Dur llunbmhn would Ilka lo remind you and all main tan that there will wnyl be laxpot Around5M who are not on wlilin but nurculvely Iccknz Inna It unllon all rnlla lthr mu lo rupee the malcnen and to rupee womanhood and hay are Hugh Hm lhe human body ha higher purpm mud in no plnylhinz here will be no need worry about Ion beln drmed lo lnll lat Immor conduct LISTENEH BUFFEM Du Ann Landerz very good lrlcnd mine In ml ulkcr 5119 can mu Irlvlll hidden nnd can mnh It mud like the mall canhmavlnl eplc of all llmcl In the mad at her drnmnllc ymrnlnllon nhl lnvmnbly bmmu mum on mlnar dclnll Bamvlo And then on nmdny or um WednesdayM lhlnk It hmduy became Tuudny II dny Molly coma at IJIL No It wu Manda and no my day nmcm er clearly now or wu Friday Dy Khan coum VI an Interest In lhll Why do pea II do lhlfl Dont lhty mllu dounl mall An loll lo Immu thct van Monday Tuuday or sun dly1 Plum ad lllla llLbl 4th in when lhe zlrl becama vul nam my Ion wax char ed IIUI carnal knowledge In Iouud zupm So please Ann advise pnrenll who cant control Ihtlr dnuzlr ten to lend mm to detention home so lhu boy will bu n19 Hcmbrnken The Hut Ieller wu mm mather who lined hem anlic She wan writan than her HyMrold daughter who wnl completely out central Well the reason my mn went to 1311 been another moth let her It year old daughter run wildt Thin nlrl did nol have to be ham any Apcdflc hour Sha could go out with Anyone any no uny where When learned my Ion wu dullng 14 year old 1111 Khaned her mother and band or keep um over med child at home wan told the ma alwayl been ymblem Ind gal they could do nolhlng with member Hula day long an Mn Today they came and took mfr beloved 10yearold Inn to 151 Ink Into chair ltunned and bewildered my eyes all on your column In dlyl paper ANN LANDERS BflARlNQ THEIR MOMENT glory lha trio above proud ly dlmlay their Honorary Life Membership cerflllcnm pn Degr App andem will re Mothers 0f Sons Share The Blame MRI momuo PLAZA mu Open pm khanmummy pawnquunIm mu um Mmlu mm Ml mu mMWhflhfl FREE muM $3495 119 WlIllnl Wooly Warkm canalIn lo membeu bu eulm under Mu my 11w prvjecl um uulon com mm woolen Iumper or woolen um Ind walel Thu will In modelltd by In llm ml Mud by Mn Campbell on AcMInmml my know ol Inathgr young perv nun who had in more lurbw lent life He lived in orphanv hm wen lhrwgh Juvenile mumeven jail This boy will man be sewn hi high Ichooi diploma through the mail Than he vim to on to an im us hold job and II hilyly wlih no amid flnnndnl Mg bop ennle Ind other young veavla will continue each Ihemxelvu he lhlnu Ihey Mind to Ian from thelr Eulogy concede Fauna Dar Think you at reminding that It dont 11h what In we can do wmeflllnl about 1L And can um lhl Better He rognm by Itctpllnl mpomlb ly or oumlm wébb Mn mbefwum Ind mun In ldVlM Mn Helm Tyndlla lllvlnl completed unnenu Ind boon membm looklnl found to Achlawmmt Day whlcll wlll be held ll Trlnlly Park Ill tomorrow hood llu Id menu and nu not laulh the proper valuu never occurred to the boy that he could leach hlmul my thing concede ovum Io myfl Mam lha world or our Ilium but 11 lllmmenuly rounding Den Ann under Rand lng avallon or Bennie He II the l+yearold boy who Im lenmed the man lmrartanl ler non of Illaundue pllne law one boy mm bu lo wane even wth the but guldnnte whyl Bream he flowed In tell11y HI wu goithphag lenblarchlld bu ulIIy mm nettle point to their own ulhllctlan Unlortunuely It the listener who Mullen BELFPITY Dur Teeth of mum WI nary but WI min that to pan gap 94 nary but ltl imp that 4H Club Members Complete Projects remind to them than with He membenhip yin flu dinner party held by member of the Hamill Auxlllnry The All ho clubrnumbm PHILISHAVE SPEEDFLEX II Walk Member cl the club shar an fluxmm Bonnie Boyd Sec mnry Kim vad Pmldcnl Elllno Hutu PM Illlthefl Pm Secretary Elnhu nob amen cum Mldnle Via Pmldcnl Jun Tyndnlo Cam Webb Slum Webb Darin the evening member of the Auxiliary executive at 1904 were Introduced The date alfluu Is as allow Pu Pmldem Mrl Jack Butler Pmldent Mn Roy Chrmle mm Vice Prelident 1m Adam Second Vice Pral denl Mu Robert Nelm Trent urer Mn My Tod Recording Secrmry lire Bruce Murray Compawn Secretary lire George Bruntan The executive um mulled the annual mm In held Al the McCarthy rel dence wllh Mrrr Walter Perkin put pruldent llld Honorary Illa member of thr nuxflllrrconi My Lhe lmtnlleuon we Convener ha dinner arty lau evening wn MIL Sdnry Math with her commnm which Included Mn Mlchncl mun Mn Bum Murray Mn Wil Hum Balkan Mn Law rence and Mn Roy Chrmle Er unaInmm or the evmlnl was conducted by Mu Wnlm nay IJIL Decoration whim were laced on lha head labia and at udelul lablu wen made by lm Brut Hurray Mu Roy Tod In In chain of Nike The Kin Edwlrd Ladlu 0er presented pramum Chrtllmu mum Hateful Indm who luvs db vogd go mughpl their IIme Ami UL 110mm rank ha worlds 1mm pmductr pholvhlla Illar Du United sum Pruenleflanl were made la honor member the Hmpllal Amery the Chrlllmu dln party held Ian evening nl Ihe Lehflaw mldence Lm mem beteth certiï¬cate and Flnl were mutated to Mu Roy airline pmldmc Mn Rune Hellmn mnvener lb eun IMne tam end Mn Fred By Ian put urnMen and mem ber of the Human Band The premtallam to Mn Ep Ielt Ind Mn Heflron were made by Ike preeldem Mu chmm Mu Robert Nclwn made lhe pmmallan to Mu Chrlule Honor Members Of Auxiliary At Dinner Party honoriwn awarded them or yam devoted urvicn 1n the auxllluy From the 1m Mu Fred Evian Mrll mu loll neuron Mn Roy Chriule lExmnInzr leta ZELLERS SANIA WILL HAVE GIFT FOR EVERY GIRL AND BOY YHAI VISITS HIM HEY KIDS lEllERS lTD huh wlll Inn MI Nu rm Inhnp nu lo mun Iud III In MI II hyl ol flank All DIIW In III IllI ï¬lm Dv In ll Ml 10 all Nth kflnl In lotAlon SATURDAY Santa Claus Comes To um my yard Ike Cammerclal depart ment Nnrlh Calleilnle Mn mm vaunted Ibo award at the rum commencement excr clm Mn Mun Cook cocon vcner of flu rummue MIG held by In ladiu In Navembcr parted lhal the me had been aucceuful Canva of flu en wanm mamas Member rm rcrnlnded the Iale Chrmmnn taker and pudding mu nwmd flint nits nre protrmlnl but mem bm were urled In yu forth mm man flu Mason 19 vrnndlu Tho program In conducted by Mu Brute French And Mn Norman Hahnr Mn Shirk Shrine Mn Phyllh Davin lllu llnrlnn Gnuzh llrl lnnl Drummand of the Barrie Belles lhn local chapter which he Harmony Benn entertained with several delightful rmdlllaru In harmony The group led the India In Jinnrant Chm runs Cam and tuned with catch number commInd ol nur my rhymes he huolneu uulon thank you mm were read lrorn Central Collulale and North Collegiate well no one from rectpieot of one at the bar oariu awarded by Ibo auxiliary 125 bursary or the commu clnl mum war nwardcd Barry Sadndana Auden at Barrio Cenlrll Iollzzlale Two bur oarm or $1150 each were awarded to Mlu Mary ch my Palrlcjaï¬qu in evening were Mn Allan Cook Mn Harold Forum Mu Gerald Woodzer Mn mm chmur Mu Bmce French Mn William Mimi Mn William Merrick Mn Charlie Agnew Mn Harry Nw hill Mn Jaclmn Mu The December medlng tha Ladles Auxiliary to the Lions Club Earth wn held flu llama Mn Tony Saw Mary 512 In qenlng Ma St for Ladies Auxiliary gall Llpm club qule Among than attending the Chrlumul pound puny held at lhu home of Mn Tony Sm Auxlllny Ch mm It performed each Chrlumal Ieawn by member at the Hnly 1mm Church chalr Pmnu and and will ac compnny the junior choir flu Barflofhurch CHRISTMAS PARTY Approxlmalely loo member ml guests of ma 39cm Club MEeuml oi Canadn Bunrte attended the Annual Ohriumu dinner and dam hold Wednu daywenlnz the Conflngnlal Inn Pollowlnz the turkey dim ngr gum to ulemmlc wu convene by the mm Including Pm den Jim Driver mercury Mu Haul Iowa Realmer Mlu Ehnran Elan Charles Calder And My mum Winner flu door prlu Victor Primer Ron Archer won 4h lucky drawyriu 1mm monumou thbeu the Junior chair Many Anglican Church nun rte will mm the Production Thg Nylvilx Itllgolyflrlrdly 01mm PARTY Mrs Saso HostsMeeting 0f Lions Club Auxiliary THE CANDLE SHOP Mlle North of Barrie on Highway 11 To Odlllz 00ml new mums Will Be Open Until Christmas In uddlllan wourcollecuonolwxdlumm countries you wul Ind mutual um or mzllm ha ymr wt Chmlmnl WI Alto VI ulcdlan of autumn cam OPEN PM DAILY SATURDAY PM PEOPLE AND PLACES Plum Bum Dixon alum Whoa PA Ian SANTAS HOURS I030 mm 9912 Noon 220 pm In 400 pm 60 WNW ST Mu Dunxnwu Du retiring 1mm Emmi the mun um Chm mu yum rpnm Mill Tuck conducted flu devotional on lb Chrhlmu 11mm and Hutu of 01 um Tony Belhlath Mn hlck Puu report Mn aouxh lack In Mr followed Ilfllllfl Smith hottest TV 521 INCREASE 1110 number cumin celvm In flu Unfled sum rm to 10000 In 1050 buslnm dluuukm 0110 ed The alluring amcm um elected 6141 MuttMn Lmndy weary 14m SVllrzérftm or Mn Imam ML°°W emu 11m 8min Unit of Crown H111 United Church Wanwn met It the home of Mn 1L PunMu Wedmday pm Jayccfln mending weraMn Eunice Chick Mn Anna Moor houw Mn Damn MacDonald Mu Cathy Juno Mu Dorolhy Fram Mu Anne Trlmble Mn Sheila 3mm Mm Juno Allan Mn A01 Rowe Mu Doreen Hooper hmplan Fem Con ncu and Mn Hue Mmuy vent Tlu next media will In held on Jun an hem of Mn Sum Neal Tana Saw dauzhter of the lumen performed flu duly Santa Clam and distributed Km from hemaux lho Illm go ughQ my mgmbafl Another 11 hone wu flanked by Mu acrald Woody an Mn member or the lmpllamy which the extend each year tor the clubl Christmas party 1713 Lg Pgneuni Norman Hukuh Mu Art War uer Mn Bob mum Mn JAc Oates Mrs Jim mgn Mm Bob wanna Mn aer ud mun Mn John manta can Mu Cy Wilcox Mu WI llarn Bell Mu Willllm Mn Clarence Corbett Mn WIL llun Olhl Mu Harold Webh Mu Ed Mym Mn Robert Hmock Mn Eric Dmnm 11m Barri Jaicetul 1114 the Chrlumas Socinlrat tho ham My Fem Conncll Iuek supper VIM serv ed Ih wo mouthWilma dew um to them tram Allerwnrdl prim were In lucky wln her mu mu Mm Anne Trimble new moulan bv ml preth with two baby on behalf of 1110 Jay celm An exchange Cher mm 1111 ended very enjoy IbIe evening Crown Hill UCW Elect Officers Iaycettes Host Christmas Party Thu mu Ind mm of Ike Crown L115 Inllunace Compmy honored the lambelect with yrmnlallon Mailman shower hostel J6 Included Mn Wu All Brock Street and Mn W11 ur Wlltun of Newton street Mm be of he Guild st Georu Antlch Church mo calamity Id the bride miscell er MI KlgMIey and Mr Elli were Ahavhmwrcd null dinner puny held at the ham Mr and Mn York Brock DREAM COMES TRUE TORONTO CPIMu Clem enltnn Sam $9 ear old mm Wyurold dream coma run whtn 1h received her bucke lor dezm mm the Unl verljlx of Tqmnto My Sam unvuw Ann Baum lull llnw public Ichoal teacher wok her unlvmlly Lredlu through the deymmt mmlon damn mu WlllaJcbh cumuan Mlu Klmlay mm In the mm MMML dinnerflpaxly the Bl lhol Mom at Quest Inch mm LA wquw nu bflda and bddegmmelect and Mr and Mn Edwnd Kmth pl llgg bridegig Wu elyn Kmiflfl bride elect In karma hour It uvenl mandamu prior to her mantau to Huxh 21111 In St Gemm Antllun church tomarmw Human An lemon recepllan Ind presentation party Wu held at the home of Mn mum 2n Glenurry sznue Toronto Guam Incluged friend who or merly lived In Bnrflovmd Tor onto Menu Bulneu And Proteulannl qlubanla enm mum an Illned Wu Kmulcy 94 citation party Mr and in John Dabm Ind Ian Bob entertained manila th python um VyrTIIIIVIIVIIIVUlnnlmuyu mmm llllmlllLHHAHIIHU=IIl1IIHVILLLH uvllvnnnllnymmnun HHIHIIIIIJIIIHIHI IHIIHHIH START and GO 0R WE PAY THE TOW nllnk alltl You BTAnTonIlucdde lnuornpaylautyou oln YouGOIn murmurpa lhctowl l0 nlhk dependnhillly mllln will Momma Counlry dnln ur Ind Bupmu Pow hum Why um lot It RoundJOf Parties ngcedes Wédding uunuuvllu VIIII sï¬l ï¬mme Weston amdmmtumcpqcu 35 DUNILOP ST WIST PNONlflIZGGSIS 34119121XAMINII FRIDAY DECIDE L1 OUR REPUTATION IS YOUR GUARANTEE PURCHASEDIVIDEND SAVINGS PLAN WYNLOP ST On Every Purchase with Be today to lake IdVAMEIEG of thin Ecnmm dlv end on which APPLIES TO YOUR CHRIST MAS LAYAWAY WELL BUDGET ACCOUNTS INVITED NO INTEREST CHARGES You SAVE TWICE on very purchm You lava an WXYICOI which the Iawulpaulble YOU SAVE EXTRA 107 under our DIVIDEND ï¬AVINGB PLAN Remember um plan In good 6n all your purchase our mm wmhn diamond rlnu diver 10m 1217 um watch royal GUARANTEE ï¬WWs SAVE 10