Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Dec 1963, p. 6

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mllmm yimnm mu Over themqllday season more than at any other time pboplejend to drop in forvislts But 11 your pantry boasts few extra staples youll be able to pm duca tasw attractive snacks on the spur of the mo ment In fact the entire holiday season is the erfect me to turnover new leaf in your enter ulnlng cookbook These flaky iittie pastries are twist on tem iliar salmon recipe popular or Sunday brunches or anyday snacks Made in miniature they are easy economical hers doeuvres or canapes Prepare them ahead of time and relrigeraier few olden minutes in hot oven just before serving 1Eves ihem that freshly baked flavor and aroma that eepsguests re turning for more Drain and flake salmon Cook onion in melted butter until tender Combine cooked onion salmon Worcestershire sauce and salad dressing Roll out pastry about Mu inch thick and cut into 24 circles with coo Place about tbsp of salmon mixture on one haf of each circle and dampen the edges with cold water Fold pastri over the filling and press edges together with or Place on greased baking sheet and bake in hot oven 450 deg for about 80 min utes or until pastry is lightly browned Makes two dozen turnovers Total cost 88 Or fin might serve Salmon Souffle Sandwiches as snac accompanied by plckles or spiced fruit beverage and Chr stmas cake or cookies 0r cut Into small squares and serve as unusual and easy appetiz ers SALMON SOUFFLE SANDWICHES can oz salmon tbsp lemon juice egg white beaten stiff ces bréad cup mayonnaise Preheat broiler 10 minutes Flake salmon do not drain blend with lemon julee Toast bread on one side Spread llsh on untoasted slde Top with my onnalse mlxed with egg white Broll toa dellcate brown Makes slx open sandwlchea Cost 10c per serving nflmmnmumuunlm AFTERNOON RECEPTION THECHRISTMAS PARTY The ofllcm ll Squadron Grey and Slmrou Forum Ind Ihtlr wives held an Inlormal gr author the Olflcm Mm the Earth Armour on Salurduy evenlnl Amen um nllnndlnl were OC ha Squn rnn Cnplnln Hun1 Bitch and Mn Slnele and Mn Mur cc Racine lllld Mn Miller LI and Mn Den nur ull Lt Ind Mn Ar Fuller LL and Mn Wayne Stewan and Mrl Dlxnn Major nnd Mn Geruw cntenaincd It merry why an Sundly Ilernoon lhelr mldcnce on Vancouver St Guest nlxcndcd mm Barrie and Camp Bordon CELEIIIMTH ANNIVERSARY An nnnlver nry dlnner puny wnl held II Inc harm ol Mr nnd Mu Hubert Nohln Cumlmllmd 5L In honor lhclr wnlnlnw and dnuzhler Mr Ind Mrl Jnmu Wind at Tomnla 1n gum ol hnnar Nam In Inlznflud la mm LI munl mm lilo ol clty Ind dhlflcl Weddlnl Ill nlurnrlu hmhdul brIdu pmlu cumin 01le pm uel mum um umqu In an Ileml ol mum to women mum at lhln pm Your help In lupplylu Ill be will In null Inprt clued Plzm phono Eumlnu It PA 531 Ind uk lor Eileen Dlxon Audrey coulnn II In Wom enl Devriman numuuu IIIIIININ HOLIDAY HIGHLIGHTS BITESIZE SALMON TURNOVERS can 15V oz red salan tbsp chopped onion tbsp butter melted tbsp Worcestershire sauce Va cup salad dressing astry sufficient tom twwrust lnch ple COR COLLIER IAVFIILD ITS KIECHEN GOSSIP WHAT NICER GIFT JBitk finale on DOUIJONInd HUMMEL FIGURINES By EILEEN DIXON Ind mlny olhor Item CAN IN AND SEE OUR DISPLAY mn were telebmlnx he mu wed ding umlvmam Mn Ward bmlher Ind slalomlaw Mr Ind Noble New mlrkel Ind her brnlher In lnw Ind mm ML Ind Mn Wllllam Pm ol Emil wen pmenl for the occulon rqnmm VAD MANAGER Robert Shrler lormer Id vertlulng mmner The Ila Examiner hu been elecled vice vrexldenl flu Huron County Newxpnperl Alsoclnllon The Annual meeting wax held Cllnlon lhll ynr Mr Shrlcr in module publllhll Iho weekly Goderlth SllnlLSllr mm hie CMA DIRECIOM nw new sound vlca ml duul he Canndlln Anne Allen Adverllnlu enclel ll Hun old noun mldcnl ol Shanly Dny Mn Ranch prw ldcnl McKIm Advcrllnlnu Hmlltd 0n the board din zclon ll Elnnr Rethnllur also Shunly my Ind Tomnlm Mr flechnllur olmcr pm ldem CAM II vmldrnl Hum Advmlnlnl Co le ed Dnnlhrr uecullvo vca pruldcnl May hum Co leiled Illo on the CAM board or next year In the IonInhw ol owrd Nonll Bank WI lucndtd Ihu lun them on Mnndly It Toranlo Crkkfl 5mm and Curllnl Club Wlhon Avenue nmnltd by Onlnrlo Cnrllnl Amclm llon or munbm of lhc prm radlu Ind TV lo mm hn ncw My cors canqu Ihln plan of CHINA CUT GLASS CANADIAN POWERY Imtnnnuumm WOODCRAFT DECANTER SETS President Jenny Welt said Tuesday he associallon vol untary nrnnlznllon which rely menu about 32000 nums III ravines is very con cerned about the wide crlllchm of our organiudon TORONTO CF Nurscs complalnls about poor pay and working condlllans wlll be cussed Thnradly It upeclnl meellng of the Rammed Nurses Axsocllllnn ol Onlarlu Nurse are being very new alive in hair compiainll And the associliion want to hear lama positive nugusiiom in pay increases and improved conditions she nid Recommended aimtins pay for nurses in Metropolitan Tar oniain $75 week in mm me less inn hospiinil pay Milan and eievllor operniarl Starting pay is less in many hospitals oulnido the Taranto nm lecrclury Leon Sykes Also pre unl were the curing Sculllxh curlers skipped by Chuck Hay lrom Perth who are In Canada or TV spam filmhz The null enjoyed In eight end am In which the Scots dalm cd Toranlo rink Iklpped by Alfie Phllllpl Sr The meeting oi st Moniul PTA we held ha lchool in evening The union wn In lile form oi 0an hnuu in pan mil wiih lha cinumoma being uliy dzconied ior the ocmion by the leachm and pill Foi inwinu lino hrlei bun nu meni inl Chrislmnl recital and ling mg ml zivcn by nude pupil imdti in direction Mn Secord anmli burkey draw wu held and the winnerl wen Janice Mama Meiron Ava mic iiiJar McKennI 5m Sine Ind Mui iii Marrln oi Tiiiin Siren mirehmtnil were urvcd lha cim oi the avtninz SI MONICAB PTA mill ENTERTAINMENT Print In her mumu Mln Nlncy Stark vm entertained It uvernl nvenu Mlml Bubm Ctran And lam me In Dnrrlo wm cohollum mluellnncoul shower held lho home In Canon community Ihower wnl held at In IAlmwlcll Ichool Pink and whlla Ilamen cutdin mm Ink umbrelll cumd pigth color Ichemn thl Illu lnml Mu Barrio Illn Surka bridemm md nod wllhu encloud ullh lull 1mm lhu may null who RNAO To Hold Special Meeting Gilbem nl Brimhopo Sciml decided to go along an and It looked like fun In Shier FA mos attended from Willawdale Tor onto Emit Palmwick Ind Tollcndal Park Hoskum or the evanlnl Mn Arch Bell MrL Chlrles Smith Mn Jamel Mdsle Mu Wesley Sabin Mg Conne Bayin Mrl Sydney sink Toiiun dll Pnrk entertained at trout an in in honor ai her daugh ter Prcaidina the tea table were MrliC Smith Barrie Mn Thomson oi Plinswick Mni Shepherd Richmond Hui Amnl the outMelly zuul were Mn William Sloddnrt Mn Scott and Mn Doodle erkdnie Mn Steele Drillln Olher null Allendtd riot Tmnw Bmla Ind Pain SIAM member 01 Superior Propnnu Umlled Bunon Aven ue and run met Baymlu lodge Mlneu Polnl Frldny cvenlnl or he Innunl Chrm mu dinner and dance rm luau includcd Mm May Rel Harry Chnpman Mr And Mn Robert lllllop Mr and Mrs Don lull Mr Ind llrn Liana Edurlon Mr And Mu kn Kirk Mr and Mn Harvey We lur Mrl Shun Kcnlty Her mnn Goldenbeld Mr Ind Mn Jerry McBride Mr Ind Mn 51 Home Mr And Mu Jnck Md Mr Ind Mu Murny McLe Mr Ind Mu Mum upjfl Ind Iln VMlller SUIIQEHOII EKOPANE PARTY hm when she took her chums or ride on thin minimum mm in down tawn on depmmenl Leigh Ind Mn Wilk llunler Miu Johnlan Ind Jack amt Ila Wllllnmwn III In chum of mull or dlMlnl TEETH FELL CHECK BOUNCED WHITEHORSE YT CP The iaiaa teeih were unrelia inctory the cheque used to pay or them war no good mi Magistrate Trainer dnclded both parties were at tan in civil caaa decision handed down Monday woman purchased the teeth lhen her husband atop ped payment on cheque iucd to pay or the work be cause the teeth kept tailing out of hls wliea mouth Th hu nd told the court ha teeth have been niltlnl Ing my lnce she had lhpm Maghlralg Trnlnar laid lhe wnmnn muslpay Iho money owing on the teeth and the dentin must do whatever work necessary to ullnw the woman to keep them in her mouth ALL ABROAD SHOPPING HOURS BARRIE SHOPPING PLAZA Fm Dollvury Shepherd Brmchmand PLAZA DRUGS SUNDAY OPEN mm In p711 DEC 2T0 DEC 24 PA 85943 CHRISTMAS AM 10 DAILY Mn Alma lewem was lrr stalled Member Mn Lillian Jone and Mn Dorothy Ayclma officiated at In cere m1 The December metlug of the Banl Business and Proteas Jnnn Womens Club was held In evening wlflLMrl Lillian lopcl aresiding Club members brought can ned nods em or hamper or needy family Gamma and collection of money was taken for tam Mlu Grace Porleous Wu appolnled chairman ha cogmlllem KIGI The maiden attended the Wlmor Warts Program met lng on Dec and reported on same Micr he meeting was adjourn ed an exchange Christmas HM look plue and oclul hall hour wu went aim The children Ilsa hld vim with sanll durlnl hair loylnnd tour CP wlra photo Bring Gifts To Kill Hamper For The Needy TRY EX MINER WANT ADS PH PA 1414 Artist Supplies Oil Paintings Pictures Frames more FRAMES All SIZES DUNLDI 51 IA OATES Jun Received Llrgl Supply PM Poul om Mn Mumyfiu how on or the Chrlumu mun Weflmlnmr Wanna Group The president Mn Bur mfis New Alter bulneu union Mn chobl chalnnln oi the nominating eommllm presented hu report flu new exemllva or the yen 1m follow Mrs GE Burridge Named President Honorary prealmt anM Bummm rm pruldenl Mn Bundue pruidenc Mark Pull um viceprw Idem Mu Colvln no end vicepresident Mn 0A Macmorm recording unry Mrlr huesmu Ind communal umury Mn Munro uauurer Mn MacKIy lelephanc convener Taqur pcuflva VJ Mn MncPhernon led in we Ilnllnl of OhmtmuCnr 0114 devolloml period 011 owed MuV Mun rm the lcrlytm Mm Colvln Iodln pgnyler KnfiWhitton Group Termed Childish Thu topic Elbqbdh wu choun by maker Mr OTTAWA CmMayor Chur iona Whmonl bland an bllln zualhm here hu been defended hdeew Demacm Frank How ar He called anllWhltton dam onslratlonl by Ottawa Univer Ilty undenll lrrexpomlblllly and chlldhhneu In brand ast prepnrcd or delivery over ndlo llallona at Terrace and Smlthm In 111 Brlthh Colum bln rldlnt ul Skennl Mr Hawqrd noted that Whluon Inld provlslom flu Brltlxh North Amech Ac Inrdlnz bilingunllxm dnnl ei lend to the municipality and uh he flirted Imagine the mum at trying In make the munldpallllu Terrca nr Kilimal or Smilherl or my lbs other municipal Ilu In 36 bilingual In nature He uld lllllo II Immpllnhed by dunonllrallona luck It thou name Min Whltlan He laid Iho force bchlnd blllw gunlhm prmure group ab lemming to luller accep tance of whm has been called Canadian brand 01 hi French languau Recreation Rooms Unlimited CALI THE RECREATION ROOM 20 COMPLETE A5 lOW AS $15200 PER MONYH BALI PLANING MILL Prcllnlnhcd anlle Toaxlcd Teak Puncnlnz ncomlle cclllng llle vlnyi hula floor lllr door trim manhunt mlls unplu Ind timing and flnpylng lumber Includrd In In package of mllflhll 48 ANNE ST THE BALI PLANING MILL PRESENIS 56mm Mn cl Burrldu thanked the Ipenker lo hi 1110 main the urn Hnly on THE ENTIR FAMILY 2985 1CANAQMILIMITED 55 DUNLOP ST EAST TEL 71 FOB IHM 8mm Stym ram IINCOLNISIiOES MAMA TIMIrm Chou Now Ernmfiur Cdmplcio 0pm Evonlngl Tll9 BARRIE SHOPPING PLAZA TEL 7261311 0pm flyrgdfl fivhhy flogav ml pm lullIn NHUII mink full Iblvlll In uh unim Inn lmmlu mu for do lm In Monk In mlnlu In In MIMINIA uni lnll wlri vllm hurt unv snnvmsran swan lquIn WM C0 IJD Sniurdlyllnd Tufidly HI pm FOR nan Wide Selccllon mm clm During r15 lo clql hour the hmlun mvcd retrenhnwnti 4495 7282496 TEL 7283752 ciuwmm del Glrll

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