Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Nov 1963, p. 16

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Iost WANTED 12 TENDERS axiienceq mar pr figural sunshine hop wail Ehbur week xcellenl benefits Apply Regular There are career npperlunllles or young single mm who have attained thelr 17th but not their 14th blrthday See the Army Recruiter ho Barrie Armoury from until Docemher December 19 DeVilbiss Canada Ltd Barrie READ THIS CAREFULLY YOU MAY BE THE MAN WE WANT Your age must be between 25 and 55 You need car In good condition You must be good worker No experience not unpl tal needed The nvnllable d15 trlct Is in Slmcoe County Our Product well known and easy to sell Large prom buslnes for lllellmt Vrlle Hnwlelghs Dept KIZMA 4005 Richelieu Montreal Inch STATION Allendlnl perlzncl Prllelxed but In mam lry Teloplmnl PA 271 ACCOUNTANT In In chm nl Icccnnllnl or hullneu rm Birth Irel Slluv commoneth wllh mmy Ind pm expmence erlo flux Bird Enmhlh IALIHIIN nqulud lnr Clnldlm tummy Experlknce hzxplul but not necen Mun llku mutlnl um zuhlln uuL Telephom PA 1131 In lppnlnlmtnt IALEDIAN wlnllnl Ildellne clll In on the Ill lndl Ile 100 Item Cummlulon Wm ll smluz whalmll Clmurd Dn PARTTIME 00F mu pm Dutu to comment hnum Addrnl under in wrflllll lln lllar Hull Dltembrr SJ In Pucuck 47 Wonlly PA 54m Iller IllX MIMI Ind or flu Imul movlnl hoalkeepllll lylleml In ammo Tarp commlnlum nnemn and any no inltrell nmnclnl an un llmflrd tnmhlnlllum In em um nod lulu 101 ha rllht pawn No lnvellmlnt Jun ham ally requlmi Plum collrd New mum 1mm Local alum rcqulrcs young lady ns cashierbookkeeper who can meet people well handle flguru ucurnlcly and good lyplsL May week all rcgulm em ployee benefits Call Mr llarrl man PA 6GI77 IXPLRIINC wallm vunlrd Apyly Dnull Inn nutunnl Dunlap sum Wm nuan may smzr umnuy mum Wm 1nd 1mm In In chlldnn Telwhnn PA lALl LADY lar Inhma mu lu mm dependN Good Ara Io Mr nunw Unurd cm sum Lm uunlun rm nml LanTVI Ihorlhmd may pum nI lmplaymenl pl ml umlnl ondmn we Mullen mm 0n tmploy but lc Inlll nut Undu uuaum Av Com sum Tolephum FX Hm TOWNSHIP OF INNISFII SCHOOL AREA ND nequlm or Janunry HM one mm nnd lendm lor Sunnybrao School Slroud Sul nry Adulqu our sMndardl Mlnlmum 100 Allownnm or uperlcncc Cumulnlivo Ilck lcnvu Apply In wrlllnz Ilnlinn Ike cxpulcnu qualmcaum mm lnsl Inupcclor nnd ole phone nmnhcr lo II LOUGII EEK SecrelnryTmsrtr Im with Onlnrln No ladle with can wanted lmmedlalely or excellent territories ln lnnlslll Town shlp to sell AVON am acts Customer wnlllng or scr vlce Telephone PA 66551 or wrlm Mrs Walker 12 lllgh Street Dnrrle my mmx 1mm to chudm In my mm mm Ino nr Tllvyhanu IA Hm EMPLOYMENT WANTED lnlulnr mo fimhnu yllnln whom flA hum II curl In my own um In Mllllan puppnm hhvnum IA mu NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE In Mflhf lvrn 11ml IAI mama hnv nu clnlml ugnlml lho IAlnlo WILLIAM GRAHAM CIIHIUIITUN lalc ol llu in Ill llnlrh Ilia mm filmrne Allmnllco Shul ml dumbed who din on nr nlxml he lwmy elghlh day Odubw mo mv mumml In mid partlmlnu nf llvrlr Ialmn In Iho umlrulmd nn lwlm he lrvcnlh In Drwmlm 1M nllcr Mllrh Inlr lln Axlv mlulnlmm wlll mum llw mm he ulalr ham rt gm mly In In rlnlmn whldl he Ihall liwn haw mllre ml wli not be nmmmll lnr My MIlll SEABOARD FINANCE TN lhk Ilny ol NnVA amber m1 CHAN WIHIUN In Final Han 001mb Mllrllma hm Admlulnlrnlnr lEGAl NOTICES CANADIAN ARMY mv xxmmr wmm mom mm TEAcHéiié WANTED PRODUCTION MACHINIST MALE HELP FEMALE HELP lar munr hr AVON onvllle Church and Land Written lenders will ba received until January 15mm the purchase oi the Thompsonvllla anurch and chhrch pmperty an Concession in Tecumaeih Town shin liighui nr any lender nut nec essarily accepted should be addressed to IRWIN REYNOLDS RR Cookaiown Allandnle Barrle rlght on nghway Na 11 Snlc all household lumlshlngs lncludlng some antiques Terms cash No curve In the home ls sold WATCH or full lcemlzed llsl on Thursday December JERRY COUGHLIN l3 AuciIQN SALES AUCTION SALE Wednesday December 130 p111 sharp FDR BILL STONE In mcessinn Flo Township iii miio east oi Fer gusonvnle on counly madi Sale oi 100 head of flood breeding Ewes 1000 bnies oi good mixed BY Terms cushi No reserve as the owner is going out oi the live stock and working In Barrie JERRY COUGHLIN FOR SALE BX Tgunm AUCTION SALE Saturday December 14 12 noon sharp FOR FRANK NORUSIS Lot 13 Concesslon Innlsfll annshlp mile straight west Na ll Highway Sale of cm lle p151 machlnery hay gmln straw and househnld enacts lcmu cushr No reserve as the arm is sold WATCH or lull Ilsl Dmmbcr 11 JERRY COUGHLIN TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL 1063 VOTERS LIST NOTICE is hereby liven that have mmplim wiih Section oi the Vmon Lisi Act and that have posted up at my iiiwnh Simud 03631115 233 uy ave oi nilWfigcmliilcd in vote In the municipality ni municipal election nnd that such In re mgiiu linen i9 inspcgiion call upon n1 voters lake Xmmcdlate proceedlngs tn hnvc any 11qume nr errarl corrected according Io law me last day or appeal bclng Um 5th of De mbcr 196 14 PUBLIC NOTICE DATED nus zzéd miy November 1963 anon Clark iinlicr commission oi nu Cn nadinn Football Lenguc un nounccd Thursday um he oi inwlng aiiiclnil will work Saiuh dnyn Grey Cup iinnl bclwccn British Columqu Lions and Jinmiiion TigerCull inwenier number in pamllhescli time in Bouthcr 0i inwn ump mu anm Vinnipcfl Seymour Wilson iinmlllon Officials For Grey Cu Tilt mime law Vinnlm Hnmlllon AUCTION SALE Saturday December at pm sharp MRS HELENA EDGE at 104 BURTON AVENUE VANCSUVEn 16w my Get together for festive fun Get No great heytogether Ahalonbua Auctioneer Aucllmlem 12 Red Can Ale and 12 Black Label Beu balm Ilmn over 1009th1 In one hlndv tho Mum and ch cm 24 Andllmldu nuw Inntyon cmv my 10 make cooling and canyan lor ml 24cau than Mln Marjorie Eldrldje altely ded he Wednesdlyuvaphil por lormance of Th9 50m 15 Muslc at the mud Centre Toronto Congratulallonn to Mr Ron Coleman and Mlu Franm Anne Chnnller at Newton Rnblmon who Wen married Friday evu nlng Nov 22 at Bond Head Ran In tho Ion Mr and Mn Ber Coleman and France Anna 15 lhe daughter of Mr and Mn he Chanllcr Ifewvlonfiob man womans msmqga The Cookslown Womenl 1n slllule wlll hnld lhelr nexl meet lug anllmnflnyV Dec lnlha Town llnll Them lhla mach lng will be Hlslnrlcal Ruearch wllh Mrs Lund lhu cnnvener Mono or Ms mecllng will be Hahn lhnl have bun undl The Roll Cnll will be anlwcrnd by memory ram yaur flu Chrlalmns concert llnumel wlll be Mrs Walker Mrs Murllng Mrs McMasler Mrs Tussle Mrs Day Mrl Emléh Mn McFadden and Mn un Mr Bill Mnrllng and Mr her Eldridgo rcccnlly bagged dcer whllo hunllnz in ID Parry Sound Dlslrlcl unms cuanINq On Wednesday Nov 20 he ladies of the Coolulawn Ludca Curllng Club cnjoyed bullet supper which time lha new mombmJo the club wen 1n lmduccd Foiiowlng the rapper curling was enjoyed by the iadleri Sche dules and rules were handed out and the rinks are an loiiowr Skip Alice Baker Mildred Hal hen Susan Stein isobci Contfa Skip Elma lieu Lucy Sie Mary Ron Bony flacbum Skip Jean iiuy cs4 Mlma Erosion Dnureen ndcrron Edllh Ends err Skip Isabel iiawe Margaret Davis Bernice Suiherinnd Chih erine ParkerNance Skip Barb ara Edncy Donna Hughes Ei aine King Lama Parr Skip Dr lorcs Fildey Norma Currie 1th Harvey Giodya Vnrcoe Skip Shirley Riley Mary Ramsay Mary Chaniior Doreen McKnY Skip Emily Romany John Daw neyi Murici Jamlem Grace Curler Skip Elaine Gadsden Eiriu Cole Dal Sirudwick lrobei Bantu Skip Elsie Wheeler Ruih hictcalie Myra iiiiin Joyce Procior Skip Mary Brown hiiidrcd neivc Phyi Je vcnr Li Hoar Skip waiiyvuzck hart Enrhnra Vanderpoie icr ry Fenen Harrie Kirby Spam Muriel Carr Pal Nixon Ind Loin Cave CHANGE 01 DA The Coakuuwn Womenn Imll lute wlll hold their cuchw on Saturday Nov 30 we note chnnge 01 date him ANDEngoN COOKSTOWN RIPIIII in All Mlkg IS Hayfield IA HI HAROLD JORY AMOTORS Aulhudud Dell lnr Vimaumn nu aroma CAM 0M AAA CAA fllMD SERVICE Presldcnt nnd Mrs Johnson and lhelr daughters Lynda 12 Red Cap Ale12 Black Label Beer In the Carllng Twin Pack In one hlndy tho Mum and picking up he ompflu punylime cowl Suva money Ioo pay In ling and canyan lor ml 240 Ihonflfilwa mum Till GAMING IREWERIEU LIMITED ml 1a and Lucy 19 you Johnonl Wmhlnnlon homL or lumlly woman in tho Thundny AP Wlmphato BOX OF CHOCOLATES WITH PURCHASE BALLOONS FOR KIDDIES CHOCOLATE BARS FOR CHILDREN vml AN ADULT Ind BARRIE SHOPPING PLAIA PA 84637 139 DUNLOP ST EAST fill EMU EXAMINER FRIDAY NOVEMBER 29 been crlllcal man about the Incl thallhn conhrcncu wan held In camera wilhmlthcr Ibo pm nr yubllc udmlllcd He renown lhll crlllcllm and palnlcd out that no mlnulcl wm key lhnjllcuplanl Feels Conference =0n Smoking Shouldnt Have Been Private OTTAWA Spoolul The lad ernlvrnvlnclnl conference an making hue made load mart but 010 eminence lhnuld have been opened In more at tho yubllc who are Intercmd In thie vlml euchct Dr nynnrd Ml Mr Simon Enu Inld here We eduy ne cqmmnnljngan lhc commenting on me um day and hull can mnc held In 011an ta aw If relationhip lmqklnu cnncgr Thll II mullet of ma Importance la the chum grow In areal but the membm tram mm mm were not invited Nellhor wm harmemben at tho mcdlcnl prolenlon who an MPI Surely Mm annrlh want 1th mperallon ha Member of tho Common In the educallon and momch campaium that am going to bo enrrlcd on mu RR Bmlo Norm limit on Highwny II Tnlophanl PA 82752 WEIGHVS ONLY 12 lbs The permhandymanuawudhe Hamellio XL12 glvu you Iho Foon wfllww lhl pounds Cumhmugh 12 log In 10 seconds hols has up to Ion In dlamolu Wuflmpvaol hotIpark lgnlllon worlu In any wulhu Pultu balanud lav only hundllng Ralnhmd dlaml unluudlon mud up in lb mm wand um In clamonflrallgn today Partridge Tractor Service chm lo lznaro hm MP5 whu would have bun them Dr Ry nnrd mm know that who lm lecrnl member are up not as am about thin The canlarcnca look all the appear ance ol bclnn cutrnnd dried be mlnluer ahauld carclnlu the mum 01 um rexcnrch already done in lhe Unllcd Klnzdam an the Unllcd sum on the relnllon Ihlp of making to lung cancer In mm mm lmmmh had Ha mid Mm Lamth had laid lho UK educational cum palmth been allure but he lunemd wal loo only to mnkn Inch moment while tom mistaken may hm bun madam IBM lot at valuable lnlormnan could bu olqlahlgd hope now that the heat on In 1M quelllon mat the tobacco Indufl will do mm rcunrch lulu pro uclng later cluareuc at It In ubvlaul that we cannot prevent pznplc track my However nm pnrllcularly Imfizclullmurll llgoheducatlan cauli pn name eyuung pl wllrltw many themmom Itnrllng tho hnbll ion bar and cluln

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