Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Nov 1963, p. 1

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196M5chkfi cusIoM SEpAN$2995 ORV HA YS GREY CUP SPECIALS I963 PONTIAC PARISIENNE CONVERTIBLE umul any Am punom um Inn um ml taunu mln mu Ilnn lmlnm mum mu In Iner Im lmdlllvm AI Ply mu flvn Tlloyhonb Hm II In II III udumllnl In I1 nllul ll rl Ind Haw Illh rIlIIlnl In lullom new wlnnuw III VII mlmh nv Inn 95 1mm IA hm mll mum lnmllllnn Yul runfl mm mm In lfllll lm hum um mm lA Im In hln Low mu dawn 0m ur Iml lam Mum nu um 719 rm m1 mun door VI nuhmuuev nod tomflllnn Am pvlu use ollm Tulupnona IA Nun cu mmcn up Inn or pm hum ml enm In It nunuu So Coluu ma mu Dunn In hlul Inllunl mamm um nu mow Ilmm uh uh m1 muor unwp Tomhull In Mnfllur Marl rnlln mun 01 LI mm nulnmllle Illh Milton IMII mnhrr Iv nulL lm ClllVRDLn Conn lnr unauqu Ind whlll In land amen rmm an in nnnnd Taxwhanl PA 56600 In mid hy Chev ehuflp Int quill Illa hurl llephont NHL In You llm 11AM noun Huml tunfllflnm um mllu lllhl Mu nlnr um Inurlnn Awu my Illnl m4 ul MW urll Inn mllu Car In ucopunmny nod condlllnn IhruulnuuL Tm phn PA Hm mu on m1 noun 000 nw MMII In mld human um Mm or m1 men Get that new car now wth lawml lllelnsurcd Scoua Plan Loan THE BANK OF NOVA scum simm SE Vauxfiall 57 Plymouth Va radio 57 Plymouth 57 Dodge 55 Meteor VE radlo 55 Pontiac Vr radio auto conv 55 PonUac door 75 Bradford SI PA 85971 52 um WANT TO GET BElHND NEW WHEEL 85 OTHER EXCELLENT USED CARS 1N IMMACULATE CONDITION FOR YOU TO CHOOSE FROM THE ABOVE CARS CAN BE PURCHASED WITH 10¢ DOWN BALANCE IN EASY WEEKLY OR MONTHLQ IIKXYAIIENTS TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET SEE US IMMED TE ORV HARDY MOTORS LIMITED 176 Bradford Street 196 COMET CUSTOM MODEL 2DOOR COACH $1495 ml COMETSTATIQN WAGON $1695 1963 MERCURY coma $3295 Terms Can Be Arranged I962CHEVIMPALA QONYERTIBLE $2695 rmmmml nunam hurdlnr mm In um unml rm mum mu mh III II Iwnlhnl ll WIIHI IHM hurl In ILMI TumMn GOOD DEAL MORE AT FRENCH MOTORS PARKWAY AUTO WRECKERS Black radio dutomatlc window wésfier white walls backup lightsvPower rear window Good 111 es low mileage Power steering and brakes Royal blue iadio Standard Deep tread tires Green radio standard window washer whitewalls bactkup lights Low mileage One car owner Large mo or Eed radio automatic Mndow washer whitemlls backup lights Power steering and brakes New Hr White radio automaticwlndow washer vhlte walls back up lights Power steering and brakes Low mileage and deep tread fires Buick radio automatic window washe white walls backup lights power steering and brakes Good tlrcs YOU GET GOOD DEAL PA 89402 AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS yon SALE $300 $275 9175 5300 $200 $l 25 lfifllifliflImfilIU and alumni Apply LLOYD CONRAD ono STATION mm mu Mlnnn mm mum We lnvilo you to shop at tho followlng stores for Christmas Suggestions NI1fiIINIl1IIIIIIIIIIIIIQWN Dunlap um mmr Mn IL Inan yiilgiililzlliiivzgliillill 1111 Iggirlgggvliliii THE CHRISTMAS STORE WITH GIFTS GALORE llENTA Hun Truck or ml 00 Due Ibl lor hlullnl Chmlmu um um my bu londL nommhle mm Telephom Im lMIlL ronTUNI nule be on wm your lnrlum mm by no ulsphem PA 60m lawn or IPPnhflmfllL IHIL AMI ms Bluu Mounuln lluyl Upllll hum Ind mndern dillrlnlV mm It In Inllltmunll llellulubll mu Dllhnu no thKl PA INII mm lo vnncaum Cnmy Edmonlnn Imlru Wln mm Ind Harlan Toronto unw Aw srnlrl lamlnl Venn EL Tomnlo BA M1 PONTIAC lellnnl In door hlmlby haul nnmwnlr In uqulpped II lnllnwu Iutomllle Innlmlulnn cullom ndlo Pour nunnx whluwn um my pldded duh lnlld InI Ildl View mlnnr Ind wlxherl hltlup 1mm Alhh whlu wnh eun tnlunl lrnn Inlexlnr 795 107 down in than who quillly TI phnm PA 03 or PA E70 nu ma uimN In and runnlnx orth 15 Telenhunu PA 501 mnmn CHEVROLET lilon nan Goad mnlor mmmlulun Ind rur end Cnnp Mn mm mm cum or vmlnl Tcle non Dull un Clmvmn On PRIVATE Ll 131mm Plymoulh sean vat ummuc ndlo plume ml mun om nun nylon whllewull um heavy duly impenllnn wmdml wash endar nunox Mllun em com cum ma Telzphnnl PA was mnlnu m1 Mann axiom uh Mch nvzu Ilru Av condklum Eu all Tellphcnl PA um PERSONALS Llngcrlo Spurn Vonr Curling Nocdn Sk Appnrfl Snml Formal Drosseg Accessories Lounge Wear LENVS LINGERIE ANI SPORTS WEAR TRUCKS TRAILERS FOR YOUR IIHHSIMAH IHEIES Scotch Hymn Spruce WOMENS COLUMN BEUPH INEE fflfl GIFT SPOTTER Heré Is Your Christmas $3225 Barrie 01 MIME th Io mm Mm EIIWIIIIII IE Ill1 SHE WILL APPRECIATE LED THE WAY The Hut wornn lo II In IuIsmuru In IIIe IIrIIISII Em pIm was Mn null McKlnney elcduI In lIIbem In 1917 EMPLOYMENT WANTED Dllnun Phnnl 9w 21 c9 In 50m mipnnufim Iuwfi Tollphfllli PA 5H TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL SCHOOL AREA NO Requires or January 1964 one grade and iencher or Sunnyiyrne School Strand Sni my schedule our siendudxi Minimum um Allowance im cxperime Cumulative tick ieavu Apply in miiinz sintinz nu cxperienee quailiienliam 1mm oi ilsi inspector and We phone number to ii LOUGii EED Secretaryhm Pain wick Ontario RILIAHLE 1th Sllllr flan needed and flunk lwn thlldfln Tileplum PA BALI LADY or Iablm counlur Mull hl donendlbk flood ullrr Apply Mr llumwly Unllld Clin Slnnl le ID Dunlap El Euk lurk CLERKFIFE hoflhmfl Mch ury permnull umpxoymlnt nu mun muxum an week mu vluuon mu an pl mm mm Ely la Cnlllu Slnfl 1y um RELIABLE Ith Sllllr la llvn 1n LIIM houllhnld dullu TOICPMIII PA um Mifim mm mm AP ply Mr Hummy United mu sum Dunlap 5m my IXPIIIIKNCBD Wllmn unfit Apply Dollll Inn nuuunm ll Dunlap 51ml wm ACCOUNTANT Ill Ihllllol Imununl In huunw nm In Bllfll am my nmmnunh wllh mm up In Wm 110x BanI hunk Mums mulnd or Canadian Nmplny auxmm mm but no MIMIITY Mull to mflunl thl ublle In IIIIL T1107th PA 1131 or uppulntmmt gm gnl other In at movlnl hwlllmfll Iyllem In Onllflu Tap commhslnnx nnuwu no In no mum name on um llmled tomhlnlUunl nl Illll In um nod Mun or uu rllhl PIODII No anulmuIL JIul hon my muXM Phon mum Niv muhl 595W Imka linan Annam parhnu pnlcmd bul Ml 2mm ury Naphanu PA um Emulewd man for when mechan shop work 40hour week emllenl benefits Apply Ball blnnulxh while Nldl on Ind MIMI cm In an Lou In mud can Ora nu mum or mh pholn FA um um van IIAY Dlu 1M cannula No Tommi 0n Yuk dun non Own by mvlnl own rmu DeViIbiss Canada Ltd Barrie KAUFMAN FOAMTIIED HOLLANDIA NEWMAN OF ENGLAND Mm 0an Mod Nltnrllnl MM Moll NORMAN SHOES lOST FOUND 10 HELP WANTED Two ladle wllh can wanted Immediately lor excellent enllorles ln lnnlslll Town shlp lo sell AVON Glll sch Customers waltlng for ser vlm Telephone PA 6655 or Mn Walker 72 ulgh sum aarixé TEACHERS WANTED Gil13 FOR ALL GIVE PRACTICAL FF STRANSMANS FEMALE HELP PRODUCTION MACHINIST Sllml Sher Car Com Bkl Jackell Skin Swenlurn all klndx MALE HELP AVON Tllr 10 Mulmln AUCTION SALE Snturdny Dec 14 1963 Exlcnslva nucllon mlo hand registered Ilnlslclna undo Anzu nnd Hercfard cak lle MJI lrnclor Dion tome hurmlcr and blower orn wagon hny bnlur household lur nllure em on Lot mm Llno Em Township 1nd road West Cookslown nnd miles North ill Novmerh KEN AND cuhxa PRENTICE manmy Nov Lot 27 Mus an Null wasaza Towmhlp mlle straith west of Sluyner and ml north the Dunlroon Road turn right the In side road Sale of arm flock Implements hay slrnw poul In and soma houschold wads Terms cash No reserve lhe arm LI inld JERRY QOUGIILIN 13 uni McEKififnéN fine In 100 PM sump Thu Women Appreclnln Mon LINUEIHH SPORTSWEAR IIOSIEHY ACCESSORIES IIOUSECOAH LOUSFA Uu our IAyWl TORONTO CPLThe Cllll dlnn governmem walked may but canled My suck In hn In two Cmdlnn punts WEDNESDAY Nov 27 D6 Douglas rm INDYFort Arlhur laid he not enthu Ilusu ubout having Com mon mambmhln flsc lbw Iha present 65 The Commons meet no pm EST lo open debate on exlemnl mum umlea The Senna meal at pm MumIce Martin York Scuborouah append summon mu redlstrlhu llanlhould not lncmn lhl number or Common mu lain Exam mmfimfidvamm msu Parliament At Glance Marcel umnm POEd mantnn Wes and Gordon ken PCParry SoundMar kokn sald there should ha ono commission not 10 ll luzgesled By THE CANADIAN PRESS Mine Minister nenldlchou announced lounyur renewl 1119 ledernl subsidy or gold mine wlth high pmdue Hon costs SIMS Secretary Piclunlul xnld maimed redistribution commission would he nnmad by tho prime minister and or poIonn lender BIG STICK READY Vory Unusual Glfu lor Every Occaslon 011m Imlrl emu end halt am who llll vllltld Cub our um Ior nn nudhn Pm Ilnce Id vcnI In Cum Imm menI III In mun lul Bnlurdu or thajulflu lwu Cnndlnn film on ghqnn manual on Now luck In llomnlo But all In the allowing slur palltlcal Merton ol the Illl Itwhlch one nldlu mulved 30year IIHIOII um and the olher III acqnlued 33 Dunlop WM me GIFT snop AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Saturday Nov 80 1280 mshar for Jq Canqu Gdirt Walks Softly JULIETTES Audioneeri Aucllnncér GI FTS mu Thu episode demonstrate that the Calm zovunment llll IlllChM hlzh lmporllnce It relnllom wllh Cunldn even though In lnllhl enlhuslum hll been dumpened Had they been Cuban clllwu lherels no doubt thlt Uppefl at lusta ulMonlum any or the US Centrll lntelllxenca Haneyand poubly Milne too would hlva lone helm tldng aura utter curlnly um ra Through diplomllle chlnnela however Cunndn let the Cuban lovunmem know that any It tem lummlr luxtlco woud uve mos mou enn quuence or Cunndlnnfiubnn nlnulm Thu clm lmplluuan wu lhnl Ihould eltherLlppeIt or Mllna be that Clnldl would hm in reconllder poilcy of continued lonntlc Ind ndo tin with In Cummunlsbcon rolledCuIbbeln republic OWEN FAIR TRIM Thu remit oi this pressure wu um the two Ilytru were given Air public lrlniby Ou bln revoiuiionnry standard whlch ended with Upper being lamented io 80 yuan in prlron and Milan being quilted tried In HIVInI In Salhrdly on Charm possenlng ex lo figs Ind conlphlnl nun nlt Prime Mlniner Pelrson Ind Emmi Ailnin Minister Mu Un were diylurnllluliy re ltnined In lilalr promill public Illtbrnenu Ibout uu usem oi Romld Pnlrick Lipparliini Kitchener 0nL 1nd 11 Am Willlui Milneoi Montreal TRY NEW OOW KINOSBEER LAOER SOON KINGSBEEB MAKES COMPLETE BREAK WITH THE PAST Woaakod pooplowhnllhoyllkounddislikoobout lholr favourite logor boor Now alter months Mal DOW has browod Iagor tar In advance of all othora In mulching todays lnslo qunlitlos lho quullllou you nakod for The results am In tho boulo and on tap loryour final approval MAKE BREAK WITH THE PAST great taste exparience youve bean missing until now BMW FllllBfllllED FUWOIJB IAWNY TAHGYJAHTAUZIHB NEW DOW KINGSBEER LAGER ninan sunpar wns forthcofiL In mm the federal overn mam other pmvlnclnl delegate did notcommenl on the Idea but James Roberts federal dc my lrado mlnmer nld It won 19 deflminrd with an open Dr Turner pro sad ed enlpmvlnclul ml china mnu pmznm to meant more eflecllva metal promotion by pmvfinm or their travel at lncuons He laid the iedernl Travel Bureau should caniinue national promotion oi the tourist buxl nus in the United State and overrun with no reducilon in its current budm Hawuver re gional promotion would ha car ried out by provincial nunciu under matching unnu pm mm controlled by ihe edeul Em Dr hnner Id In lrnmedllle uppllullon his Inflation would be promotion 01 1h Ca nldlnn unlennlll In 1967 It wu obvlou Hummer would pa much mylnclnlulctlv Mr Field nld lhat D1 hm nnr hnd no prunnlad Ilnzla argument that ha could use In In lump persuade the fed enl government to enter lnln Inch pmlrlm OHAWA CF Thl ederal nvurnment wu Inked Wednuy dly to provide grunt to help pmvlncill tourist azenclcn pru mom Ihe mum Industry on union bull Tha properl placed beloro the lederll nrovlnclal tourist conlerenco by British Columbll mulud In Ihlrp exchange of View between Alan Fleld direc tor of lhe Clnudlm unvarnmunt Trnvcl Bumu and Dr lumen 801 depuly mlnliler or recreation and conservation hs much more provincial ICHV lly lnhls Held £513ch Il Réquest Federal COVf Assist Tourist InduStry Im not opposed but the um question um would he no mum do their awn ukeq ol me would why can rezlonll advertisinl he nld Uu Our Convanionl Chrlnmu LayAway Plan chwé WWJM Comploh Linc of Dog anti ti Supplies Always on Hand GARDEN AND PET SUPPLIES 119 DUNLOP 5T EAST PA 85000 Hud 0mg Bnlan 7191202 Sud Buying Ind Protonlnu SPECIALI While If Lasts DogfFbodfEéf 72 Cat Kerriu Emmi coufis LEADS Muzzus MASTER AND GAINES nos rooos Have the Largest Display Of Dog Supplies In Town l9 DUNLOP ST EAST

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