Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Dec 1963, p. 5

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There in an nilcrmalh in he Ichonl bur car accident which occurrui insi wnck on 10 side md lhc car driven by liirr Vivian lackiiari oi in 13 mn ceuion lnaniil wal in coili Iion with rcliool inn il wan crnulmz that road on in riiicmad with land pupil on lhclr wny Io liarrie collegiate charm laid hy Innlrlil iai ice nxnlml ill Lockhnri Whith will be licard In llnrrle Court In carclcu driving and inlllnx lo op 11 but ll laid in have brcn damaged in Ilia cxlcnl oi am 400 Thu bun driver will be unable la nle in Ml uurk or at lust our wcciu Only on pupil ruinlined in hospilnl nlirr live were lnlmi In at up mlnpilnn1lia Ilriu wrung ihc lhn In the second paragraph at our story an elmlan return yes terday some lines were lelt out which changed the meanlng ot the calmIll The story should have read it took the results lmm this last llHn establish the tact that Alan Todd torm er Councillor and ex roeve had total ot 731 compared with that of Bud Martin 767 Mr Martin is auggestlng that count might still give him the seat recount may be re questh within 14 days at the election and must be accompan led by deposit to cover the casts would he made by Cagnty Judge any intermission arranged so that County Assessor Simpson could be In ntlcndnnce at the hearings the Court have looked ovrr parcel oi properties which Ire subject at appeals The Court has been acompnnicd by the Township Assessor who in to show whcrc the pincer arel We have commenicd previously that it is untnir to the nppcl nntl that Assessor Sproule ital nn opportunity to Influence the opinlons oi the Court by person oily bring along to discuss my merits oi hi1 lncrcnsnd asses ment However the Court at live men Mod not be guided by any prompllnx as any nbavc aver are mine must be quite appar rnt The rtuol Revision wlll cun Mnuevlheir hearings or me up pgalj ngqlnsj agscssgxncnis yogay cmncgs PENDING flyiglrgsLIoMJnflmflaflflc GIanfi2Whé$l INNISFIL NOTES Gzne Heilman 41 help hi wlle Rum clean up In beauty Ilwp which she operate In Revision Court Ccatinues Hearing hul Hiram lurking In and In It an In this In ditch MIOWN AT AND RG ANOTHER KIND 01 WORK lnnislll Township Emylnyees Second Annual Banquet wlll be held on Frlday avenlng lnvl allons are ln the mall and these request on behalf ol Illa Coun all the presence of the employee and his lady at his second annual banquet Churchlll Com munity Hall December at 645 pm The speaker wlll be Mr Frtd Cook of Bradlard Old time and Iquare dancing wlll lallaw expected Illa nearly 200 wlll allznd The Councll and their ladles hclng hosts will not rccelve res llckeL lluronla School Supporters which lhe ladies at the area call their chub and who arranga functions other than schnol cur riculum at the bill school nl Tol lcndal and ltlinctx held their Christmas party on Monday at Baystahs Lodged The tuniorx were taken to the lodge in the afternoon accompanied by their mother and the prbschonl chil dren Santa Claus was lmperson atnd by Bob Thompson oi the lnnislil Police who has glvcn considerable at his own tlmc to the supervision at the school pul mls and their welfare He made suth good St Nlck that It look lung time or the line at smaller children to get past him Each had it wish to express whlch we hope Santa will rc mtmber in this evening the mi lor pupils were at the Indy and this agnln filled the big as Inmth mom to capacity Mr and Mrs Varlcy In be tomplimcnlod or lhclr POLXCEMAN SANTA CLAUS 1011 South Bend lnd home Hellman loreman an Iruck assembly line Is one 6000 employees Studebaker arp 00K HUDSON AGATIIERING OFEAGLES noon 0an H5 pan 20 REGULAR llOUNDS SHARE THE WEALTH SPECIAL ROUND JACKPOT $370 lEGION HALL COLLIER ST flllUWN AT IEM WEDNESDAY DEC lEGION BINGO lllfl llllfl The gmwlh ol llllnets Point and surrounding area will soon make the nddlllon el more room lo the school necessary with the compleflan of lhe share drlve lrom Barrie lo 10 sldemad the Bay where it wlll have an autlel to he lnnlslll road syslem lhls pan of the lownshlp wlll develop rapidly Along with the removal he rallway slrllng when lhe new marshalllng yards are ready for use Maple we are llving where the next ex pansion ls most likely sislance in such entertainments This is the second winter Ihe Varleys have remained at Bay stairs and they have nddded to their healing systam but down on the upper spaces and have room or panics in their spaA cimu dining room and lower iioor DEAN MYERS MOTORS LTD Nill Ea plum at South Bend who am out 01 Jobs because the clos lng the plan yesterday AP Wirephnw AllNEW ACADIAN BEAUMONT Youll love the pampering comfort of Full VsA Coil suspension trom the first moment Acadlan Beaumont Is longer andoleekér and gives you so much more choice In Its Econoflamo or V8 power sllky transmlsslonsl 3speed sténdord 4139 and Powergllde automatic are optlonal And heros 1036am umuwuonn 9mm muck in Convertlbles and StotlohfWagoki cm mu hilly VI STAYNER Slam Mayor Elmer Dorily last night set up arcnmmlltee to study applicab Ion received by Dec 31 or the msillon assessor or stayner Starving on he commune Cohndlkzrs An Pool Ken Kerr and Reeva Willlnm More The wmmiuee will bring it recomA mendauans lo the lnauzurallon meellnl Jun 13 Council filed letter mm the clty nl Barrie seeking support for locatlon at pmposed new technical lnstltule ln Barrie Since Banix ls mt in the county Reeve Willlam More could see no advantage to Stayner ln hnv lnx such school located in Barrie Amunls pamd or payment were $81592 or administration $19115 fire and police 320 sanitation nd waste $40991 public wellare $46763 property $61397 public works Town stcnographcr and hydm oflice employee Mrs Thelma TImmans asked for and receiv ed salary how 8200 per year The three Jalesl waler report or Slayner mm the Dupartmenl of Health were all safislaclory Mr Dnrily said STAYNER scam The Not inwusagl 4H auricullurai olubn annual banquet and awaNs night look place hm Friday nighl Ii Juhiieq Presbylerian Church Influe Nouawasana 4H Dairy Coil Club Norman Soqu stood first Holler 1mm lila Simeon County Holstein Brawler Aw cinuon wen Iofirstycmr club members Sharon Grieve Kerry Murch and Tom Murch trust certificate 1nd thhller mm the Ontario Jersey Breeders was wllded to Alex Miligr lini your member Ind swell shin to Judy MIENICOLJ wandyear member The Inter club dairy trophy was wonjy Norman Suiels Eldon Cuba and Tom Bufldinz pennil Issued lhl year In Slayuer hava an esti werefl Eldon hhll Nollawnsaza Grain CIuhrLee mush Nog POI thtawasdga SiaYHer Committee To Study Applications For Assessor Bo um lo wnlch lalucopg Ind Zaio Om oh WW In Tlhe Quiet cfitbr Such fashionable wayto bethrifty In he Nollawauxa 4H Swine Club Norman Sonics won Hm prizeHc alsowan In John Taylor Mpby for lhs hlzh dairy gm Indge In ll Squlh irnm Eleanor Bonuln led lhu way In the NNtawnsazn 4H Beer Cal ClubTha grand champhn Iivm Ilodrshowmahshlp kvphy well to Gordon Wnlker Intervle bod trophy winners were Lynda IVanclscElennar Bennie Ind Gordon wn1ker Eldon Cub led in the Nov tnwnsaga Hi Sheep Club Alex Miller gm the CNE shield or the high novice contestant In lhe Sonlh Slmcoe Junior Farmer Judging Competition mated value of 5158300 lhe mayor announced Also Ihe police speed rap has brought In ml at 31028190 so lax lllls year ln flnes levied No slallsllc are available Is lo what per centage at this amounl revert In lhe lawn he added mam Corn Club bath receiving Jul tubal mm nu Soth 51mm Sell and Crop Im Pryvqneni Assadlion JunJEriEmer Judzlnl Comw tillon TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA 3241 KEMPENFELT DINING ROOM OPEN DAILY The Rendezvous Room BAYSHORE MOTOR HOTEL flame sténdard tilSb can and barley showed sleady rend ln quiet trade There were no dellllsof any business IMMIth lhere Wu ev ldence upon pnrchlses in Rye rice were lower reflect lnz use rye dullnes Unlled Stale houses won both buyers and seller LIVESTOCK TORONm CWPrices were steady on fair demand or good and choice stem with lower mm at steers slow Ind under pressure at the Ontnrin putglls stockynrds today Veal call price were Inn Hog priceswm lower and sheep and lamb prices were strait TDRONmlCP Chuqu mam Ind butler prlnk mm were unchmed ladly Butlarprlm Cumin llrsk mdo Onlarlo lendenblo 51 52 noIHunderablI 5m 51 at lmck In light trading western 52V nominll Mailers yearllngs Ind cw wep seagly Slaughler callle 2643 Choice steers 24150 wllh sales lo and few lancy dryled sleet to 1480 good 11502250 me dium IMI common 1518 choice helma ammo good GRAIN WINNIPEG 0th was he most active mmmodlly In Max trade on sh mln ex Inge may Prle showed flying lendenclg fig wa evldenea of ur lhgraxport lqlergsk In flu mm mm nmmr human 10 M4 mm mmcnoms Barrlo Llrgut And Most Luxuriou Mutlng Pluc Presents Nightly Entertainment with cokn HATCH HAMMOND ohcAN AND PIANO It lhvhlg FARM PRICES wgfTflYNW fiWWWKWMW BACK RIGHTS OTTAWA CPIPrime Mlnls tor Pearsnn sent message SuntanGene Tham of ha Unlch Nllions Monday re assmhu Canaans dcdicullan In he deals and nsplrnllons nl the UNI UnlvmalDeclanllon Human Rluhls Mny the 15m anniversary line declara llon warld sundlnd lorhn man right and fundamental freedom Replacement ullle 1000 Good light Slocku 2345 me dlums Ind mmmon 1711 Calves 39a Ch0lce mlen az with sale In 38 load 1N edlum 2M1 common 2021 bogus ms mi 77 Grade Au Tomnxn gym currently nlllnx Shgcp Iuphs 52 Good guy mcqlugn 1749 mmman mum tholu led yelrllm 250250 good 114 good Low 1450 with ale In 15 medium runner and cut en HS good huvy mam hulls 1MB common and me dlulnlfiIV hahdivzuxm lambs iii nun 331mm In mum dndwelgm hucks discounted med uglgheldlnz of In Muted at $1 hundndwelxhl com mfg and medium 1641 sheep hfllmed In use slur use while gently uvlnl In uglull reduction Wn gulls fitnip In tll mun slug 1m Emu Nll SE on sum TONIGHT llmmm Alumnanu manilqu ns lAUGH non WM uwuom wow tnllluglyl luuox wnhfi In use slur use while gently relluvlnl Iln utullndutmn dulan took plm Mm lmpomn Illmule nnmthomuzhthnnhlslmpmw mm In mllnulned oven period mmy months kWhSm minimalMl Thum Ammpflshld wlth new helllnilubslmmmib whhh ulc ly help hell In mmnllm growth nu an BlmDync is offered fii fiWIWIffiS on or nowmono buck amulet mmhmahmm mound much lmdtufl ound uni ue hauling xubuunn with the lbl Ity to uh uh hemat Id nl Itnlhvultchl 11 fiftingfl In Aminutpg In VJENNA Reuters Interior ministry umdals checking the past ll member of Au lrlun pollen lorées whn umd ln the Gulapn or other hrgnches German security durinz the Second World War mlnlnlry spukusman said Mend The spokesman said the mnlslry muld suhmlk lha llndlngs lo the Jusllce mlnlslry Announce New Healing Subslance Shrinks Pilea WHEELS mu intrimlfq Min IiIIa llnll II mm Its sum 05 mucus Evanlng Show Sum It 700

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