Inner ol lnlcrwn NJ 1m No rnnhd mltldlnwolxhl lln pnnlmIrly lmprmM In lho Incl HIM MHIHI II world chumplnn Dom men nro cuntldcnl winnlna llm Minlulu mrwnd nnllnnnlly clcvlml bout nl lho Civlc Anna and bulb mall what lnvolvul Grlflllh NM Yuri wuld Ilka lo 11de In middle welghl Illa Ia MI Inurrll vic lori aver Curler would urtnlnly mu him mnlrndcr or Jory almlellal rmwnl PITTSBURGH Wei lerwclxhl thumplnn Emllo GIU lllh nnd mldxllcwcigm amonch lluMn llurrlcnnu Camr wll IIHK an Innle in 1th ml wlll ddcrmlnn lhtlr box luluru Mldland defeat and Barrlc victory would rut SevcnUps one olnt out third lace More porlnnl Barre win would give cm fourpolnt edge on Orlllla DONT BELIEVE SevenUPS gained any friends by holdingup on Carlo ya re ease Matter of fact they had the Midland cub resorting to tough meas ures No one likes to see player kept out of hockey cspcciallyfone with Garlepys talent The league is having enough problems drawing crowds without hurt ing itself by keoplng colorful defencemau like Gar pr out of action fluently Wï¬soh fecï¬hï¬ivorersnf war1Tb rlsk inï¬lny the club 15 considering pulllng out of the lgague Bui former Barrie inyci Chris Clarke released to makeroom for Bill bolt said he mny bring in few players or Uxbridge Clarke joined the Hawks after being released hero and has scored three oi lha ciubs five goals registered in their ins iwo games The report earlier this week that Harry Watson will llneup kins bcgn dclllstd Ap there were more men like Clarence Smith In the league there wouldnt be many problems said Ray even before he was talking with Smlth and the deal went through Clarence is gentleman and wants to see sport run as it should be he said THE LOCAL SEVENUPS will hlt the arena Ice 10 night to meet lastplace Uxbrldge Black Hawks Griflith To Meet Carter Im in pretty good shape he said few games and Ill be In better shape and hope Ill be able to help the club It Is tremendous grou to work with Theyve been wonderful to me and ope can ful ï¬ll their expectations Rny said hehas been worldxgg out mm the club regularly and has also been exercising Another offer was made and then told them our offer This is ridiculous Im probably the only play er kl hockey playing with one team and sponsoring anot er Ray explained the last statement Last year when the club got low on funds they sold me to Midland and that took them out of the hole Mldand paid more for my release than Seven Ups then Bay City Falcons got from their sponsor for the season Now theyre short on gash again so Im sold again to Midland BUT THE ORIGINAL asking price for my release by Barrie was out of this world he said Even when they cut It in two it was fantastic and no player in the league is worth this kind of money The situation 15 cleared up now said Ban1e man ager Smith Ray is released We came to terms with Ray and the club and he is now the property of Midlandt It was the same story starting off this season Garlepy was named coach of the Mldland club but gouï¬int play because he couldnt get his release from at talked with Ray only minutes before the deal was ï¬nished and he sald he was anxious to play GARIEPY coach and manager of the Midland club was obtained by Midland last season for several hun dred dollars At that time Garlepy and the aid thought he had been released But it was only waiver and when the season ended Gariepy once more became the propertyof Barrie Clarence Smith manager of the SevenUps made the announcement last night that Gafleï¬y will be officially released by Barrie today and line up with Midland tonight when the club meets Coiling WOod Second lace is at stake in the Georgian Bay Intermediate Hockey League in the Midland Coiiingtwood tilt Coilingwood has onepoint edge at presen Ban1e SevenAUps gave Ray Garlepy and the Mid land Flyers their Christmas resent Garlepya re lease On second thought ough perhaps Gnflepy and ridiaudFlyers gave Barrie SevenUps the present cas 131 BRADFORD if hum mm mibk human no in 1958 moms smn DANGERFIElD MOTORS lTD $377 SPORT AT GLANCE WhoGavg Whom Chrishnas Giit by RICK FRASER Examlnlr Spam Edlor ANKLE INJURY MAY BE ENDED vrulnlnl newly duvelopcd dcvlco Illl mny reduce the number of nnkla Injurlrl or mrhupl ellmlnnlo mm logolhu TM duvlcu MM by Raymond You II vnulmnllc mm hran mmlnl lho nnhle In In tunhlon ol nlr mnklna II mod Inmulhlu Io lnllkl uprnlq Yul thou alum npun or Inn ha llul cnmn up wllh 0w den or Imam nlnu yum no when hlu llnrlh dwelnml veal nnklu vIylnz MIMI Jury Ian nlghlmnm or bolh nlhlnlu and coach may mu be Mp lfm mm Dhlo 7166527 linildmnnrbcr nnuxhridm 1mm 30 and Lqupr numme Orlnlu on lllucblrdl B1 Warb lm 49 Cnnllnnll 45 Wrcnl 41 Scam Tnnnum 40 Un rtdlclnhlu 61 MMIII 48 Ram rider 1a lloounnnnlcl 4a Huame 45 Allay Cntl ls Thrower Hill Hum 41 Nuucla 11 Call Cooler 34 Rnckcrfellawl 23 illzh Slnnle Lucllin new Rackorfcllawl 307 and lab 11ij Weekly mm nliila unluxlon 401 LEGION mxzn ngcuqmmnmas usually lake mmu llme to gel lnlo lop shapel This year pushed myself on hard 11 lng to no mo dunno xonnerl cm MIXED LEAGUE may mumNus Meek ommunlly House 51 Clmon Blowers 51 The Wellington 44 Slmcoc DEM vsy Pippc Men High 515 Juï¬ï¬‚nm 25 111 We dont now cxuctly what hammcd said Dave yester day morning shunfly bdom be lng dischnrgod from he hospi AI Lndlu lllzh Sinï¬Ã©rwlerr an flrlplagm Sanderson had been mlon due to an Injured back flu missed two weeks then lelt holler But last Friday whlle at work he doubled over and couldnt slmlghlcnup lb was lmmedlauly taken lo be Royal Vldorla llospllnl and After ev eral days of 459 And exnmln nllans wn Informed he should not play ninln Exynnms ACCIDENT lulu By RICK FRASER week ago yeslenhy do Ienceman Dnva Sanderson 1er ancd Barrio SevenUpsoqach Paul Manor and sald he was ready to Mum to the teams lineup Less than week later Sanderson was told by his doc Myer to pin lgockey again I411 COIL PA MM $1795 II nqu uln mllov Iluhy In Inn BARRIE DAVE SANDERSON hll hockey career ended atlll manages smile Royal vzc llluut Dave SandersonWill Hang Up His Skates Bani Spam SKIS IN BARRIE PRICED FROM $895 to $14950 Tm wuizm ELECTION or ADULT minus CHILDS Special hum Infimmu mu um um nrncnuu om mo SPORTS BOWLING SCORE $2993 Underdull 59 MIIHII 50 Mnrkm Sklnnm 52 no Nunnlel slcwnrll 25 High Slnzlc Jack ï¬vblnn lcwnm TrIpIo 71 ugqm mnnmosx WWWM Dave wna lhm told that he played hockey again he flood the risk of pulling the muck In his back again and mm aeflmu Wyn 901M rcsulk lhe hockey career twener Dnva Sanderson Duvo playcd twa yearn nlgh Slngle Marx Reynoldl Wren 236 Triple 561 LADIES AFTERNOON Orlolu Bluebirds Wnrlr 1an Wrcm Scarlet Tan nzcrl Cardinal BUSH LEAGUE Sklmmn Slawm not Nannlu Underdog Mll Illl Mnrkm The next day wnrk dou bin over but go to my truck ho works wiih lbo Cily oi Bar rie and managed to get it back to tho oiiice lei numb mm the waist down not out oi the truck and ieil over WM inkcn to tha hospital irom iilera fnd the um report had was hat disc was out iiwwcver inter report indicated this wu nt true felt pretty good 185 Timu day he cuntlnued no called Paul Meger and told him though was ready to play that nlght In DrIlIIA Paul de 11 call back so didnt make therlp My back suach bothering me duran training cm be came so bad that had to GARDEN AND PET SUPPLIES DUNLOP IT IT Iii5000 Hm om 30cm 7191201 ind Buylng Ind Fmoulny torla Hnsplual yesgerdny ahort 1y berm being released Dave delenseman with nanla SevenUps In the Georgian Bay FOR PETS AND PET LOVERS CAGES For Canada Budg FOR THE GARDENER WILKSpN SWORD GARDEN TOOLS MERRY GRO Mlnllluro Grunhwu 0R0 LUX TUBES AND FIXTURES alio luau Blvd Dog and Car Ltallm Collars Balkan ole For Budnlng Yur Round Stumped For Christmas Gift Ideas DUNLOP ST EAST was sudden ending lo Sandmnns hockey career but he ncceplkd II In the lame lu shlon an other dllnppohmnenu hockey plnyvr lqucrnyou wIn some and you lose Iome How did he accept lhe new mt 9° 21° 91 up rm vs wife and Wu dall¢ ten morn Immune in me than any hockey game he In awered without moments bcsIIaUIm am minute the injury Isnt more serious Ill just have to not used Co In an ngnlpi He stayed out hockey or two season then came back when the Georgian Bay Inter mediate Dave bilinanlid and lim two childmna seven groid boy and lIveAyenrold Junior hodtcy with Tub onto Maribomsi He went from junior to the Eastern United SLIM League when he per formed with Washington until Christmas and was forced to quit when he Mleitd broken cailnr bone Inlermedlalo AV Hockey Lennie Is forced to give up hockey due to back Injury Exnmxner Photo Raplln Do All Mku HAROLD JORY Armans Authorlud Della ENEIGN 11mm vmaumib nu uponrs CAM OML AM 7AA Bufleld IIId Finches TRIUMPH ROAD SERVICE HI For may In fBdrfspiell was the lab win In lb ex hlhllInn games or In local nay and all but mm or thc nmes have been against amvenlla teams Tho club they denied 1m nlghl had 91th um ht v1 lorle 1n the Metro Juvcn la Lea sue Barrie took hand In lbs in period when Quinn banged In Rayunlla paunSkeve Atkin Ann scored In the second period for Barrio but two ion by George Shepherd tied the more at 21 Then Karelan got his break In the th conned in on goal tender Bah Ritchie and faked the netmlnder out position more the wlnnlnl goal Iha WomanFetuan CM this that won the humor Gcnmlu Trophy last man hnvabeen invited to lake pm In thaLambton Mums inviti uun event Dec 2728 They will oompew In blue ribbon compeumzn 16 rlnlu all or whldz have won major bow spiel or Ontario Curling Am Ron Raymfla breakaway goal at the Alsccond mark at the third perlad proved to In lhn margin of vlclo as Barrie Midget nipped Ric mnnd Hlll fluvenllu In an exhlhltlon ockey flame last night at the Arm Midgets Pdst IifthVictory hymn wit an MD CANADIAN WIIISKY ï¬aonMynéï¬uHaw My mwMM mm fllZlflldw 1M9 Iggy2 ulrlhe Elnnlnz rinklauaglmd mum playollz In the past year he local an 1963 Winners an composed pl HarryMlchIe IMP Jnck Lovell Jack Mer Hum Merriam Jack le kipnénlqyel Andy Sle sklp pmwa In th Lambton CurlI inland Go Club Masters In eludes Unlonvllloa Ray Grant Murray Roberts and Bob Law rIe Hanovers Bob Man 195 Ontario Brler nklpf Earle Huahaxon nl Humber Highland winner Harriermg Bomplel lastseason Alï¬e Phillip Sr of the Granite Club PM Fur on of Toronto Curling Club Blll Aalle from Woodstock Km from SL Oahuines Lloyd Sharpe of Weston Ken Wgrner of St Georges Ralph Donovan of Wesflm JMHop my the host duh Pléy Ham on Friday mam eonllnu lhrouzyisialugday mg EAYFIELD 81 HAYTERS U= z4mu mmmozr xmm 353 02 m=nmm SNIIWJ PLUWING 24 HOUR SERVICE sun litSin era Jack London mmer Brllhh and Empire heavy weight boxing chumplnn wgs found dead at his home hm nflllHdF night Hg we 59 113 DEPENDABLE DEllVERIES or TEXACO Hill HIE HemHailing Oll See PA 82563 smearz PETHIJLEUM CITIES SERVICE WE GUARANIEI LTD 75 ANNE 31 und by his boxy PA mu