an The Canada Pension Plan one of the chief planks in the Liberal government platform is lacing new roadblocks First there were lheslrenuous objec tions by the insurance companies Now comes threat from Quebec Premier Le rnga that he may not agree to an Amend ment to the British North America Act which would be necessary if widows or trans and invalids were to be included the plan The objections by the insurance compo antes are well known These concerns contendthat the Canada Pension Plan is Iar from aetuarlly sound and that the people would he aying much higher percentage their income in years to come than at the outset of the plant They point to the experience in the Unl ted States where social security rates have risen from two to seven per cent hlr Lesages submission may have caused some mystilication on the par of the average citizens He has indicated that Quebec wlll not participate in the plan but will handle one of its own Cooperative industrial and scientific research by groups of companies like that carried on in the United Kingdom with government support is given qualified recommendation for Canada in report initiated by the National Productivity Council and now submitted to the Econ omic Council of Canada This report will he of special interest to Canadian companies of small and middle size which cannot afford extensive technolo gical research except on cooperative asis Needed to im lcment the report is study of Canad an industries to deter mine whet segments or groups would benefit plan of financing the project and the concept of cooperative research sold to industry WAR DAYS 45 VEARS AGO Barrie Examiner Dec 12 1918 Or ders placed by Barrie citizens or more than 700 cords oi wood bought by Town Council to ease tuel shortage Coun ell passed motion that the surrender at the Kaiser to British justice is absolute ly essential to the conclusion of perman ent peace Collier Street Methodist Church free or debt $4200 having been raised to supplement George Balls gift of $2000 BCl attendance in Novem ber was 101 boys and 139 girls De puty Reeve ilorstieid sold his business to ill Waite of Lindsay Barrio Parks Commission returned 1913 levy to ease taxation iltnds and Andy Malcomson won prizes at poultry show Guelph Vlnler Fair Number of Barrie people attended farewell dance given by ottlcers of Royal Air Force at Camp Borden Mid weather has made sleighlng pretty thin Duncan Graham sold to it Robertson oi Shanty Bay 12 ehlckcns which tipped scales at 84 pounds just $2520 at 30 cents JFK UNDERSTOOD NUCLEAR AGE Canalnan Tribune Punccrul cocxslcnco means the exlsl encc sldo by 5ho or lwa opposing aya lcms It Ines nol mean that lho leaders or spokesman of cllhur side cease to chnmplon and defend their res cctlvo nyslcnm It means only that boll 51ch ngrw nol In mnrl l0 war to resolve thclr Intercnccs PM Faces NewyProblems In Regard To Pensions John Kennedy saw lhls in his June 10 breech lo the American Unlvcrslly In Wns Inglon 1m nu It lhls way World pence like ummnunily mace does not rLqulrc 1M each man love his neighbor mqulm only Ihn lhcy llvc lngulhcr wlth mulunl tolerance xuhmll mm maulit Au 1mm on nu loamu ml mI rum mg mmuv l1 In Amnmlvtd unmd on mm lnrmmul pnmlnl In sumn Ind Mummy Immml wul mm mum II wrunmm Ali WILION AI mun mu Annmm mun mm IluIII Mm Mm dnlly mm 11 Inulc ml 1r null In mnm 00 mm monlh ll lnlnll m1 lNII mmmm Ill uc IM mun mu ym 1mm in mm nuy mum Mm TM Clnlllll r1 IN IN My mum clmuuaua Need CQOperative Research min Fm nunmu mm II nwwegnou Wu mum E°T TM an Ma 04 local 9m unto much The Barrie Examiner Published by Canldlnn NewspaperrUmnad 16 Hayï¬eld Street Buflghohlargo OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Ivikaéf Guam liénuér DOWN MEMORY LANE How does lhls flee the rest of Can ada Mr Lesage wants to double lhe rates from employees and empltgen from one to two per cent With ese additional funds he could bulld up capl tal reserve which could be employed for public works The money of course would be re aid to the fund but lnlhe meantime Lesaga and succeeding governments would have the use of it Thus it can be seen complications are building uï¬ for the Pearson administra tion Wit out Quebecs support of the amendment to the RNA he could not in clude the widows and or hans If high er rate were charged private insur ance pension schemes would be seriously jeopardized Mr Pearson must work out something with Quebec or the Pension Plan may never get through Parliament In the meantime he could take second look at objections from the insurance compan ies too pension plan is desirable but it should not be passed It the expense of posterity increased research alone is not pan acea or all economic ills but the report urges closest scrutiny of Canadian re search performance it blames an in sufficient scientific awareness by comp any management as major reason or reluctance to introduce technical change The need for such change is the economic realities emphasizing continuing eiforls to stimulate productivity and economic Nth The introduction of governmentsup ported scheme ior cooperative research would make valuable contribution to Canadas industrial and scientiï¬c lite and could be highly effective method or increasing national productivity the report states suggesting such govern ment aid should be regarded as social capital investment pound Lti Wyn Col uhoun formerly oi Barrie who died 11 England of wounds received in closing days of war buried with full military honors In Brnntiord In letter to his father ll Gmsett of Barrie Sgt Elliott Grasett 19th Battalion gave some very interest ing touches to closing days of war the unit finished the last day of fighting just south of Mons Belgium llarry Len nox Painswiek prisoner of war in Ger many arrived safely in England Pte Pickett of Lefroy died from influ enza at Casualty Clearing Station in France According to his padre Pie George ll Pringle was instantly killed in action Sept 27 when shot an en emy sniper during Canadian aiack on Canal du Nord and Bourbon Wood he was buried in British Miliia Cemetery at Quarry Wood lvlr an hira lL lrish liarrie received letter telling of dealh oi their son Pie George lrish 23rd infantry United States Army in Red Cross Hospital Lyons Franco Oct at from pneumonia ling lhclr dlsiaulcs lo Just and pcaco Iul settlement It was lhls understandtnz by Kennedy of the hn crnltvo need or puncdul co existence the Age nuclear weapons that made It posatblc la achieve the EastWest cooperation that had been reached In recent months That ts why Kennme became the target of the ultra Rtnhl or the preemtltve Wu gon erats of the better load than Hod onwa ll also the reason why mllllnm or people throughout the world wnro Io alunncd and griefalrlckcn by his un llmcly dcnlh why the mural nul lhclr xnrmw In prnym mg rlhum why ha will llvu in lhclr memories IQIchcc Ihronlcloleloï¬rnph llawa In plnnulng to ow out rnsbnhnrlng plmu and lmve ho Inltlr ilve up the prnvlnrm ll will ellmlnnln smurte connlnnl lrlcllon Under the pmuu arrangements provinces thnl arm lo cnalnhnrlnu pro ucla Ire carded mm wlllynllly In In ml to mnl Julio ontn lhnurucncy ol prn gov ornmvnblnsplrul mmuru rnm province Iu provincu ml oven wllhln lho nnmo pmvlnco over slum period tlme Nothing can now be dons About me Hm money munl Inevitnhly he pm In Iho nm for which fl hu been glvén even If other Iron almed at ule BOWINO OUT OTTAWA The most upon an piece at lexislallan to com before our Pixllama In many year wlthanl question lho xuvemmcnl proposal lntnr dluce universal poxtabla pen an 0n the Iurlace ll appam lo be desirable slap lnrwanl ln lha nation of the Wellm Stale But ll has been argued larclbly by many ulllcs thak lha proposal la in reallly wall In alleepl clalhlnx Illa avtryona now under the an of 55 Ill nay lqu he achame mare lhan he ur the can mt draw out ol lland that II will awell tumourlike lo Imam an lnlnlerahla llnanclal buï¬ea lo lulu Igneratlnna Uh In may of our Imped Im nalloml lupes then ha been no Ilznfllcant public de bnla 01 dd proposal Thls my be becluu the lovemmml has In dlle liven insumcienl detail Ill proposal permll In In formed dlsmulon lens can be WM nl one lblnl the menu Ion Ilznlflunl In our Mun etnnomlc wellbean or any poalllva llep lo be um be fore ll bu been lborouzhly Ilud lzd Ind modiï¬ed The govrmmenl slundl lirm beth lhe cnlwll on ll own Iclulrlel Whether then In sound or not qunlllled lo ny But an mu which mix had In the ovcmmml Ic ll lu was badly Ihnktn when noted Ihtlr ullmnm un lhn growth of our populntlan By ha yur no they prudch our mm papullllnn wlll In belwtcu 701000 Ind mum here his hem some well In formed trilldxm ll pmponl mm nunInca company axecu lives They IIKIIB lhal the In mnlrlbullom and henellll Icluulllly unsound Hon Judy LIMInh Irzue lhl he um In no ï¬n Ibava two per cm n1 NIKE prior In the your mo her CHUCI point out lhll lha 1m encmul US Ithemo ll dy com ovu even per tflll and rin In our ulna per cent in ll lhu atrnmml In la 14 ml lo lolmnm nl shoal 150 per Hill In uIImunl Ihl pop ulllion lull or mmly yun nhud mu conicI lo Inmelhlnl mm at mnildenu In lholr Hm in whul lhc penulon plln ml only I7 yam thud 1151 ll flu moal dhmnlnl point ul 1h loundn lion on which 1h wholc volr emuMu prommml II hum qu 31mm new Anolher vry unllucllw palm Iboul lhll pmllon prod poul in um muvlnm not belnl lmled mually Our we lulu pcrmlllM Io mn Irlcl out lhv nullunll pro lummu lml Onlnrlo II Mlnl vlflullly bl mulled by lho gummen nulllon Ihll ll lhll mvlnu dm nol Joln Ibo ulmlt ylnn Illl collp glwuld Onllrllnl in mud ledInn unylnl MI 1w mm lur all Cun mJ whm Quohbv Illnnd lo plck ll mnbim nunu nIA mdy If mar mllu lnd rnllll Inn an Ithnl ur ovuyanl In on ma mm Mr Ml all un llor he Onlnrln lln um um lhg Iman an Mat Menuhin the Illunlhan 11th In mm mm Judy Lanh wMu Mullh AM Wellr Mlalulqr lam il Ii my liripmnl lhnl mm anl and ml pub llc ughIa b0 llm la IMI pm uumu III mm poul Menuhin the Illunlhan 11th In mm mm Judy Lanh wMu Mullh AM Welln lam lam WMNMIM vur mlm mm mm Mlnl Chunk Whltodwel pounded hll uulhy pIrIIMmrI lo mm Ialolhvr In lho clumh muy ml alm ll documenl Mmlllnl II mm In with In OTTAWA REPORT Urges Thorough Study 0i Pension Proposal PATRICK NICHOLSON LOOKING FOR OUR MONEYS WORTH In many critical lellerl 1h mos llluminnling think comes 1mm Winnlpu Dear Miss La Mash Ihus lpellcd My haulInca com pany asked me to wrlla to pro trsl some kaislaflon you hnvu pendlnm dont exactly haw what lezlslauon um la but youll pmbably know whnlaver ll Im ngnlnsl it There are of course morn profound arkumenl for and lgalnsllhl very unreadan pension ymposll LONDON Many invent men 0mm Ire mnvlnl out London In Ipccd up the lov ernmema pulley nl decenmlb qun Same lnduxlrlu Ind buslnul houm In doinl llkv wise Ind no lindlnf new quar en oulside the city the town Ind vlluu the open caun Iryaldu The llmd wards ccnlrallmllon hgl now um hold name lha old laun dnllon chunk of ma nrmm IBPIIIL nnthey In Iooklnl or new like any Irom lhu tinwdl mlu Ind hulllc ol lho cly On cI Londonl Inclent hook WMCII II movlnl out In In Ihe cmmlryIlde In Duv enanI FoundHon Sdmh It was uIanIsIucd In Iha Eu oI Iandon neIrIy yam no II III mmka ll mIglnII llll Imlho Whllcdlnpolnoadln SM nm In About In monlIu lImo new buIIdInzI or II whlch In In 9mm oI ramlrufllon II Debden Iiuax will bu mmplet ed and Ike Idml In Slum IIII dun Ill doon Ind In mnv 0d am In lha new IncHon BOVI GIVEN CHOICE Allendlnl ho uhool II Drum lhay Vim be llvrn lha cholu movlnl wllh uth In Em Io cnllnn or rlmlenlnx lo other voluntary M9011 In Ilfondqn pomlulon nu hem mum by lho Peabody hanlllan hind lo put up block upmmmu on Ihu Munchpd low linn gubllc Inquiry lm bun mm in dedulon In vihulh or ah Irhool Illa mly be um lor Ihll purpmo mu Illh lhu mlnlnm of honm Thl Fwndnllnn khml wu ho llnl dmrdl Him In In ulnhllshui In up donn Eu Em Allhnulh Hxlmu Mum IVI Inllmcllnn In Imnll lump chlldnn in Hull landnn In ch Mldulle Am not unlll ha 17m mlnry llul the ntnly MI mudunls and other vrlvnl bemlndon helm on II namnur Irhoola In nalxhborhoodl lull lMc lhl uluI mnflnn lm any my 1ng mm mm mmn1 School mm II mum In line new Ralph Dav gmnl who mg do 18 REPORT FROM UK Schools ï¬re Fbllowing Decentralization Move mm noon Iver Ichoolmnsler of who lit Ind conversallon Todly Damian Foundation School ll voluntary lnmmu school aided by the London Caunty Council Puplll mm mm wlde IS London 1nd many al ham already Journey lo the when daily from pm 01 Essex County Idlncenl to Gmter London Orville Wrighl made manl lirsl lllxhl In MI nir plunu nur Killy llawk NC 60 years an today ln 1m llo new no lee in seconds distance lul ilcllnt la assure him and hls bmlher Wilbur that sus tained lllghll in power driven heavier than machines were possible 0P ville spent much nl tho laler pm ol his llle In re search dying at Dayton Ohio M71943 or Vlmiérr It Quebec new 14 an quid tol min In Id QM Put TODAY IN De Gaulle Groping For New mm Brea 0i Influence In Asia ï¬rst assembly Canada opened By DON QHEARN NRONTOIl It but thlt you and $110qu ply more for sult or nucepun In that our mmflauum an all Abroad This in the key qnntluu in per hnp the most lmporhnt mud enllnq In dale beluga the Smlth Mei Ind notably the Canndlnn MInu mums Aunthllon hive sad there mould be reducl onl mmnflon lncoma Ind other taxes ï¬lm business In thor nil bhlv hnvn nm Manuiactugérg Urge Fédeial Sales Tax pro posed than muld bl federal Isles lax Which would take 313 gluing nmvinclll nlu QUEENSVPABK Theirluau lumen In Ii vor reducuon In direct um lulu bushes In that they In uddluannl can and welken lhe compeIIuve posItIan our Industry Infleme nurlgeh They wnuld lransler Inger lime of taxation In the con lumcr Which mcnm dreCanadhm can sumer would pay more um ha does now whlle the consumer Canndlnn good abroad would pay less but Canadlans would lIzekable to sell better In his mar sudden cosiness between France Ind Communist China stirring some mlnallng spec ulation nbom changing bl power relaklgnshlps One baid theory is that French President Charles de Ganlie in cultivating Lhn Chl ncse has his eyes fixed on lead erhi m9 AlrtrlAlenjlnrlg In this View da Gaulle II mu be groping for ncw area of influence In hl elmt tn act arblkcr between Ihu superpowers Ihc United Stale and lheVSoviel Unlon NO DATA Tnidrcclrcie on quesllon such lhls there are various factors vnh his bid or Euraplan hegemony least temporarily checked by he inlemntianallat oullook West Germanys Lud wlx Emmiv ha French presi dent switches Mn gm la dlsmnl vistas He is looking ior nnlhlnz less Ihan lhe leadership of these wn mnllnmll Ihh reporter was by unaniclal French sources during recent Park visit One npparenl ugn closer undmflindlng bclwetn Franco and Chlnn mm lo ha the visit next week oxmar French Mall and Gulnu Chlneu Premler Chou EnAlnl at uld hav rezudcd Nth lnur wllh mm apprehenslon Now my dunl seem III worried In luck they apparcnlly leel um Chlnl may help them malnuln poai lion Influence men and In Allan lerrllorlu INTERPRETING THE NEWS CHOU VISIT SHED Cnnndinn Pm sun Writer 17211134 wed whim be 61507 Illm an II Inï¬llIv By ALAN HARVEY which must bu taken lnlo mn Ildgnllqn ona ol ihese lulu how muth burden direct mullon gclunlly lmposlnl on our Indul And lhwgh can hardly bu upeclcd hm every be Illn we answer to polldea and business at lean may he headlnl In me right rectlnn to lam Inlwerl halal on nuon AMINO lust what in In cum ï¬eï¬llva posltlon In export mun ms are elementary And wu lhueiore lurprlllni that when he CMA pared boa torn lhe co it hurl no in an lhun When intmberl of the comm In asked or such dale ll pram llep gngry help Th lemma0 Ihls cammlt lee to date have In lac been 310 mumIn in this direp on It LI attacking vast problem Held In which there an bl no absolutely rith or wrong do dlslllons Any pol cle an taxation ways be cgntmverslal It has been quiet and com peluqflyï¬lgglpg nut normalun But this comm llee encourage tonlldcnce that its recommendm clan at least wlll be hlsed on balancxl Ind informed look at Illa complexities Involved Whatever ihe AimMian gambit here Are ceminiy xigns oi Gallic eazcmesa get behind the bamboo curtain 0m oi the most notabia is tha visit paid to China by iurmer pre mier Edgar Feure who went with Gauiies blessing and presented him with ion ro part on return Speculation from Purl lux xests that Futurenot himscll Gaulflsl but reamnlhly tympa lhulc la dc Caulkwholeheart edly recommend French diplo mam recognlglan n1 Chlm Another pointer to Franccr Chlncsa ltiendlinm was the business mission Chin led by Guillaume Genrgellet hand the pnwcrlul Sun Com may 01 France Ind long chh ambassador to tho Unilm Na tions The Chinese armIn inst an eager to long with do Glulle does with hm In men critlclsm II French Communist pafly thl Chlnesl pald tribute lo dc Glulle he one man cgpthg Pnpln to meet thy God lnul Amol 411 Prepmtlon to meet God In Accompllshcd by havln our flnl wuhcd away by the blood ol Jun mum whlch dunuth III 1mm all our IIIII otr liindlnl up howl VUnlied sum BIBLE THOUGHT