miimmm uggmnn wnnmmui mm One definition ofchnrm is that which fasdnntés any alluring quality Crescent Charms themnre appropriately named Though they belong10 the cookie catcgorgfln texture they strike fascinating point midway eiwcen the jlnkiness ometry and the solid but tender qualities oi shoribrea Ihése rlchjneltInth94m0u1h confections have the added allure of surprise jam filling Crescent Charms are an especially nice delicacy or the Christmas tea table or to aervewflh afternoon coffee The make nice accom anlments too for desserts we as ice cream frul rsherbet nndsllced fresh fruits Combine flour baking powder salt and sugar With pastry blender cut In the butter or margarine until mixture resembles fine cornmeal Combine weltbeaten egg with vanilla and milk add all at once 10 dry mlxlrlre Blend thoroughly with fork CRESCENT CHARMS Makes 24 cu oncesifted allpurpose flour cu oncesifted pastry flour 2teaspoons akin powder 1A teaspoon salt Va cup granulated sugar 1A cup chilled butter or margarine egg well beaten 12 teaspoon vanilla tablespoons milk tablespoanuapprox thick jam icing sugar Preheat oven to 350 deg moderate Greaseln baking sheet Turn dough out unto lightlynatured board and knead lightly about 10 times Divide dough into six equal pieces 0nlightlyiloured board roll ouieach icce into circle about aix inches across and Vainch hick Cut each into our triangular pieces Spread V4 tenspdon of jam on each triangle of dough Turn in about lIelneh toward centre the two corners at sides or the curve edge Starting from curved edge roll up towards point like eliy roll Place on re pared bakin sheet centre po nt down and shape nto mscenis epeat with remaining dough Bake In preheated oven 15 to 18 minutes or until very sllghlly browned Sprinkle generouslylwlth Icing sugar whlle warm Rempve from baking sheet and cool on racks You may hm plenty woman la wilh your ï¬lm hul hnva you the right type mentor la no wllh your punm sum to go with pant an more lrlvoloul lddy luxurlotu Ind mlmlul 111 mm In um you too am llkrly to be In morn trivalme luxurioul mood val nr ml or with mull unnl be wcnrlnl lhou hund mme honlm nklnl 11 um llmel compnnlan nwenlm la lounging pm my canm lmly row or yarn loops or may dunglr mm mound flu hrm lmllnn sler Roma hood nunchtd alhm lu My yum ndlm nun mum nurlrl 11m an all ma In may or dclflxml sudm Jun mum lhun rnlly ln mrm Ind and rim wnltr NM wllh nhl1 hglh low And In The gunner mum rnmum lo worn on mu mer nm nyllmu chum Iml In alumni It 00 when hood ï¬rmed out IM on om your hunt Hm 5mm it mu daughter hm MI Impunwl wllh hlx Ih 0ng flnl lo mvol Hm lyn lheflc Hb lulu my Juut be druml vvrr lnwel or shower rod la drlp dryor nut lulu UII nulomnue dryer MI you have my douhu In In m1 drylnx urnml ynur IW nlu III will dry towel Elmira nil tenured Ivunlrr mm leu dunnl dry la flul the ugly Wm wrnlm 1mm nuldoorl ml mnlldcr lhn advanan nl Inmelhlux mumlurk all mm nurvvlu In mllnr run hood Ihul DON out Hm rm unwr mun lulth nylon mall an my mlnled lrlmly Inllom Ind maclllnewmlublc Versatile SWeatérs Match You Mood TEA TABLE mm KITCHEN GOSSIPLIJ By EILEEN plxou WOMéhsï¬réiP ngalbdsS¢ason Gay Iphrkuni Onrlulmu de coration armedvlha leulnx member Ind meal of thorou 111m Mlgaloqvckcla Pint 3mm ï¬lmch iathercd how of MauEwart chgr utla sum for the December muting1 Mn Rune anlnrth lead er ul lhs mun lnvchnm opened the meeting and Mn goalId G511me lhe dew vlcevpmldenl of KCll de Mlu Ednn Theodora con ducted ehr mine session durlnl which uvml member volunteered 10 mm Mn Fmd Ihompxon with the Chrlumu puny for tha Explore on Dec Advance notico was given that unï¬enmmnm will sponsor the shovilnn the 111m Mr Texas on Sundny even inn lanqpry the Chrlumu Mary Wu xpufscd with my ainaini ol umla mm was based on blog raphles Home Missionarlu wnvklnun Cnnndlan cities from Montreal Pan Arthur gnlss Ionnrles who are Iupporked by the Bum Womenl Mlulon Circle oLOnmlo and Quebec Pyayer was altered or special Illsme mlslnn needs acres Can During the social hum he in die pullclpaled In mm concequ the Ivenlnnn mdy and recorded telecfluns from Handell Messiah vim enjoy FOR TOMORROW An excellent Jimmy day Eapechily ilvo are businen nd ï¬nancial Interests success ui negotiation or longrang vaniurel Since the daylight hour will pmhnhly ha pron ao Ilve make it point in nvo um reiuallon in Lha eveninx Avoid hectic mini niiuirnj FOR THE BIRTHDAY lomarmw In your blrulday your horoscorfu indicates that or last week you enterzd an ex pelleut period where bushes and ï¬nance concerned Th1 cycla will In unul lau January and the Ichlevemenu won by then wlll Ipurk furthar upland In your mm In May Augult Oclnber and November lf ynu take Advantage 01 an opportunilley 01 tonne Pmonll relationships wlll be under excellent lnllucncea or men In yur wllh emphnall on romance In February Aprll June and Augusl on travel and nodal lilq helween now and mid December in April Ind mld 1964 ll you will bu urehll to Ivnld Mellon 1n clou clxclnn helwa now and Dec 20 and In April your dnmelllc llle thauld be generally menu with In the next ll mnnlhl chlld ham nn lth day will be excefllonally Independent and mm Ineruul Ilmosl to hulL THETSTARS SAY mum 3mm anon VANCOUVER 16 flvlnmmy why dp Have tw gepmln mammenl It via quesllonlhvo mu girll mother did not how how to anxwer Haw can uplnln lo child hit Mt her behind lsked Mn GIbrXella Swnyi 11m 11m girl in elghbyearv old Andrea Bankl who we let behind wllh her aunt Mrs Ibo lya Vargym when bu mother fled to Auslrla during tho lun unrlm revolution seven year ago Andmn was recently um lento bermnnlled with her mnlhcr mu hm yuan na gallallon wlh lhe Hungarian zoxggfnmcnt The llrlwns al Mothers Flight Cohfuses Child Mr and Mm John Herbm Tranter 51in the registerol lowing Ihelr muting unm ton Avenue Hailed Church on Nov 30 Rev David Reeve amcmed misled by um brides Ibmhu Ruben Ball Mrs Tranler the lan Mflflflflflflflflflflflfll EUGENE T0 RESIDE IN TORONTO lnwedlo my CanadnJhm months left her behind bum wa frightened andllone and did not want risk mychlld being killed my Mn Snnyl whu fled the ravplutlon in search at her in hnxbnud Im dmx glherg who had dlup peered mer Sharon Beverley Ball daughter of Remand Mn lidward Glen Ball of Bertie The brldcgmms parents are Mr nnd Mr Alan lranler of Tomntof1he newlyweds wlfl make their ham Grew me Conn In Toronto Smith Studio Pamalt MARSHALL Ron PHONEJ STAYNER NURSING HOME STAYNER ONT For elderly and mules cnt pluwu Excellent manna or prim or umIprivam not and cald water Ln roams mumK ad Num In amndnnm Cï¬riéimas Dinner Held ByIQuota Club Members of flu Quot Club Burle m9 at Ibo Blydmre Motor Hold Monday evening or Christmas dinner party Falluwlnx the Mnun the em were gntenuned the am olerI Hm Blach Ilqck High street wlhMrl Florence Walker harms Enterhlnmen dlruled by pm mm co Min Lon1 Smuh Included chardo and nunpm Pafly mm Included Mlu Verena Lonihunl Mu Dorothy Gardner Mu Glldyu Gllhlnk Mn Van HIWHIIIMII Kath leen Hughes Mrs um Douz lax M15 Glenn anney Mm Eileen Hankln Mn Emlnlo Luau Mrs Irena Shemlonc MrlEflcI Slluflem Mn Aud ray Wm Mn Mlulcenl Hub and Mn Elslu Buwmm Christina project ol the Qua ll Clubjnclnde the presentation mamï¬mer and supply records to Sheltered Work Shop If their Chrlllmu mm EC Th cluB Ilsa presenan gm Hunter In need ï¬nally who Elmo um MONTREAL CF HIKh noon lbs ideal mm or chlldrenl party any woman who bu been omnlflnl muse hectic fair for 10 yenn The early um also keeps young punygnarl from gelllnl overexcited balm the IM lie pr overtlnd lama Huel Bennm lecture the University of Monlmll 1m lltule of Dietetics say we pessrul chlldrenl pmle amt Is nu noadaspossihle Mk nun the foodTWhlch the party to tha Icrved llhll m3 my nobodvrll db rupled Any more an new ury ulllldl in home In nlmnnhle In and the hostel doesn calla Anothai hr Mlu Bennelll cum rule bm mother 1x911 mullflry parllea Noonj Hour Is Idedl Timef To Hold Childréns Pdrties ma 1in Mm nul Ipln In In nlu palm NOW VM The Coat Storéf Dunlap East In Burris SIMMON800 chuanï¬ Bi norml sauna Thou And Many More Fnhlonlblo Slylu Pvlud from $1987 WIVIIOUI IOIO IINII Mam JAUNW MCI iM luvl um ul vllinm um mm mm Mm kahun with luwa IMM ml and pnlm Wm IM pip Wamly wk lad Ml In laden coll brawn hunch III to 10 11 you need help get Mend wlthaul chlldnn II the pmy Mn me It any nhlld will plny up to mother It nu mothers are present chu dren usually will hdnvs much better Much at Ihedruiiury in be dimlnmd aha nyx ll Instr menu In nrved In the kitchen on paper plum BlMPLI FOOD um Gooey Icing uncured on or tnmltun upleu both hams Ind guest In lha kitchen on the other hind In no any to ma Mm Banntlt drop may more hints or hurried hosltsse In course on childrens mm the 11m twice yet ox th Monmal Die Dlspenury Plï¬pllnum Ilsa can wold war and lux hykuplnl th number menu down lo 11 1mm mpmfm Order meEmm Stu held mailman Ceremony ll urn anlc Hall sum he all leerr tram Ibove mm row left to rIgM Mn Dori Robertson mm Robertson Mrs Bernice Fox Geom 09 Why NM New INSTALLATIONCEREMONY ambushed In 1876 1mm mm Imuï¬m Mm Mvtium MM Ind by preparing nod Ind le eassnrles well In ldvnncv Slmple Md llbut but In doesnt man It has In come In dun puchw Even um um uble can bl dilzulud Miss Bennett umlly nerve xpeclll slndwlcklmenh guest Alon with and mpply alplllner boat sandwich can mud hamhmm bun cut to uhlpe with trllnzullx mg of lgngdpglslegi with can bdth tideslot he do bun can ho ho Inwed out or canoe wmpletn with herkin Indians and um um paddlu or flllcd out with um rum or whedt law piece of mm pepper or head and feet can Innstnm hamburuer halo luxlll Mn Mics Bowl Mn Mus york Manson Mrs mldn Neo ly Mm Belly Monur Mn Don Randall MusHelen Muttonmi Mn Dorothy Buck Mn hurt Thoma Back row Mn ullyWebb FrmCnmpbeu Mn Mus ml 5mm mum