Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Dec 1963, p. 1

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afewzfiawc Cabinet Changes Said Imminent nr 0qu llllfll IKHIIIIII I0 Jar 100mm bu Manda Uw mm Ill louud mu lo MONTREAL iClI Thm mahr wur qu 8L hm mm mm and Dumlnim Ind Mlmflc Iodny nnnounrm Ml luau In lb whale It Md mm ht III In IM muA TORONTO ACIJ 11w Torontoknilnlon Dank lodny nnnounccd Ileup wllh Hum Mur Cotnmmwullh bnnh In In known In Mld nd Ind lnluunllnnal llunh Limittd la wedIlla In upon llna mrlu medium and 14m mu lmln erw Cummon nrnllh lmnlu Midland Hank LIchd nl lhllaln Hus Kunan um lellrd at 011ka and flu Tommmlnl lunk ul Aunlrllll umm WAslllNGTflN MII Metal lppfllIl mull amlurfird lodny rouvldlon lhe omnnnm mm at Unlln lulu lot ullun In all and the mo flulmnln Adlvlllu Conlrol Ml ll Murmd IM me In five dhlllcl mm or on Ivlnl It Iha Inwmml nqlmll I1 or dlrmnl mdld uquilul OTTAWA CW1110 pallllcnl gonlp milln are xrlndlnl aul reparll lmmlncnl chumx In Prlm Mlnhlcr Pramnn Lllr cml mblnu Sourch clue lo lhe time mlnlmr lay lhul lame Ihlll In the mlnlltry nus pollihle alter the surreal union Pnrlln mrnl pmroguu and below Hm nrw union 0W0 rnrly In llow dam lo the mark an they 17 next zlx MRI or so would brln flu nmwcr nul llwy rmphullm lhal uny lh prime mlnlllu hlmul know whdhrr In Ind plnnl 15 Court Upsets Ruling 0n Rods Refineries Announce Price Hike MMWA CHDriving for we Chmth pmmuatlan member of Parliament showed rare Imanlmlty Monday as they churned Ive places leak on through flnnl debnte tngce Nut mtll the Common took uy An amendment the Na canal Centennlal Act at the night lltllnl did the apparent lplril goodwill emmhle un der the eeneltlve subject bl eulturnllnn Wllh ha amendment ma un Ire bclnl pushed lo mm charm Gordon Church hPcWlnnlpcz South Cen er Robert Prlllla WEDum IbyRlchmond Inld remark by Mr Churchill Icl Conlederallon back several yum TorontoDominion Bank To Unite Na not Hnllywood movie llll but Canada Prime Mlnlsler lulu Pear Unanimity ShortLived In Parliament Debate 99m Yur No 294 The leerul gavcmmem and Oiir Telephgnes NEWS BRIEFS Far Examiner Want AdIIlelo phone PA auu The lolephéna number In all or the Bullnm or Editorial DepL II PA 66531 mm In iflidlnl aul lmmlncnl chumx In hlnhlcr Pramnn Lllr olephéna the Bullnm IIIIII JUST HAVING FUN Many cl IhEramou Inngen thalal can lhm men may leave rum cablncl Juxflcc Mlnlxm Chevrlrr 60 to dlplamnllc poll nmbnundor In From or llnly or al PI commluloner la the United nxdom Thu Pnrll poll ll vncnnl and London will be mm the or lho tnr when Gm Draw ll Ich u¢d lo rtllm IollmmlerGrnernl Denll In lhc 5mm MIMI Mlnlmr lmukHck wn 51 lo Judlcinl DOII lsnua In line amendment the quuflon of removing Ihe word national Mr Pick cnllll lflld thnl lhe ward wllh two mounlnzl In French given the misundcmnndlngl and when any luch wards cause 11 rllnllonl ll wn who to chnnza any chnnm 17ml hay my frankly they cant mnunenl on lhgaccurapf an rum rariicuinrly Privy Council Pres praviding it didnt cam pm den Maurie Lamonlnm an iema in oiher inning InwlndefinLnnthuniUJn an mm In only in Canada Opposition Leader um way can we have in united Diaienhnkur country um wa wan lo In Sinla Secrcinry Pickemiil h° id Slate Secretary Pickemlll rose and repudiated earlier re mark by August Choqueue LLolbbmerc that Canadn has foreign queen Bill25 N0 FOREIGNER lrtpudlnle an fiizxcallon HIM lheQuccn Cannda la fielsnurfl nld Mr Plckm son just having some fun with page boy oi iha House Common dlilllll my held or the boy Man night AI nflmmcnl wnl reachcd pmmmllam wen nhcud to open Wm Berlin schools for live hour to begin luulnz mum allnwlng nn expecled 00000 Wm ncrllnm to VII rolnllvu behlnd the wall but Kamcr West Berlin clly cnunclllor and Erle Wendi Eu German deputy cnlum mlnhlor flamhcd on the Inn probltm union lodn It conccmod lho wording an urcemcnl lhnl dld no me the Iumnder by ulthcr lldc any political principle BERLIN Reulerl Well ern and Communm negotiator today reached an agreement al lowlnl Wm Berliner in make Yulelld vhlu to relnllvu ACTH lho border wall In East Berlin Chllxlml and nunu nut mm In Hm pedlalrlu mm lloynl Vldnrll llmpllnl lull mm IIIcltnl mm In In nll In mu mull Ihvmlmul husnlln undrr nu direction Hon Caldwell Permit Visits To Berlin The party was given by le eral member parliament Steve Otto of Tomnla erk Em Wirephoto ROYAL VICTORIA NURSES SING FOR PATIENTS Provincial delagales eluted at he pmspcck which me them said would nance mam work In pmvln clal cnpllnls and Ierva cherry on the lundaa plum or he luv ccnlenln oi Confedernlian The province looked lo lnwn to make Ipeclnl grants to the other night pmvlnm om cinlly lhen Are currently under Iludy by the cnblncl but con ference source Mild Mr La mntnxnol hlnl wnl lufllclenlly broad the meellnf lo lend he rovince bolevl they wlll made In mull In mm petullndlcntcd by Dilnwn all In pmvlnm Ahowm maunllnl McNamarn lnld the mlnme rial meeting of the North innllc Treaty Organization that new appraisals of Eastern and Western military Mrength ihowed Hm the Was ab to lake care of 101 In my war lmle pr biz He gave hlx pic ture of use strength By 1966 the United Slate will have more than 1500 intercom UFMWA CPDThe fcderal overnmenl ha Indianth Lbs province that me make rJaI grams of $2500000 ach to eight them for Ipeclnl cm tannin pmjecu llmle lo Junta already made or car mnxked or cultural cenlm In Gurlnllelnwn and Quebec City Privy Councfl President Man rlce Lamonlaznn was reported by delegate to have rulst he pmpnsul ho clam Moral provlnclnl eonlerence Monday Mr hmontnxna lnld ouuldo lha wnlcrcnca roam however that he province rhanld expect no more lhnn lhnl already enr mnrked In upllll gram PARIS AnDefence Secre tary Robert McNamara said to dny the awesome mix of the rowing US aloml arsenal could destmy Russian society if the West ever was subjecled to nuclear lurprlse attack He also mid the North Allan llc alliance 15 strong enough to mm convenllanal war with the Snvlet Unlun without plung lng the wnrld Immediateiy into nuclear conflch ol Codrlnllon School Chlldrm lhown Ilmve llefl lo rllhll nundyvflnmun II Men under IL Illnm Judy Mine 40 mm It In klllvvell 10 mm Federal G6Vemment Planning Centennial Projects Grants Pifrlov Ofihrlb CurlHi Tuudgy Dnomhor 17 1963 ii qu says US Could DestroyRussic1 HNSONPLEDG ES T0 BUILPEACE T0 Caplln rmuremcnll lo Imp pace with urnwlnz mmlmun over the next Hum ycnn wauld ha $000000000 fly on menus or another the unlvmlllu hnvu managed lo pmvlda Accommodation tor all qualified nppllcnnu Iar ndmh In Ihe pnsl lew yum ll 1111 Will no longer be push bla union the Iundl mud nvnll this or operating and capital purpom are put on ncw and muchlhlnhcr glam He said here I150 werelm presslv Increase In tactical puclear weapons but lave no deflnfle percenlues OllAWA CF Canndlan unlvcrallles wlll not be able ta mnllnuv uccommudallng all qualllled applicant or ndmls lan unless he Moral govern ment Iva greatly lncrcnxcd Il nnnclnl lld bnel lo Flnance Mlnlsler Gordonsan lgday The hrld aubmilltd by he Canadian Univmllies Found on said Canadian had been 51w renllu that the em nomlc Ioclnl and cullurnl health of tho country depend on high level of Investment In cducnllnn InXd unental ballistic missiles The present retaliatory forces haw more than 500 longrange mI alles The Sunlech Alr Com mand has more than 500 bomb er an air alert Missile base now are largely dispersed and fairly immunu to enemy attack By l967 the mis rile rile will be increased 10 times compared with he ml total will big proportion of the total protected girls nuclear attack McNamarn xald that with 115 alert one more than 2000 atomic warheads could he luunghed In gnswer lo Cam inunlsl surprisu attack percent Increase In the rem enumlIsm or centennial plan plnm 1m 3mm my nun rung lunl 0min mm at mt d4mmgbfimig mm Mun flunk mu MWI Univexsities Ask For Mon Money 100 last HELPER Utah AmNine coal mine were killed and an other Injured Monday In an ex Illusion In what was described an mode mine In the wast the face or cod atone of two shim which branch out mm In midILWNLWMAL Inlo the side mountain near Ihsceural Um commqnly In the back of gho room can and look deep breath and wMIpcrod Robert Robert Ruben BBNTWATERS England EmmiTwenty mu limer ican airmen all Negroes today faced nnrculics charges liter iv drup investigation among American servicemen which lerl lo allegations oi face discriminalion whit hll lhemv said James DInmanll mlne mwner Hwy 11 right when lhuy were working It was ILmeadows terrific ex plosion They must have pocket at Stale Induslrlul mmmlsslm nfliclnl at the Acme suggested blast wns caused by ellhcr can dusk Arr methane gas Mina with finned an Investin The pmlcmr Engllsh wn lrylng In drum lnlu hln chm the lmporgnm oLI lnrqp V0€flbl ha mid you rm mm 10 or llmel will he yourn lar vcn 5pc esmzm at Benlwaleu US Ajr Force base near 11 wich eastern England mm the men were accused of either pay sefilng or usingnmarlllruany the lame lime tho has mmmander Col Alum der denied charge by five of the accused mat rada troubla exists at the Mg base ll was the second major mlna dlxnsm In Utah lhl yearl Eigh lcen men wan klllcd mm 27 In potash mlne exploxlon Monh about 100 miles mull Helper 24 US Airmen Face Drug Charges Nine Miners Perish HERES ONE Mn Mn bl lhI lnlm woul Human llw Aluminum mm mm hm ol Ibo UJ nubu Mull murnmdllemcm vowInt run and In loud hullhMl In him norm mI bald Mfiwmm behind nm ORUXIO Boan ANFaul Amcrlwu hold mum lnr Io dayq by pqmmynlluoq tln mjn hnped lo alum lady In La Im Ballvln cnpllnl lonwlnl Inelr reluuManday nllhl Amulum and II other hum In their lmdam alter Mq lenu meollnl mo mlnm approval In ummml helmet lb avmum and dluqu Vlu ledml Juan Ehfiuoflwn wnplmcd by food UNITED NATIONS CF Prenlden Johnson today pledged hi unswerving cam mllment to keeping and he strengthening peace and said that the linked States want to see the cold war end once and or all have come here today to make It unmistakany clear Johnson said that the assas sinn bullet whlch took Ms Illa didml all hl nations pur pm He did suggest ln generalities that modem new deal Gould build hellu world that It ll me for peaceful revolullaa on universal scale In lmpmvo human wellau and Molly WANTS PEACE SUDBURY CWA 13year old mother am up her Inur chlldmn Sudbury nnd Dlslrld Cnlldrena Ald Society Monday bccnun he clly wd are department cancelled her cash ailwuncel myk whom ch drm mnga In no mm Icvcn yum In le mom had bun ulvtn 100d vouchcr lo 1m unlll IIlcr Christmas Innvlnu her without money In pmvldo hon alumina or her inm Mrl Amnmyk mid ha gcndy had umi ywrllnmlly idwincbjhéili buy ennui nod In In week or lo dnyl llcr mo month wcllm The new US lender ad dressed the United Nation In the Great Hall Its General Assembly It was his first In lemnlionnlJnmm since he took the helm of lovemment Nov on the death of John nedy Illa president thus bmught Ihe reassurance expected but no new mam policy pronounce menu or pmpmk Presldnn Kennedy Im aura wauld regard his best memnrlul the net that in that year as prcsldcm the world became um um and lhe way ahead mu brIxhler Sudbury Cancels Allowances Mother Gives Up Four Children Miners Release Four Americans Prdmiseé Safe World Rs Memorial To Kennedy NM Mon Thin PurCopyIl Plant Cluudy tnnlghl with light anew Cold Wednesday Low tonight Blah tomorrow 12 For full whammy hun lo pan two local Weather amaw mm cut mm mm nu um um In mallnlkm hr the mm mm mm ol Ivln Oommw nlol mlne unlou leadm Mme llmanlnl Ind Federico Elmhlr nn ulmlnll chamm The Amm lcm Ind one In Cami mllm wulhml ol LI Ill lo dellvn IIIJW um um hquIO lo Ill th wmlmcllan of Ivan In flULXllOLTfi M4 Ml Mn men mum nl llllln ll mum man IM uh wjlgilnlaj up um Tn Ih pmlectlon and enlarge ment at this new hope for pure pledge my country and llxznvemmenlf MAINTAINED my sacunmr aid her wushjnu mnchlno wnl brain and Ill her cooking lncludlnl boilln wnltr wnl done on In elect rylnxpln hecmm elciclrlc Iluva wnl beyond pa For the president Amehour lrlp fio the UN the world or ganizaunn maunled exclnumb nary security precautions 11m headquarter guard force wu xelnlorced lull Emergency mum of 250 men and 011 Ken ul public wubaned 1mm lhl East River headquarter durlnl Johnsons stay States 01 Amerlcl anbmd by tragedy unlkd In sorrow re unwed In splril am the new year determimd that world peace dvll fights and human wellare become no In llluslol but reality 17mm wn described the Incident II real Handy nlne any bdrm Christmas Ila crldclud flu city wellnra dtpmmml for Ill Iudflcn pojlcy chimp Hot olden Inn Ilcnry Ind been unable to nlltnd school or wtvk hocnuw um muld not Allan ovmhou or him Johnson asked the delegate of the 112 other UN member lo convey to their countryman the gratitude of all Alanuni or their mmpanlonshlp In lor mw ll Kennedyl dealb £19153 vuchun became the MM rtjrllgrqwr on cmd Police Caplure Accused Killers mtg 53799 10 Shopping Day Til Chrislmu

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