Snead Not Ready Fer Retirement MMlind now ll Mnll mldr up flu wlnl and mm Hg ljury hlujluu Ion Ind um hml nmltord whllo lurk mtln In Culllnlwrml UXIIIHDGE Mldllnd Fly on Iflvunml Ilhln one palnl Ircondpllco Calllnlwnnd lihlplmlldcn horn lul nllhl wllh viclnry our locll mm Hm In ruulnrly Ich odulrd flenmlun nay Inlrrme nunlo Imkey lulu lung lII Inn for nltk llnukl now ul my In lhe IIxlum lmnl They hm In nln lulu vlclury feel certain thlt if playerswm told no one was goingto hold them back it they started fighting thlt there wouldnt be In much then now SEEKING Fll AWEndur lnt Sam Snead who um nut 01 III hllls wumn Vlrlinll 10 cm no In Iva prom Alnnal roll tom In um and calorlu momenu ll nearing II and Inumamenl umr Sam Sncld to 11 my 51 he Isnt In II and phyllcul shay ll ha used loin Ill mart mm in Mar IntMu But dont mun hlrn out lnud who nlm cklu recnrd book will ply In hll 1m PGA Senlan urly nexl car And look for hlm whru lean mm In In Nlllonll 0pm Ihe one mljur chlmpian min In hu uuptd hlm LQOK AT SELF Ai mm mu alhzr am cw mlnum mar hl lud mo Flyérs Dump Uxbridge 95 IThe intermediates will be irfing to gnin on tourih piacé Oriilin tonight but theyi have their hands full against Shipbuiiders Goaltender Red Henry can be prgpared for rugged night SevenU also have gums Thursday night ln Orlllln and hl is one of those referred to as four oinl game Friday night lllldland Flycrs wlll ba ere and thls should me good turnout ol fans Plumbers with Shewchuk the helm have been playing exiremeiy well losing oniy one game while winning live They have hlrdskaiing club wlphdplenty tit Ind theyre giving the fans good 11an of hue ey GETTING CLOSER to home Barrie Plumbers on to the league in the Georgian Bay Junior cir cu will host Beeton tonight at the arena while Bar rie SevenU travel to Coilingwood or game with the Shipbui ders in Intermediate action Storey says not too much trouble results from fist fight on skates Theres more grabbing and wrestling than actual fighting Let the players 50 thaylt 7m soon enough In many cases player start ght knowing theyll be stoppedby their mates orotllctals before any hum In den Storey when he was dishing out penalties lntha NHL was great believer in letttng players hnttle it out when they wanted to fl ht Referees and lines men can get Into glenty trou 10 when they start grab bing players and oldlng them back Idon belleve Baun couid be blamed or what fol lowegl but he certnlnly hld hi thus in startlng the trou SHACK WENT DOWN Flemming wu tagged with penal than Baun came racing to the penalty box and ma grab for Flemming This is where the trouble started Eaun hld no possibia business fo ing gq in penalty qu Theyea semiyircie on thp ca Eï¬islde thé penalty box Ind aplayer lrsrtaggred with 10minute misconduct for entering this terr tory with 10minute rï¬lsconci out reason lee thousands of other NHL fans was watchln the ldlots lantern when the gxPloslon took place recall seeing Chlcagos Reg Femmlng drlvlng his stick lnto Eddie Shackl mldsecllun It the Toronto blueUneQ Saturday ntghts lgrawl between Toronto and Chicago ls stlll belng lnveatlgated league resident Clarence Campbell and there could more lnea and auspenslona before the matter in aettledn WELL STOREY the local boywho made good cerh talnly offers different oplh16n2 dont 1m lne It matters to hlm one way or he other hul for eje cord agree with him 6y RICK amen Examlner Sport Editor Red Storey theformer National Hockey League referee commented on the freetom at Ma leLeaf Gardens Saturda nlght to local sportscaster lll Ben nell yesterday told Bill that the players deserv medal for putting some lite lnto the amethat lts unusual for layer to get hurt In lab onskates 1f the layers rop their sticks and good flghtsome times lvcns up game HA LAPIEMtIN If Skl Boon Lou Tmh GOLDS SHOE SERVICE Storey Views Skates Ski Boots spanrznvrï¬ix GKRNCE 017NLHL Bidwl Bnnll Ovlglml Skllc ï¬rthnun nlncu 1947 NOW SKI BOOT EXCHANOI Now Bluer sknlu New mount Bkl Baal Myu Huckoy Slum lrom Lm Tud Semlr ml wfll held Thur thy when Mn Mum wIH mm Dunn Nnmrrl link and mour will mm unr ltll uk mm by Mr Juk tn may drlnlrd Mil aunan uhllo Mn Rumour mum her le my nvlr rink xklpprd by Mn 42 Rink klpprd by Mn Vun Mum Mrl Gram Sey mour and la the um llnlla In mum Trophy plly II the mrrlc Luanl Club yu II Im not In thl phylml com Man und In In und lo wekh In In Now Im at 195 mu uln Ilhl alum you up Huh bl Ivo plmd lhrouxh 10 of than my Ind hay keep drop pin all Ind dropplnl ma with win In dawn lhl unenllonl chlmplnnl wllh whom In hu matched make 1an umhu pro In 1m Plum Ind Sllllfll 04 hand Nelwn Wonhnm Ind lMlddIOco Illmcr Ind Nlcb When In on Ihauzhl could but my lhcm And when wunll on couldnt It anybody loll In lournamrnu lhll In on men mm llvn nchu In Am Ivenl Snud look Ioak It hlnuelr hla nmc Ind hll pro eulon Post Wins In Sparling Play Mum 1m wu mam limund dNMnn In lw mom or Ila Inym lb Ilfldy Conlcln 11m Unllrd Slllu hour wu In mmmlml mm he ovonlnl lel llrlnl ulrul Ill lw mun Ahmk hm Imu lmvrkrd an IM lama Conl can wmls IANold Sum thy RDNIIIOII llMld annlher mlp ta MI Mxlnl mun Mmdny nllhl Ivy poundlnl out bloody lormmd dulnlnn our Armand Vanuch helm ulloul mud 000 hm In PalI dn RpMIL llohmmn wnllhed 1m NYE and fnnuccl 51 Sugar Bay In Decision Win matter ml Damp uy Isid he didnt think on much lbs lnclden when ho wu telling Manhull and Hum nhou It Al dinnar Th nmry um the 1m hnvgzvtllhl had been drugged in en uhlspered among old flmo boka writer for many yam Bu ma naver been publicly revealed ll Dempscyl request WASle CONCERNED 1hey were lust omu chance mull didnt think wnuld wlndup print hl nld mm In nur lhg ll lho uni1 pom ufl Icar lnl mum Mmmley wn lhfld on lhl card 01 Judie Both had prnmlsed lo ktcp ll clun Ill llma Ind their mnduct wu nurly exem pIry ha boxing mnl 1055 PEANUT Thu crowd Illmptd boned Inn On lma cunnmer among the 6110 In Illtndanu gr bu ol punuu Into Inhnll wrote Hill the drui wu lllppld inlo Dempseyl co breakfast by rusted companion who prepared lo Imnaa It In lhll My money back In Chlcuo mghl grow bl ur crooked mnney obviously McNeeley Ind Imin rm and lhe lIwnllnn In post th hrnwl nnd Ith contest Inu we lulpended dont belleve have ever been an nick before or slncel Maxshill tram Dempsey WA tenth luu Igrrlble Marshall nld and Ann muurmnr rv Healer ware present when Dempu made Ml remark In New Yo about Iha bl bout Hester connrmed ershllll term sterllu duck no ï¬lthy inn the morning BOSNN AP Mlulinl Tom Mchtlay who manm nr bellowtd ynu Illnk and normed out of In corner one warmed Ind cllnched hll way to unmi muus MHnund decision over Duke Sahedonz Mundny nllht ll Boslon Garden McNeeley Irom Must weinhlnd 205 II loot mun weighed 221 Thlx wnx nmalch helr mccllnu lwo month an in whlch Sabcdou lost on MILL Huey hid hnd mlcke flan he probably could Inn ckaq ngo Inyhowy CHAMP nnuaaan Dempsey commenlzd alter Benny Mmhallnf the Elrmlnx In New quoted him hnvlnwald he was mud ï¬le ma of tha flth doctor told me thenul day Id pmbably been given mlckay Inn and promth wu llllo lh ray alter However hominid Munici was Inclined to hrth Ihowholu thing flying ml VH lllfll It hippend about yam no Whn could remember wlm happened wu all right 111 am Dcmpley mumm ten In the day andnlzhl olun light Ind uttered an excuse for dmpplnz the wound declslan lnthe rain at Phlladelphln Sept 1925 More um 120000 In wllched hu um MINNEAPOLIS AP Ex heavyweight king Jack my sey an he may havo Illpped mickey before he went Into Ihnrin against Gene Tun my Ind at knocked all the throne ha held mange McNEELEY WINS DECISION IN DULL IflsROUND FIGHT IV Toll 4th In 0K UM tlr hm CHANGING DANGERFIELD MOTORS Mzdï¬eld uhlle hls opponent thlnwn In welter IIIKM Ind mlddlewdxht dum plon Med dupexntely In knock out Vlnurci Relylnl munlly on Rollin rlxhl hllld hl pent ed nhnok up Vlnurtl bul could nm dellnr ha crulhur Unfler French rulu curd or flu relem Ind wo junier wen ml Innoumd Joe Blumuck Ind Harry Sundberx use Ind 9994 re Ipecllvely Referee Eddla Bradley who went most his time lryinx Cut In on ha wallz had McNedey In Iron 9995 mad nlew round later but oflmd no morn mam Ho Ipluhnd KM man And he ucomi did Ihl mgm Im Ihl tmwd whlch hld paid am IMHO had drynod the Hull round began lhl Innounu men whlch brought chem mm thnu rtmllnlnn Thu Mlnnr League Hockey Conchel Cnum which WI held the Andy Andmon Menu Camp Borden on Sundly Du camber Bill was Iremendnu menu from the standpoint lb lop cillhre of inslrucllnn hlxh Interest shown by the col chu and tha excellent lacilillu Ivnllahle or the coum Mler he llxlh nnd lhn pu nulx lmln hrlektd you Ilink Ind Illlked all th plnnarm CALL HIM CHICKEN Ailer the third round which ended with Mcheizy lendlnl thtdonx inio ihe rope wllh llna forerm black Muriln Idviscd Chicken ihlll what you mi ionkin In it chopped up When In ya The pm of tha urly llflm ml the bclweenrounds malty session In Mch Ieyl corner canducled by manner Judd Mnrun Dempsey who in the Ill light mlnsl nmney who Illn from ll Willard In 1519 put him away In Hound dc hédnl put it on the line nr chlon one yur me when three yen prlnr lo his mo Dempxey Wu and nmney in New York this yw 51m drugged the night he loslzhll world heavy 11 begun chlmplonshlp Gen nmney Sport editor Benny M111th or the Blnnlnlhum New wrot ï¬eslerdly Mmhlll Mid stub nz revelation cum Inn ex Coaches Course Termed Success lick pmggpir pmgma 627 Exéllrgonauts mg nmr Mu vim Mnnlnll nl Wm Tml GARNERS mnmn SKI noon $2995 SPECIAL Anannn wumun SKI 5993 p95 lnalruclnn ï¬lm um Sormm Mnlor at flu Army Phyllcll Inlnlnl 0mm Ind Hurry MIchmld Serum with tho CS Provided 0n cmdldnlu wllh lnllnldlon Ind wm lilo hyl in NM Inc an ol mum Both luw glued mmldenbll Inuit ockay Tho mum cum in elm Illil In ovnlulllnn by in conch on And lhelr comment wen Illl hey 1mm lhl coum wn well zonducltd and lluy hoped mm lnlmn mum will he held an yur Herb Cnmezll armor player wllh Quebec Aces WA lhe um Ipuker And an lllk on no kyy Ind Child Developmanl Herb Ilyed or levml can wllh uebcc Acts Ibo or lumber ol ammur mm in Cm mo Thu mum wu held ham lo on Sundly with um Inllnm tom 12 to pm and nclluf union In the Ann mm to pm in roup turned in hi Arena Illu sup per II pm and prlcllcal us lonl wm nah hald from lo pm Milo lelnuo remarked Ihll thll will the Hm tonne of Ibis Iypa held Camp Bordcn and lndiuted his IUPWII or man Lulenllve mum nut year In Ierut It Mllar Fl loua IIIO nld how pleased In WI work In coounllnn with the Counly Rum on Olllu In auch wnrlhwhlla enduvnur Mnjor R53 Flrlolle 0mm Commnndlnx an Army Phyxlul lnlnlng Cantu and Jlm Raid Recrullon Dlrzclor for Slmcoo County welcomzd the candl dues Reghtnllon of thc mum however desplle wide publlcily In lha preu radio Ind devi Ilnn Wu below whit mu pecled Nu mm Inr lhe lack lumen among ha cnlchel 11 known In coal my rusnnlbla Ind Camp Borden ctnlrllly located In Simcuc Conn ly clullvo lnlervlew wiui Demp Icy In New York Sundly er dull nld In coluhm thu the Mickey Flnn ma 1h clumpn haunt calico ng say last un title on demon In the bout It Phil Iddphll Sept 35 1816 AP Wirephoto FINANCE COMPANY IJD Null 40 ll ll Moltml PM Iml MRI Mill mum Mammm Ltéï¬gnz zmm Youlo welcoméiojur monoy 559 till payduyior 47 take whirlIo Iay ASsoclatos Try our Imam Pnydy Lonn01 you mu El win or III load pmpm In any ImuunL 00 300 3500 1000 all In my up In $3000 on longer mu 0m pfupll 119an our mm an Inn an help ynu In huny In Ihnrl you ulmm Io nu Imle wont bu 11110 In lo Tar onlo In the urn ï¬lms be low Wednexduy Ind expect la main the written reports of refererlnchlel Carl Von And gum fem Frank Udvni only on Tuesday Ha nldlurlher ï¬nes or in pemlnns In poulblllty The Ellis xur ended 3g lime lar yudn and iv louchdowna lulu New York Jeuailch an AFL mink llobln Role pickedsup by San Dlezn chargers ailerï¬mg lu wu wilh Tomnia Armani In the EFL conlinuo to tin pm Impassan with 151 com pletiolu In is Illempls for 2330 ylrdl and 19 lunchdnwnl Bill Miller of BuimoIA top In nun unlviu with 81 recep onx or yum Gluo Cuppelletu Boslou Pnlroiis who pIIyed one timo wIlh Samil In the now duunck Ontario Ruxby FooIbIII Union Ind In uniIn with no poInu on two Iouchdnwns is convex Ind 11 ï¬eld 1011 mini nu wilh points Campball said it would later Ihls week balm he cam plales hi lnvextlnllon of the IDmInula dunnybraok whlch nw both leaml benchel emp tied and resulted In 125 min ulu In major penalties 10mm ula misconduch Ind amt mll conducts The rum provide 101 unher dlxdpflnnry Action in the arm flue Andor lulpenllonl In the cues he uld It IIIth womb then will be MONTREAL CF PmL dent Chum Campbell of the Natloml Rocky Luzue lndl wed Mandly um tuxher Ilnex and posuhlo Inspemlonl my result from bnwl belwem Toronln and Chleuo lul Salur day nllzlll Jim aner of Ben Bronco In lhatnp punlln wlm 46 yenm oru punll Gilchrist who plnyed eight years Inllhe Canadlun Foobyll Lmna helm loin lo Buttan Inlnuon bmh lhreef AFL record Sundny while Mmsllnl sum rugth toll in as In 201 canIn Danleh Ind with yam Inm attempts NEW YORK um Coaho Guam Bufhlo 8111 Inner Inznm Inflbnck ell11min ClemDania oaklnnd Raid or the Amerch Football 14 mum11qu lend Star In AH Has Not VieWeda Films LTD COLLIRK PA I4 nun hhly rm $l 795 am lulu ml uou nqu um rmm BARRIE Barrio Spam IN BARRIE PRICED FROM $895 Co $14950 ADULT srfcms CHILDS Spulall ma umimsr EELELHON 0F PICK anl nllcnlmr mom nII tmunml nlll DN um um rvncmm ovlll mo SKIS SPORTS 3299 Comm VJ HART 516 him5663i Tovomo Ontario 2336 St Clair Avo Wm Toronto Onlorlo Innvqaolgnql Hangml C9 of Canada le mmumoun mom rancxs ADDunlcpClomlul Bmlo Hun Ill102 ms FARR EmnNim TUESDAY nzczszio IanLu Look Whos buying and countless more ranging from country doclom and Arctic min nionnrics to rural mail carriers and aur voyom Why is ho Scout nlrendy sales leader In 4whcol drive The not is it can 30 almost anywhere Ihnnkn to 4whoel drivo rugged power and extra clearance And bocnuso it convch our wnyn from Ilrippedforncllon work hom to aloollvodiud station wnxon tho Scout In tho hnndienl unit an or off the 10nd Boo and drivo nyoum mm to agree InuIIAvmm IIMVIIVHEOMAM uqu mm the SCOUT INTERNATIONAL WIIEIL DRIVE SCOUT