Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Dec 1963, p. 1

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Ste Pay Quebec Teachers Strike Living Cost Index Soars OTTAWA WHvlnu UM In Cnnndn llunnl Oclabcr mm to record Icvrh with ma com aumrr prlco Imlu mlvnnrlnu curlenuu paint campmrrl wilh Seplcmhrr lo In new hlxh Thu humm of nlnllnun wld May lhnl le nu men mm rwnl Imlcm mkan up the In lhnWld Ilmflnr hcrtnm Tho lrnmportullnn 1mer WM undmngrd Tho WI Intlu nl Mv mu unrlonlhu ol palm In 110 nun lan month mu mull mlcn luctrnm Mr wlrlu mm 10ml Ilrml Ivlm wm xhnmly mumr In Oclolwr lur qur and mm In mum Sun mdml Huh 205 lruln pnuml In llw mrmm hul mu lll below In mun cm In Munl lm 11 Inter In Ilvlnu min In Odomr hullnwnl ll lluI In Mr nun ImluIlrinl mm durlnu Munnub Tho lmlu nl Mur Imlmlrlnl wnnu nml null 101 wu mu rum Arum wllh 1m monlh rur Jar um my 51 on um Fwd nhkh Ilmmd mod all pvln lnnrnul lmllnlrd mun nml that0 hum m1 allwr Mrul pnnludm nn dvlnkl plclxlu mml ALI up mum mu amp ranKI crl try ml lulu mull rnnrwd rlnhl lirr nmI lmkry LONDON CPD Prime Minister Sir Aicc DouglasHome will will visit Oiuwa Feb um An announcement Thursday said Douglas Home will hold talks wiih Prim Minlsicr Pcarsan bciom going on 52h Washington or his scheduled Feb 1213 mcciing with President man MOSCOW AP TheSovln¢ Communls Party Iodny rollde plan loCcmriAunisl China lo cease open polemic and try to mile SovietChinese dimroute In private talks The party organ Pravda salt the quarrel mu gone loo Inn Pravda hinted hut Blush prepared or long period at wailing mancul that time will war dawn the Chinese oppasfllun QUEBEC CP About 325 lay leathers lnllnd show up for luscs today In suburban Sin Foy spokesman for the Ste Ioy Culhallc school board said the board had no ndvunce notice he ncllan Teachers in lhe wanna suburb have been lnvnlvcd salary dispute wilh ho Ichool board or some llme NEWMARKHI Onl CP Polka said max and woman were llllni today when lhuir cnr wm struck by Cunndlnn Nullonnl Innst Imln at lcvnl crasslng near hm Police snld lho Im Part drmilcd the rain and carried the cm nbout Imllmlln along ML Thu huhl lluuro Nav mmpnrrd In 1110 nl OCL 1514 Srpl nntl 11 ll Ann In wulmu moer The protest vlgll was prompt ed when he CAS refused Tab onto couple of which Ihe hus band professed ulhelsl permlssion to adopt Simcoe Cognly thllg The couple was first refused ndoplion rights by the Toronto CA5 An applicauon to the local xocicly was reusedNov 26 WASHINGTON AP Pruidcnl Johnson in ouwning his lan Ilgn policy philosophy says the Unltcd Shite must be stmng just kzmperale and patient He made tho smlcmem twice Thursday sepnrnlu chmd meetings with govcmmcnk oflIclnLL White Home mum inlet gave rcpoflm lb 15 xemmkl Urnnl 1m mm um mud In Hall lfll rt Hersey sn amntonlnn contribute to the Toronto society through some form 01 taxation and shnuld ind their child there We do not have enough chll dren tn meat the demand 01 Slmcoe Cnunty residents We have waiting list of 15 coupl es he snld proposed protest vigil by the Toronto Humanist Assncla Uon against the actions the lace Childrens Aid Society to Muse adoption chlld lo Name ample hns hmught final rulurl from the local prey en Hersey speaking or the County of Simone and Cky nl Ban1e OAS said We stand firm in our dccislon commend the board of dlrcclm for de dslnn Home Will Visit Pearson In February Pravda Complains Quanél Too Bitter Newmarket Train Accident Kills Must Be Strong Johnson Asserts 99th Yur No 285 I9 truth CAS President Raps Protest Stands Firm NEWS BRIEFS For Examiner Want Ad Tele phone PA 824 The lelephano number to call or the Business or Editorial Dept L1 PA 66531 Our Telephones nmclrull hnnunns and npplu cnlnnl canal and mm cull meal DURING COST UP An lncrmm at three mm mlnl wu rexlsleml In tho hmuinz Index whlch maved la um Nov mm 110 Hath lhu uhollcr nml lmuu lmhl npflnllnn componcnh Hm Imlrx shawl nmnm Vllhln llu wrung rnmpomnl mm and Immenmhlp mm worn hluhcr Thu houxclmhl op ornllnn Nmpflflrm rumclad prlco Inmnm lnr coal uml lure ranKll lull mu Im mu muipmrnl lrlcrl wmr clrnnlnu mppllu wer lawrr He stressed that the legality oi the GAS position is not as saiinhle To aim high be strong and persevere in what we believe right hnw we will achieve that which is lies or ihe limited number ill children available in nur area ha contended Faur years use our society was not In positlon to be singled out as strong and one which selsexumplcs or olhor follow Obviously this the use now am pmud um the bnard has mnlnnlnted hlgh Jdenls the face of crlllclxm It requires cournge and mum Mr Hersey concluded that Smcae County children deserve the best possible Invlnu cure and environment and believe that hlgnslnndnrd met In his We do not axis to supply children for Toronto cuuples We cannot meet the roquesl or chlldmn mm aur awn county residents Mr Hersey said applyan the local satiety alter belng lum cd down hylhulr own society nnnclg of Icgalsm Shoppan Day TH Chrlllmu 15 Reporter so hintsbut not from any nfliclal spokesmen who refused commentthat the report has been Iurned over In Ihe Jusllco department which wlll orward It to President Johnson ISTANBUL hukcy AP Tho patriarch ol um Eastern Orlhudox Church Alhcnngum proposed lodny that num mil meeting of ma hand of flu anor Chrlslinn renglons held In Jerusalem next month during Papa Pnull vlsll there Tha patriarch sald he would be overjoyed lo allcnd luth thnuxoras urged mcellnx Ihu hand 01 all churches of East and Well Roman Cnlhn llc Orthodox and Pmlcslnnl Ho mld nuch conference In the holy cily ZIon would open nnw mud or nulsllnm lly The 77 ymr old Iplrllunl lender 01 world nnhodnxy nnld It would ha 11 great evenl wondcflnl lhlnul The prcsldenl in urn In ex pecled to Irunsmlt the report to he highdevcl xevlew 1mm xlan headed by Chief Jusllca Earl Warren the us Su preme Court The FBI L1 understood to him concluded thn Loo Hur vcy Oswald he 24yearold ex marlna and Mnrxm planned and executed Alon ha Nov 22 llaylng Ln Dallas AI Hm man my Iwmnu rndlo dlnl ha all luddrn mm In Ith Vhy IDllléfio 1mm nnkrd Um wlfr You wont ho nbll lo undmlnnd on at LONDON Ml Chrllllna Krrlrr Hm 1yenmld ludo who nlmml bromzhl WI 51 lovrrmnrnh lhrrw hemll umn ll mrrry Hm cum ln day and nl Iln nlmnmnlh lrrm mm will hrr hnmekcrprr aml ulrl Maud nhu plrmlnl an1 In KIIMIII perjury nnd Inn nplrncy In mm dlmnlml Wm lmllnn lover Elle ruuld hm mm In pvlmn lnr mu 1an or mm 11w Ilnny rmnwsurn I110 mnmlml HI hlrnd nl Immcr unr mmm lvhn lmlumn mnl nth mm In hlzh plum brokn mumrnlurlly nlw hum Juda slr Anlhany llnwk mnnuuncr unlonu In Old llnllry Tran wllml In Mr am mu llrr llw qulvmd lnuln llnmlllunrllmhnll flu III MEmI wlm nhnm an npnlmrnl wilh Chmnne wu Inn All mth Ivnirnce nwlr hourlwrpcr Mn llva llmkrr nan MMNI nn mm hullum llulh hull Ind Chimp WASHINGTON AP There were strong lndlcaflnns today that the FBI has completed it bulky report an the assassina tion of President Kennedy with out closing wideranging 1n vestlgatlon 1119 commission meet thls summon Cried lhlnk Im Ipmnual ASKED FOR MERCY Cleric Suggests Ioint Pilgrimage Report Names Oswald $52MItuoNslASHED FROM DEFENCE BUDGEI Keeler Goes To Jail HERES ONE Ilulchlnwn In nllm b4 came wunnnl whul ml ll Ihll Ilrln In nubullmn llalm and um rlh lo blluy which Ihgd nnlyflq dun Dullounx nu House Common vncnnclu In London Mnnchuler and Sud bury all showed Ilump In Con mvnllvo lupporl than umuuh la Klvo the nTpuxlllnn nbo puny lnndl dc victory In My nnllonnl pail the moment In lha Londnn and Manchu cr mulll lhu Conmvnllvu mm lho volo wnl dawn roughly 10 per cm comynrcd wllh the Mm ltcllon 19511 In Sndbury It dropped our per cm The Conscnnlhu however rctnlncd lhe lull in Landau and sudbury and Labor kcpl Hm 0M 1n Munchmcn 11w mulls qulckly dlwnml al Inlk among purllnmmlnrlnnl nn Ilmvlo muntry Irl who lvrcnmu Hm mun phylhlnu nl mm In her mly mm Ink lhn Ind AH leer lm mlul qullu Illnply luv ma mm In um know Mn dam um and knuw mm ll MM nur lnnJhln wlll xlu htr mall or ml WA IMMAflmH Although 01 may luv lurn xlrl wimml In mnllm nhn mu nml nmnlm my my no ulmmliumlly ImmMuru IIIM hnymnl In ml world milId nun nmcmmnflnm yenl In laden width LONDON CPIPrlme Mlnls tor Slr Alec DanxlnlHames p04 lltlcul pmllge slum badly today lhu mull three by tlullunn In which he rullnz Comervnklvu pnrly mnlncd lwo mm nnd Labor tho other showed lecnblc drop In lho Tory vnlo mkfd Indulml um fagnpyud lwa péhrrknmrn Hm In to arm Iraner to mum In mole pin or Itfl lmry deftnu Inwyrr Irmuy llulLhlngan ductlived Clnlnllnu The Burris Winter Carnival beard rowln context at dcrwny today One the ¢9nesldljlll Bryce Bownul UK Tories Prestige Slumps After Election Barrio Onmlo ledl Frldly Duimblr I963 BARBIE BEARDGROWING CONTEST STARTS Ill llm mu lhc Ipnch un rr In horn llmmrd thwn play lylmnllon lam Inndo lnln Hm munlml lly Fnlr Ladywho unmlmk In mm 1me mu urban mnnl dnuuhln mlulne Wm in um Alum III nlghl duh mm Mur rnyl when vm hlrndumi Ward HI lawyer MM udd II can mumm loo merrily IMI mu From Ilml day or our ynn lhll III Inlet any 1mm Murml Huh Dr nephew Ward who um warm luv Mar 0111 It Ir MI domlmum Marauder an Ion in nu M1 and Id menial of Will Mun In on whom mm mm In lho Sudbury and Wood hrldnn mnnlllucnc ol fiullalk Canmvnlho Slulnlon pollrd only 40 per cum he Ha durrllml Wnnl rnlher Ian pormlnl Imlmor Hlfllnl In Mnnchonnrl 0pm lhnw district Lnlmr Ilronx hold ha Cunurvallvu ngnin dropped volcl heavily In run nlnu Iccand lo Lnbnrl Chnrlu Morrll umlcrxuw Hwy II lnla slnhm Wnrd ll AMIrly olm run Ward rrnvhled ulvlu lur ulnth ulm maple Ilulrhln um lulu Now the conxcnm Ihnl hll government mun lmId an pcrhnpl to next 1011 when in voyeur mandnlo mm 11 Ill hupu Illeran are to Thu volln lhu cum Common 1th ar mcr Vllcaunl Hullhum nnw Qulnlan on Jul In duly wln ulna no Info Mnrylcbcno dlllrlcl at London or the Con mvnllvu II Ihtd more lhnn 10000 vom ram Iha pmyl thawing In lbs 1059 general elccllon Ihnt the new prime mlnlslcr plannrd to in to the country In March IIMISHAM RETURNS months from Barber Roy Swine whlle Bob Sarjennl Comanchalrmnn look on not hi last lhnve or we GOT NINE MONTHS In In Mm mum In lummlnl up Ml me llutrhlnnm III Ono of Iho bfll Ihlnu lbw Lhrhllna II lm nullnu to her pmnu Me devnled In her 10er Ind I1 at llhlf mm to Inld In melanin WI ha MIN In mu In In rm Im lonu which fin and Illnlrh numum III rnll llrl culmlnuer In ha Aflulr wllh Imlumn Th lnl lo lmfumnl rrlllnnllnn nl var mlnlller In tho Conurvnllw ownan Mul lhe lrInl an vlu chum of Ward who Inlmduccd Mr to flu tnhlnrl mrmlun anlonnl decllom lnr lht 630 ml Commnnl In due by next vatmhtr Bu lho nrlmo mln lIler tan tall lha poll 1an he wllhcl II In no nu Torlrl pm laudmz Gordan llw awnMM Jnmnl nm mu Accused mm ML WM mummy man Mk Iallml dau 51mg WI died llghpu knowing Waller Tum vellum tune Ipandrnl TM Dally Mall Conlrrvnllvc lummad up the Mk lnclnl Slr Alec IMI wny alnl veto in wxnnlnx three Ildcd race from LabanIla and Llhaml In H159 the Conserva llvu collected 51 par cull of flu volel can In ht dimm Conscrvnllvo party mnnuxm had counch heavily on tho ul fnbln pcraonnllly lha new prlmo mlnhlcr volepuller both In Iho byclecflnnl and In Ihu cumlnl nnflanm poll Lnborlm wm quick to chum lhnl hll ulcclornl pull ml The polillcul corrcxpandcnt he 1mm Daily error Inld Slr Moe DwainHam clearly Inllcd to make my Im pact on voter Incidentally newness was the winner of last names Bale ol the m4 carnival are Feb 10 15 and la Examiner Finite II min cm when ud mmzm Gordon Churchill who IumM Mr llurknm portlolla brldly mulled KM lavommtnt for 11111 Incklnz nuclear war head or In arm duplla lu clacllnn pledn mava prom lly lnlo nuclear roll Dr elm crlllc llnrold Winch of hp NDP pulled Mr 911 OHAWA CPD Phua one or openanon anlng ShemI Ionplnl abou $52000000 And 28079 bodies ram Ihe defence emhillhmeul WII dllcloscd Thursday by Delenca Mlnluer Hellyer Mr Illellyer laid there will be more cm became without this careful attentioncult It hldl clnua pruningour delence bud ge vmuld soon top the 02000 000 mark we were to mnln lain our prawn emblIshment with All In ramification and Th9 proposed redncflam would deal heavy blow lhv mornlu the nrmrd mes vnnlculnrly he merve armY where am full wen wlduprend In hguvy Our aim is to find way and menu oi reducing overhead and by cutting operation and maintenance cam Ichievo redirection oi expenditures to improve our deiansive cnpnhlb ity ha laid in opening My day Common debate on hll de pnflmmia 31590006537 spend ing program or 1963 The spending pramAm WM prepared by the former Con mvnuvn government and most hi cuu apply to the next cnl year Inning April 151 lecllng many mmmunlllel was the land at Hui in llma umhh our Ioncu wlth ndequnlc equipment uni weupagl The regional lm act won the country In main ham reflected In MP rumlnn Indlcmed camxderahlo cam munlty yreuun Iwnn the mm The nnnounccmcm WM trill clzedfiy Douglas llnrknm lor mer Conmrvntlvn defence mln Inter who rulgnod prom hl panyl nnllmuclear Hand called tha reductions dun 9mm deaperau Ind Inspom The cut In mnnvowcr and money were bound to reduce he urcnglh and ellecflveneu of Cnnndnn Iorcu nhnko Inc can lldcnco In nlIIu wenkcn III vnlcc In NATO and dcImy nbllIIy Influcnu Monte de cillann In In WnIem world Ila Inld mun In OI In to mm in Involving loam MM VII Rialm Mn Pym lung hf homo 1M4 Mr Hellyern well anticl pmd economic chem deeply figmygvnl Army III curve Gaining IMRKNEBS NOT HAPPY cuminm Inn 07 Hellyer Promises More Cuts Despite Violent Opposition No Mon Thnn Par Copy18 Page Mainly cloudy and milder Sal urday Wlmb south Low lo nlzht High turmrrow Fa ummry turn Io pm two Local Weather Ypr 25 eounjq End the min mlllioil dolln MORE COMING Additional Jaime prunlnl will occur In radar muons warmly committed to NATO and CNN bomber aulgned to NATO It was lndlcated oullldc the Commons ln lu RCAF he lnnmfl dwmmcm wlll mum mpon Ilblllly or Eldl lluoluln Buy In tho Arcllc lAInMIlt lmd been the lore mall mrth any hm mm mllu 1mm ha Poloand F011 Churchill um 51 Hubert Qum once Cln ndnl NORAD lludqumeu ilr Hellyer gave an run down step one In emo mlel Mlcr nearly 10 year 01 de velopment the Bobcat nnnond troop curler in balng mapped or failure to manure up de Iplte an $0000000 development mmm Five hundred of flu Unlled Slate Mlll which bought 01 tom Manpower reductlnnl 1113 eervtncmen will be handled by attrition letting the job lapse when the men ntlre all or transfer Informante laid the eventual goal lonercent cut In the permanent mlfltery mnn war establishment now Mr Hell er ukl mnjor reorganle an 01 flu m1th will bu don In way to an account region intern led mlmln group at olll cm was being mod to mom nIcnd way to mpkment Ibo an The Mmy eunhllshmtnt II For Churchill in Mnhrm Mun llohn ll bclng ended pIuI In alrlrlny which dam mu lairilic auburn Jnn an in gmlm 0min MP lin Then will be cut In an menu 11 whou Mervin enrolment new tank moo navy mam will In trimmed to 2700 mm 4000 ho army to 30000 from H000 flu RCAF mm we DONE win wovenr In mm for the navy 160 Military vcmll will In cut man by March 31 Slx plum and um hellmplm wlll bl mom ram Illa Shemm Ns ullllly quadmn and hm literal from nnnlher Ilr squid mm Palrlcln any 110 Nnvy depots will be cloud Knmloapl and Lynn ka 110 Lanlucull Qum Ind Sydn Ns nlthouxh lhe lnun pa will canllnua Ihln cpl work unlll March ad my in Mm an mrflu Io ohlmd Mk0 Amtfierimiclvlflnnl will that ho billed to other deput mgxll or other 19

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