyous time indeed. by P. Lowery Ken dal Hal Ne ws On Friday, December 22nd at the card party there were only 61/2 tables in play, it was a bitterly cold night, and combined with it beinig so close to Christmas, many decid- ed to stay home. High scores was held by Chris Overy, 2nd high Tom Wilson, 3rd high Brenda Lowery and 4th high David Thrower. The 50/50 draw was won by Wayne Lowery. The lst card party of 1990 will be held on Friday, January 5th. See you alI there! On Thursday, December 28th the Kendal Men's Lodge exemplified the Royal Arch Degree, with 3 members receiving this Degree. The regular meeting of Kendal L.O.L. 405 will be held on Wednesday, January 3rd. The Junior Lodge wil meet on Thursday, January 4th. The Ladies of Kendal Hilî L.O.B.A. will meet on Thursday, January llth. Plan to attend your meetings, remember the Lodges in this area have a busy time with the (o Editor Dear Sir: We were pleased to see the pic- ture of Mary and Melville Jones in the August thirty issue of the Orono Weekly Times. f Away back in the 1950's 1 was sent to Newtonville to instaîl some new trunk circuits on the old magneto telephone switchboard which was then located in the sitting roomi of the Jones' house. As it wýas my first assignment in that area 1I was uneasy to say the Ieast., as I thought the owner would be a cold-faced businessman. In- stead the Jones greeted and treated me as if I were their son. Later on when we were installing the ex- change in Welcome my wife accom- panried me, and she, too, was welcomed into their home and their hearts just as I had been. To give you an idea of how kind they were, we once were stranded in Newcastle on a trip from Toronto to our home in Brockville. I called Melville and he came to get us in his brand new Ford Sedan. They served us dinner at their place, and then Melville simply handed me the keys to his new car, saying, "Bring it back next week when yours is, ready." That is ail hie said, no lec- tures, no cautionery, just trust. It is not enough to simply tel Mary and Melville that we remember themn and are grateful for their many, many kindnesses; we want as many people as possible to know just how kind they were and still are. Sincerely, Rex Holmes Recycling pilot projects (Continued from page 1) residential to commercial and in- dustrial recycling, areas in which greater waste is created. Some further possibilities is wood chipping machines at various loca- tions; central composting of organic waste at a possible three locations; and that leaf composting be continued on a Regional wide basis. FOR R.S.P. & TERM DEPOSIT' INVESTMENTS Phone Wakefield Insurance St. Saviour's Anglican Churck MILL STREET, ORONO, ONTARIO SUNDAY SERVICE and CHURCH SCHOOL ORONO GA TES 9F PRAJSE- BIBLE MINISTRY 5414 Main Street Oropo, Ontario Inter-Faith, Full Gospel SERVICE 11:00 A.M. Rev. Lyle L. West Off-ice983-9341 Personal Ministry Rev.,Margaret F. West Res. 983-5962 Counselling ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE Minister: Rkev. Fred Milnes 983-5502 Secretary: Marlene Risebrough KIRBY SERVICE 9:30 A.M. Organist: Martha Farrow ORONO SERVICE 11:00 A.M. Organist: Stella Morton BIBLE STUDIES Resumne again on January 10, 1990 ORONO, ONTARIO 983-5009 Gene-ral Stock Reductio.n SAVE 50% on most items, until Jan. 15 '90