Crews Dig Out Quebec Village OTTAWA CPthhcr he Inmal mccllnx of the Promw live Cumcrvnuvc Auaclnxlon would vale by thaw hand or by mm hallo ncx Fcbm nry on John Dlufcnbakern con tinued leadership qucallan whlch has mused contllcllng theorirs wllhln he may 50 tar as can he lcnrncd from pnrly sourm Mr Dldcnbaker himself ha no lndlcaled hl lecllnl on an mailer llu Ilmply nld Ihnl hc mm mcelinl drawing nboul 1500 deltflflltl lve hlm re ncwtd mandala lender Th conxliiullon lhepnrly lml very helpful In mlllng Hm Inue ll my simply Ihnl mccl MONTREAL CPD TCA Pmsldml Gordon McGme pa ated In useful dism xlon with five hunchspeaking nudcnb Thursday whlle hun dreds more paradpd anan the downlown Plate Yillc Marlo kyxmpcr In whwlinz snow Inside the hullding lhc slud ent delnxaunn old Mr hchre nor lhcy didnt llkc llllludl award French speaking Cl nadinns and they lhnugbl than mould be more bilingunlhm In the publiclyowned alrllna Al pm conference aner he ï¬rminulqmgcung the TCA president laid Frenchspiailni mlAWA Cl An oppml llun nucmpl lo nmtnd ov emmtnl pennlnn blll wnl do culcd Tlmndny In Cummonl vntr H1 lb 110 lnvemln Llhcrnlx vm bnclmi by ll So In lellen New Dran mm mm rcdillllu nu up Inan lhe uvtrnmrnl In my pod lnmllkh Nd lo hlvc Jun 10 llnndl de rnlluvml new wm xlmlnl hmulh II lilwlwlflp 1mm Iunr nmrl uwrrlnz nu hr urn Ulqve Mm loduy In an ll lrmpl In man Hm mum nnvr 11531qu landulhlq ulllr In Imrl Inkhm In No drlour lhmuxll Multh vllla IIME Walmm Ivnlll when lhl IIda in MI In um mnIAI cnmmunlly dropped laol nlnmnlly Iqu In undu lmuml Tull Ihkk my mud Inn urnk hm Io mnln huluwu menu Conservative Party Divided 0n Secret Leadership Ballot Govt Blocks Opposition Bid To Make Pension Retroactive RECOVER FOUR BODIES PREMIER with dent of the Students Demonstrate Against TCA Policies 99 No JUMTIIIM IIE 101 For Examiner Want Ads Talo phone PA Milt The lelephonl number to call or lha Buslnnu or Editor Dank PA 66557 Our ROM chm Galloway pmh Hamlllan mfliu Telephohes MI A01 71h nallonnl moclalion Custom In Ihc party has been lo Use mm mum In lha elec lun new leader at Iionnl leadership mvcnllon nul nl annual modlngl thn custom hm lamally been to vote by Ishow hands wiumul either llcltl ballot or my Ugh control our hon enlllled to vote Tho pressure or Accra vnln on ML Diclcnhnkcrl lmdcr ahlp has been rnlscd prlnclpally by group In lhc Young Pm nrmlvn Canmvnum Asmcla on In Taronla Mid Mnnlml Hlmlvlunl couuru lam nml anIluvlnl levull honu llnnl hr way And cnnIlnnod uboul Inla he Imny Lawnm lllvtr Canadians have awakened con leenhle sympathy in Engtlsh Canada duran the last two yum and thls ix no lime to Eek hail thatl already roll In my opinion he said good In have been made In Impressan an Enxllahllnnl dlln ho Mmm Ind dcxlnv hlliiy rccngnlzlnl the French Canadinn pasfllnn Ind um ll nu Im Whipn willing horse Oumde Ind as loan belowy groups of sludenu lwlc tried lo push their way law nky Icrapnr and lwlce wm pulscd by pallet Plateglass wlndaw an Illa ground floor annll 011va hi generally ac ccplnd lulu pructdura at luch mtcllnxl Roma nl mhl haum nnl um mrlod hm lhr 11m 0n Imnuldulul 11mm Um Mllum nl Ihu hula urm llll M1 by lho alldt 0mm um MI ll ml lulu In uw rlvn of mud 1M lmlud madman hod ln Jun mmlm I1 Ind brnlhm llllnwml D94 MIL and OnoIN 20 um Inlrn hum ler ml 11m Ham or newly perlonl used IMO lhu hunt Ind lhc hub rd mud rtlrondlvl on hr mm of Dre monthly mm In pm Mler llm vole lhu Common an lhird and Hun lending lo the pennlon whlrh nmv m1 mu nnlc Tho nnw Mid ha I15 month III lhm ruleaonn Club Speaking at of the club last Rnburu Indicated meeting night Mr mum WASHINGNN AP Pren ldcnl Jnmsan II rcportcd plan In In Ivmplnl mmnlzntlnn of lhe Alliance or Pramcu In In broad move to develop marl dynnmlc and ellccllva US re lnllom wllh Lalln Amorch wellvlnfarmcd congrmianul Iourca predicted camplcu raornnlznflnn Ind ml Ihnkcup wllh chmm In Ill top cchclon Ind In In nlllnnce mnllmds opcrnllan The delegation Ind deman nraiion warn organized by the University oi Montreal Sludcnis Association oiiicinlly to protest natemenu Mr McGregor made lo the inmpariniian commutes oi the House 01 Commnnl mned out Ihat way but bclam nnIhnur Ahad flamed about half he nudan had dispersed and most ha oth ers were carrylng Quebec up uauxl hnnnmnnd placards Inside the student delegallan said they mnivcd lrlcndly and sympnlhcllt hearing ram Mn Mchor were sputtered with eggs but no Injuries were apparenL Nn arrests were reported Police eulmnlcd liter were more than 500 pmlclpam when he demonstraflon mm sm Will Reorganize Progress Alliance Primm Mnrunl MI and her Ilulvr len Elm bed mm not allllude by Ontarlo Inward any Increasl In lubsldles to haw not provinces CF Wire plum organizers laid hora were ROYALTY ATTENDS ROYAL BALLET She was lent npynremly dead lo lhe underlukurl from hospllal Wednesday but began moaning while her measure menls were being lgkcn gm 11m nld and wnl Iclurned Io lho hospltnl whtra lhm doc ora earlier had failed lo revivu her after she had bun lound In Ilnlc collapse at her hnmc LONDON Mulch ElslI Waring 35 found alive by an undertaker In her mum Wed nesday died In haspllal Thurs day nlght Ipokcsman Mid She died wIIhout rclAlnlnl can mgusnm he added lioctars Wlllcsden Hamlin sought Ihrouxhoul Ihe dny lo Illa Mls Wnringl llfe Teacher la yupil Whnl good ha reindeer Pupll To main he mm ENW lcndlcr bul nlx on but dcar um or the boy lhlnk Im tiny PORT HOPE 0n CP night watchman wan injured early today when an expiaaloa in the disilliatinn roam oi chemical plant here named an estimated 350000 damage was ill third major lira in this community oi 7000 50 mile east oi Oshawa in the ins II day nlch NewmanJon 15 wu hurled lo the ground oumde the bulldlng by the lnlllal blul that crumpied several Interior wall and hurled debris lnlo the this of building more Ith 60 mt way He Wu taken to hospllnl xuflering from nhock nbrulonl and brulacl The ï¬rst explosion wan loL lowed by series lesser blast that hampered volunteer firemen from For Hope and nearby Cabaura Later lhg Ira wu Drought under conlral umllu uh ml mr MILDy gt Iflï¬ï¬‚tmll mm by ur ll MM Co mu nu Uudu mm mwiimm woman Dies Second Timg Worker Injured In BldSt BIrrlgjOanrlo in IFIHIYVDDIII15OI135196 HERES ONE AI prmlcled by police nMIcI All the muwflll mad drlvlnz hazardous Seven mlnor accl drnts wm rcporled his mom Inz by name City Pnllcc All were blamed on the condition cnuud by mow urnlnl to In on lhe roldwayl rampart ruck mm ml just law In mm homo an Codrlnllnn mm yu lcrday nflcrnoon an In vehicle went out canlml an the 119 peg wrlacg Thu wcnlhlrmnn predict tha wtnlhrr le ulllc hll wflh mud condlllans rcmnlnlnz uu nrï¬ou for pittw day ltaxli ol mnlcrlnl for while Chrm man but only In chlldren wm hcard chculnl Thm Inchex now all on Bnrrla linen noon yesterday plllnz the lwodny total in eight Inches LARGE TRANSPORT mud an Codrlnzlon urea lawn or Inboul hallhour yesterday Illemoon 11m wen out control an 1h alrly uncpmde City em Road Conditions Stay Hazardous The tumold lannrr Ilmnr mun who mm mm lm lldnlllflmn Inldmch menu mmul um nu wrrlhm II ember IN uuM lull monument mini Ilium an Julio um mm 91 Uh FM MADRID MI The Ailm linu lumnml Im Nd min In uludll Juan lIm lo yur old rhun pl dud1 Ibo Janilnrl lmuu dnuuhln who mintl MI lul lwo mu Aum llnal dlclnlnr nuked In my home mm mm cloud moo In Snxknlwnl ullylnu Arm and II mmmunll at Vummy glenIr Donnan Ewmm Ahminn and Chm Albertl mined Mu hnmt flnknlcmwnnl blizzard and Ilrllllh C41li rt rm only mu mm In Iv Inlzrivr numdny Snow wu lllhl aver Mlnilabn The Puer lloxm Wu blamed tar ma dcnlhs of 61 Kenmld man who nufltrcd Mr nllnck while unemplan la Irte hll lmck ram am nl Hnlhrllr Bulk and al yrnrold woman RM Deer MEL killed by mung Traveller wm llnfldtd Ind rural Ichanll Ilalnled by bladed road In Smknlchewan Maul uhool bum In ha Meow Jaw um mm up wim oughtrylngg to buck the drlltl Spain Asked To Extradite Juan Peron Children in Saskatchewan re ceived special bonun In 1m hallday Ior lhousandl my Thynday The flu camKr began on Irriiflu HchncSQny ledg dmppcd on Mulrovollmn nnlo cauulnn tram um or hours land the obwlcle Five kiwiwere blnmzd on Ihe norm lhe Hm real mm owlnlgr pxlx ycglr up In 70 mlch our hula uwwbnnkl In Samaldw wan Ind tut vlllbllfly um Slx lnchu mow wu dmppcd on Mulrovollmn Tor nnlo cauulnn tram marl Ugaljar hours land the auto wrackinz ex rlmco An old nxhianed blmrd In Suknb chcwnn and mawncrm In On urlo mailed at and made augrygbfle ohwlm ployees who arrived ma teens to spray the are with rand agreed that dippcry road conditions cairch the near lerlaus rnlshlp Tho transport stopped just 91 mm lb home Examiner Photo me imolorlm it was nerve iaiéiiï¬um um um Temlmmlw illuflhnflulft uci imie 0mm rm Allimlluu Illnhlrr Hm ul mlly In Ilium Thurday mum on heavlm pctanal mum made rm Mulder in llouw 04 Common ll um mumM ï¬lmy QUEHIXI CPI Leopold Dion today an rounded will murder In Ibo Ally lnl of ltyumid Flam 1hr bkm IM durud In the drama our mu ban um um Med In mnmlan will nnmmd nlon to ho hand All 10 Im Ibo mm ibunl Muqu Bollvlu dluldml VchruI dent Juan Lechlu leadtr ma ubrlflam mlnerl nuurrd Ihn win nmmhy nlm ha could no In mew lo Ihe CmvlSlulo Vzlnln ma milu Aath 0mm when flu mlnm hojdqu lg hoglam ow 3m mg in Amcrlmn pr nu ruumn hIl lam lodny lo win nldau helium hlld by BOUVIIII llu mlnm dcmmdlnfl that he gov ernmenl free lwo Cammunlfl mlpe unlon leaders Msur Krnncdy ol Lou Ma mid he would mucuard zovcmmcnl mm in Ihnl ll wauld be duty or Inalhcr American to cum um Dion Convicted 0n Murder Charge MQY BE REVIIEI There mu poslibillly Ihat further Idlnumcnll would in prawuq then the mullet said He mauled that anything which weakened die economy Ontarlo will be body blow for all Canada fOur need can be very vitally ducumenlcq and willbe al the 11m conlermce Un daubledly ll wlll be numnry or Onknrla to look lunhzr It own mounts la ï¬nance lhl Hays Battered By Opposition HAMILTON CF Ontario preyared to take toulher elmAd against any Inmate In federal mbsldlu to the have nol provinces Premler Ro bum Indlcaled nmrsdny He coupin thin waminl with broad him that Ontario lam tile diaiind punibiiiiy oi in creased taxes to ï¬nnnn the areal expansion that W5 lee lying ahendi Any further Adguslmen the ï¬scal relallam pl be twecn Ihe provinces and flu federal Iavernment mull be ex amined very very carzlully In he Hxhl 01 their poulblt ect on the economy hi pmvlnce mid Mr Hobart noted the new fiscal arrangements only cov ered one year He expected cul relation would be examined again on mumpdon the led cral provinehl conference In Quebec City next March The prtmler told the annual dinner at the Hamilton Tram Club he would have grave mlulvlnu about any map Ilan equalization yymwll beyond the present larmuiL US Pnest Resumes Efforts To Free Hostages In Bolivia Mr llgxtlrl Germ Lurch In Jihad mm onuno 1301M Mm An Premier Hints Extra Revenue Needed To Finance Expansion NM Mon Thu Par Copy16 Pant CluudY hm occasional mow3 flurrlu Balmany Cowl to 915m 10111111 punyrow 17 For all Imam him to pm two Locél Weatlfer rulllln dudrm err dul llum ll mum Jul llama IlUAudlalx Unlm um rud um Hm In IN mum of lumml Ind In his Mllmfll In in MI dopmmml Mum nun mum orm Conam mm lbcu mwanunwmu Iknld mum my In luan no mum and Wynn MEIR unmy by Mr Mm ll Wiih government lroovl Idling lily iiu dzmm Ilralarl mum In iron flu pmidcniinl paiacl and he Coir lml building and dcmnndcd lila nieau oi in union ieadcrl who have been chum yilh murder liltppltd min dcr mtnl H000 worker mucth Ihrou Iht limb Thurldu nl thIflI denuntlallom Put Idml Victor Pa Ellmuaru Ind American milllarhm the ham Ind new um 11 porltd to hnv dug mtlnl box mm flu yard But no Inem wm Announced rim at the June the mpmllon the home had been nbandonat The PEI wouid not 37 whether In raid mu dated the nalxa can but neighbor qu Ioned by lcdual luau Ihey Iurmlud SI wnL ma expamlan lhal we ue ly lngjhcad Eva with additlanal unlu ance from the federal lovem mm in the way ellher cor ponu Income tax perms 1n mm In or lucceulvn duly wu 1m the dhllnd wuihlllly ol lncrmed tun Meanwhile In the Sn Fer undo Valley community Ct no Park northwest of Holly wood Ihe FBI munlalned guard mmhukh hom raged In mull 711m HOLLYWOOD AmA nun ldcntflylnl hlmull don fluid 01 Frank Sinalra Sh lay he Wu told the FBI Ind movie camcn tralnad on kid nappm Funk In whn they picked up the Imam maney Tho Inlarmnnl who um am his name not be used told the Oaklnnd Tribuna MW that Sinatra Sn viewed Iha mnvlu and lcnmllvely Month led on or two of In Hump neg he knew FBI Photographed Ransom Pickup Shopping Dnyl TII Chrlzlmu Innchi Andi ribmlo Hut86 ll Int ht