Mrl Alhrvl Ihlrrll mu Mn Mm lawnlnl vhllnl hlnlul Ornvu HM Ill Hrlhaun lln WMntdny owning luL My llurm lnnlanrd llw mm own or rmmnu yn An enm nhlo rvrnlnl In um when Chunth Mic rnlmnlnnl In hall 0mm Mary DIM AumA ngglradqy Dre mummy mm Aumu IMHII Imlnllrd the new ulllrm hurrhlll lnr m4 IIup Inn ruchu bdrm In Mum mm In M4 VII nmtnl Um home at hn Nu wllh no MiloInn or lam hlmln flurm lull Joan hum Mu Under mmulallon union men Dunn lelnoluhy rm Iolnllon Mr llutchlmon 17m ruchm have been held qur uper ol me mm hurrhill Glrln Qulnlfl Ind lhcir dlrrtlar Mb Camp hell mm In oohlawm Pd day nlum minglnl lbs Club hamml In Mr mmmunfly They have purrlmml Ihe Linn lormrrly owned by Jnmu Allrn and muv to hem nn Tur Wn mrrl mu anlllll mumd In Iurlnu lha wrtk rnd um II prmnl In AIMinn impllul LOIM Nmm mm mi the ham 01M Jack 3an hcll on Monday Mn William Illchardsnn wan hosttu KM UCW or their Guith mew In on mymby Sorry to report Mlu Chm human under Ihe dndorl cure Illme 113qu Mr and Ward Donnelly Wlllnwdnle and Mrs Georgi Carlo and Mn Johnson Klnz Cily wm mom vlnilorl Mr and Mm Jack Hem Ind Ingllyl Carlarnlulnllons ML and Mn John Nunl who ukhrnl In 25th wcddlng nnulvtr In Mn Mill Mu Joel Immr mu lrldny vlnlllng hm Mr Prnxm had good part an an Hm xlck talk mlr am In an 11an Vldnrln llaxpllnl narrle wryre he leiln mu wnk wkééxcm and Mn Orvllle Mmllnl nnd lnmlly and Mn Murllnx Sp Hrlhudn my lormerly who Gibbons Mrlr Peter Olaskey nnd An Ill Dove won the wk prizes at the Churchill LOBA Euchrcs Lady winner at the last party on Friday evening ware Miss boulse Remdon Mn Albert Bum Mrs Georlo Uncles and Mn John milupr Mcnl wjnnm were Albert Bum Angu Dove and Chalmer Pratt Over 50 turned out to the iriendship meeting oi the WC menl institute on Thursday evening startinz with supprr at 030 Guests included iriands oi the members tll Girl and their motherl Roll call was an rwcred by Kilt tor the Ontario Hospital at Pendang The Glrlo provided the program with Wendy Kcll acting as corn mentator Alter the ladies had an oupnriunity to are the work done by tho girls in the project The Club Girl Stand on Guard Diana and Janet Mm Quanta prerented their lead erl Mrr Ronald Allan and Mn Jnhn Kempm with gitts In re cognition at their work Mn Itllen Baldwin conducted an un urual lower contest There was special service at Si Peters Anglican Church Sundny for receiving new mem ber oi the Girls Auxiliary and installing the oiiiccrs iar 1961 An anthem was sung by the The Womans Auxiliary met at Ihe hame oi Mn Tim ilzaimmlns on Wednesday ailerna ior their December Mn Jalk llclve wax hasten Io he Ladle Bridza Club nn Tuesday evenlng Prize winners were Mn Allan Todd and Min Mary Sloan The Women mum served mm bee dlnncr to he Innlh ll Townlhlp omclnls on Friday evening Mr and Mrs Gordon Ma Dmuld Carolyn and Bobbin wan Sunday with Mr and Mn Jnioph Tennexco nt Cooksvlllg There wu IonIce dad cnllon at he Unlled Church on Sunday whcn Junlce Todd on behal the Messenger pre leMEd lhclr Mn 10 ha nd BI lrensurnr Russell Su wart Mrs Jack mm Mu ranger lender and Cyril Spence lreasurcr flu Christian Edu callan Committee alro look ynfl Im rrunallng onrnmlflce of Mr and hm noun Sinclair Ipcnt lhu wmkmd with lhelr um and daughtcrrlnlnw Mn and Mn John Sinclair and nmlly ll SamhL Curling 15 in lulllwIng here Wu weicome Mr and Mn Frank Lockhart Ind dulhur Judy to tha th Llne corner They have purchued thapro Egrt nixEgrly owned by Mu The endure club met at the harm Mr Ind Mn Robert Dermal on Saturday evenlnl winner was Mn Mervin Ben tley Keith Can and Bruce Demon Mu Andrew Graham and Miss Carol Graham mended the Troumau Tea for bridal cc Min Nancy Shark at her 1mm It Palnswlck on Saturday LOBA EUCLIRES W1 MEETS Mr and Mm Harry Sloan men the weekend In Banla with lhelr grandson while lheh aonlnhw and daughter matur td lo Dtlmll SIMCOECOUNTYTNEWS By MR8 HUNTER CHURCHILL Burton Avenue United Church Saturday The Sundiy School the un fled Church are holding Iheir Chrlnmax party onDcc 30 Mlu Pam Known spent the weekend wtlh her aunt in Aumra Guem at the hum of Mr and Mn Galbraith and Mrs Doughnut on Sunday were Mr and Mn Hickey of Olh lawn and Mr and ML Long hum of Earth Mr and Mn Kenneth Robin um and son Cankmwn VIII led Mr and Mrs Roy Armslronz on Sunday Mrs Wiggins was Alllslon on Friday attending the lunerll Frank Hackzu of Alllslm ms wruqm Rave Bun of Toronto epent the weekend with friends lnrtown M1531 Mason o1 Toronto vlsl led Mr and Mn Cranslon during the weekend Mr and Mn Donald Brown and son at Toronlomere wear at the heme Mr and Mn Earl Hammcll on Sunday Mi andMn Neison Bren ol Alllsmn lelted Mrand MIL Nlchnl an Monday Mr Gary Burlon and daugh ter and Mlsn Hrenda Lnlls Pelnrharn spent lhe weekend at mlhnmo Mr and Mrs Mlsm Carol Ellison Mom Irwin and Margaret Bell of Tar nnho were home or the week cn Mr and Mrs Tuur and Mr and Mrs Lilla called MP rm wignu mum murmur Math am pm Ml Incgm REYNOlDS Wm Lg 59 CUMDIM Tuln Fuck Numa CAMmil TOMATO JUICE limbM155 Colour MARGARINE 4mm1 It only mun COCKTAIL 2wJ5£ WIAIU Ulll WMIV Iaulnlly lull mun1 ulw may hm omny Olives Gherkins ww Int99 ON 04 IM 0m in Muï¬lnl NAPKINS POTATO HIPS SHIPPING EREKii SMOKED HAM mi $49 BLADE ROAST g57 Wmmmmmmmmmnmmmmmlni 37 um um Avka Allmflu ricu 45cj mumIIuwxuumumnlnffluumununmmmmuu mum mu nom Ifl not 00 II ll lm nut nu In Du HM LI In INA It 39C BEETON mm was FULL or me 16185 AND 0V3 Fruits and Vegetables AlIFORNIA NA VII imgg 33 TURKEYS Sin 3s dozen number from lawn and vicinity attended the funeral at Douglas McArtiIur Bond Head on Tuesday on friends In Barrie on Wedney Mr End Mï¬ Cecil Ferrlei and Mm Hooper vmled lrlend in Barrie nn Monday Mr and Mn Gordan Forbu of Gal xpenlythaweekand with Dr and Mn McKelyey Mr and Mn McAdam spent the past week with tall lvngn Tarangp John Campun Is mum in Snvenwn Memorlnl Kamila in Amman mum Dr HJ in Tomato lpent Salurday at the home of Mr and Mn mum maynolds Mu Hammcil and Mn Cumin visited friends In New market on Thuridny Mr and Mn Em Plan and daughter of St Catharine spent the Weekend with Dr and Mr Mclfelvey Mn Roy Devan and Mr and Mn Devan visited relallves in Toronto an Sunday The Afternoon Uni of the Un Itcd Church Women or Trinity Unlled Church Berton hold meeting Dec at lho home at Mm Halmad Mm Ken nu presided Following lhc de voflanal Iervlce short busl nus period was hold The warship service was con ducted by Mrs Halsluad Mrs Galbraith and Mrs Nichol The program Included Blblo reading by lhe members Christmas Carols were sung and Christmal message was read Rev Willis showed Alida IndIa UCW MEETS The offering was gathered by Mn Roy Amurnnz Th clos 90160 AIHMHMMW wumomwnmu UICIALI WICIALI IPKEIALI IFICIALI mg M9 Gillianh Firm Fnbh Gran No 0nd 3333 25 caumu Luna Me mei No and L45 W45 l0 TO 16485 my mum mmwgnu Me WIIHI UCW Mn Frank Kali was her in or the December meeting olUnlied Church Women ihuw day evening This was ihe an nual Kneeling and eieallou oi affirmed The president opened Ihc meeting and Mn Gordon Hughes and Mm Doug Hughes conducted the worship service nail call wussanswercd by Bibie verse and gin There were six members who had fuii attendance in 193 All tha ni licura gave repartei hire Keil canducied the election Mn FrankTodd who was in charge the program read story The Star in the Stable Mam curols were nuug such hour allowed with alternwn tea utved by the ham AME 393 by Olflccrsfor 1961 are vast pr Ildcnt Mrs Weaver preal deanMrs Neilly vlce presldenls Mrs Russell Mrs Sawyer secretary Miss Florence Luck treasurer Mrs Sawyer literature Mrs Hughes flower and social Mrs Frank Kell nomlnailons Mrs Gordon Hughes supply and so clal assistance Mrs Kirby pm gram Mrs Weaver Chrlulan Educallon Mrs Hughes sie wnrdship and ï¬nance Miss Edith Code planlsl Mrs Nesbilt EUCImE PARTY Mm Galbraitht Mn Pew andMn Kearnu Churchill Chill Will Jr Farm held euchre party In ord Hall Friday evening with 15 tables Prizes were won by Mrs Daviy Mrs Grfliilh and Miss Allo Melpnss men Ernie law 241 Sin um rm n0 SAVE 10¢ APPLE PIE Jam Parka in M118 5mm GILIOBD Hugh Shermnn Todd uni Al lan Thomï¬som nxo hflyl blrlh flu prlu went to MrIDIvh gm Nellly won the lucky raw Mr andMrl 11 Ken cum valued the Farm Iumm their home Mondayevepinz Dec Sundly evening dinner guests with Mr and Mn Gordon Hugh worm Mr and Mm Me Knight Mr and Mn Bell Ind wn Biain oi Barrie Mr and Mn Don McKnight and family Beaten Mr and Mm Don Hughes and daughters were mix the Mp rmlama parly In Strand Salurdayeveningr mg mm Glliord Wo Institute held their annual Christmuyarly in Giliord Hall celebrating with dinner iollowed by meeting and games which 46 members and guests enjoyed The tables and ball weredecorated or the Christmas reason Magnum president opened lhe meeting and mil call was mwgrcd with gilt for Simon Manor Mrl Nellly and him Klrby are teaching the dessert course at Ma Frank Bl Kelld home Wed nesday Jan 15 mm lo am to pm Anyone interested may take the cnuraeA letter was read irom Ihe adapted child Chou Yen K5 in Hans Kong It ï¬rst Simons home which is for fishermen and workers children Mrs Neilly lava the hall board report comm lnl Illa euchra parties The com mittee composed at Mrs Nellly Miss LIICR MIL Kirby Mrs Richards and hirer Kcll planned lheparty upper and enterialnmLnl EATONS Timely Gift Ideas Tho anlySlylod Kamrmhnml Ilrytr vllh heal nnd rml nlr ulcdlm my nln arm plnllc hood Ind ullIlnrlnl II Iml lulu mm plulle mm an EATON Imc null BerkleyPresflgo By MM MARLEY There was good altendancu althe mpetlng for tho namlna flan of trustee in St Patricks Schoal Audlloflum on Tuesday evening Five trugtcex la repre Dcnnls win who lives in Nlagara Falls allhongh only 10 months 1on turns the table on the doctor whlle two Iludcnl nurses look on The 1995 PHELPSTON flfllt dryrr wllh mm nuilrh muleply Iml In on how TM In Alumni ln In or nhmmkr mnw run urh 1595 MQIIM Illl MI IM to n9 lMmN IM uh ll Wlfll While plum nu ll TORONTO HOSPITAL NEEDS FUNDS Berkley Soulhwind 1495 sun the area arcrlo be elected from the following nomlnees Frank Maraau Frank Kenney Frank Hamill Gerrard Moran Julm Van Vim Loo ONeill Ed Vaiendcr Pal ONeill Robert Murphy The election will take place on Dec 17 me school audliarium doctor has lust examined ben nIsund found him In bu nor maL Lots of chlldmn like Dennis are relemd to The Hospital for Sick Chleren 1495 BERKLEY Suporb Tlxramlumplmd kclllc with lack mclnl bum lllxhIpctd 1500qu elcm rnl Aulnmnflc Ihuld ll krlflulbolll dry Com BERKLEY DILuxI Porlnblo hand mixer wllh Mde Ingcrllp oonlml and bcnlcmjcctor Con vcnlcnl heel Ilnnd and wallhumor Plnsllc cas Ing In whllc Pink Tur quolm or Yellow EATON Price utll flChM EATON lrlrr uch KETTlES 3SPEED MIXERS VIKING VACUUM CLEANERS Compact canisiérIiyle vacuum on imoolhrunning whack Convenimi lwivcl lop Iels you clean large um without mov ing ihu machine Puwcriul hip motor or dcwdown cleaning Complete with nilnchmcnla Saran hose wands floor and rug clcuner uphoiscry tool crevice loci dusting brushi Model BIID 1295 TIIII Thun Fvl Ind Mon Open Till pm EATONS Christmas Store Hours ma EATON co LTD losing At 530 pm As he children of Pa ncks school an having Christmas concert ihis year lhn young people are planning program In aid oi the commun iiy rink The committee in sin taking orders ior Chrisimni recs sn and Tun Christmas lithe thousand Irlcnds of the Hospital sup port IL work by sending cheque to The Hospital or Sick Children 555 Unlvenlty Avenue Tornnxa 69 EATON Price uch