Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Nov 1963, p. 13

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MABKED GOALIE Jacquel Plants 01 tha New York flan 11m down an Icl no looh puck In nu alter More by Delrolt Red Wings lllmlllonl outmm Ilm III men Include mm hd Mllm 1nd Gnu Oman Ind llIr lmn Cunlou lull mania Nlluull ma Annie Mom Ind m1 llnl runm Chlmplon pmluml Wednw dny Hull notllhnlmflnl un wn mde and Tom llrmnl Du ll lllon linemen In In am hi Ham to be In nu IIM lhq ml Champion uld rim want hm our ban but DII1 Ll yuy ll II II ladl nlcd by mum mind In how awoan tampldtd Fr III Iholr um Ind 20 nlmtmd 17 Ha And unrrd Duly I5 palm am arm omncml to tumble 20 tlmu tamed ll al them Ind Illoud only ll outth Aulltln with Jlm Cham plan Drawn II kept prMeclod ram blocklnl la hey hlm Mme he can nu bull DANDY nzconn Brown 26 In yanI well up Ionlhnll player manual and skrim uyl Ml family or bl min arm He hu been In bulwer of our dtlenllre unil ny Llon cold Dlvo skrkn Much of gill Menu II deluntd around McKenncn day New York Banger awered to bl amnme earlier hll year Mary the nlcknnmo 1m him by Ihe fickle lawn in 11 Um Mudlwn Squm Ggrdtn VANCOUVER CPIl Bru hh Columbl Uin put be Inn on lllmlllnu macu Salut dny ha Md wizard my be fun The 145 pound Imldo Hue lucku will all 50 defend IanIs In tho Grey Cu nub In Mm and In man Impannn man Icing lho 11 cu Illack lltKermcr 11k Harvey ha been animal lo the bench lhll year He wunt given line wal carried an forward and New York Ind and theyd be willing In lradc him Tar onlo or chk Dull The In apparently hoped tht nyeamld centre would cxII In the uma mnnner ouncd de lenceman Doug may And awnred the Ranger bran had Ilmflnr thoughg It utmed he didnt swear ho mhullnmc About checking Ind additionally Ind Ian hi and or marina can the Ion that prompted Baum Bru lm totrade hlmulm yelara ll DUNLOP IT IA The preuurl mm to hm abated mu Don Mummy temporareg Ike wot Brown MOSt Important Man Facing Hamilton wmmn mm Lad didn malerlllize McKenneys Goal Is Payoff For New Ybrk Set our complete uleclfion ol alum Irnlm and mmorlu and 027 Avllmlxod hudq nmr IIOI Md lonln In TrMng Rallyy hmk Rum on ROBINSONS HARDWARE any In but Runn Inna Joni hlu Ila llu Ibq ma un Chmvlon um Tlur cm Ihl mount mm In Canala loot hnll IM mu the on mdv 11w hurdle pm II but den And In ml IIII wllh Ilruwn me looon ll tor Hmbulm In udlnl Don Ida And mm mm lllll Eula Ind Norm Ilrldull mm run 21 Mmuon 1o nlnu Hum II bnlc ourmun BC llne of Ink In Emery llama Ind Mlh Clo dc Ind Did You um um In Mmu night ll aln Larry Jamey put the Wlllll Ahead Ihe Hm period but find Gilbert lied It up minute later on Iha lhlrd penllly JIM of Ike mun Ha mud My 111 5th to In Hall flaw chuk Iar the second cumulul me HID lhll uuan McKenneyn mm ml at the mum Ind made Mm for tho moment hero flu anA It mended New Yorkl un benlen string In our umu whllo Increallnl Dmoflu wln kn monk on the road to nlnn metcm louu Ind Ila McKenney put the puck pm Terry anchuk 1174 the final Farm to Ive ew York vdary over mail The win moved 1h Bluemlm Into earthplace lie with lhe Red Wing Allhauxh New York In played two mar um and McKenney um to do nu but when he dun on the Ice Taku Wednnday nlxhl or example atyMadlwn Square Garden In New York In mm Lury Jamey Hm unllorm mad the ml And blocked VIII by Jim Nelllan 1m TOM BROWN PA mu NEW IIBONI MANAGER lHPFALO NM MP WhIII Kurmuil lonner 14ml Curdlnll lhlrd human in Illntd Wednmhy lo mm ut numla Imam In Ihl lulu mllonll hum Kumull wand Kcrhy Pam mu tor lhc lull Ilvo uuom thou mm In not It Whtllm Ihil will mnlnln Il Ianey will In dulded Sammy sumn Iha Inl mm under nu Fnlaney vdmn II Grey Cup lmu IIYI Ill un pm we myonl In when II hot ha unto npcflenu mun Anylhlnz he Llann will hold Hulr llncbnrkm And nln mm In IllGUI pun mm 15111ka Brpxlo Fglqrwy fillflley put hm dtfcna on Plume hlnu Chum hn Ind lo conccnlrile on All ham In Hamilton muck me lhcy hnva no hlmpior uyg You v4 15 lo alop umn run In bourd Thin II In mull really good oflenc In Ala nevtr doubled who we would met in ho Grey Cup mm It lull plate of games had um or 10111th Chicago mk hz unith ham wm ham Toronla New York ll Baton and Mantral Will 6111 Trembly ramming mo limp Ind Henri Rldurd daubt In Vlllll Duran mull Jacquu Plunlc re uuned lo the Ranger net lim mlulnl two men with shoulder injury 104 wax plandmll wk 32 lavun Saw chuk flopped Inclmflu jun three In tha lhlrd The learn played minim middle period and Ranger do enceman Don John no hit in goal of lhe year ai ms at the third Norm Uiiman tied minuuv im lha Win low but McKinney broke ll up ieu £th iwn minuiu later on ovum an Helms Vem Bunny called the penny aha became Jel reyhad alien on Ihe yuck In the man breaking An unen vlglaud but Mom enlorced Ynll Amnhk 110 mm ml balm ha rm mm In nut mur ml Our Imbm an pom In nmmn la nu you MIMI N0 WAITIMZ 0000 IAIIINO ADULT mmnm Rlnlm Olhcr Rnnzér piny en Ire Larry Cahnn to And Earl Innrllcld 10 right Econ um In in parlod the Nulannl Hockey lulu content AP ercyhalo HAVE zxnnnzn SHERS mm mor wlnh to rack lhu mm at In pmle wllh our mo luml Med la alrmuhen 11d pmvlnclll bunchu Man an eunbllhed 1061 la lmpm phyllul Ill ml he or pmnn Ind pmvldl llnlnc ulhllnca lo Imalcur pom Thu ountll An Milan 750000 bun med or flu Illnm Ilud and program In Ill flu lhraulh lhm march Ufllll la be ullblllhed In Manl Iul Toronto And Edmonton nnnr Dlan ullnl dlmlnr Ihl lroup uh round me or III lpynlul union lnl null The cauntll hope In lulu lhl llm lawnrdl lhm obkc Hm wlh ltderIlprovlnclll contemm in Dunn urly In Jimmy TORONTO CF Th NAI Ilanul Advllory Council on Fl mu And Amultur Spam hul decldcd ayunua clour 11 mn wllh prnvlnml group and ma undertake Vtyear nludy la dtlermlno he nnllonl drum Hlnum Welter Lam Vnncvuvzr mm Wednudayl llnnlll Pllllburgh Buffalo Herlhey Clevmnd Springfield Rochester 0mm Thnmu Rachmer Baltimorc leburzh valdcnco Pllllburxh Rochelle Cleveland Bunnie Conference To Be Held valdenca llerlhzy Balumro Quebec Sprlnlfldd Jan Thunde Montreal at Detroit Toronto Chkuo New York Bolton Amenlull Luna Eume DMIlan AF Providence 70 ms Herlhty no 7219 Balllmm on as 6019 Qurbcc 0116 Sprlnlfldd 7912 Wnlern Dlvhlan Fluburn 10 75 40 31 Rochelle 10 62 20 Cleveland 10 so 5720 Huflnlo 41 3215 SAVOY Wednndlyl Rnult Donal Ncw York Only um uheduled WMHWMNB AWflMVMfl FflMMMW T431213 LZGUOHH Wanna2 uh can ltnl Mmmem mnmmmm momlnl on mqu mln And two mm will pull Into the downtown lllllondl gorzlnl more thin 1000 Joni within Ila hour STAY IN SLEEPER mini 397p nmmmoda an or 00 mm will be uLbchlq in union Ona floor of In down town mm been reserved for Ihemnwyll move around Vancouver group Aboard bun um ha been vmerved let them And thpyll rub Awulderl wllh people ram Ill avemhl country whtmu II My Cupcon mm II In mun II what It can onero the helm Grey Cup rall mammal Jn yearn11 laid on éur mom minitwo lrom Calllry Ind Inch mm flezlm Ind WInnlpelln mm thousand plum lnlo Van coygr VANCOUVER my lurhntled Imball um urn bld my the bound mn vmln on Vancouver or urdnyl any Cup claulc hlvo fihfinmd on out Yellaw By HIE CANADIAN PBEUD nu CNR mom uvmlex 157Reach AItsg Peak NOW HocxaychTifi 2890 numn mm AUTOMATIC mmanon um mm mm wxw 1mm manor mm uc mam wonm um CONVERTIBLE I964 VALIANT IAIIII moron Nov icalll mm Windsor Mondon Eukllchem Junior Home Rezlnn Exhlbllloll Wlndlor mm firm Elllem mm New Haven Long lllnnd Johnnown Philadelphln Knaxvflln Cllrflan 04 Onllrla Junior Detroit Windor st Mum Innnull lnlemllnnl Lulu Du Maine Chlthnm OlllnBl Llwrenu Hull Klnnlon an In Pnclllu Alxlluu mind by Imulala one Illth croucountry will fly par longer Ipcclal Inmm Fugue an 946 Friday Junior chamber Commerce chmr ant of Toronto will brig In no pomml Sam no WHOM will lrrlvl VIS CAR TRUCK RENTAL Including mum Hahn TOA In the next three days le IV In 41 literal clrrylnu 3511 mm permnl win coma aboard ellht Friday juguln xlrI flight Ab 1x rn panonzm 11 Expected vInCNn And some then will llva In lhc rall wnyl sleapvr Cilyn dmn flarked Ilecpm behind lhq un an Tnnwmmdn Ah Llnu wlll hnva Iaur txm Illghu In in Air laduypcnrrylnl totl ol am pmanq 1mm Edmonlan Mom Toronto Calgary Wlnnlpel and Raina Tho em nrn ml wlll havemtaw llqntnnl KEEP DELIVER ON TIME ALL THE TIME TRUCK OUT OF SERVICE In em willho attached to re ulnr run today On Erldly lheroll be Ipeclal mlm out WlnLnlng 93d Edmonan Dunlap St DANGERFIELD Morons L105 PA um Burr WITH HENTZD TRUCK FROM 726I4l2 REPAIR NOW PAY LATER wmi nur unvenlenl BUDGET PLAN Plymh Valiant Bum 1116 group Inlomlcd In the pnrlda II In lho came allhouxh Lama 01 Adderloyl companion Illuddured Iho Im start Eve our atom dont open until they laid mu My wlle doesnt know 6m and football ram ha alher but the mild ll youre zolnu In Im ll he noted nu unl organizer Jack Huh Mdcrloy Mr Adderley Iovtrn men emfiloyec who double CBC Ackenzlu nglwork womentor Ho li lormer Hlmllton mldent and In Him lllon ThurCall who wlu be mulinz nrlush Columbll Llanl on Saturdny 09 W5 was Mlnen invemment omployv eel teachers laborer Ind pro al mzn will an the Iccond PWA Ipeclll ll the and on Yellawknllo from Edmbnlon on on Pacific Wen 165 WELLINGTONWEST COLOR Canrt bul whim lmudl paulNl VALUE lhnmh Cowunll HIW burial mm INSIDE REPORT SAL PRICED FOR l0 DAYS ONLY RIGULARLV PRICID AT 500 INSTANT CRIDIT NO MONEY DOWN MINIMUM llRVlCl CHAROI sodny chum plnn nu urvlco chum Iccounl pnld in 30 any with masters degree for gay knighls fjmll ppm PA um Tudfllonnlly mm In Neel any Cuban any or lmwn0llvc In mu In vllh on the vested Suit put qumer mm thl nme aboard 11 Ill maanno min Inlhg country lummariol Ihc dmfled evcnu ma game Ind the par Ido nrecedlnx II Ilao willvbe avallnble to pmenzen In arm of train new bulletinllup piled to the IN by The Cllll dlan Prm 9N Tglmmmunlcnllonu wlll 11A CLAPPEMON STREIIV Skl Boon It 52 Lm Trudi GOD SHOE SERVICE Skates Ski use Burrlc Orlnlnal 5km Exclnngu tlnco l9 NOWI SKI BOOT EXCHANGE New Bauer Skatem New Dnoust Ski Boots Boyn Hockcy Skmy lram $695 LmTradI 4995 OWN CAM Swedml 1500000 million vowm lm000cm BABME EXAMINER1 THURSDAY NOV II cLomIo macr BEERS mm exam Emma BL mu Goodyoaf wmwan suns amps l4f3 BARN plnl Ind rA

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