nv AM VIIunlu mm Sdnml Camp Ikmkn lul Mr and Mn Kelm Clnmun ml dwnhlur KMM ol unblwlc and Min Lynn WIIII limit Unlvmll Torunla Ipull lhr Huhm with Um latltrl pmrnu Mr Ind Mru Funk Harmans Sn Amoll El ASI ICIIDOL Annual pr Clulllmu mm Al Humv and Inner hold no minimum Cm Mr And Mn Endlmvl and Mr and Mn Tull uprmlrnx he vrrh rm 1n hulldny In nnmwln my Iluhlmlll ll Hm MIAOcean Cu 97ur1ggiilfiirlrrgiivvsliiiil rI g1111IuII11111IIIUIIIIIIIIIllvvivvrgyvrriviz anu In lnlcndM cove ha Inml IMIAI Ill ll city and dlxlvch Weddlu Il nlmmlu blrthduu mm pmlu on 0M pm mum um women Idrn of pm You lulu In luwlylnl IMI Imu um mm Inn mlm Nun phonl Illnll nullnrr II mm Elma ï¬lm an Soulan ll ml Won Dvplrtmonl mmwnm The matron honor wal Mrs Shirlty dimer Bank Mn Diana Grant Tomnln and mm Lqu Churnhelaln no Alllston leuu in munIago by her ally er Ihe bride wore lull length gnwn oi brocade The dress was designed with Jilted bodice Enhanced with will scooped neckline and petal In at niéevem The billowing akin fell to cha pcl min rose shaped hud dress held the elbow length boul lanl veil oi silk illusion tulle Thu hridu carried bouquet red roses and white baby mums ATIENDANTS Detlnlonl dcchlom young Ihnpnorl Illa ll lull lhnm and lhnl ll why laven ycnmld Carol Illzhnp rluht mk lho nld hnr lrlcml Jemmn Vnn AMEIVDUHL BROCADE GOWN Corinna Crescent Camp Bur den The bridegroom the ml or Mr and Mrs Gllbm Ma Mastu utapln The soloist Miss Dale Robln Ion of Camp Borden was 35 compunlrd by Mm LaPolnte also of Camp Burden Phil honeymoon in West Virginia allowed the exdnn of vnwl between Miss Bar an Joan Phillip and Douglas Gilbul Mb linskcr Captain Robhins niflci nlcd ihu ccrcmnny which took place In Trinity Chapel Camp Hayden Vows EXchanged In Trinity Chapel wtuuniiutl SPEAKING 0F PEOPiEï¬Nfï¬iXEEE Du Com Studio MR AND MES DOUGLAS MCMASTER GIFT BUYING POSES PROBLEM Plum Iar Mlumn onlmalm mcn In mmmunlly um damml Mn Culrln mm relmh urnll ll lb rhm nl Um mul n1 Vulmu plum wm mind la cam yur 1m IlerMIrmnl mu lulun by Mm nldwvlL lvullnm nlnn lnllond Crnwn Ill Unllnd Church Wm monl manila mm bullnm mrrlln nl In hum lh nuw ly ohmd floaldenl Mn mm In CAIth mm mm Ierl received by Cnmmnndnnl Colonel nnn lleuchnn Ind MrL lleu chin Allendlnl llu Cam Commnndor llrllndlcr Mom and Mn Mka mnul lho unl lmm limit nn Mnlor and Mn lurow Mn or Ind Mn John Malcolm hr Ind Mn ll Null Mr and Mrl anII Mr Ind Mn Olmond Jl llown nllo Mr and Mn John Chllllck Alllllunl Crown Hill UCW Discuss Projects Fixtravelling the brfda chose two lace wan camel colored suit 1h bmwn accessories lea On return km the weddinx lrlp the cnuple will reside a7 Slrabanc Avenue Harm Guuu attended from London nuy re cnuml In the nhova II My mapped ll flu llllmnl To and Emir edhlgy mqmbpll annual Wain League 37 SI John Vlnnnny Church Carol Following the wedding re ception was held in tha Bueil Building Camp Borden Receiv ing the ï¬nes thn hrldbl mm tim was attired in threeplea tent blue knitted auit accented with black accemrien Ind coxnae oi yelinw tom Anistinz flu bridegroom mo ther were three pim cun berry knitted null enhanced with multicolored brocade hat Her carnage white baby mnmx Glen Cann at Delhi wan best man The ushers were Rus aell Master at Barrio and David Phillips of Camp Burden RECEPTION The attendant won zowned Illka In sheath dresses Aman Icnn Beauty peau do sole ac canted with Ilemd ovaskirt of matching material Their head dmm were how new as sale and vefllng in tune to mulch their gawnn The men dams carried bouquets al while berg mums were bridesmaid The flower 1111 waspdh Gall Ellis Barrie nu InnaInn mu mild In lho Common hy Oppoulllon 1m Dlelrnlmlnr mun rvlmo mlnlllcr Chm pmm ml lo hm lhl mallrr INF ruaml wllh Woth Mlnlmr my thaloldl And Novlhrm Aflnltl Mlnlmr AMI OTTAWA CPI 11 av muurnl wu urlcd Monday In my the Klnmlm home Blr John Mmlannhl nu mnml lo Lnnulul Ilul vrlmo mlnlmr Mr and Mn lllllan Im 1M Cndrlnuan Sl will It Mom lo lhulr lrlwdl Ind Mm born on Enturdly Dec ram to It pm on In amnion Mr Iv mlnmenl mm Cam In Nullnnnl Illllwlyl lha Canal Mr and Mrl flounld Chrhllc Ind Ion Dnvld Lndny Iprnt UM wteicnd with In lnlorl In cull Mr Ind Mn Funk Inn 1mm in Am 5L oxym m1qu Propose Purchase Macdonald Home llr hauler uï¬d un laun Hamilton Toronto Delhi St Thomas Tlllsonhurz Klnurdlnu and Quebec ll lha dnuzhlrr of Mr Ind Mrm Jon9h Bllhup Link nond Jammuu menu nro ML und MrL Gerard Van AM olvaom n1 Baldwin Lane Ex nminer Phaln Head labia nests included Mrs Ma anaid First Vice rexidenl oi the local mach ion Mn Vaughan Quinlan Nauru Mn Evelyn Whiia recreiary and Mrs George Cameron Provincial menu of the Goodwill Fund commlilee cl Ontario Tuchm Ansociniion The program lorlhe evening was conducted by women leach en Oakley Park School Ind an exchanle of Christmu 3m munded out he evening lradlllanal Chrlslmss dinner psrty was enjoyed by woman teachers the city of Barrie and Vespra and 010 Township at the Community House To ontu St Guest were weicamed by Mrs Harril president oi the iocli association oi Ihe FWTAO Cm oi singing Wu led by Mrs Wm Law with Mn Genrgo Holloway the piano Heralds Season EWTAO Party MR AND MR8 Barry Eer lram nre shown Ieavlnl Cen tral Unlled Church allowing the wedding ceramony perloru med by Rev Donlld Jay Th0 bride Sandra Bnkogenrze is the dauzhlar of Mr and Mn walnut mm bl unigdolu In 1M7 Sir John mmhrr Par Hamm lar thumn or many an Mr nunmm mm um lhc Mnrdonnk mm In KIM an up or MI and pmwml lho 10mm buy It In llunn mmwrll IMHO Cnm dim tank bfmnpon Inn rrnmunlxla Mo rhlrh mnlll vmldmllnn Vlrllnll nyp lhu flmnl know how bnlllu wound up In Onluin Ind Dr PM In ol lho Unlvmlly nrllllh Cnlumhln lnulllulo Oran rnnhy ll unum he ulmnll mpnulbh lnr II Ihm Vlrxlnln flaunl rm Nu unwmrl IM min1 Iellrr Ind Included her pk tum Im all pnhlltd In dldnl md hll nclun hut hon ha prince Thnyrc mp pond la hm lhl mm 11 ffufnlury locked up in plum nu Viralnll nyl ma had no drum nl mmlnu whrn Illa lhrtw ht boll In lhc can win too young Ian lull mnlnd to let whll rapid hnpm Im not lupcrullloul Ibo Bul do ll Iaok lit think lznlllcunl Vlrglnll nld udeGoar Brawn told her he found balllo In Cllnrnqul Mr whlrh Hawl lnlo Lake On In Sh rncenlly caught Inn brldallbouque Mtndl weddinl Ind our day lam ncelvcd he nolmbmllu back with Inner mm cadet nt Raynl MHllnry Callru Kinn lan Ont 11 mole nve her name Ind Iddrm Ind liked the ï¬nder lo her know when lhl bollln wan plckrd up Four year Iga Vlrnlnh than Itullcd nule lnla ballla and loand ll lnlo Um hear Vnncoum VANCOUVER CP Prllly VI IMI Blah II not Iuperv 111nm but Ihl helluva in They send their la down In the amp laundry In 1h morning In washed ironed loldcd and back by the tlma they came home lrom work On In my burns the can plck ur hot meal rum co SIM kitchen And nlght ey run an to common mllnn room In lha apartment block or to what they call In nltutu dub when they can eat dance and watch educa tion lllnu Min Brllden was Impressed with ma exlom or parllclpauou bÂ¥ Suvlel women In commuulty 51am She Wu also Intrigued by lha lldflllex rmvldzd to make me euler or waning wives Tossed Bottle Received Bouquet But the discovered they have many thianJn commonwith eagle elsewhere particularly they are terrified of other war Mm Brlzden nallnnnl vice pmldent nf duo Vow an on Inlzalfan launder In Cnnndn to promote world ace ound that the Russian talked to did not realize the duration radia tion danger anu nuclear um There was glint of under Illndln In ovary aya and ran aluman their men when menduned the danger leu kemia Ind mlflormed babies But Iha met with lIttIo re lponfl until Ihl explained that Winnttceg vulnerable spot Ind at women hero tear or their chlldunn health WINNIPEG CF Beatrice Brlgden any the biouhed the Inbfect Hanan hazard dur as vial to the Soviet Un lon In one lb members of ha Volta oi Women Members of VOW Visit Soviet Union Eakageorxa of Park Road South Oshawa The hrldo groom the Inn of Mr and Mn Rm Bertram nl Shanty Bay Road The newlyweds are mnklnz their home In Barrie Photo credit Lu Cowpzr Studio lhl door prize wen won by wullam Crown and Mn Art Jory Bin1e The Ladlu Auxllln wish to thank who mldo th evenlnl big Iuccul and hop In no xou next yen when we plln to ave molher lemlethen Following the blnquet the eve ning wu spent In 1qu lo TomPalendml Mum The iurkey dinner wu caimd by the Ladies Auxiliary nf Iho Canadian anion and wax en Joyed lay all Head 3th main Included Wili Haul oi Orlllin ucretary treasure of the District labor Council Ind his win Mn Haull Hill Pickerlnl president oi liar ria local mo Ind hil WU Mn Plckulnz Mn 04 Lea of Angus presldenl oi mu Ladle Auxillnry and he huabuud Mr The Indie nuxfllnry at the carpemrp union held In 10th anniversary banquet the Can ndiau Legion Hull Collin5t In Iaomemc you comm your muscles hard hold the conlmllon or ï¬x ucondt an then release The new Maxw nu JEAN imm Tell ut more aboutjho llama ï¬es Illl cu exmlae Ilma lo cw minutes readm to questing Ladies Auxiliary Mark Anniversary BYTGW Mmutes0IrIsometï¬Â¢S the magic oï¬ chmstmaslseqms A1 mWALKE Rs Fov the Hm month on Ihould exert only about ne WIN you think lo you mul mum foxco Also use the In flue or our oeconds Io build up to the force Ind the rennin Inlmurvor flvo ucnndl to hokl Hold the muscle contraction Ind do lime breathan duran The ldenul hornets1c II work mu muscle by will and pulflnl nulnlt an mov able obiect Iuch run ar pmlnl It alalnl he oyponlllon Innther muscle The bull in tin overiond principle ni exercise physiology which hold that muacio quired to eriorm work beyond Ihe usnni niemity wili mm in lirenath And ruearch hm hm indicating that on hurdlixln nightsecond isometric comm tian per wnrkout on over ve rind oi lix months produce Iigniiicanl Iiienth inclam in mulcie when booklet Adm Physical FllnmAPrnmm lur Men and mem contain lwmelriu completa with rule Tu quote from 1h booklet unnu my minus cum all lo mm HEIIiEUTs si66 Ebï¬ mm EVES BEAUTY snows PERMANENTS Ith PA 68571 550 wllh lhu déeply betwéen conlracthnl New mr mm llomtlrlc exlr duel NECKSlarllnfl million SI ormndwllh Interlaced Inner oLhand an loreheld Agllan Fordblyruert nrwnrd Pfllh head while mining equally hard with handl startlnl pall Ion PImglnurlmd mum Ind hgl 4cllon th head lTlm nAgIgnzxAMlnzniwtsnAv nzczmzn to 1m HubCOME T0 TRANSMAN QUALIW STRANSMANS STYLE WHEN IT COMES TO COATSCOME TO 14 DUNLOP ST run TRIMMES com The booklet iflcludu 1mm eunuchch or man Ind women and Ilomelrlu or Jorv mulcla mm 01 V11 body backward while curling Hor wrd null will handal starlln palllian Placcv pnlm al lel hand an loll Ilde hand Ac Uum Pth wllh an Hand lee mining with held and neck vllevenc ualnu right hand an rlnhl ride held SELECTION PRICI