Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Nov 1963, p. 5

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Mn Cochrnno old hll lviIlu an lhe cnunly and cum mime The levy In Slmcoo or mud II one ul lawul In lhu rrnvlnu We lpcnd la mllll Ihn cuunly lcv Spanking hi llvn your plnn lur Cnunly mudl ho mld lhll wqud lnrludu work on mm ha mud Innlxlll Alknd nhaul whlrh rand wnl mxl lur developmcnl lu Inld work an Ihlrrund lrnm lho III In Iownllxm hld not yet hrrn up pmvcd yon DEPUTY HERVE Campbell cnndldnlo or Whlle an act um ns Imman rcv ml every In you he uld lhnl Wm mu nlnro lhln hm bun dunn ere Lzul your Innlllil cqunllltd nmumcnl wnl rnlml 31700000 by Hm counly nnuxor Thu nummcnt wlll he up HIII car hy $00000 uhlch Ilmuld ring ll In par with he nvcruzn Injqu ennnly flccrn Cochran wnu llril Io up or CounclL 11 yo tnldllcaurugtd yllh your annxhlp Cuuncll but In lnr an knnw dlmocrncy MI nlwuy hrcn Iha prncllte In lnnlllll and could nem anLc lny llmv when pnfly pallllcl play any part in our 1ch II he can mlrd Followlng nomlnallonl Ex ncevc Chnrlcl Henry was ul cdcd Ill rhnlrmnn or lhu public mullnn NEIEVE SPEAKS iiinh Schol representative an tunic and Bradford diutric igznrds were Invited to report an cir work on lhm board which Ipcnd inrgo amounts ni taxpay money Franc Crnne read report prcnnrcd by the Board Secrcinry ailcr which he told ih meeting that he had rcqucxi ed to be aliawcd in resign as he was unable to continue with the work chm Ennrd candidates warn given the first npporlnnlly 1n weak Reports wan received from the chairman well from chairmen commlllecs FOR COUNCle InEIflm lllncls Point Eben Sawyer RV Luckie Falnswlckl Hobbs Lenny Allan Tadd4 Mur lin Lukelnndll Frank Todd who was nomlnnled wllhdrew F011 DEPUTY REEVE Campbell and Jack anrenl SCHOOL AREA Franck Goodlcllow Glbblus yngnx che Bluckstack min SCHOOL AREA Lucas anlcr Grlflnh Dun Beany 1L Stewart Wilson Mrl LL Law Rnlney Coulis Fol REEVE Jon Cochrana Ind Sproule Holding at the nominations and public meeting last night turned out to be husa succesxi Chur chill hall was tilled to capacity when candidate or animal board oi the two areas and Council Piacui their names below tho ratepayers for election to iwnr Year lermx Those whose names were placed for more than on amt had Ill pm to withdraw from lhe ucond omce and his declared nomlnaled or the HrgL In ale rnnbwlim candl datn unless some of them de clde ta wllhdrnw CANDIDATES INNISFIL NOTES Roadslde view near Edgar dome mm the Edgar RCAF sky Exminer ihoto Om anmhlp show thla radar alaunn looming In the KIMPINFILT DINING RéOM OPEN DAILY Contest Is Assured For Post Of Reeve The Rendezvous lounge msnons MOTOR HOTEL By 103 oRo TOWNSHIP LANDMARK Ebrn Sawyer cllnlrmnn nl pnrkl old of Ihc Iuccosl ho pnrk lhll yonr when Um rtvcnun cxcucdtd cxpcnsnl nnd 000 mu lurmd nwr lo acnnrnl mcnur Mr Sawyer wlll be run nlnu or Counrll rnnu or council Wm then given an opporlunily lo bu hoard Flul weaker Sproqu who II runnllu or Howe Hpmule Inld lhnl lhm Inlln 2n comparison of KM cos rcr pupll lnr edu cnllnn In vnr mu areas He Inld lhu Dell Ewnr secllon coal $11920 per pupll whlch was In exam nll except the Union accllnn ol Illlord whlch can 51290 per pupll Counclllnr Jack Tancns iflld this ycnr he in commute should have sur Ius Welfare which Hula ll heard nub aldizcd 80 per cent by tho prov Ince and wllh wlnlcr plum In client number 01 job no nonlemplnlcd or under way an my 3nd lha pnrk Wllllnm lllarlln en snld xuppon he rccelved In Iha lust elecllon had encouraged hlm ta ry uguln lle ell lIII knowledge and nblllly were woth lnklng Frnnk Todd who slated that he did nol intend to run sug gcslnd lhnl the road program Ahould be let up and adhered la HAVE SURPLUS Hobbx Lelroy um the twn year term wns not Ihe but for he townshlpl ll elect cd lnlcnd make ham Ingram Mlnels Polnt gave delalled account of hlm null and nald he would give lrnuly of MI scrvlcu ll elected Robert Lacklc Pulnswlckmdd that he was naplrlng for olllce or the first tlme He cl the best he could oflcr wns good common sense In runnan town illlp nl Allan Todd chairman of lin aace read the statement re pared by the clerk and dlatrl ut cd to the meetlng Thlr slaw mcnt told at expendlturea grant and balance 01 funds Only 59 per cent ol the taxes due or the year had been collected to the end at October One mlll had been placed on the taxes In cover reserve so that the bank Interest could be kept to mln lmum At present we dld nut awe any bank lbanaa Last year 3135000 was borrowed from the hanka PROMISE SERVICE deputy nave gave resume work on Innislil roads He said It was dune accardlng Ia trnfllc demands He also mentioned that eppravnl had been given to hold the 1997 International Pluwlng Mulch In Innlsfll In Centennlai Year on the arm of Joe Coch rune BUIIII Luau And Mon uxurlnul Fully Ll Id Loung Ill Dunlap PA llm Vhll Fllhm hr It nut In lood Llihl lunch Illllnn Fund TIM nul onlurL Pwsums nghtly Emorlalnmunl with GORD HATCH al hlg HAMMOND ORGAN AND PIANO The Fishnet LIIHIIIIIHN 1115 In rule will lncronud on mlll whch wn nut whnl wnl rtporlcd and we won not my posed In know lhlaf Mr run continued Mr Cnmnbcl mid lhnl only well trafficked road were rdqu bul on nldcrond nm old that must Ilw Iml ma lhn mvul truth and lha mull mnn will ha ram dldaln or new and dnnl gel In will be us happy nl home when hum pltuly lo d0 sinricd out as irnly econom icnl council than like he Lib erni Government doubled ihei Ininry as soon in lilcy gut in Ho said this was hurt meniian rd in the pun nlihoufh had he been new he dtcll on would hnva been hendiined Ha mid Ihnl much oil he touniy mud proflrnm in mm iii had begun when no wnl on the can mmmillcc wnomo CF Soybeans $286 bushel lo dealers lob country Ihlpplnz paint HUHER CREAM TORONM CF churning cream and butler print price were unchanged today Bullcr prices Cnnndn lirst grndo Ontnrln lendernblo 51 51 nonlendcrable 51 all lruck In th lrndlnz western 511 nominal Amw Sheep and lamb 160 Good handywelght lambs 21 per hun dredwelght buck dlscounled $1 per hundrodweighh commun and medlum 15 sheep 310 GRAIN VINNIPEG CF Prlcea moved narmwly and showed somewhat cashr tnnc In dull opening made today an the Win 111225 Grham Exchange mums Rye shawcd Iuirly steady undcrlone film was no early rapeseed lrnde chlncemenl cattle loo Good llght Rocker 244550 wlth good ulcer clock calves to 28 me dlums and commons 1m Calves 500 Chalce vealers 3245 good 25 medlum ZIZE on on boners 19 mum Mrui boners luv Hag 1050 Grade at Tor onto 26104705 currenlly seulng 5116 heavy saws 1665 Slaughter came 22M Choice slam 2425 good 21502350 medium 2022 common 1549 choice heileu 234350 with odd sales in 24 good 212254 moi dium IMO common l+i7z choice led yearling 2426 good 2224 good cows 15504660 me dium 1415 camera and cuiim um good heavy bologna bull 11319 common and medium 15 Veal cal prices Vwera steady Hog price were steady and sheep and lamb prices were midyx FLAZA AT wnLmeoM Inan LIVESTOCK TORONTO CP Trading was up on all classes and grades of slaughter cattle at lower prlce at the Ontario pul llc stadxyanls today BARRIE SHOPPING sovnsms ignomq 1cm FARM PRICES GRADE POWER LARGE EGGS CORRECTIBN nucmhlyl main political com milieu mud plain more has bun lm sizniiicnni change in he basic EastWes positions on disarmament desplle gcslurca nl accord Onsile inspmion rc Fou Resolutions Approved By UN rccammcndnlinn that the commlssinn consldcr the cplllng of an International conference to draft Ircnty out lawing nuclear weapons The vole was 64 to In wllh 25 ab xtentions and the Unllzd state opposed the pro posal on lha sound that ante guurds must ho worked out he tore nuclear weapons can ha outlawed PQSIIIONS UNCIMNGED UNITED NATIONS CPD The UN General Assembly agreed Wednesday on guideline or new dlsarmamenl negotia tion in Geneva Chrlstmu season gesture councll aullmrlzed taking the towns parking meters out use lrom Dec untll next Jan Durlng lhlu perlod they wlll all be lervlced The Publlc Utllillea Commlnlon is new unpacklng nradlard Chrlstmns street llama for Installation About 850 worth ol newbulhslare needed to put them In operation Mayor Joe Maaanl aald An appeal for urgent aiud lea by the Latin American coun tries on llow their area can be declared nuclear iree zone The vote was 91 in wlih 15 abstenlians mainly the Soviet bloc request lbs Geneva disarmament commisshm put special stress on reduction nl In tennational tension as they take up the Issue genera and cum plgte dsnrmamenl nuclear pow to camplole lhe llmlled nu clear lest ban agreement by nullnwlnz underground tests The van was 104 to wllh three nbstenllons Canada voted ln la vor whllc Albania cast the neu allve vole The usemblrapproved our resolutions that will have llltla solld effect on the EastWest nrms nlcture but am designed lo reflect Improved EastWest relntlpns They Include Continuing mechanical hyeak down in the towns two ruck iedcnuncii yesterday to guzzut renting truck until the end the year rather than paying the BRADFORD sum Town cnuncll here yumday Ipsroved thoappllcauon of Steve arses or the posluan probationary constable1He will be retained lot lemonui pmbaflnnary period at salary at $3600 per year hisdunes In uartwhun spedlledvby flue clue constable unzip Emma wnuhsnnynovnmsn 2331951 liiialiiaiiofiaryfcmiablé By Bradford Town Council INCORRECTLY ADVERTISE 57¢ 00le 55 Starts SUNDAY DOZEN expressed strong sympathy for the people of Angola and crlliclzcd Portugal for Inlllng to grant winkarml nntloq la lhe Mrlcan territory Canadian Leo Ca dleux Liberal member Par liament or Terrebonne laid Canada could not support the resolutlan becauso It does not feel that the niluuunn 1n the Portuguese tar rltnflu war rant xecurity council notion in valvan snncllons or ulher pun llvg measuresn mm ea ap proved resolutlnn asking the security council to adapt meas ures tn force Partugnl to recog nize the right of Angola Mozam bique and its other Alrlcnn let rilorleym Independence TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA azm Romania cast the lone Com munlsl vote 01 approval It ex plalned it strongly favor clearrue zones and wants one In ha Balkans Vote on the question amu clearfree zone In Latin Amer Ica ahnwed spilt 1n the Soviet bloc and nmanz the Latln Amuh lean states mm and Venezuela bath abstained dimming chances for the proposal which stressas that Latin American unghjmlly egscqtial Agnqvp INDEPENDENCE All of the Soviet bloc but Romnnln abstained as show of support for Cuba which has Inslsled that tho Unlled Slates abandon Guantanamo naval hm cohdiljon or setting up such zone mplned thu sticking paint of an underground lest bun although It was sldestepped durinzlhe UN debate The pollce cammmee study In turtle llckel format used by nflxerlmunlclpallues In the many belarohavlnz new sup ply of Bradford UckELl printed Chell constable John Dudgean told councll the unkels now In usehera are too cumbersome Cumpiying with request made at the inalicouncii meeting Proctor and Rediem represent ative engineer Kan Child yea lerdny presented council with cgmpiiehenslvebrleiliné oi con rack on progress uxury Hume Builder subdivision Proc tor and Rediern are the lawn engineers The nuhdivlslon is being deveioped by John Zlmn Brgdiord extensive repak billaneeded on Iha lawn yehlclu Until the ar baga gallecuonlkuamn uh Had no declslm can hamada about the specification and price or newmwnlruck superinten deg th Button was told Th1 hope wan pinned 1311er to Kennedys June speech In whlch he called on Americans In twamlna their altitude in wands the cold war and an haired moves that led to tho They saw It as kind re sponse in SecretaryGeneral Thunla speech last Dec in which he criticized the Wat for iaiiinz Io perceive and respond in the obvinul change in the Soviet ppiiticai climate mm rum uuum wwfl Secnnd diplomats of all colon gave Kennedy credit or mnvlng in the right dhecflon on clvll 1th although some thought he wasnt muvlng in enough And perhaps most Impor lanlly Kennedy was widely ber lleved to be leading the United States loward new nllllude lnfllecold wnr Méhy diplomats consider thlsthe mos dgnlucant speech Kegnedy eve made lpeech was greeted as avidenca hat at least an Ona diplomatic levgl than were perhapa three main rea san for watching Kennedy assassination Kennedyl death caused deep shack nnd mkglvlnu amang wide variety of UN diplomats Including some not knawnlar their lrlendllness to the US Soma ohwvm Mild they could not recall such spontaneous andwldespnend feeling of 505 row since the death of Gandhi at Roosevelt cqvu 113A mvsmn Flnt Kennedy had ended reputation as man who could he fled rrmclgarhpmyer Delegngex called it header in encouraging dedllve and addad the they hoped Johnson would succeed In his aim to conllnua the forward thrust that John Kennedy beganfl Scum1y on clvll fights The United Naunna wan pleased cautiously with this first male policy elemental Pregldenl Lyndon Johann ay cméuwumc Cumin Pm Stall Writer Policv Statelmefit Wins Approqu GAY NINETIES In TQIO Wallington Hotel Friday and Saturday Nigh FULLY LICENSED Significantly number them eulollzed Kennedy by re calling the pm 01 the June speech In which he urged Amen Icans to dlrecl their allenflon lhn area of common Interest with the Soviet Union and added Nigerias Adebn put We shuddered He added Kennedy had come to rep resent an image of America we Hired very much But at tile some time we knew that there were those in America who on posed that image When Kenner died we feared it meant victory for those forcesbut only tempo rary one He was confident Johnson would carry on to Kennedy path For many neutral and non aligned diplomats tha metre of the American right wing in fully as frightening an the stai lnist wing of nternatlonai enm mnnismr man In the Wetter worldhnd pegs cd aqdIupondegi Thu IllsEth caulsgmve car over the future home of EmWefl relations Whulldnmlnll to mauv new dun nuc humhm umi Icelln dhlurhud run ma Inflow Daddl Klany PHI BACKACHE wa cannot now and mallow am llolm icfitaflBfiEtiflifJslsmHM aLwMmummfl For In the final analysin our most baalc common llnk In Due act that we all lnhablt this planet We all breathe tho name 81 We all cherish our chll dms future And we are all mow our dflferenm at least we can help make thawarld male or divertlty Wm JAMES GARNER HIGHAHIIAIIHIBUHUUEH II mu man an mumm confmuous snow mummy mom mIHEanEATEsuAPE comnammnwsmn FEATURE SHOWN 100 and 915 Mn ommow pm mourn TODAY REGULAR PRICES NOW

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