Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Nov 1963, p. 6

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In addi nationality pducallom cccupallnn and the cuslam application quel llum the anllal qncaLlonnalro ask about perlonal hablll Inch in making and drlnklnz and fnmtuda to religion lex mer pm material wellvbelnz And fiusb dwlle tom hInm mMA TORONTO CF Romlnllc love with all It Illusion of aeverendlag bllaa II poor guide for aclectlnz male lay psychologist Gertrude Nel gar To combat lhe romantlc lava fallacy whlch aha believes II the cauac an alarmlnl number at Unhappy and upathallc mar rlagcn Mn Nelger and group at psychologlats and so clal worker are selllng up Sclanllllc Introduction Centre to match people In what they eel WW Laler mu Hacomc more vzomplex It clan fly he drlnkl moderately he mun mu yluyu Clicnla n1 lhe cenlre an whom will have matrimony an lhelr abject wlll Elven ser in damned lens to men lholr personal and cumin eryan THE OFFICERS INSTALL ED for this year are shown above from1hu Inn bulls Role organist Mn Mary Experts Plan To Combat Fallacy Of Romantic Love Ilmtl Baxter Lodge Elects Oliicers MAME JVK nun flflKBCM lllly Ml ll urolxl boy dled numdly nlzhl ol lmlld wound In lhv mm and mllre lulu mm mllled Iflfldl Mum ho lbl mam by dam of UJ ll Mn Mnmnrd Knnnuu Cun mlal Irlcxm lo lhc Unlted anlom fienrml Alumhlyl MIM mmmlum um lninr mallan znlhmd In mm nl raunlrlu she vhlud lnr lho UN chlhlnul mud to hack rnl 7w clam and mu ml nnmhln Elrrllm mum at prluu or mm mum Ho Ind nm In 1mm mum MNum In wardnu Mm ALL HAYNER NURSINO MOM STAVNERt ONT frmmly mm USES DIRECT APPROACH Rog PhONI I14 psychologlnl dl out whclher that means bottle of beer or leverul shots of aculch day moan pupal client any ha enjoy claulcal music is impor tun that lhu psychologlm know whether he prelen alone or in company Emullonal llnblllly energy levels and saciablllky are mm Inclan to be cansldered More maxrings nyl Mn Nd ger One moody high mung partner ll all that any marriage can and Excll Eleclu Mrs Marjory When cllenl ll Introduced lo anothér cllan who hn been ested in tha lame manner and Ihoufll to ho lullabla they wont have to In about the weather Clown Martha ill Lillian Baldwin Either Min Hamel Caldwell Rulh Mrs June Because their pcrsuunullcx Are complllblc they can talk uu II though they were Ink 111 In an old 11an and Mn And We who feels con llnunlly lmlrnled became her hulbnnd lazy could have aund out More marriage that here wan grant dlapamy In then energyuleve no umy 1nd Leda Emu lllld Ilemlmon Plunlnl Inter Imurm blurflfll Guard fill lrr Mnrlml my Murd sum Mny Drmm 1nd Comm Slater Domhy ntld an Comm Bhlcr Frch Hlulnwn llh Comm HIMn 8min llmwn HI Comm Shier halal Mc Cum Audllorl Dorll Dorothy Illllrr flick Omnmlur May Denney Doth Mlller Ind Daroth no around her addmm In cam mlllce lulle Tho wldowed ramlmalhcr leeml thhcr hrlinmonl lar Wlnnlpeg Baum II 0le far her mo of humor and dlrrcl lwmach In drbam Cl lholm MMKEVIEW BAKERY PRODUCTS auulcy and lAKEVlEW BAKERY PRODUCTS An new Aullnblo Two Lennon Announcement imc mil usunlly my MgglNelzqr Mn Nelm mum the cen tre in no lonely hum club nor manlam hrokmgo firm and thin in beam of it aplen aAygs mu flviowlfmnrrlm brake rely on lnlulllan when they nuke matches Lnllmer AdlxMrl June Gal lawiy Auocllla Conduclml Mn Myrtll Reid Anodalc Milton my Calllnlwood AI The centre expects lo allracl allenlele modtrn wphisll calel who llku Ill human belnn crave Itoady com ranlomhip but Junk havent the 1m to party and data and Mn zlubn 1n hope meeting miner rs Nelsen hexsell was buy prolwlunnl woman who met her husband throth marriage hmker In Vlannn In the Unllld Slam where ulcnlIIIc Inlmdnctlan lervIceI Ire AVIIIabIe In many IIIo cllIeI tenchen numx engl neon mInllIen meu psychologists and buxlnm Executive hlva made use 01 em The Scientch Introductlon Service run by Dr Eric nlu In Ncw Work City report mu 100 cllenll mlrry and hit the marital happlneu ol the couples ll well nbavn the lib llonal Iygrpxe Mr Nelle Ind her nnaclo um plan to keep contact wllh Ihelr cllcnll who marry in order do allowup undlu and Improve mulch maklnz lechnlquu In general Tullnz and lnlmduclnl wIl hem Inlglnu Our blmn pmbhm Ls find In men who Ire 50 nr alder Vnmnn cllenll autumnber hem Iboul 10 to out T0 TOMORROW The advent of Fqu Moon brlnzl In umnl wnm Inga 1mm km trnmcnlallam emollonnlllrn III ovzrIenllllv Ily In In ucellml rlod or mnlho and lmplrnlon unrk hawcvcr And unamul Gom nl mpm llvnfl romance and hmlly Illlirl FOR THE BIRTHDAY lomarmw In your hlrlhdny yau mould find the nut in marked by cxrcmlonnl pmzml where nmbllloul and worth whilc projcdn nro tonccrncd DIe Ilrllnr lnfluenctl In Invar ano mm boil mpnuonnl and lnnnclnl mndpoinltwnh Ipr tlnl empluuln on Iha mannu Drcrmbtr Janunr Mny Au mL Delubcr Ind ovunbcr In nlmtnlnl manllu nowcver camolidnln lnllll Donl In mlm nl opllmllm no ovubonrd In ancndlnzupednlly In Aprll Domulh would prov umber Jnnulry Ind mIdIDM amt or III Ilnnr hnW to mull durlapmenll urn Indl nun In February AprlL Jun nml mumum illlcr month Incldrnlully an allmround nod period lur Bullllrlnnl Look lnr opportunlllu la Invtl In Janu Apr July mar Srmtm her ruilvc wnrkm Ahnuld HM Iho perlodbdwun May Ind Bummer Mully Inwlrinl THE STARS SAY child born on IHII dfiy bu Imulnlllw rmurtolnl lllflglly dlplamlllc In buIIn Milli COLONIAL RESTAURANT and BAKERY halurlng Mom Imd do llclouu Chrlflmu Calm Flu Cooklu Tam Ralll Calm BUY FROM TNI BAKERY WHERE OUR DAIRY rum CRIAM ll UIID nppmach and proleulnna By ESTHELLITA and LAKIVIEW SUPER MILK All and mpnm Bmlo prplng le THE BARR EXAMINER FRIDAY NOVEMBER 29 13 Ioclnla Patron Mn Mny am nu WorthJ hhiron Relllllld 0mm Worny Patron Mu ery Jm Sammy Mm Helm Cmu Tramw Mn ln ha wake of he Inrrnwlul uvenll of lhe pm weekend lhe Olrl Guides and Brownlu one pnyer or all who zrlevo lor the late Prelldem Kennbdy man who pcmmlllcd all the Ideal lowrd whlch nu move ment llrlvu Helm Cmu Treuurei Almlxhly God Fulher Merck and Giver In Com on Deal Gmlmly we pray Thee with those whnmoum that cullnl avery cm on Thee they may know the com 1011an Thy lava ALLANDALE DISTRICT The Annual Chrlxlmui lel bu uar and bake ula wn held Nov Em Rand Pmby terlan Church Ind wu mull lugrmnhgli Theval Guide was on duty throughout the anemoon lo servo In table and tho browniu nu Ilaled In hnlffinur Ihlfl News Of Kempenielt Division Of The Girl Guides Of Canada The Ink table anvcnad by Mn Lee mined by Mn chcr And Mn Avgletqn 111m paurlnl tea Included Mn David Reeve Mrs Bell Mn erlln MII anlord Mn Applelon Cammluloncr Dyar Cnplaln Flynn gndfirpwn Owl Dny mcx macawmy The ucond Allnndulo wk re celved lwo new hmwnlu lulu thc Falry mm on Now II when lweenlu Shmn Fleur Ind Jncl Vnrlcy mad Iheh yromln lbs loadgopl liiculvlnu lum It lho door were Commlnloner Dyer Ind Mn Smith cclll ceremony wan elm held or Yvonne Brownbrldn and Cheryl Kelly who walkcd uplo bl Flm Allnndgle Glrl Tum Cam my Mm honored wn prmn ed wllh Im necdla wognln 3mm lm axecullva mleclllnl Zen Onlarla Brunch at the Cu uml and Excllo Olllcerl Al loclnllan wu held lbs ham the Pmldenl Llonll Brock Pendant Slrecl NW affirm Illendtd mm II Porn Dlnle Drnmlard Coll Inuwwd Gunlvh Kllchcncr and Mldllnd Hum n1 Inlcml whlch wrn allcumd Included lhl ncxl Ill Ilonnl cnnvcnllan whlth II to bl held In Toronto In Odohrr cl ncxl yur 11 IBM Innunl nmllnl and lumquel Zone wlll be htld ll flu Conllnmlnl hm nlrrlu on lieplrmbtr mm Annual Meeting To Be Held In 54 DINII DIMPIKAflfl OXFORD anIInd Cl 1m wwler dllh hII been Inken lnr tend KM mm Olymman pI church Thu llrIl llmI It wII huhn by Ollvvr CmmnllI Irw Ind nonv Iml II lam an 1de 200 mu lulu anor Dyer wu pao MARIE MARTIN Jun Munroe Chaplain Mu Hildl Dubyahlra Mmhnll Mn Marlon Rose Wlldel Mrs Eldl Forhel mum Pholo by Smllh Studio clll usu meelln on Nov 15 or the Flu Allan nlu Puck when aha enmlled alx lweenlu Receiving their hruwnlu pna were Carol Terry Janet Grunt Paula Holder Janice anlorlh Llnna nmln Ind Anna Cnlllns The brownlu and leader wm mun pleased wllh the number anarcntx attending his very medal mllenane in Ihu brown prozrnm CORRECTION The Following Aré Correct Prices For nvir Em Hunc lluler 0000 mm mm imho Dryer Wm 10 TIIP VALUE Ol 100 WITH I964 MOFFAT $343115 mv FREE TOYS The lmlnllallon corzmony ho nnyvlew Chapter No 105 the Order ho Eallem star was heldnqenlly nrd Included Inalalllnu Mutton Mn Fredl wllwn PDDGM lmlalllu Funk Lovarlnz PR Inalal llnz Ornnln Mrs Bentrlcav Spurn FDDGM installing Man lhlll Mlel McCaw PM In Ilalllnl chnn nln Mn Lllllan Gallowinz PAL Inllalllnn Wan der Mu Bertha Scrvlce PM lmtllllnt mum Mu Doris SughPM In the mt wm Mn Perla Kohl ABM Mrluouvc Cole DDGM Mu Maxmy anlbnlth PDDGM Mrs Louise lhomfionPMM1LMI Jory PM rl Joule Maxwal PM MIII erzarel Caldwell PM Mrl Damn Glu PM my mum PR Mrl Helm Cook mom Install Officérs Kt OES Ceremony The Simeon County Deml Nurlel and Anlnanu lumin llnn held In monthly meeting in the St John Ambullnu nun in Barri New ocherr were elected ollnwsr Mln Daren Cralule prerldenl Min Jackie Edwndx vice president Mlu erllyn Ln Huy recordlnl mercury Mlu Jane Moeskcr treasurer Ind Mg Hildn pend puhflcny Miss Craigie Elected President The speaker was Dr John lilcka or Barrie who oullined Ihu daily mullno of doctor ma hospllnl and own Dr Hick was lnkoduced by Mn ann usual and thanked by Miss Dorm Crallle DRAWS TOURIST EDINBURGH CF Mora than 55 per cent of Cmadlln vmlm lo Brilain also vlsl Scollnnd per cent vllll In Industrial town 01 Glu Kuw source considerable Scotlhh mlmllon to Camdm CANADAS MOST WANTED DRYER Every woman 10an to own 1M tubulous MOFFAT drycr It In 11 ha bnslc ulum flu DEEmoPLUSIhue uulu Iumflnl Mum SPECIFICATIONS 3600 Will an lawN20 anl an III CIIJI air flow 160 Max Inmpmlnra polnI cylinder Iulpemlon 1th lo work lurllcn IIclghl Ovrrnll 45 Drplh Overall 16 Wldlh 31 Eleclrlul Requhtmenll IIHJO wall so cyclu Appmx Ncl Wright 111 Ibl Appmx BIlepInl Welsh lbs Aulomntlu Dry Cycle Electric Four Cycle Timor Cullam SlopNDry Conlxol In Blckzmrd Ellyamid Timer 011 Utility Light In Backward Albany Dry ruck Dir Chrome Flnhh Aulomlllc Cyllnder Lluhl The SARJEANTE $22935 $16935 MODEL DEEE430 AS ILLUSTRATED DONTJETHMNTMH Mary Street Bani EASY CREDIT TERMS AVAILABlE Phbno PA 81461 WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL SARJEANTS BUDGET PLAN Epmd yourtue on pnymenu evenly our mlny month withnut Interest Avoid heavy mldwlnler payment when not consumption fit It peak Delivarju mad automlucally baton you run law You never hiv tn qlll tar Sunhenl thu blended nul 111 Switch to Sunbelt cumion now HOME HEAT SERVICE nus HERVICE INCLUDES Fm Burner Service And Condlunninl 21Hour Emergency Scrvlce haslcally You pay only or replacement parts Comm Suklnll lur Full DelIn SUNHEAT PAYMENTS Hiding Oil MODEL DEEloll

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