BANGKOK Thailand AP Premlar Surll Thnrul one the clnmllrlcndl of the Wm in Southeast Aaln dled Sundny HI government lmmcdlnlely wu lurncd aver on an Interim balls la an equally Ilnunch nup porter the West Thunom Kil tlkachorn dcpuly prcmlcr and datum mtnmcn medlcnl bulletin said he 55 yeamld prcmlcr dlcd kldney and hem compllcnllnm lollaw in anravnlion an old llvcr dxlarder Only hour before hll dentin anrlll Amcrlcnn and ml doctor reported he had named lo be responding to lrutmcnt Tho nalionl Mycarold man Irch Kim uhumibol Adulyade mch Thunom acting prcmler unlll arml royal appoinb men can be made on Sarltl Inactlwr Earllcr Smill rubl nel nnnnunczd It had nursed to SAIGON South VM Nam United sum Ambas Hznry Cabot Lodge WM Sunday whehcr he mlzht candldnt or the Republi un pruldrnflnl namlnnllan in 1961 He did no dimlly rulo lul Ihe ponlblmy Lodge May Be Candidate Quulloned About nary pub lllhrd by The New York Time lhnt tanner pmldml Dwight hunhawer had asked hlm to leek the nommnlion lodxa laid he had ruclvcd no communi clllon 1mm Ellcnhuwtr Alked haw ho wnuld react ha did Lodge replied anurnlly nnylhlnl tom Gm Elnnhourr would bl con lidmd wlm Krral reaped wnrkcd with hlm In wnr And pence and have mm mm or Mm Threeyearvold John Ken nedy Jr Inn at tha anln Fm lflcnt mum 11 may or Ellcnlmwcr nlm drnltd send In In mmmunitnllm la Lodge nmul he pmldenunl nominallon Thailand Premier Wests Ally Dies Lodge nallunnl thalrmnn nl he Ehtnlmucr or Pm den Commlllr In um fllrlmrd Nixonl lcrp dtnllll runnlnl male Ml In In publlrm lkkll In PAUSE 1N PLAY FOR KENNEDYS SON nominate Thunam or tho iob Sharin nncr Ihe annomce men Sarill dcnth Than inucd an order or lhe armed arm lo rcmnin at their pom interior Minister Frapth Char umihlm broadcau ardm in na tional gallon and provincial Inv ernorl in be alert nzninli mir vmivu who cauid be active wlgh we death pf the premier stirlliniflumiiv man lime lhe age or 20 hnd been In the gov erglmgnl acqvely qce1947 Imsmemhcr 1957 Sari led mllltary cauplhn avmhrcw the nvcmmem Field Mur Ihnl Pibulswflram and drove him Inlo exile In Japan when hergm9hu ladny Snrll lmd heavy emphnxls an econamlc developmcnl lor Thal land and WM one of the fall at oppontnll lo Ihe apnad ol Communhm in Southeast Ada drink from playmund loun Ialn nm his new home In the Georgetown notion of thoritiu today are investigating the wreckage cl in chartered light plane near State College Airport which carried two Brit ish naval Iclenllsts and pilot to their deathl Killed Sunday were Ihé pllnt Mark Rlzuetle nearby Slate Collar Pa nnd the lwa Icientlsm Henry Mo Damien and Alexander Ga enby 01 Plymouth Stale pollen mid the Ingle englncd Ctunn crashed In top uric of maumnlnl lame ï¬ve miles from he alr pnrl during heavy mawlnll The plane was owned by Iha Alumna Avlnllan Company Al onna Pa lnculty mamber ol Pennsyl vanla Slnle University located In Susie Collcgu about 10 mllel mt of Tyrone said scien tlsllwm cn roulo mm Wmh Inglan DC tn the university Investigqie Plane Crash Wanhlnzton Sal AP wirephm MONEEPu 4n 18017 last date We CANADA 00 UN local delivery moon 5ath We Nam RenterV 1mm null Catholic perineum IndCommanllt Alkallon among nudmu are Catllllll ner lnua concern In the new xnv emmenc which overthrew um lamfly realms of president Nza Dlnh DlemJau month Diem wn Cnlhollc The Roman Calhollc unwra per Song Dao leln1 ml unclaimed Sunday 300 Cath oncl In My Xuyen parlsh In northern Quml Nam provlnco were mrorlzed and lb Ar mtcd and Influrzd aim the Nov mp against the old re gime whlch allegedlyv wn maxed unlnu Buddhlnll the lam Mme reports from all over the country laid authorlliu wm worried about Communm nubvmlan among studenu Rellable Indepzndent mum laidthere wal mun avidenco lhu uudentl wen be ng pulhed by the Communlm The Catholic newpiper aim nld Catholic were fluid to 10 lo mm Ind wen Iaklnz down Illlll In lhelr own homer Catholic an outnumbered llvn one by the Buddhllt popula on Recently there lnvo been re quent report of entl Catholic Incident 1n the northern area In the local population lm unlted eulrut the Catholic church openly Iavored under the Dlem rule iPersecutiom Causes COncem IhSouthVViét Nam Bnlnp AmunlClmpllng AccountMoney Mnnngcr Pul than Ill 031th in handaome wnllcl and youve gal Pockclbnnkllw ncwcal lhlng nvnllnble to hpr you Ink can of your money Thin porlnhlc Ild nm In your accountant ll help you to omniu your lncnmc You Ilwnyn know how much In lecp for bills living cxpcnmfunmnncy loo And Imam you alwnyu luv an accurate mold of your ï¬nnnm youll pinbany rule low And me mum T° EdséShortages By GEORGE EYVEMSEN Mdscow um mmm Khmhchcv ralllu hla Cqmmn nm lieutenant here today or another crack wins the So with Unlonl agricultural head IC The Soviet lendujs lalest cureplan In Innulve Input at lmfllur plul ooslly lrflgallan prolom The party economlz plan nhu exveru are expected unfold detaIlI at their blueprint or the diveralanol maulvq ln vellmenv resources Inlo chem lnry4 The new Investment plan 101 lhayearl 196465 will ap proved by lha government last week Ind the Vpany central mmmmee In expected to afï¬x ill Itamy ol approval and Ila ten up talks on tha Impor tlnco the new drive Thu lnvexlmep plln will be mada public to the rest of lhe world the lemon or he Su pram Soviet parliament be ulnnlnx Dec 19 For Khruthchev the openlnz of the new drlva to madcmlu and expnnd chemical pmducl Ion ca IV years of Wm Ilnz th economlc and pollu cal obstacle Ha orlxlnally called or pan cenlrallon Investment and hulldlnz resource In chemlllry 1955 CA airman Thisfis Pocketbank THE JTORONTODOMINION CLARK Mung 16 5mm 30 haw Idea to help you take care of your money and its excluéive alThe Bank thramlg make ha difference Khmhychev IInnlly exploded In eXllpfllUOll aIvn meetlnn held In Novmherlmrhlm In lop InnnIng bralnl or Ialr oIannr Irplnn He mock up the tap plannlnl organ and revnmpcd party Ind zavengmmt organlzatlom In an eIIon In at Ihe ecnnomy roIIIng In the rectIonhe pre lcrlbed Thls yearl afrlcultural ca laumpheh beleved In have put new pnuura behlnd Khmhchavldrlve or bl lnveatmenpallm In chemlslry Khnuhcnev has mapped an Increase in chsmlcnl Jerilllzcr production mm lha current 35000000 Isms in 1835 He has advised Western businessmen that Russia Is In the market for complete chemtcnl lertll In plants and wants to buy la quantities or western squlpmcnt or thelnduatry TORONTO CF Operating temployeel the Toronto Tran alt Commisslon turned down company wage otter Sunnay and threatened tn stage flow dawn during rushhour service Tuesday The men could do lhls simply by using to make extra run TTC Employees Threaten Strike llnwdoyou gcl oncHun wnli inlu nny hrnnclmfflï¬Ã© Hank and ask Wcd love to thaw il Io you The pricc In just 24¢ plun It lulu IDMUNDS Manna Dunlap in Own ll You know cxnzlly how you nnnd with Pockclhnnk all he llmc Evuylhing you Cd II tlghl them Saving Account book Pmonnl Chcquing Account chcquobook nnd chrque reginlcr quuil Ilips fur hull And the convcnicnl Money Mnnngu hm hclpl you iltmilc nll yuurcxpcnm In rclnlkm your lnccmo during the rughflwur periodl worse lhun ugqqlv nnw becuuu at Chrhtmas mopping Thu averllme usuallyh acceplcd by he openlan on voluntary hnl man mcellnl of Dlvlulnn of the Street Railway Mo or Coach and Mnlnlunanca Em ployee CLCrralected the nCs lhree Ilnze of that wnuid have mun lncreum ranging 1mm nlne to 13 cent an hour over twoyear perlod Pan Amerlcm World Alr wnyl Boean 1W near Elklon Md withthe mam long cl Blllvel could be one the 10 won Ilnxlaplane dlaaalm In community aviation ylglorg 191112 BARBIE EXAMINER MONDAY DECEMBEEI Thu worn occurred In June 1962 when an Air France craxhed In Perla Ind kllled 130 perms lncludlnl 105 real deflu Allapta Ga Thu ewnd warn occurred only two week ago nur Ste Therese da Blalnvllle Que where Iha crash 1mm Canada Mr Line Don Miner look 11 lives Elktgrr Disaster One 01 10 Wcrst Airplane Crashes lg in hijï¬ldn and lint Whln ah lumli lhIHnlhlel Ilu bhddu uld urinary Inc an mull In htth Ind liud inlinx dun Ink Deddl Kldnly Pilk Slum 11L Ndl Pill Ilimulm Ik lldmyl In My nlim In undin min lhl huhtha Ind llml lullul Sm Ilu III himmm Mlle nu botherd Iy buhdw Mt KHM Pill my In ya too Yul an attend 704 an vonK AMThe crush BACKACIIE Wm relief