4,4 I5INO Wl EKLY TIm E_ 11Vol. 4. No.50.t" (YOONQ ONT. TJjtI{<DAY, DEC 26, 1940X; Subscription, $1,25 Per Year The Orono Weekly Times wishes one and ail a Y - 'Atw;&i - - Happy andi rr -eroua New Y ear Over Sixty Far.S.mersÏR---~{~UPUC RtITE Four Ton Of FowI Brought - Atn BanMeeting' irl in YEA$ W0Into Urono Xmas Mvarkc-et -' d w i f p r e s e n t . t o d o o l t , a Thre YAt ~'A. J. Tarnblyn's Far in ffthe 0ono town la 1 1 ,hý1-I4 ay A And Good Pricea Receiveil 'TreClasstes ofJLivestock1!SKI LNITS BEGIN ing,ýto the splendI'd nitisie pii'joý eib ~0. Cake, h1at the folluwing J. STUTT BIJRIED Large Denand Fer Turkey's Were Butes sadi)- s ERLWOO> With a ooôd Supply -- - ---were macle by t-he -tdns I' ,g0 t tl>Plieç -fOr Dom rio , OI'p(ttawa for ita 2ft o ve r sin t fai s e ta:se:e y SK ~ rd~ vi sl io frespact pioneer oIf Firmede 'tl OW y oke kIdi th 0. W: Rlown-ýh bateie forir lire-hm >nSt ,ety, a et ~ ~ lm~ & -utos are asseml ed a t LtChristnar s an w r dgea y coin -, ý -111 a1. 'id a h c sii o i ai rio j -qpH an d a - ýD her. n on f A. J. Ta il n t0 icist i 0o1. 1h1 pa t fi e c-'-,. of th lii a1-ehIn -.. .... ....... i2r3t ye;iý - -uecyr auI hncelakehi andeins trf 'tO her~a und prcia ie e hed 1ce1intre bfell, J.relf........... 1.07 atwe vdrteasie fte 2frdConygav- -t- i a ~ e4 insrci on degnd Iio 'w f it he nu conur 1fth tg e - 28.55 iMi.$ut a en in Ça ~~~~dress ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ aki oxtl Onii aale-~ -n~ Y~trr4 an ntu-~l ~ y -' T rl noin atio~ne 1n IÔ nahi, i s haun ,ve nt a OuaD i ~i ilam Cetal A-gig eal~ So- b a r nh - me 4eti g i nsi ~t l o r i n a r e sipu ec t v . nt s ., , M u n cip cl o w 8 e ~ l en a y u an th e st i r i n d 1 h to x h o m e o nt S - - h e ra~ s- s o i T he : e s ylabi ue hn cl e s bone fi-l p art ~ to r c . T -s b ! W' tý foi urda fvni - armîhgbe 30h . ~ ~ )W -~X t h ,succesf u tw o lt i bref r of~~ - e - th orti a and p at c ls s o t he~ o e te e I-t'--' thet ar e -- - tny av al or a" ndfed wokg e o o --n hesae eeb (u1ye28r5s)M .Stt as b ri in Cak city ihwetues and kntre TheJg~t Trste -he adorie sin Ticusip Durneam Couùy Ontario, P u try sta reil coii-ii - pi e ke drs wo a ir ate in n g r-et el aae , sil () 1 tf o -t-e %ýii ot-b e rs d d et r derirY 4rctm 186 -.he a yo.n man - -w ic was nic ap rcitdto i he 1r of cali-t-t e to On Àt tiuee -ak oft4til the saag(y yaanu a1, 1hie - sud1 a,-~tkt ~ u Tu r ca se of liet,ý n fbguner and on Snc i n snc f - -nti -Irr s lite tan acmii ine Psuc luiv theti tiL veloprî ,lylp1 Th t nt ser 't a-oteB iii oub d I ay wt a - - thetv Ont.,fr an in -88 uiaine waath tino f P o Pe - su of hefeA regmt ¶ s.t an ther Tth i-t-opo oe an iti h a hea o u er 't' of Ihand eal an t f " -wmenle.' r? rIehe -re andt ation cfts the-i efaor e4-ttAgi ailn the fepl t-m wes an esi4dihe gn thea t t' ithchan Jasa wer 4 in Cdu A ee kls resrle cfuatde agantMusi ni, e~ n-~ Fare is a -nemh& meveent 'e ete fare r s~v nel --et benit s h r ivgh te frte l îg e on h Home ett-ont'4' -an Vacatir -tiya Grsqtr ft or f -ie is n lehs d -iter na gie on~u teas cempret wit tjit vala enýLrîe,' - ~ u dia t-g~cst --h 1in ntio it opn ther hemnti Comtt1e, -in -s -h u i- t th r l as Thes ou-tbc- beep rs Thtonia lcn - s wl s th ore dp t o a -t*' ientot-io mhet1è~ y rp ra 14a amehg-e. Durst the earl g - i h-ew vi-t and~--h i dihsn t r ig-h outidt- years -i:n ý; P - 1 - 1; e tea 4db,~ bact t W '~ oe L E ffBrenDty mnie ce-gothtyp cfsck tark toi5 -p n-wted avay Tisie up -naii -ýýsti Brees t icdd 1 n in enresa nd c f r r p.c.ý1i ofug to et ~ - 't- i v e -a-ied ciie t h ~dvé te ani- d anc o e fc as si fr ogh - t e a rkeb t tïiis - tin Por Pery and E. A.- Sur 1( 't -e-a Fil 't n ht- thee-i e h -irs -o 'tnit tru in the ocre ahea ofy~ ' , ha't O f ast 'so i and 'i 1-ld ,iiiivle TC SCII RNII RSt - 0 - l agjt.- . C ndg a e iasy -nitoa Ofte a -gri ail9 i. -h fn the -t -wtc n enesny narin do-;1i' E'l'an beul bein - sthi s$ - t4%-~d lth~ INotheoesir. indlcto oin-w -e Caad A iý-icý unde tnpr -rhiiý uutua o marun-. iy 1as i o ri)vn it a hefi wo- havded one O - zOoe;s~ an 'rat J' 0 >gu -t e a i Fi -lb -ctenion e h-r i. shia t" i)era (i, nun hr nc 1 a bog ;)r, Tac hrYVoug the Go-res, ) ~ rte m- il-ctn aig t , i on -O fiugg ep in Grfa Oha thWilsrtolute--r- -' h b s ar-t i heirvii P'ort i ~~ ~1. succ nsfl __ _ iiiont y-fn ratinga. -iý&art. 0n~ g J - taisoIr it i wv edm i any - khee nly tan- t~ tŽshm at ii- an a trdjpîn rin;~»tl i 0 ri vie Seru to.-~ td y$ 'n- ters,?Rd Sut ehi te a lie -wat- th ý; to- t hr wa s ,le t o-ci twa 1)b2uk,1 ofmp on 1939 Ri- i c e - f 2 - pû - wgtTn t r pa o - ' f~g o-ta cdc tam o wn t seve -ine i erit oitg toS$ idîV-he )cat eneira e th ' -)-siI p t se e inthroue thenm -cl s b- this floe a-nd J. *1.e veinse 78yj2c cf 'tth ai-i change -Cuînsh rées4t 1, gt 1ilnk t~ ~ t a owisr r~iie ia,-R iti W .-~ t o 1'i , tamp tn; 2.ls Whitian trol rtét c,,.csw xe-t Rihard ~cw auviile7 ft~i-~ ~Ç4isîud aith~a, ~otaI p and--' Sppy H.d R.- hidaeî, llaiini- u Orcf Vachua-Ltcie ac cc m is;ltgigfor35.-f re, > iu scrof 11 oaut of Gardon a'nI, sÔ'r 't. -t' poneltorpedon v>hiï ePatWww .g Buea -f ntatiftl4it-t $the. wasngbot netflds Otit.'e4 on~~ fa- R. a nauville;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wm aeî4 eeal -~aup tn~ h z~s hscal olue -ic thusfei o1T, n - ,5 am ir.A as el eis, hi- ur e ' t--t'--"-t - -OBN SCcap-RN VOa c-tnrno bae c2 96ti ed1t. agiin t ion, 'lie ~oi w, 11aty~ p- é' o su n D ode SyUlflS : vet tOTe-. C tr iawrane h D 2 in e'~- ~ ~ o f-ouo C r EnteÔ leftan teýie 'iif-n -fe < hil . It fue tnr<t llhos liiatte~atiie wÀre deighte '-'- - txtic. -f-t u ni tons r a n& potsiiply 1929, sgain cfne 194 , ptre-t 'Li 1 olte- cotrit, Hesoi ofa-ti.2- ~ t b-4î ae f ti claieht Bredsra Astciatîe unde Mt-s Butir tbri~h ~e- Un un~beeÈattentiodnte il $1,5&8, airtust4ý ý Wstlme rîdaS -; 1tCl fren>d f 4 e. fafi-ily' -lain ha1927. llte o i roefourd tit-sofar ar Viel ggetc f4M.R~Hlb , hp St te legaticu g fe r takeuh g part andme i2 hoîmug antigin car- J.waiibivi Oad r -a hsa rtyvt ftals o a eurprtdmsugto '-'w nc-mtar enptnte) ofda nih _NatîinsWc -1ýýeIet r. Ill- e tan srvi e d bh th e su a nd ianl n.uc hýgther tan thet f a t re ____Hoe;_.__ 0- ii Bther we-re mti 1oii-flou. Vmnte er-t în c rtî at s re- Tt iis i st , -ld t4 5tnRiitodCeuaeyoÇ e y'alm gt tî i hsS. Ro-yael >>nitlt etb-g7 0,9 taa i ta n i For e e w$d aru ber : J . H. -ttW - eevd 3,50 hug wl nyisfr flEATTS - - Masey, anatxan Rgit Coutmrs-i __ tiatas - - alle ~3,4Y7 - ate-t- n yaai4ng s - - bs Li-attntdandng ththeiai-siwal J hfG f. PFIan, Ha ptn i1 - t {)t'rcuo - -oý Pltofcr U i ep r o ",auny c- -tei iii.î9 t 409 se-nt n e tin hIi t-ato; lvso on rsînr ai31 ls fO a.- Ho e a- îiiiy H.o oni n anti, Mrs Mase- te __eas -t Sa k tc e a Cot2ý'- - - - - - e-- - - - - --Veat sclmel~ sn the m ni G -Xa - - Js re - a m aebv d-usan c T ey tned Le fi4 R. - cl ted Ca a a et royed'- -tvnt wil make i ricesS ho I '-t l u' 2--t'< son~re ofSI Mrsa Floyd~à Butlert an-l ts tithîngi tha 11.'t -he w Prouc-s -t. --~. m r R legia;-s W.r-- o. Ghck s topdü e twtwuvu junio {wStnd in Thi-e,Iri-ta fgl cem isiiî- !sga Tir --ve ri .-~A dsT Rn e E t RE meaa - - - at ho m M er. E. The Main pon thu e prc .dbin rm1e w ee: F aaed y," -ýi s -t e wrd can- esctI - - Cana da a mov n etroyri pmaetîng o 3.t'k~ 'Biade RMcVicar G.- E - Me- Suw -lln -o-nlziy----t'iii T mlyO ttaais tead 9ar.ie -cnii acivt ir<t-ire a ofr~ r irat et ian, ask. Four A x.B u e, t, pouna 160 G s oftt'sc - 'TnH mtn lac White, 11o),t gr eat a s e ifor hah t hyŽt the5- ccai trnfOe neon t0.t C.e g-ns- hiase leie in, WCnd Euiii thet. ~ ~ M ytî1 -,n recive in ;Dii-»r on -elu Walte Hydefed .~ miri- -0l, --~~~~~one con-id1n St-ai predugati, Buea of --witi-tas indexins ofke tua standgon ou Hudon Ont., an t f - 18e ~d~-i c->aud. aftoric'a 4.-ntat aw r6g-io-ia thue De- L20 i- the J.2 ort"esondng e riod o oveBC. r as ef omo Pr& uci& Dop of Mtionsy ad funti ý andgeadin f1. pr centlxo Reportto2c. eeefrm16t teos in atti-rd-tet-Y -er -eihe liigin -it 1rs cks, 17. per lb.a M w-hti etn posrdb h h V! inomtn was reetie duria Wee . îde oeie sec 1. al Tien bute f4l oe a nex United Church Gl5te Man. a C't - -- ii eiht bttejur o ng ad ar p p t h fvc tt eh uead â al-i uc i-e h nt a fls -a direction~~~6M ofjni Mr.liaee~ R.f Hoelen ClaSttsrlie; a opniae. 2 cr .niatt-~ - i i ie-lo and no -irtrs I)eqr eocal detb Doi-i uual W-eI-t ud of St- wood -hrci li t h t wa'c urany mute-r es t o i tea v thi s ai Vil-et ~~~'<58,01 ?T, 4,t 2' .- - - -~ ~ r5êr f~~ ii, acf ads d ia- the-~'- -E&Ill o a Ct ic~ te ont te d a neeossa t o -e le popl'r a 7i4 rM th oencsin of&,the pro tairs,- 2 1 M41 At et top woasPltOfc Ontado opant-mBtutler ee ade by H'totu inet cetpt-L - r , -- t is tog oi~t î4i e$'o Clat-k will ch. onel ofVla f ffab o acI e4 4 thers -tiup a DEATHS~~5 -tt's-a, Cai-o-a tig Co m sin teelibe 30,rg o-fe of-inuîp tiretees boerci 7,0000 le<-~si iîa :H poatslt sall 4Issset- Dece-a ~-P xI1 1,26?. inecn but~ 4.0f)0dndaai i,ýr thaS4 holdi Roetsn 'tesou 'tnîsineý 'trei 'trîn Ma-ke of 0 ntzýe-cemmiiawtic -tene'1t, 14, rnýi , ,o- 1 otign of LSaêa)i i4nE ing~hs nd c i:c 19317.-r-tC Jaie -ete beoe -t.an ofeud- ahe voteý taocj 2kital C-aadi.i: Th palba -ttos iPr : -tie - asrgre Rldhrg Thet~ Rut-ste ffroiu-isua tti piltotilfo it-l ahirý,pi- uia iiL frth-n to ts Ilîtia tre h- $'it late residence, Oroiii 5 twto.iten Mon- Crossng irna ua letter to Mr-- r, A.ee la çcýp-r;ltctî n Vit w.rpct vdlij-itiesers - *~i.to-s. i> e-a biteIN MedlrNYssa at-rdýI tireA parant IMd taachars J. t J. C I t ôrte insaî Q I con 2.3 Tiie) t$tme tina d lr-aaO ;[ v, nurglt acf inoi h>s ît)cin - O 1 -t-d CH R T A B RE souA :)f~i thee fPhîVanut',a'th aa - ~ 5il11 -fLvi ~ic 4tctni o #alre ha1b ti vhe- po-gearr diseas larý1 its nu-t-G t