Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 26 Dec 1940, p. 5

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L-~ L cê 1 > Ne IR&. DAVI JAME È'1S0 LATE~ MRS. URA or uv't l>ý' - On 1)cliie 20, 194, >LOCAL ANDtw~ iSei ô~ a __ "é Fuzea dauCatbzii, att J. Brnr ofit L lThursday, Deeiý"h426tb wUe -of David J. Gibs,)aid 4Well Decýi3î 17û, 19-1 àis Curran eFruneterMrs Jictr H.rn~ M'or, an know in ýii Ne-wcase (iiee Elvïa Fabh-ia Billiing) after heil, lKa - Burnbami dearly belov- j i~ w~O ~~~ 1 lon ilne: la thee of hle~r A u n E ~ D e le w fe , f D a ~ id J . G ibso ti, B o w - i ,- a t le r h o m~ e h re . le ra i o f i e a ce M s u r n .i T o - d a mte r M r . J " B el'n n x d M t e 1 o n, C . W\V C ja ji 2~9 2 N rt h B ri o k AMBULAESERVICE nanv1ie, and dear 1-otlher of llelei. St ahrns-n rdyStý- S aria On.n Si 8st. 1 Hilda, Blancee Nora, floward and Mrs. B. Brown is in Toronto with onto onTirsday of.last week, ns o. Bowmanvll - Orcno hesse,'Di i:--~ eellber 20, 1916, §aIter a shab.L ' I~J s >~~nbvo h 1 flonal-d, in lier 7 -th year. Inter- he 'tr,-h sil eg.ad M s L- yeta-ý,'i u-.e oiorih rls he Phones: Bcvinnvle, Day 480' - -agtr an ellegt son.M Ubpsy Wt~a-,~~~. l. - runt St. Gorge's Ceiln ey,- New- _Mr. Roy Barralil, <&oa tireû- _ýe, tended the 0,sG.S. d~e Mrs yeett awr <. anGioii brn in Cooug, Jai> _ ;'lnii <' o' .i Sis w ith h is w if e ad fa n ly nt o w , h s s-p e nt th e 'las-t L ew nio ntli in Q ue- tiary~ 10th 1 966 w a s -th -cides J ' e ~ . j E viiiB e et a in 0 n S u - bc 'with bce' hu sand w hLtre>' lie i*s in au&gae r of BVI urnha~l m a nd he- wi r ~ Pittbu g h, Peti-, iiy v 1 nia a n-, O t u r - n ir g . and W h w i s i n w 'O P a 2 la e WV i ia m L ý B u ill m of -C.)"Ir W n e n, ' s rn a ' TheOldst, Lares and Most J r n Iis o ay nihWfl ifter being o~n the . jc -stmks7 Ie'av~e of abe'e. and gieanidautieiii 'i th 1eSe1*-t r. C.W uraeSria . Cemnlete _Ur~~StI r. and Mrs.ç Ivison. Tamblyn 01~f tor Asa A. Brnillo tent U.Tefuea ser.ie wreg ý_nducýt Coplt FrntreStraad r -slpent cltel of Bufao -n 1ed 'frêm the fune al ceba ofa Wi1lia Modem , speri the wek-n i 'em a Ent Lo ait an g--a gr n d il e ~ Sp rs, 2926 Di as & re t, near 2 anv ew earMr. S., Cutte4I, reurilihg fn Buffalo of the ae >iul4 Stee Wilmiot ofjIee a-t -usday at' 1.30 p.iv. In- L'~ Ms Lois Wood, of Toronto, is on Tues-day eafteroi ae-)mn-icd 1891 ete fa r~e'1 l in Cl~akeTwn tertés-at in Park Law~n Cempery. OrService-THE BEST i visiting hel- parents, M1r. and Mrs. F. tby his- fahrln Mis irr, sht an ba ieae ere&toa]Thwn- r.Cunw Our Goaofr-THJE NF-WEST t' el Wood.s s-,er thep will-s spendar a' few <Sel 'Tesar. an rrd wie se fi- Oufr Prki.ç3-THEI LOWS hldy.wo re ir h a uie fyns Miss~ Marion Witiiere, of Toi mendber of tYY ki*he Anlan Chrifelrgcen h. ndlvd hrs o is viiin t M.and Mrs. A. Kirby Scoo cocr ws i- sue- Bes-ides bhe sad h i uV MORRIS & SOI R. E. LOGAN -otns _e s-es fou iasad twe lasuvi I OWMANVILLE - 0RIrý '~ s~ enjoyed by all. , Th ('ý ist-as Cared ,Frcse Gilber R ae-oet l O NP O R E O D . a d M s H c u l e l f v s w l 5o a e - w i t h O n w ti l i l o i , M s . J . W li o n~ N e ll e s , G r im t - f P r d c i n ___Centre_____St._ Oreano Phone 30 r16 las-t wekt pn 1ew'trmit- "SaIù'te to thle V~w s ni-je of 1)y Ms Saue Stenwar ________________________________________a prolgram.meees ni vil-ee ýo uhn-' Canada faes -a year ot- pea- r- -Miss Thid Cobliledis-li of Whitby, Bownuale an Jdrs.nud J. Berir idcto in wa-aeil, oe -T c -o b ed c -er T h e W a yn TheE Cae~ - %'? h itmas con ertat A l.tiûs h qits-heliISt. Cathan es, and~ ele' - 1 taxatio , ineveas r '191,ito a ncl to niake Pigs Gain' o . w.. Scoutt is spel~-ling Chit te esbe, Miss SiIPIth, las-t TbnrsdU! -hiree la'thei ad Jher inothrer whobe n to a a-nd unas-of headers o with us ds-~~~s-gh 1 eveni- was a~ rsel enioyabîe affavs- lin lier ninty-ninth year,' Freder i g ofrCdsre Q-tr iw g k B o a~ s- et -~ b re - T h e a suh ool ro m as -e, l ad e [W i i a mt, er eIdest so&n , died s-f < te- t by tVh e 1i anc i-i P o t. W oa P t r or le oe f .e aas-au a h s-t u n QL d5in Belgin in 1 M17, la the et UL«Le MTs'Jffes l"7" ipire's war -effort 'by making mni- tioel. ts- -spenr tire IVLe.te '-it Mr an.d iesn, died ilunTny tions and- equipn'ent, and 'those ia- a n d M r s , L e w W o o d , ~M is s M eD o -,w e li ' tu d e n1 ts a nd M is s T h e f'u n er a l s e r v ic e , w h ie h w a s -ic t y e g g ,] b i a n a n n i a SHUR-GAIN PIG STRE is as- cobnto of aadd Mts-.ec inw such~ . 7 Y's r" tuts held a Chistnulas largely atts-aded, Nvas hefd" s-t' St.eys-ggd du ms- ' propoifons as to prdc bý'sziniivn natural growth in y0iung pfgs. Mi -s-s -the Ieene, of Smih cncet i the s-lass rs-s-ns befç.e> <,,ie'FO Church, Newes-stls-, on M-Non- waxn redits 'ithi e-prts te the XUriit- It À alts-e aw1gl .~ stct~enaui xr v- si 'ig>- ~hool 'lo s-d for th~e holics-s-.5'Flr#t- at'ernoon folwing a privats-wllhv teins, minerals a-id -Îanswhe prolice astrong1 boues, vitality D r. 'A. F. Menzi.'e --s -le h sre tt sad Iiealth. ti ly ileeora'te0l cliristlas tr 1hlp -- -ice fronl 'ier farnlily s-es]dens-e, s s- e sa s.-- f~~~Iiss- ~ ~ ~ t, Mfir t- als ~s~ - di ttirai enttsanmsut Sart s-.sel Dell ?s-rin lnitexnunt tes-k - 'lliss~~V 11iiiihi Hal '1w tliein flicll platifiie .Ïfts and ps-rlah the eac -- Christînas sesson wiffi 1hn4 ses-ndy-plc n h aniyplti S.pri h palbars- were. Mess-g. bôypad gir -M,,s Mýoat, of Osaktvill G-eoruge's'7Cceery. Thre fanerai -en- Allaun Wilrlnot, Woodstek1- A. ~ -h i G «-X* Miss lýra jorte -Sits-ss, nurs e-in 4?J' nd Mrs W. Bunt fO vicess' were ciý)ducted hy the Ras-ton, -yin Branntford, E'ýý: ivea, -o 41 Sh W '~L4IR tainng t the Whitby -espîtal 7& nL~neta ) wnYa-Isteb aRe l~w-L HOG ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i CONCvITRATE P.4 -ILt Masins- Sat. Mecmnexied Toronto a'7. Mrs.'ol Cha; isrh~ flas -on~ md-i R-a Rib i i-upo 41IVaI fee4hx Ht onc ntat Neos-t-taesan -Cpir.dMr ar _UrA.. Fer-etr tt-uleç~' 7 Î5 1 1 M~~~t r s. Ch as. T a mblrn as D ay \V (ti an ut ,of H m to ,an r HO ,O C N R T , ixd wt rin srci m n ed a e ri esaup de~ aond ierea4 C- lTtii1Yr R.~i V~7a s 1 i;one:o'7it y tire I's-ttee' Hs-out Mrer ,Hnd Ms-sû andl So Rain 4sp plie th necesaryproein, mnerls ad vtamns ecesar fo hoe wth rs JSas.y Sehxuly r. qi er Chr'5imas Da - h3r n --~~~~~Ms C.. E. Miler ,f~rno ubsrsU~s prftal fees-p at th 'fus-s- cost. Misses Ts-vme Mý-lead1 an Gr Waren,~l~- ofuuWity-dhteded th Wes--- a oretoni O RV' N Oj M 1 L L Miss t-Rwof Haeon iton ks ire ob iuacy ofthe lraie Fracis 1 the Ch~isthmas hlias ni s-ukdit¼ -\V iY----'7'R-- - WEDLIE PHONEt 37y r- 1a~h Gos-don rine P iý wf - ad- -Miss -p ar!blisn M7or. a irasO -d~ mu-' ~te-7 des- _1, ']-i itVha a > 74 KmWrts- Prtr.- s-eHEn- DA -E -RSIlA 1U1 N rln B utn fLida, T nJth a ltrC r st. '7' - 5ps-5s-audw's-s- Aa thre poi- littl mous-e u-t imr..,Zeil Prterws succssfulr11 Ea h os-x4is pata e f te.buti j7 "7on n a7 w af e o st r in a'7s t r -- s'ri'7 yen n ba isma D a s-s- w!U( IR4Tin the '7te' paens Revr.,tlars P a r S t ,' S u d a S e l o r ' I l a n o p n7 'r -el sesio on '7ý!ýy hall a '7h n Ste jeý7r elij ode i 4~~l~&~Mservi e s-W y 7it-'h ' 7 ' iui1A 114 th po. liffles- '77se>i7t7 ecor han and5 di try' -1 lsn 7',o fp ifige a dsi IR7 r" e7 toadnyClie rmTrnoTosY th-0 - he o tea e tw f vu A777~77 0 inr and SI -I IVav5X ÎH $orVes- -At Q4-u $- > ~5 -99

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