Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Nov 1963, p. 12

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Jumlfla 1th ml ll nu IM um hvrlk mm umMLIggnlllnl any mu Vlldlmlr vwl rumk lmn rnnth Joe Kukny lmnpmlnlrd wllh md uh Um llulhln mull mm In Tn had The Hulk Inn n1 Ix mun In 1er men llnulan uhllulllon lnnr nny have lwn mare unmrl Ichedulnl In thmlnvnklm llrnn mm Hm lmna nmr mm II by Irorlnl Im 1am In Iho MI 11 mm NHL mm mm mu flnrlk JINIIV lllA Illenlvthuvrrnl JI yenmld wing Imml Illa only ml In nmullnnl PMHUH menum wlnd mr llulldmu nprnlnl lhrlr tour In thmlnvnMn Vulnrulny um llrlrnlnl by ZKI qu uhilnllnn mnlrhv idrhn inownr nzrnry npovlnj 990qu erlml Ibo mulch FIUIMY NIGHT GIIDUP My City Fnlrlnuu 51 nohln Gmmy llunllm 41 Krmnvlcw Dow 45 PineVlew Vnrlrly 41 rd Devlin l1 51m to Itlmlcum 41 Thu Elm halll JJ anitn Ilmldm 16 The Links ill ounul KM 12 Hmllyll muh Tnpvu 1mm caner um Alnry Cnrrlrr 571 Don K0011 mm mm snmeyriul Carqu 11pm we no Guru 069 Steve Oxathurk 710 lllgh 5ch Mary kn MLan Marylou mm rlcr Zlfl Merv Al rkr 170 Baywood 59 Motsonu Canad lana 59 DoaDndA 54 Knyrltllr 51 Dnngerttcld Motors 50 Moves Jeweller SH Vlbh Bros Stewnn thlcsnl Dnlel Marhm 27 The Flintstones Wm ncnd Utcmll 20 West chnd Oulhoards 17 ink Single Shirlny NM 31 Carole chsoo 223 Rob Gun 25 Slevu Osnchuck 255 oigémack Busy 13ch 223 High Trlpln Joan Ex ll Blun Jay 5S9 Another Loss For Bulldogs KEMPVIEW BOWL WES TUESDAY NIGHT Raynls vs Flutes Lamp lIghIers v5 Nght Hawk Busy Bee Farm Pa he vs Bunnys Bomber Blue lex lee Wim Hot Shell Poodles LEAGUE STANDINGS Royals Lamp lghlcn 50 1M Shou Pirate 19 Blue lel 50 lecwlrc 39 Pannu Poodle Busy Dre Pcnnclls 13 Night Hawk Haynhcys XEMPVIEW MIXED LEAGUE WEDNESDAY NIGHT GROUP Binoculars first aid kit or approved boat cush ions are useful aboard almost any size boat And so it goes There are many such useful item for the boating outdoorsman These are gifts that will certainly be used and put to the test long after the tree lights have gone out ANNUAL DANCE Barrie District Hunters and Anglers Conservation Club holds its annual banquet and danqoSaturday at the Legion on Collier Street Freshup time is pm followed by the usual exceptional banquet at seven and then dancing dancing dancing If the dtlficult man is the crutslng type he might appreciate an extra gas tank to boos his cruising range utde book of the waterways he favors would also appreciated with time running out on Christmas shoppers youre asked to take look at some outdoortype gm lor both small fry and adults In the under $10 calefiory are canvas and rubber boat shoes floating fish nlves or flashlights emer gency flare kits transgarem lastlc boxes with com Partmenls for fishing lies nnow buckets and fish andlng nets Up to this past weekend 668 hunters have man aged to bag 912 pheasants at the two parks Both mks reported that several times hunters had to ha urncd awaynlter the full quota allowed under the regulations had been admltted LESS THANA MONTH TO GO At Earl Rowe near Alliston it is encouraging to note the number of hunters taking advantage this opportunity In the first year of operation Ttils program has been in operauon at Slbbald for three years and ex ectauons are that the number 01 hunters this year 11 show ioms increase over 1962 Special season for hunting pheasants in provincial parks is becoming increasingly popular with arts men according to thesuperlntendenla at Si bald Point and Earl Rowe parks where this program is be ing carried out The season commenced Oct 16 and will and Sat urday Adult birds are released on the area by De partment of Lands and Forests personnel Hunters are allowed to hunt from arm to pm daily ex cepl Sunday or daily hunting fee of Bug llmlt ls three hlrds per day regardless of sex urna mam EXAMINER THURSDAY NOVEMBER no BOWLING SCORES GREAT OUTDOORS Hunters Enjoying Phéaéant Shoots By STEVE JONESCU II mu nnl lnnwn hm mum and lllchnrd will why Dclmll Injured hll xrnln In In ml In Fan Wnynl 1nd Tueday MONTREAL Cl Monk nal Cumdlrm Announced Wrd nudy lhll lovurd Glllu lrembll anured Nov will fly elmll nmndny la ra laln hll lcnmmnlu Trcmhlly Inflch chuk bono lmlurc In Nullnnnl llockuy hqu mu hm llllllll Chluxa nluk lhwh when hl wn muck hy my wnnl elbow CDIILh Tm lllnh will dcchln whclher Tumhlny will play In Thumlnyl mm unlml Dr lrvll HM Wlnu Trrmhly wlll near pmlccllvc mm arur lhl lllllry Iru lllgh Average llml Murphy l57 lllxh Triple Cam brown 431 High Single Shlrley lllwk lnl GOOD FRIENDS LEAGUE LEAGUE STANDINGS Yoxl 11cm 19 lllnlsloncx 47 Alloyull 59 Cracker Hill billlu 57 Whlppeu 20 llth Trlpla Audrcy Enroll MI Second llluh Pearl Reynold 529 Ian Shula Andrry Encou chkly Wlnner V1 bungley 00 JAMES Pal Juan Audrey Elm lnrl Raynamx Tremblay To Play Tonight Radium 501ry In Idlols 4D Shall 35 Alley lullep CulgAZLA KEMPVIEW BOWL TUESDAY LADIES Gln Film vs Collins Zambles VI Screwdriver Singapore Sllnn Pink LI dlc Minimum VI Rum mm lEAGl STANDINGS Zombie 57 Plnk Lndlu l9 Munhallnm A6 alllns Screw drlvtn Gin Flues Slnl ngrq SIMXIIN Bummlp 21 min 595 Mch Allen 895 Don Redford 651 hr AI 14 jQLDAY nown LADIES CALL llHlE VIIIAN MLTIMOIIE MN MIM nr llnnk lunar tnmplclrd hll nulllmorl Orlnlo rumhm null Wahruhy Ivy hlrlnx ex hl luful uldlu 51mm lxulllr bulven mm Inllar an wu nluml Ivy Chlcuo Whllc so nthr lul mamL III um ll um um lhl len 50L ll the mm victory In mm In Norlhem Dlnm uwncd by Taylors Windlleld Farm at Tnmnlo and MI uvrnlh In nlnu mm Yuu look the Candinn hcd all Io lhq lend won lflll And wu In mmmlnd In wny TBS old rumxcn mm wnl lzu 2A5 Ihmd by Clrry Dick In norkyuny Northern if nlnrntd 5150 0120 and 10 lord Unto nld um Ind 10 And prfll ng IMO Northern Dnnur ner IM rum 6310 Tnylorl Ipeedy lwo year old Ian NenrcllcNI lnlmn ridden by Manuel Ycun xel mmnn record 135 or the ml In mrlnl by we lenxlhl aver MIL 5mm Sll hlnn Lard Dnle Ilepenllnz wul hlrd Ind Shady Planet wnl with on of the money NEW YORK AP Can ndnl Northern Dancer won the 50th runnan or the 313200 Rem Im HIndlcap In averpnwcrlnl luhion Aquzdufl um Tuck Vulnuday Jnckson 27 top Cnnudlnn In mphomou yur 1959 di rected Rough mm lo acc ondplus llnllh in tha Easttrn Jnckwn delenled lwo Wu ern Cnnlerence nomineesquar Icrbltk Joe Kapp ol the Lion or outstandlng play and de4 1mm halfback Dale Was Saskatchewan noughridcr or lop Canadian Bmwn but Mr way tackle Angelo MOSCI of Ilamlllon TigerCm for tha Hngmpn trophy VANCOUVER CPI Quar aback Russ Jackson at Ottawa Rough Ridm has been named outstanding player and top Cn nudlln In ha Canadian Football League an unprecedented dau bla triumph Linebacker Tom Brown of Brillsh Columbla Lions lap EFL lineman In the third cate Kary lho Schemey NaIIanII Foothill announced Wednesdayho In Man to win one Jncksonl sweep two titles unmatched In the 11year his tory vouu lyy wormr an and xporlkIILrl lmm Ihl nlne CFL cities No Cnnndlan had ever won he outstandlng llle and no flayer had ever won two awards nslnzleyuur Taylor Horse Race Winner RUSS JACKSDN qunrler luck of the Ollawa Roulhrlrl era ha been namedmasl ackson Outstanding Player Top Canadian will In ullaut hm Sul urdny hut alnru mo flu lulu wiped oul cemln luck lull Ind dnllnu la chum lop prim or luhlndlMMll um other poll Ilmllcd van For Ilnllnllully mlndod hm In h0 ulllndlnu nll Ill The llllll crowd ever II In on my Cup um wu IKnln In Vnncouvarin was when 102557 turned up to wmh Edmnnlon whnmp Mnnlml Al nucuu and plld 01mm or lb prllllrue Tho pnndax II lhnl whlln Ihe Illcndlnn In Vnnmuver km hu been rul II um prlu hu hem mm my 1mm mm NM Ilnco 1960 when Ollnwn naunh mam mulcd Edmon lon ElklmonIho In Vlncouvcr hu flu plyoH been Hill hlxh In 1060 the lake wu $3115 and Hum wm 511766 perm 1n Huiland VANCOUVER CF Th ycnrl Grey Cup will no Mm lhe laxgust crowd In flu hluory he clnulobul Hum who do mend wlll mukc It the rlchm In hlllnry my McBrXen Iccretary the Canadian Ruby Unlnn and Grny Cup mardlnnlor or ha Canadian Football Lemur nave out he Nauru loday Tth will be 304 all um flulurdly helwcn Hnmlllon TllerCm und Brflhh Columbln Llonl lnr mu Hoke 1910 of 4157150 Rldm opened 1959 with liva tlralzm losses under Frank Tri pucka who was then llrad Jackson bacame stanlnz quarterback lmpon Ran Lan caster look over romp In work Ln ma when Jacklon lul lerod nb Injury but In lha next lwo leamnl Jackwnrwn hanuhy and carried must the load Lancaster went In Saskab chewan bcllara the 1m awn 11913 To any greatest lhlng than ever hlppcnfld to me Jackson Cunferenca thlx year alter they had been widely picked in end last He played his callcga toothall II Hamiltonn McMaalcr Unl yerslly In Illa Ontarln Intercol legiate Leanna and so his nm break In his 100ho year 195i when he fired Riders ucm lull vvlclory over Montreal Al ouclm oulgthndlnz pllynl 3nd lnp Canndlln 1n the Canldlnn Fool hull Luuue It wai In un Ticket Sale To Set New Record HWY 96 AT IIRNDALI Mu mm nm In It mm mmmng I1 lllldwin wlm hundlu lllplt Drawn wlnner Rpm am an lulu lhrreyrnrl lrnurr In Mllnry Mth OHM Mud In nurnl rlvll Dilly lluulhlon LEXINGTON Ky AP llllph Dlldwln driver and lrnlnu or Cnlllrtnn hrm ml Hm ludlnl mnnuy winner an hnrnm mlnll Inna drlull um ym wuh urnlnu OM4 Thu your 1055 he Ill year the limo mnch wm Wu lho lu year ho Minn llckel Prlcu llml cnr mund 43 mi lh cw 11 land Ingroom llckcu lne prlco hrld llrm unlll ML whrn lhl Icazuc mud mm ha but ml 11 box lull lhu Illdlnl to 07M and 1982 32655 JOLIE ml 116 $801133 1960 66 $31356150 1959 314133 61850 1966 36567 026633170 1057 21337 tumomt 1056 17317 311551150 1055 3925 22805 5115 next yen Hm prlta went 510 lop wllh other Icnll Infill of II Ind way hack to the flu Grey Cup In Vancouver with he Bron In cglpgnpynrknln Baldwin Top Money Winner Ma calls dalunxlve mus far Llufll and his machcs lerm Mm he bulwark the dclence and natural lender be Llons wcnlled headhunter crew He II leloot 11590qu Inside linebacker mnrrledrwilh one boy and two Iris uld Wednesday jual hope can my healthy and play qr Ulrcemmoroycarg Ar Jackson w111 recclvu Cinnda Savlnn Bond wnnh $1500 Ind Dawnwlll £1590 bond Married and father one yurold mu Jackson teaches Rldeau Hlnh School In awa where ho heads Illa malty enlutlcs dfpaflmenl Brown 26 ml an IllAmer lu Cullen play at Minnesota In 1960 card to Lions despite more nllrncllva offer mm the mauve and has won the Heck Demnrco Tmphy nut lllndlnl Ilnemnn In lhu Well win yen ufmlnlm rccedenled double triumph pluynr had ever won two Ihe Schcnley award In on year CP erepholn 0va mm In mm Branco Ho ulh hununl In lhm 10511 mi chk lnmbl Ind Dob ArmIran not Iwa mm In Hochnlrrl Iwmn vlc lary Dnnyl Sly Ind Wally layer added HM alhml mnnll 0an Icond lwlcn Sprint lltjd Ind Mlchrl thndll onu mm domlnnlrd Hm um 1mm nm tlnhh ll Cleveland 00 HarkIn Joa Emu and flay Klnmwkh wrn goalmrulurl Mixmm you am flmhey land ll nullnlo and Wu never headed Dob Dlllnbauzh clicked or two Art Slralton Chuck llamu AMI MacDonald 1nd Adam Keller camplclcd lhc mrlnz Muv Kuryluk gal we or nutqu nnd Duh Tumcr ncgm Ilpzle Plllxburgh win at Eullnln left he Hamel wlth 31 point Ind Hi land In chlcrn DMIIDH mndlnu Rochester II In ucond Mm 141 point led wlUI Cleveland and Bullnlo lo hut wllh 11 Idle Provldrnce Rod are map the Emlcrn Ilnndlnn with two olher clumHmhcy and Hal Imun Cllp All hnva 19 polnuMQu cc Am no um film In Ind Sprlnzflcld 1m wllh In th two olhcr league games Rochester Amcrlcnm humped Sfirhuzflcld Indian at no um and at Clcvclnnd goal In Binkley rmrdrd hll mend Ihmaut ha Baron whlpptd Ilrrlhey Bean 10 Meafard Barrie Plumber ulcndvd Ihclr winning streak in our Ilrnlght here last night when they hammered Mcaford In rezulurly nheduled Georgian Bay Junior Honk eyLeague content Dan Amos and Conrad MEL oney each cared Ihrce goal or Barrie whlla Danni wm Inml Dan Gllbcrt Ind Clnylon Perry had Ilnglu Dowdell cored wa ol Mea lordl zeal and Llnlund ml qud the other By THE CANADIAN PRESS Plluhurgh Homeu llxhuncd their grip on In plnze in he American Hockey Mnnucs Weltern DMslon Ilandlnzl Wednesday nlxhl wllh vlc Rory aver Buan Dlsons Plumber will travel Bee lon tomorrow nlxhl tn Calllnu wood Tuesday night and return home to host Penelnnl next Fr day nlth Another chanla was announud by Iha club last nluhl Clarence Smllh member the way and mean commutes and lap Barrle hockey an or many aea long was named manager Illa mm Paul Magel was acting as both manager and coach but ll was alreud by all parlles com cemed lhal thll change will hem ell the club SevenUp will ave new left when In action marrow night Ho 15 Bill Aux Ahnrd skating wlnxar who peflarmed wllh Mealard Abbalt played Junior 51 hockey wllh Owen pound and Jr with Hamil GMIIHI NEW MANAGER fuck FRASER Exllnlner Spot Editor Coach Paul New not lolly led with Illa Ihowlng of In SamUp Intermediate hochy Iqundynldlu¢ night he will try some line lllnl durlnl lumenow mm game 1151an dengue leading rd Express inn Dlve Fitter and My Maccaii um were couple oi other now camen mentioned by SevenU However Filter tinned wih Collinzwood Ho 01 the im zillnl in Barri was too much And decided to mom Colin wod orier Machllum hasnt lined with my club yzi hope to bzuur hustle mm on and be Wuzher do lomively uld Mom In not working this way mm but per ha will help Plumbers Back Up 4111 Straight Win Hornets Tighten Grip On Top Spot fillgyufxlljlumpcq to iBillffAbbottiTo HdCkEY Squad had buxy nlxhl the Fab on Koppeled hlm with 20 IIIqu In It openlnz period two of them 0an or Koala He had stop all told Bradlord nu nix urnlghl vic larlel Theyvs been Icon1n on Am average of Ilizhlly boun than eight goals per game Theyve given up only 19 goal and theIr paint 11m them flvepoint spread over mendplan Mld land with 811 floord mum on win and live 105509 Last place Uxbrldie Black Hawk are wlnlen thm ItalLu sqvmy To scomms Scirlngfiitlfilcn rclczxcd yu mdny which do not Include Mr Smlul will work closely with Paul laid dwpmldm Bill Dermal Thin will relieve Paul or lame the ruwnnlbll fly and um Mm more time to gave to othcr lmpaflant nub Seven Um hava drawn tough annulment In um week gnd my meagmtdetgaggd Brad lord twlca harm5 in Bradlard Sutqrday Colllnlwood third with points TM II made up of two wlnx file and 1w Sevapo w1th only one wlri 17 our mm hm man laurlh place wllh 0111111 Jamel Clyne Icfl Deputy Grand KnighL ll picluud ova prcsenllnu Illa Knish SKI JACKETS Compn 79 CAR WASH Cor Ann and Dual an Car To You In Lou nu MINUTES CLEANED INSIDE AND OUTSIDE TO YOUR SATISFACTION PRESENTS FOOTBALL AWARD MENS WEAR Z6 Dunlap 5mm Wu Special THIS WEEKEND NIcKKenncdy Ind Cal 6mi nur finally break the Bradford mmme with 11 and lufpolnu respectively Kennedy hu goals and Ive aulm Gardner ha mm mm and minted on even Don Glbmnl twa goals and men mlm given him 11th pot and three player are clad with 1th palm Tam Richard um and Ed Hazlett Brndlard and Ted Hughu ol Orlllla 11 have regialercd duh polnu Gnmurtlmo lomirrav night not or eight oclock denyl gumohelwcen MM land and Orllllu mow the pace ultlnz Exprzumm wllh men the top no Icorerl In the lea gun 0111 lm Im other Mae Gnland with 11 ml And six auburn xeltlnx tbs pm in tho polntl battle with 17 Lineman Blake lull clan behind wllh 10 points zamliflnl man 0611 Indnlne with Don Comm Ind Phil Nichqu are tied for third wot with palm each Cmburn hn le Honk and men nulm whlla Nicholbu our call and min nulnls ol Columbul Traph up luln Mike Quinn the why Mug Monical lam In an Somme School Football League The preunlallan Wu mad Sunday mild VEEIIM mum PHONE PA 85027 MAYES MARTIN BURNER SERVICE AUTOMATIC DELIVERY Mala Change For The Honor WHITE ROSE FUEL OIL 95

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