Barrie Examiner Dec 1953 Barrie District Collegiate uhoiorshi and rizn winners Included Nelma Vlgz oss Morrow John Cockburn Ann liarria Terrence Scawright Jane Perkins Don na Graves June Owens John Martin Joan Buschlon Shirley Frld Lloyd Strachan Joan hiurison Elizabeth John alon Thomas Seawrlght Patricia Mer rick Ralph Loughcod Glenda Butler Codrlngton won Newton Trophy in uhiic xchool oratoriul contest Saly Ann Lcwil oi Essa won Loo Banlin Trophy for publlc Ipcaking In townsle schools Jaycm planned special safety project to other with town at St Anllrcwl Churc in charge at ollco at Five Points Evening mvlco ouug lcoplc with lioh iioopcr pmld lug lay Giiic lo and Miss iatrici llnmlllon salsiu lho speaker wax William lilaln BCI woodwind quintet consisting of Heather Currie Suzanna Walla lcorye llcnton Ilruco Popplclon and Joan Sarjoant played letoral num bm Ilnl Livingston Jllaycd trolnhonn solo Juno Owen an iatricla Boyer hang vocal duel Testimonial banquet in Warden Wilhur hood of Slmcoo County hold at lulhrlo tomrnunlly ilall CENTENNIAL YEAR IN TOWN The steadily increasing number and cost of automobile accidents will mean higher insurance rates for Ontario mot or sis in 1964 warns the Canadian Un derwriters Association The association said that accident irequency and cost figures show 27 per cent increase over thepasttwo years The loomember companles of the CUA will increase their rates on an av erage of 19 per cent during 1964 Aver age increase for all types of car Insur ance range from 10 Ear cent in the Sud purx Timmlpg agd irklam ake ma to 26 per can in Toronto and 23 per cent In ylggnrq Fallg RatEs tor lndlvidual motorists wlll var accordinF to various actors Drivers yvll ggod gr vllpg rgcord wlllcontlnue to less or lï¬Ã©lr lnsurancewlhan lhosé wll bad records but Is expected that few Ontario drivers wll escape without AL mm mm In um Dllm mum um llllulon Innan mud mum nu um WI tilnu NHL Ann ml INIqu now Inclnu hummu mc ully by nnlu lk Inlly in IIMII nun In 0mm uu MOMMA ma mum mm Imm 0mm um Illlm pm ur um In ym mm um 7nnl0 mm In lm honm ham mum 11 mm mm mm Mlllll nu han rm and III lulu In cmmlluu TI 71min imm cumun mu In In In Increasing Cost Accidents With Higher Insurance Rate amwarms Wills Publllher The Barrie Examiner THE BLIND MEN AND THE ELEPHANT Published by Canadlan Newspapérs l4nméd 18 Bayfleld Street auxhe Ontario DOWN MEMORY LANE Wqun Genem Mmm FRIDAY DECEMBER Plll Barrie Flyers lost two straight games in to Quebec Citadel here 43 to the Black Hawks at Gait New section Bradiord Marsh being developed or production ot ve etabiea iiev Lloyd Delnney ap onted editor US Epis copal Church ook tor Canadian publi cation flay Gariepy reported pleas not surprise on deteneo ior Boston Bruins Reeve Cliiiord Lockilart op posed in tnniaiil elections William Gihbinr and Allan Todd iliyt 1e McCon key acclaimed deputy Barrio Slut ing Club with more than 300 membera reported good progreu otter eight week at instruction by tho new proimional iiiisa Margaret Nteid of Hamilton Abner itawn defeated Robert Brockweli tor reevo oi Sunnldaie in our rise vote iioy iilekiing reeiected Vespra Churchill Curling Club celebrated 75th anniversary New uhool No it innlstii opened mllo IOlllh ot Thornton on liighway 27 iiebor Smith elected Mayor oi iiarrlo on vote mnrgin over Alirtti ii iiorril iieeve Eldon Greer acclaimed Arthur Girdwood defeated Robert iiibby tor deputy reeve by 99 voten some increase In rates The CUA points out that about 75 per cent of claims are made by drivers who have dflven three years or more without an accident Al though clalmfree drivers pay proportion ately less for thelr Insurance lheymust thare In general rate Increases Among the many reasons suggested for the lncreased number and cost cl accld ant are the higher cost of lmported re placement parts for earsl higher medical costs Increased mileage drlven and the generally delerlorallng safety altuallon Insurance rates are one of the few places where the mum of accldenls are aclually Icll by Ihose Involved In Ihcm always of course cxcludIng Instances where severe physical Injury results Insurance rates are up generally across Canada with the average Increase 1488 per cent Windsor Star Thll 1001 hay over xenon wlll go down In hlnlory ll mm he want on record It romlndrd 117 lever vlcfllm 19 nnollmlulrradlu pajlrn year Home day lhln world or menu mafia ml drclronln may ï¬nd mm me had In control ragweed In Illa mean time the victim mun wd mu The ragww pollcn Is oflcn carrlcd an ar an 00 mllu nn wlnd and alarm Hnl ucnlhcr and mm min ldd up um lol olxollonlloalmu nround except III hands lnlo llll cam lry la plum In flow of can Ind up on lnggxlpg There nul rï¬uEh thewmeter can do lqlo lullcyan lry oolcur weather bglnus IIIe mxon lo merrllul drum OTHER EDITORS VIEWS BAD qgvnvsn YEAR spunnNs Pm The cxplnnallon far then parently dlAmelrIcnIly append View quite llmple ll Arlm Ihransh the delay In communi callon Only ma zmup ol Conncrvallvcl are able In ob lervn Ihclr leader ram elm kind they are than whohold ofllce In flu party 01 Ill In lilmenl or Ilve reason to In lrequenl ouch wllh mm mm 11L But the olher Ircme Ire mm Conmvnllvu who Iva far lWfl hava no con tacts with Ml wellInformed group Icldom may lrlnk dll cunlan wllh lbeir ConlemllVl MP and no have no mum at Icarnlnl what II rcally happen ing buckxlaze an Parliament IH CHANGE PINPOINTED By PATRICK NICHOLSON OITAWAWhy It then leadership mm wilhln the Con urvnllve party How cam that some Comervaflvu conlldcr the leadmhlp John Didenhnklr tn be elsenllal lorlhe lulu dermal mm their party while other vehemently belleve that he hat bucome an unmlu nicd dllaglcr lhflr gmy hlny Comervullvu htu con Ildcr that an abrupt Ind decl Ilve change occurred in John Dielenblkerl quallllu leader hm year Specifically dull an be put wmewhm bclwun then elecllon June It And lho Cub mm ll ln October In hll arly yun John Dlelen balm wu Idmlrcd wllh lhl bllndnm nl love may Cl undlnm who hope or real lchlzvemenll lug hlm Dlun chnnlmem vm ound lo allow lhll emollonll lldc Ind Ihll In Ihowhu bclnn lhl election Bu Illzr Cuba hm mm wlde Ipnnd canvlrllon lhnl he an longer had lnylhlnl but dlnv lcr In ollzr hll puny Thll mde from hll lnmnlnl ln dzclllon from hll hardenlnlne led cl 0mm and bmuu ln nmnlnlly Appured la lollaw pallilcnl expcdlenry nlher lhnn tomlolml phllalophy valual In 5th lg nyrlmlrll In Oï¬faiiolj Figllrej VMiyslieadinyg nly mldm uw IhII plduu but rowlnl ulna la Iollaw ohn lully cvldmccd by tho ml nlllan of mm mlnlmu by mlre mcnl numb tamer IIII And by null lo vol wllh In luau In lhl llauu at Commnm And Wu the In year at new llrumenu with Dtlnwu which mean Inafller bannnzl 150000000 There wont be windill in crcaus min this min until we nuI into another extraordin Iry year 111 is until tam llher increaud or new deal is made with Otinwn Way oul In dlllanl conIll lunchl haunt ML chlena buhr In Illll nurded Ihl mm ml leader um In mm md to In uvrn Ill In In yuu no 77 mum of lhl men dlunchlnlmlnt luwomn hm MI uhed than man ï¬lm at ClMdL nul when It doc Hm wnfld Hum ll likely la um mlhvlly mm la pmlnlmod ll hm llr Dldenbllm MI and hll country Ind III pm well In pm pm but by am Thu loo IM vrvd ll be mud upon mm lhou who hm opmly m1 ouuuh uully will with him my Inn been dubbed mum bul Im Invy wlll nll lhml mm who plum pvlnclylo Mm mllhm nm JACK IIDZN urn mmmualullm Ihll Id loe mad lhc lull um IM Ila mum wunll or flu alumnae be Im In ovlulon In om huly ol Ihq Conuni vulr Im IM mu II III dmm ed ny 901i oflEAï¬N TORONTOTherm flxur In thnma llnanclnl taper wlgifhrcould hp nyllendlql The report Just reluud Iva for tha um Um lhnflnnl inure lorho mm 11ml nixg Thli Mun xhowl um net debt In 109 Managed onlym Farm debt ha been alnl up man Ind more Now mlnzl mm to be my Inn Anfnount thu lncruu II mini EONANZA YEAn Na hat quite that The In lull yelrwn In unuml It was 1h 11m year In which hm win lull le month mu lnx ThlI menu In exln $100000000 rev Inlle in back mum And he Imaunt 01 lb Innual In crgn niiinvwill Iliale to mourn Hui plum mm Mr In an llculI milieu The hmum gm mm lhfll lmlln Thll wu hnrp decrease from ll $116000000 nu year balm And mn mm ha in oogooo 1mm uibII Iltmlï¬mn tanbu huw fa OTTAWA REPORT There in dug rea Mwlver Why The Leadership Clash Among Tories lhz yreissz view of Diurn baker an opinion is chunxint evan in the 1m uranihaid ol Dleienbakcrilmon the Prnir iu 111er crack in the 15qu Prairie MPI who itnvn been Ihe rockribbed unquestion ing cheering nation bnhlnd our John One Am why the minis lerl never uppealnd in mm rectlr am the head ni Alvin Hamilton during the trim An other my the inrmm back home an nnkini whether it II true that Dltinnbaker cannot work with men fllal lhnckl them which the law deb gun or In ynr could hm man Influence lhll Mn ll could lenklon of Incmm bah UII nm at Adm nlumlon autumn would lerlamly aamldu In mnu In winter the deb hld continued to row ll 01 mo it he been than wouid rzglly hav been mm dwinklbwonld have hid nln luau only 075000000 III 90 to nmnl max cm In hold all lagmm mm Then there In oonllnulng allnuom wlm Ottawa on nlncu And than conunit In nudylnz unml organ mum at taxation The latter will ha kl renammtndar tam which could lake mm the mutual ulnl out of bigger ax bile Because of his Ind not need lnz money desperately Fremlcr Rabnm mlzhl decldn nl better to wilt Under he nnrmll rm In mm lhctnddlthn lo neNeht 1m yur problbiy would luv regchtd $145909090 For mm low lam nuke had cllmm far In tream with bolh lhl vubllc Ind thiuppopltlon In gha muu Thsy am my the xovzrdmenc refllyr egnl need 1h nmney in bun ulumed lhallhll Thu whlla Mr Diclmhakcr These nlne ï¬ne Canadian wlnes ave the most p0pular ever sold In Canede Some have been acclaimed In many other parts of the wprld In this group you have wine to appeal to every taste light bar any occasion good with any food Thebest sellersthat are found in me best cellars SmTS sums Manuscript IGéésOnSale HIV mmyhnvo Mhmh mm min ea mumf And llulara Leak In nllmd flu flack Ind flue um um mu an prophem 1mm my 9mm limbAmi And critic prepare for future sklrmllhu the end the Dial enbaknr era In In light The party In blflcr than any one man ovtr 1300000 former Can urvntlvo volcrl or more than twolhlrdl have already 1m lhe Dleknblkcr leadenhly the pro portion at dimlmlcd an Purl ment Hill ueml much higher And lhll Immutable la lhe change which occurred betwun June Ind October Ian year bellcvc and can Ill ms in men Ind women Mm nununder their iivu in Him rmrdieu ol Ullll occupation BIBLE THOUGHT Sir Fraud Draka Iiried hi lhree year voym around lhl worldhe Hm undcriakzn by an Enzlllh man366 ya no way in 1577 He uiied in mm mand the Pelican rc namcd lhe Golden Hind and iaur mullet xhipl wiih about 160 mm The prailll from Iii voyageIll objec tives rem1n oblcure amounted lo £500300 Queen Elizabth knighied him aboard hit my on hi nlum mxBrllnin Franco Ihe Unlted sum and Japan llfllltd the tourpower FA clflc heal Gruk Orlhadnx Archbishop Maknrlox wal 21ccch pmldcnl ol Cyprm In lh Islandl um yml dcnunl elecllon By THE CANADIAN PRESS tom IN HISTORY moon CHA llvcly 1c caun of lhe Adventures 01 an lath nenlury French Cann dlnn uUar wllh pennudlnk dnwlnu llfumallnl nuvnl en uumenu In which he look pm on on Iala AI Solhebyl lucuan room Dcc Author PMan da Cour wnl born In Quebec belwun 1727 and mo Iha um Ihl Ileulm Inbsovernor Qucbtc allce Ind alwnvernor ol rolr 1leme Mur mending Callous dl Quebec he became an my cadet at 14 Id look Ir In ampuler Hnlflu out ms Liar hl lrnnmmd Io Ivy took part In number OUR REPUTATION IS YOUR GUARANTEE PURCHASE DIVIDEND SAVINGS PIAN DIWWP 51 SAVE10 On Every Purchase with HE 1371 ms MYAWAYSM WELL BUDGETACCOUNTSI INVITED NO INTEREST CHARGES You SAVE TWICE on every purchm You lave on our rlccl which no lhu lowest pnnlble YOU SAVE EXTRA 10 under out DIVIDEND MVINGS PLAN Remember lb plan ll 06d on all ym vurchucl ll our plan Witch dllmond rlnnl lilvcr Jewel Izry gm Itch rmln em Beams Dulny Illll Hubl 1mm you ll wlm youll m1 Ill dcllrloul thA dllmlul du uvl ml wm mull mlhthnumdunï¬ow palm Pluunl III II Cm yaulmnlnolmylhlnmm mpublo llMomodul mm of brighten up wary 9mm pally Walnut Chumunm Cllllflll III cm paan ulcbulcd to my ulnbuud ml mm 14 thmySmaolh Ind monumlluhuldc um MM lam WM nu wflh hall dMuvm Ind uupwuu Mum Dulll Moll pun um II nolhlnlmm homw will mm of any hind lawh porkor with DUIm lparkllnl Vin nmI an Inna IMIII IIIIIJI llndllnlllnl on Union Whmlun plo damlmlu PM nlnll Dullmy eniauemengn ggaiml p16 Brit 11h hung bill hlown 1mm un ydzr Mm wax woundedp taken primer rnlealgd and even wally look pm In In dclcnce Quebec under Montcalm Th advmlure occuplu no pnnu cl he book and II mun paylch by aiding drawing the man Important lllullrallon In ma bank II bellowed um Ihe mtnu Icrlpl whlch continua to Ihe and 1765 neverwu pub Ilshed It wax or my the my my the lac Slr Bruce Ingram cdilorlor more than hull century 01 the Illmlrmdt hudon Newt HA5 MUCH COAL Thu Uniled Slate hold hallt the worlds nuyply of call enough to keep men and Mn chum diam or 1400 yearl PA L37