Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Nov 1963, p. 3

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nlnl llm mm lml Huh alum III II klnmll In tho vlnmnllnnl MINI llm lkpnmnnnl Land Iml Furole nn Imlnnm LEM mnll ulna uulumlnnmly Ml llmr III rumiurnl 1m mnlud lly Inu wwlumlcn ml Inld In the cnnlpnn al In mud um win at Hm mmlnhlm Tl mlnnlnib va mnun nbuul pn mt of In voluml The unlunood II Mm modu ml In Yull 0mm DuHrrln and 51mm cmmllu lhq lullar uurplylnu 12 ml lhu la qunullly Mml he run will he In llv mm mum Ihlnnlnuu Thln mum hit plunlnuom appruxknauly yum nld ml Mr Men Man we Mm pmhnhly Mum ynavllnla wuuu II mum um Um nurthnm nlnvlo lnper Cunumny buy llm wml nn por mnl Mull lhlu Iflml Im mull mnvln up Nelly ml Ilm wlxh nnnllrr amount Jan WM and Smkh llnu be In It Ilumpnun wuml Pnlnwmd cullan opcrullanl In Aummvnl Furull In lhu Lake Slmmu lllsldrl will he mmmcnrlnx Ihanly quuln 91 1015 rank lm Mm allncul Duo dlshlcl lor MGM awn Pulpwood Cutting Operations Starting In This Area Soon Vudonl need so many mm ho explained and we have much more offlclcnl upcrnllom Mnlnlrnunre ha been cut down to min Im mm lhll Because mnlnmcnl snow removal opcrnllfln have become lcu costly and more elllcltnl hn Iafd EFFICIENT Common on no new snow removal cqulpmcnl purchased Insl your Md Smllh who chairman 01 ha Pabllc Work Commiucc said he lhauzm It was on of lho xmnflcsl 1n vcstmcnl tho tlly has over mmlen Although sympamelic lo lhe dcllghl ol children when lhcro heavy snowfall especially nl Chrlslmns Md Smllh ls keeping hls linger crossed lhcru will be no bl snow slorm In the cily lhls wlnlnr Ilc me he lnxpnym wlll aavo grant deal nl money Al lcasl one man In Enrrle hoping or no now his year And his rcasuns are mare lin Incial than prncllcnl COMMANDING TROOPS rb mquirzs an inumnle knowledga 70 developing situation are Lack Of Heavy Show Is Boon To Taxpayers W01 TERRANCE Weatheh ill senior lnsmclor at the army Physical Education Cam Inhholds the punching hag Momv Vlndimlr Kurhpr min 55 clrpuly Minnn of lluulll llm mmmlllu hulldlnl Nu vm Chum ll lln publlc rulnllnnl ueculrra um lnrmer luncluln Idimr at King Fenlum Rymlluu THE CANADIAN IIIEM vnmhm Dr fur rnll 72 Former flru vlcuhnlr mm 12 HI Onlarlmm Luv mm Dcvrlnpmenl rommlulnn ml armor chnlrman 01 he Cnnmllln 1w Lnm blood kr nnr mva All mu no marked lzy uln ul Depnnmenl ol Lnndl Ind For uu mman who rmuru um um mm or high qunllly lrm am lrll lo mw lo mnlurlly Wood upcmlanl wlll he INN Ilmz rluhl nwny4 wllh pmnllun lbs quoln wIII he mmplolcd by In mhkllo bunny ol ram Mk mum clam mm per new In my lhn lnlpnycn would want ll Md Smilh anld lhnt undnr Um OXLLlylltm tho nll wan flared 1nd Heut lhlk 2nd Lleuk Joseph Udida Uxbc and 2nd LlcuL Paul Chabrl Tam cor lor one of eight erlnn Of ficers who up 1111 two year orllcers trainmx course with the Canadian Army One at the physical ualnlunm ALI SMITH DEATHS day II 030 Im Guru mum wlll In Mle mum lunlnm Mlmlnlxlrnlnr In Ilnmlllon nirval 11 IM nnnmnn NM Cum Blood Tunuualon 8mm Annunl merlln 1mm llrnmh III nnmllun lled lnl Foch wlll ho hold II pr nllul 1mm Mon in In NH BIo no sun The ulndrod plnll nl Mom nmlul BLOOD 11le Ian lunch nu Cunnnllnu Mud Cmu Roddy wlll mndurl blood donor Tllnlc TranIy lnrhh Ill olllrr 11 hull will ENGINEERS Hlmcm Cunnly Chap nl lhl Amclnllun lrulrnlonnl kw ulmm nnlnrlo wlll lllfll III owning MCM Mar The bullpen morllnl mum at 010 MHFTlINO Dlmlau llnrrlu Agricultur nl finrlny mgnl MI 95min mm mm oclnck the olllre llm lmmvlmrn of Aurlculluro ulllor Alml 0N PLATFORM char Smllh Imrle MP for Slmm Norm wlll nppenr an Chnnnnl ll lluunrm pm Kmm Sunday nm program bo glm In our oclork Loam GENERAL In nddilion them about 5310 on mu and land walt lnz ho uxcd when lhI um hmvy Anawlnll new 111 equlpmcnl ha bocnvrendy ulncc 0d 15 Hull wlnlcr lho cllf ll Ml nxlbln or mow clear nl Innd nu and Inlllnl mllu MM and co mllu ul ddcwnlk About In ad lhll car In crnlinl an new cqu pmcnl lch Incluch two grader for mow plowlnl lhrco Imckmounlcd plowl nno mnwblowcr lwn Brannon An lhnny sand and In lpmdorl we bombarding or Ildenlk plowlnl and two Ildownlk und A111 IN READINGS In tho llrage and loaded 1n lho trucks with about our men taking part In the opemllon with the new salt hopper how ever It Is now oneman aper uuun and lhu clly nvcl about use week In lululei The permanent publlc work Alnfl ls smaller lhnn over been In me his lo yrm hm cause 01 the new mulpmcnl he laid sulla mnp In planing lbs an ExnmlnaF Frans MfNUM MEETING cm says that the NigelInn owners seem morn keen on boxing than on any other and cm at It In mm of Ihelr enthusiasm an remained Ihu R05 or lralnlnn Infantry om ers wn attended the Armoured Carp School nl Camp Dorden we were sent In British Calum hln for lrnlnlnz at the Camp Chillwnck School of Enzlnecn Once hey had completed their basic alllma training at Ulp Rayll Cnnndlnn School entry Dec 1962 hey an mm specialized lrnlnlng In luhlects penninan lo chlr own cog The Mums who came to Canada as Olllcur Cadets re celved their cammlsslans Sec ond Lieutenant In lhu Nwlan Aan or Aug 10 Nine Nigerian oiiicera lrnim In in Canada since September 1962 wens pruentad with rlaqnes In memory or heir slay Conndn by Brigadier Viilia Mooak Camp Borden Commun dcr in cemmany ins night the Headquarters and SexVa icgg Oiiiqera Mm Nine Nigerian Officers Complete Army Course nfiorpmu nu ruck for his fallow mice at Andy Anderson Ann Camp Bob on my Nor numn how much you dcpend upon your qubnnd Ind IIII Incomeuntil baby mum Tllcn you man Imp Ind IIIInkx If your hmbund Almuld dlu unexpccltdly haw mum Wfll havth vu nml mrh mull nmIur Imw many yearnm am fly yourum rmwily Whllawr he umaunl London LIrI policy can lunmnlu II for you AI wrll II pmlzclln yuu yur In yur London LII pcnnnncnl Inluum ImIIdI mllw lhrw mlngl In In unquIlIy good Inmlmcnl Yuur Londrm Life puIIry II nut Ifkcml by maka IImlunllam II Injul nfu ll hIIImII bond Ind Hindi than mull common Ilodu yum hmhnml In 110000 Landon LIII Jubilee whole Iifa pollcy now In cm hm quIIo IIIINIMIIIII IRVIH It up Im myan III II nuw you old and In good Iqulln It may punlum IIIII pollcy Im 109 nmmIL Al up Hum MIII In gummml mII ulna In Ml rolky $1580 Ind Iboul 37000 In dividend Tune In much In In uh In pumlmm Ilium the I96 dhhlmd kIII Ind qumlng IthLItmIl It to mumuhu the mmfar apart but 32651167601 brings Ilum IngaIch Janlcfllglx that will prabably mrprlu you MalItrmrJfI world oflorc regort from London Life What the expectant mother should know about life insurance In the lwu week alloued to themselves they travelled or played games at the camp Most of the Irnvol was restrlclcd going to Toronto or other nearby plants but on of tha amour took trip to New York Durinz n1le of tho my the 0mm stayed In army campl but were pm up In hotel In anmuvcr Ono the owners Iald was most Imprwcd by lhq tin or Canada Tho lam took Iha men 1mm Ontario to 0m wm coast and back at can plane City The second specialized phase at their training ended In August when the men look monlha leave During this monlh they were ulven lwoweak out Canada by Ian Canadian Army and had two week 1m to use lhgmaalvaa and one went lq he Slznau Scam at Kingslth den In 2nd um Umlfu in our Ind have luamcd la The lenrlmn quickly took to when mm um um well mm lholr arvlvnl Llfc Inmramc world UfilCJAlfifql sluice 1141 Th London Llfelnnunmcom nyopmtu only In Canndl 000 mm Lon on Uh pn mluml low In beuuu Cinndhnl on nu mp long ml Dlvldendl Ia pollcycwmn high bmuu nmon other things the Company Inmu wluly Ind pmflllbly ln Canaan lament um um MW In Clmdl Inn In ml other lndumhllm cannula In 1m tho Complny mm 50 on In lnmlmmnlfllt Inmtmonl um 47 Donl think for mini It you mama mun mm Innud Min to buy Inauh am an buy laden urn polity on monlhl Mm plan Mllnnnunulmncymmllm your hunkndmbonvwhmlmflmuhnnflu mhmuuwloymmmuuumj MWHMWMNINWMfl cumoch Inmllauprmallmw lwmmu London Uh Im hld Ill ouuundlnl dM dtnd record for our 50 pm Elm MI Ihc dlvldmd rm hu been Incmud Ill Ilmu You mil lulu mp now IMI Ivlll Iub your Ion or hull MrmMuI 141 Ono ollha Ins comm the Nigerian tank was mllnnly In melhadl lnstrucdnn New flcm In he Army new nation they wll lnko lhulr skill homn with thum and will nu Ueui Joseph Senianu Mndugu said that his phm oi the min in in which the newly com missioned oiticen worn at iuchcd ia commie and pin iaon oi iha regimen Iuvu Ihem their iiril experience at Iciunliy commanding Imp pro viding practical experienco in meciinz lhu problem an oIiicer Inga inca In Saplembcr the omnm re Iumed trainingv Th Engineers ofllcerl want to Ollawn where hay attended tho Army Survey Emblllhmenl ha armoured corps Milan and he Infantry omcen want to Camp anckown to ruin wlth the Royal Canadian Drnloan and the Royal mah lnnd Raflmenl muck Watch ro apggllyo London llfc Farm7 hink II mm mm he contributlon which we can make to our country that many 01 In lain In the man to build our new nation Llaut Mndngu commented You no grant mung lhlm chum not perhan In mode government but In Improve ment In the munlry And you Ilnd Um on are laced wlkh mat chnl em as member of new pity The role this young mm In newly emerglnlnnuon II Ill mum one but Ilsa netnaps an mum ono we are to vn ham or name luture crhls we need to Iran planning or them naw become cant build ahlp aver nlnhl tho Nurlh Slmcoe MP polnked out Ho Inld Inch doubt be required In pun lhem slam in their coumrymen coympunON Canada II to lupply lho kind mohllu forces wanted by Ina milllary expom Cnnadl need in Vown nhlps under Can ndlnn rozmry with Canadian on Mr 5mm Inld While Iemplenu were the pflme mum at transporting pur mmel the nerennnel needed loud vohklel heuvy equipment and other Iuppllel and they were xometlmes needed In parts of the world where planes can not lend Neer suns have been In Enro far the put two week wit the medal defencn committee and averywhm went tho ml lnry upon omphnlzed the no malty map mnblllly alpac lallr or thI armedlorm on Mon the flu and circum qgcn Canada Mr Smith Ho wu uponklnl at the laun chlnl bulk currlar or Al uomn Ctntml Rallway thu Colllnlwood Ihlpynrd COLLINGWOOD Special 1115 ahIpbulldlnl Indullry and all hon cannuclad with It Ihauld pm or tho establishment of In ocean ulna merchant fleet or Cnnndnpflober Smith MP for Simon North laid In llniwood Wodnudly Wu Inonklnl nl nu 1mm THE BARR EXAMINER THURSDAY knew akam MAW lama hula mmmdmnmw autumn mmlndwmmkupflumlgm Iohmhll lawywfimnm man IM Ywmlglummmbpnpandldk WW um munlly nu bun kbmw ullor Wm SPEAKING AT LAUNcHiNG For Iboul Ihu roll all ncw permanent ml your lumlund can Add Ipeclll luluro In It 0000 London ur pollcy ll he should Imam lllublcd And unnbh lo work for palm of II monlhl or more Landau LII will pay prmulumnllw rlul IllI IM Mrad 17 dlmbll II For In Iddlllonl nmlum London Ufa wlll gunum to pay lm monlhly Inmm Ilm In monthl ultlnl perlod while mlluuu Io bu dlubkd In For nbaul $750 monlh can buy your billy 9000 Iowan Uh ublla whole 1er smith Advodates Merchant Fleet Landon WI upklu bIIW Sinco no arrlvnl the flu International Hnrvuler crawln lrnclor In me Mr Mllno ha been malnly concerned with the ula ol lnlernnuunal canltmcllan qulpmenl or which Blackwoad Ilndza Quebec Ltd was recently unpolnled exclullvo provlndll lrlbulor TRY EXAMINER WANT ADI PHONE PA mu Mr Mllno ha 10 been ldenI llled with tarlh movlnl and heavy conslmalon lndnserel lhrouxhwl Eastern Canada ln 1919 he sold the flu crawler tractor at cowlunion Mle ln Canada This waaa loIanllolt Calcrplllar bulldozer bought by Fraser Brae Enalnacrlnu and used In tho conmuctlon al dam al Chlcoullml or Prlu Bros Morley Milne brother of Mn Alma Endnley Bunla has bun nppolnled manner vein account In Blackwoad lodge Quebec le ii laid iile Canadian aillpl would him in ba operaled and built under luindy but luch xublidy would be amaii rallied to ihoir iaili wniribution lo balanced defence miem and when not required in domino they Mid be used in normal commminl way to ruppiy in north and to carry Canadian 100d to iorelgn markeiaiheir naming would help id rodm Canadal balance payment in iomiun exchange Named Manager Special Accounts It would be Indeed ha py mile nllnlrl we ad enough lullnblo mun lain Ihlp plug 1me our northern blu en wllhout uttering or 15 larclgn DhlPl each lummur Mr mnh Inflated lhlpl wlll requlra Ipcclnl lenlur Inch partlul convortlblllty to lump lrumrart loudan and unlaadlnz Incl Illa who pm rer dunkllare no avnllnble and he cuyuclly to operate In Aro llc wnlm 51mm vsU Egg

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