Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Dec 1963, p. 2

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WEE mnvlnuu rnm Clnldl Linc mm mm Iml cl Clllldl Aluminium Md mm AND mu MN gim MORI ACTIVE Volun In 147 qu 211 mm 111 mu Tom Clancy member 01k Inulnl mup hu up pemd In uvcnl Druan plan and mm than no lo Alon drnmu Anna Hum my DA 1119 9m Iuw manmm down 14 um nm at NJ lull Drumn DA Oll nlc mm cdnlmv Can 51 5mm cm CmmI enema cuury Pawn Con mu am Can Pmr can an Dom Imu Albeit Abmbl Mum mm MumJnlum 21mm DIR ml luau TORONTO STOCK EXCHWGE Since we All know the Jnlly old mun quick wink hll whereabouts All the pram time unknown That why all believe yuunl and old mun Imd thenJena to Sam In care their local flare or Chnmber Commerce ll hey want to catch up with hlm um year ll seem that all lelleu add reued to Santa at the North Pale wlll bl lent to the dead letter alflte In complllnce with same has changed bl addrul With mu lhove mm the Fed eral Government Mr and Mn Clam have decided to relinquhh their quarters ha North Pale And are now househunting In varioul pam 01 world Tlll alummu In mum lnII mm FRUIT BASKET GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS CANCIllAS Fruit Market cmmnron If tun Compiled by mm Dunlap St Bum rm nan Acm Afumlnlm an cm mm woman In mll luaumm mun 10 lulu up VI MOI Am IIOEKI nlum mm Conn Mun lnl mu mm Damon le mll Avnunll um fluln 10 lulu up Uumm up meme nou ncn and up II mun dawn 11 01 RE 15 I1 LIX DMIMH hull LIIIJI MI lancourl Loudo Mmumn Mldun Now one Inn Nunan Dll Dam Poll Dom Slur Dlnlwn MIMI Dan Pllccnhr guan Wp mm Ill smnmy mm on mm In numm nu lmpbhbncca wt lnllnfl ND lnllr mm 5n Ulfllglll rpm mh club pm INDUITIIALI Hm II Mn um ml muqu of the bank ulna 1m and leVmel Ilm mo mum IM III Mel mm humor and II My Hm vlmpmkiml broad mudanon ol he 11ml Mmlmll new Iln Ilnldu hun hem my Mmmd lr1 Amald Hm uldrn In pgpcufln at 1mm Mum mm mm uuu And so poor old Santa has been lel without permanent nddreu Bmls children may drop Ihelr lelterl In llra mall box provided by the Jayme ln Memorial Squire or watch llrelr local preu or lelevlslorr or lur Uler nddmm According In Thoma Kerr Harm poalmafler lelléu add ressed to Santa pravlous years were sent Ia Inca flare and radio stations etc However some avamlsm developed so that only me or Iwa store Wm enlng tha 1mm and thei took advantage this The men were answered on store alalIan cry and he replm wm used asalmeans of aqxergalng federal an nmco regulation pagsed lg March am CI TohDom DI Tum Cln lnm ML TI 15 0V4 OCR Ln Mu Pow nlv Mun hm lendl Nor OnL ma man on mm Pan Full Full 5m Ply SA ldl nod llm will Em am CII TohDom DI mm Wulon llnllh Plan In Allan sum umu nunn up lock mm van on Unlud Km wmm wuuu am 10 BANK OF MONTREAL EXECUTIVE APPOINTMENTS 11x Illl ulvllKfll IMP WI Mmm dowa lonerl Mann lho blnl nl Ibo 1mm Wall not 14pm mml mm In rhnm lho bnnll lllllllh Columbll dlvlllon Vmcwm mom In IM hurl omen In Montml on tour mnnaur Calm now mmnnl mu mama In mm lhe Manitoba ml Iiihm dlzllou Whal Wniu xlu 5mm School ludllorlum Ward Iudflorlum lb 5990 ludnonum II klzy Park School auditorium 00 MIL Collier limb Illllmnl School bl Print Wllu mummy Ward Jnhmon 81ml School nudllarlum lb Codrhu Schng ugdlpr1um Ihalo unnbll lo vole durlnr Iha mum llama municipal ecllan hauu on Monday mo urt td to can Iheir ballot on hm two dn An advance poll will be held loday and lnmorruw ram to pm It flu 001 Ill Colller ml Ray Mklnwn chorus director of the Barrie Barbmhoppcrl mld some at the Bnrbmhop pm wives belong lo the Hur mony Hellel to they mah Jolnt auxmm party BanIa and Orlilin Barbershop pen will be he Innunl mrlaunnl mpper Ike flur mony Bella In Orlllln Monday night Advance Poll Today Sat Member Angli can TriniLv Anglican Collier Sim United Andrown Presbyterian Central United Burton Avenue United Em Road Presbyterian and Camp Borden Chapel will be nutmen led by Gnilery Choir from Trinin United Giurch in Co ingwood to present Service oi Traditional and Modern Cnroil Interwoven by the liary oi Christh read by member 01 iha clergy Tlla nervlee will be one of the numerous Christmas evenla to occur throughout the dlslrld Ill month but thLl will be the only one wlth such vnrlely In the makeup ulnlm condw ton and reads Guys find Belles To HoldTérty Member the Bands Cm the Buys Canadian Coll uze of organism will conduct Cm Service Sunday mnlng at 815 pm In nlnlw Anglican Church This In the In interdean lnufionnl service attempted by the college In um city Ind member are drawing on the luppm and assistance tight dJsfrIc choir and number olugha localderm mullnmlnm mm other um Maul mum lhc Allrm mvlnm Tho mm which hm hm July with the nmolnlmcnl of Edwin man lmnl munurr or Mark do bud offlu other Mum In lulu Im lpolnlnwnl at GM Iona morn mnnum lot rmOI Commth Album Mqllaba Andflhuhldmunm Windsor SI Thom London Kitchener Mount Fart Wlnxhnm Hnmman St Calhlrlnu Toronto Pderboroulh Trenton Forum Tempernlum onllhl km nil Georgian Bay Hallburlan TI magami Algnma North Bay Sudbury Mainly cloudy and mllder sunrday Wlndl laulh Cochran wulorn Jan Day Saturday cloudy And ll Ila cooler Wind Iaulhwul Lake Erie Lake St Clair Laka Huron Nlazm Lake 0n tnrlo windwr London Hamil anlaronlo Cloudy and milder Saturday Chance of ohowm Saturday evenlnz Wind loulh west Synoprll Cooler air II ex prcled to mavn inln Northern Onlsfln Saturday and nn ncllva wcalher syllem now moving acrou he Racklumay bring law to lhn um north at Lake Superior 1m in the day flu fin the princlpfi mum Klwanll Club Barrie memberl Ira buoy nl 1mm ulllnl imparted Scotlhh blu culu to rain funds or their crippled chlIdrenl work The blacum come In lwo Aspar ggq Mm jaln 9nd Wig Alnrnoon IJO In BLOOD DONOR CLINIC CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY WEATHER TRINITY PARISH HAll ANYONE FOR BISCUITS Evonlng In in 030 pm For fixloranOn Call PA 84184 300 DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED MONDAY DSCEMBER 9111 JIM lo broaden hull mt mInlmHun Ind Io plm ul tr tummull In lllll cl mlndpll Hold olllcm Tho Irwlnlmcnu whkh elm Jun In hop hu run mm Ibo hnll mllkm In Clam IM ahmd and um um ur vtm Io the public TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA ML Theme wan rented or Inceralinnl In the right Elbow 01 ha Blackler Inmlly hll wilt Edllh Jutland nbrulonl lo the right In and knee Police my lhal Dlnckler vm driving car which he barrow cd lo lulu hi Jan to hospital hecnun hr and hi wile wen unable in linp ihn yyunlliexn non imm bleeding Barry Wlllord mailer 30 ol Arm Rm Camp Borden wan mulling Samuel lo Impllll became of bleeding nau when he tolllded wllh un nlhr cr drlven by learn Owen nwrne 00me1 Road 11min twocar coIlMon lull nlfiht the Inurucllon Toinnlu Ind non Itmn IBM thm people In haspltawllh minor cut Ind brulm Going To RVH Car In Collision ol Ielllng he been by tele ylwno end In nlzht noun Klwmlane were buy at the Bell olllce on Collier elm calling promedlve customs the bluqu to be dellvered and collected or later Shown rifle the phone ll Ray Tom At left past week em Ememn sum and En hen at work mu scicue prim Mr Crook mnnlcd with we children who both mend Coyazlale 1n Barri don worked lood mmpany llalenman heron mum In Bar Cailmenilhg on his reamnn or running or the Publlc Schnnl Board Mr Crook 1d My Vainn hi England he amlm tad lo Canada at In early age with hi parent Ha matricula ted the Ben School in London Ontario Mr Crock lam uudled arch tecture and mnehnnlcal draugh llng Prior to the 1m wnr he uallflm as Yum Ha Joined Royal Canad an Air Foroe in 1941 and new transport through out the war After demobollznflom he wark ed paymmer In the 21 Central Ordinance Depot In 141n Mr Cmok 62 Puth II principal In Ban19 bullJlng llrm which he helped to arm 10 yam ago when he moved lorBame man with cxperlenca 1n huIldIng uhonla Leslie Crank 47 II mnnlnl or the Public thpalfionrd Barn in Ayrshire Scotlaan Mr McClymom joined the Liverpool City Poilcs in 1932 and we at cachzd the Criminal Investi gation Degmmeni Ha mldu want to let lhll change in he lymm that lhe board Insured having lame ex erlenccd member alter evsry gee David McClymom 52 ll leek lnl reelccllon to he Barrla Pub lIc School Board He want to an annual elecuom or flu board with halt the member due or SCHOOL BOARD CANDIDATES Dan the war mm mm Would Prefer Chfinge The median SYStem Builder ot SchoolsNWants To Contribute To Education cnlay Adan Anllqun Alimi Belg Ilvlp Private Stock CUSTOM BLENDED CANADIAN RYE WHIBKy LEGLIE BROOK Mr Crook WEI two lflll res mu the Kumpen ellflay KL wanll and member Col ller Street Unltw Church firm In bum many Ithnoll Io whlch did lha uIlmaIIng feel that my knowledle In thII field would ha oI value In III hunt am also wry Inteler Ied In educaIIon He Ieliled in Toronto and Iain ed the Iecurity force Ontario Hydm in January 1951i cum in Bunin as Iho Ontario iiydro Security Oiiicerior the Gear lml Bnylrzzlan Prior to comin to Canada he had been amcated with he he urved nun In the Royal FENCE after which he re turned la the pollce am in LI°m°° Fan Mr McClymonLl train ln dnrlnl Ihu wnr win In Can and he Unlted Slam In 1050 he emlfrmed to Canada 93 39 39 nunwp STOCKSBONDSMUIUAL HINDI ENTRANCE MEMORIAL sauna PA 82412 MlMDlRIlamnlfl Haiku Clludml on film BRANCImCum to Cam In Clnldl le Yuk Mndfll BIL RESEARCH ADVICE NOEL STEPHENSON OPTOMETRIST Barrie Public School Board YEARS EXPERIENCE 0N rHi 82412 BARRIE PETER WEST BAEc Eng AFCAL AI Tmlm NISBI ruomson gypricomuuv mum REELECT Adlml Bllvov Flu om wlflmlll ubllnllon Boy Scan movement And Ilncv hll arrlvnl ha ha been Ravel Scout lender to SL Gem5n An Hun Church and mu mute urnsp Andrewl Church He II membu of the Kern penlell Masonic page and one time Sunday Schonl unpu lnlendenl and edu az SL Ann drewl mvm mumom BOARD HUIIE 108

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