nd Painful eye luau from some infection An 0y lotion from the drug sinro didnl helpvso used boric acid Indinuw filleyeris nkny fdend tnid mehorlc acid was nrold remedy but now shnuld am he used In thislsoPECC Jean old if dont Ilka to say that mod enfe use of boric acid is wrong but my conscience wnni let me My that it is perfectly all right gilher We once consldered if me antiseptic Then we lenrned that ii man be absorbed through he skin For ecific Example gmd mnny ables Wm made mysicrinusiy ill un til it was found that they or their diapers were being dnsied with haric acid powder moo um ull nu has 33¢th point at which some hnspitals donl even keep any burl add In the dis gensaries other medication can do the Job as thl without the risk However In your case It seems In have acmmplished the purpose wllhum any harm It was In diluted form and pm Iume that you used only lime blll3 and any axe times does not seem wise to me to use It as daily eyewnsh It your eyes are healthy they dont need rinslng ll they need punctual rinsing then it is lime to have them treated hy your doctor anyway For an lnudenlal we Inlet tinn dflule baric acid may he adequale but even then one the more modern medluunns Imy do the Job more quickly nnd safely dont want In mnde Icid totally but people should be aware that It can be dangelL us dn not mlnk il sale In use an babies Although some but Iled baby powder haveï¬een delendml on xmunds but they contain very lillle horic acld you use it make it up fresh uch time because it may be come caulaxninaled at someone else my lake II or use it by mixlake rnmn chnmzn QIlkl an Ichllw uo Pom Pm Rm fluclllbim Hound 10er Nun Wtumu 5pm wuon Tnln Counln Mdalm Deundu cm Ihl Unlnurhlhlll CBC rv Nun Wu spam Nun um swry Dr wane 3105er momma nu mu Drhlolner What about hoï¬c acid as nneye laugn um nna teaspoon lo pint 01 water T0 GOOD HEMTH II It tank In III um nu pin MéiiLNW Distrust EUse OI Boric Acid Au an am In Mund mm THIII II No CHARGE FOR mu SERVICE TELEVISION PROGRAMS onwwounmp cmmo mucus CFTO CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU VALLEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL PA 82433 mum mtcnmnl 3888285323 EEEE Illnuny runThu mmy umm club Kmdo flu llunl runm ma Johnny Than an MI Map flhu an Oul Th llru In IIIIM Crv lam Nu Mme mm mm llau um ma My lwr umnnu Mann moo um um um Iuo Loo no mo um um In MI In Pun loom nunnrm Wlh Vnu wm Hm rIn III nmm mm mm mm WmIlInl In um In Ulmlmn an mm lnm July HM crv Hum 10 Annmil 5mm IUNIMV llulflllll ll IIM In human Froeuum Illlml Juumll Illfl Doullll Illhlnll n9 4n mu mmflm Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Herb Shellswell were Mrs Nevlls Slnyner and Mn Am old and Harold mold New Low91L The pupils nl ML Hillvicw SchnaL wlll give their Chtlsl mas concert hlcsdax Dcc 17 fl ï¬lm at Edgar Communlty Yours Is nnlvunusual hlslory ul Ingrown nails They can and do develop ENE the original shoe pressure hns been cor rected One cant be on specific without seeing the not in ques Uan but my suggestion is to consult an podinlrisl Frequenfly In severe cases Is best to have purl nl me nail removed This mlleves pressure on the uni bed and hen guide the mall lnlo prnper cnnlour NOTE 10 MRS AS Ordinary smallpox vacclnaï¬ans for sdma reason have been found to pm vent Herpes slmplu cold sures in many cases and hasten the healing It is worth Irylng when one Is continually bothered wilh them Denr Dr Molner When was youngl won shoes um didnt fit Thu nail on my len bl on hecnma ingrown took me year In get under conlml For 20 ycars We been able to buy shoes that firm are not too light Snmh have been open lncd Recently my other big on has developed an Ingrown nnIl so light cant get under hr edge lo treat It What causes this and what canl d07MT The contour In nail was Imbany changed years ago and only nowhns reached the painful stage Den Dr Molnar ucdden ally pulled somq my eye lashes out with curler Will they grow In and how long will it HINTSIS Yes they will grow You can probably see them planing by MW nllow aJew weeks for them to each Igll lenalh 28882338 AI Ml IL Ydllrlltl TuhMII on III Bum Ir Nov ml My MRS HAYES To Tu Tu mm NHL Hockey JIIHIH spam Unllmxlod CBC TV New Vulher New Spam Mavis lCIlllnmll July Am mu 5mm runum mm man norm IIan In lam Dumv nmm Iv Novl umn yfml mm mm TORONTO BARRIE mum NI llnvlc lllnunlnn EDGAR Trinity Unlled Church School children are preparing for their Christmas tree and visit mm Santa Claus Monday evening Dec 23 in the church school wine are conï¬ned to their ham3I will be able to be out In Um Christmas mivilles dlnmond bid could be based on all klnds ol dlstrlbuuon and could also range In hlghmrd nlrcnglh ram II In 21 polnla ll 15 canscquently more dnslr able to doscrihn um real nature the hand by npcnlng wllh nalrump lhnn ll would be In mm with dlnmond which tnuld be based an wldn vnrlcly hand One iman Usually lhu longer Euil ix bid lirsl hui in mi case it in holler In slur wiih ll sharler null ii lhe opening hid were diamond and partner mpandcd with npudo or noirump it would hccumn awkward in ilnd prop nbldl To name he iunrla nuw would mnke il impossihin In much lwn Liinmundu which might well in the but conimcl in bld lwo dinmnnd inllnnd wnuld result In Inpprcuinu lho Congratulations and good wish es 20 In Hugh E11 01 Greniel and Miss Evelyn Kighuuy ni Barrie who were mnrried in St Georges Anglican Church by Rev Wniicr Dyer lust Sat urdny Hugh lived on the ith and sixlh mncessians oi lnnis Ii before moving to Greniei Mr and Mrs Jenncn Donna and Verna attended the Ellis Kighuey wedding last Salurdpy nilprnpon CIIOIRS PRALILSING The Junior and sminr cholrs One nnlrump at but ler to open with nalrump Ihnn wllh one diamond Thu my lmrnp Md more precise since guarantee 16 10 ll high cnni poinls nnlrump distribu Ilon and ullaround slrcnglh Mr and Mrs George Hull vis Itod lhe lattcrs mother MrnJ ggar mm last Wed You are the dealer both sldcs vulnerable What would you bid will each of the allowing ï¬va hands um oxqm 415 498m VAKQT on 49 441mm on 9342 flm VAQB man was me December mrellng of the Womens lnslllule wlll he held at the home Mrs Kgndrlck Decl 12 wllh he allowing pm gram Mono God shook the world with Babe no bomb com ment Mrs Simon Roll call somethlng learned from new Canadlan Program lilsturlcnk researph Mm Max leg draw Joy Klnlonn mutation Mrs Slnlon lunch sandwlchu Mrs Snldcrg cake Mn Coward 0596 mm mm Mr and Mrs Harvey Knupp ol Guelph spent the weekend witlh the farmers mothcr Mn Knupp and sister Mm Ed na Knup Allanrmlsop who has been with the Dmry Forest or some time has been mavdd lo Vivian Sorry to report Brian Baker Is In Barrie Hospital VISITORS awe of North Bay spent last week wiflI Mr and Mrs Erygst Ellynara DAILY CROSSWOBD Is hopedfllhaé pugs phEIdren Plum um um ll Hook EllIII 11 11mm lendnnt 11 Main pouun pm lanmncc flounaln In em WSWA 10rrmlmo llnhuu in bean mum Attrin 99 Wood lmrmwlnl InlmAl l0 Humr IL Ilvurllll In I1 Ncw nunMar ¢Jump l1 Clnl pm 324 In at ypo lwlllnd In pm 05 mum no lcmi 11 Elm or mum 1qu at the I00 411mm Appnlvil mull In Intel By MRS GEORGE 0LT By MRS cAsrou CRAIGHUBST THORNTON SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS CONTRACT BRIDGE 29 martIn xo mum mm 100huln BLArrIrn 19 Found ln mam Mn Vldo 201mm Auk 2lln um NJJIIKEP our mlcmm landl mu Naln mm 2M ClLIchnl pr 011mi or um vmlly 0h hlth 10 Ehrl mml and IMImlc Fulï¬ll In fl flea will nulchu no By JAY BECKER One clubl The general rule ls lhnl lho hlgher rnnklng we llvecnrd xulll ls hld Hm but where the sults are upudu and clubs ll usually bellcr In upon WM club The mama or he cxccpllan ls lhnl the club bld makes it possible In show bolh iulla low level An openan pndo bld would mnkn ll neccmry to climb lnlu Ilm hm level to show lhu clubs ll pnrtncrl response Wen lwo vllnmond or hcnrlal 11mm nolrump TM bld Ihows 15 to 27 points and no lmmp type hand would hn wrung tn open with orc lng bld of two dlumundl wllh lurh Hut distribulian Most forcinu lwn bids are based nl 1cm part on good dlerlbu llnn and HI II no 1h tau hm Tnmonowx 111a pertenlllo plny One spade This follows the general prncllce at hlddlng the longer lull ï¬rst In decldlng whlch null lo bld the quullly ol the heart does not take precedence over ho quanllty the spades ll partner has thm spade and three hour spade will almost sumly work out lo be hf pmgel Em suil Mr and Mrs Kenneu Sulhm land and son Toronto spent Lhu weekend with the lanern molh er Mrs George Wilson She xe urned to Toronto with them to spend few week We wlsh or speedy recovery or Elwood mm who mum alRnyal Victoria Hos pllal Banlei Such problems with hand ui minimum flung IKE but solved by opening with in high ranking oi iwa touching suiis Khiamcihod keep in bidding at low level while the same limo ll pennlu both milxrto be shown Members at the junior chok lrnvelled to Holy Trinity Church Tumnla allend the annual Christmas SQory on Dec and hurl xull which II also nnl do sirable wL No 16 Ihurnlonmeld the first of heir wele Euchre last Wednede evening In tha Orange Hall WM 11 gables 1n play Prize wlmlers wen Min Manmm Ramsay Mrs Thorn as Taylor Mrs Robert Ronda C11 Webb BHI SInddar and Rug Chimp Keep Wednesday Dec lath open or Ivy Public School Christmas concert In the Orange Hall p111 Cnnginiufatlons In Mr and Mn Jack mum on the birth baby girl Dem3 Now that winter has arrived precautions should bavtnken Ivy sidemad very Icy and slipperyWe want no accident or Christmas Mumps seem be making the munds in this diskict Recenl visitors ol Dr Horton and M15 Frances W1C Ium were Mr and Mn Norm an nnrrall Weslan Mm George WIce president 01 San Simone District Wm mens Instltule Totlcnham made business call on Mn George Halt recently Sympathy Is extended In Mn Lee Banting In the death of her brother Reginald Arnold Vat Ban1e Mr Arnold was ann er ruldenliot Ivy cpmmunity in many years Sharlock Barlow andvsan Huw mi of Oshawa vislled the for mern sister Mlss Irene Bah Sundgy busy preparing apean music or the pre Chrlslmu Christmas and Vesperservlces The Yes per servlce wfllhe command by the Canadian GlrlsIn Train lng sundnywvgnlng Dec 22 91 Trinity Unnéd Church qrg 1044an In 35 Month Annih av Inn MW utmrtmn 41 mm mvnrxmn aimu be making skint jqnlardwk mwmnmmnmvm Mfumeu yrn wwun FRANWS INMVABLES DER 1mm FFme Muwmnwnnmvnm iwmacmnlyinmmnmm WWMJammmnm wmmmwmonh 14 Juan BAIEEIEEXMIINER Emmi DECEMBER JEMWWWMW psuesgmaquoéaoï¬wm 8151