Thu mlnulu or lho Ocloblr mevmu mm mm and adopl ed lrvnsunrl pm wm ulvm by Mn Curr nmnk Iolu worn mud Mmllon 11min lbs Iner and MI Innry Allocation Wu wch mule 0m bald brim Wnrr mndurud lho tlw inn omcm Im lho Year 1m Fall win llm run Im Mu nrclhnl Flul Imidenl Mn Imhur Scmnd Vlru lmldrm Cummlna Bomury Knuo Currrlpondlnl Sec m1 MrL Crnm Hm rlmlnu hymn lunr lnl mm by tho hullul and Il mmmluw pcm In Flundm mm wm run by Mn Gelhonl MrlCrnne led In prayer Tlxuiudy of lndln wn con tinued by Mn Wm Sho Md lhnpnrt plnycd Izy he womrn lhncaunlry ï¬rm lb Slmud Prtlr Ilnllyuwnzlvpn mum luwnw The Vonth Scrvlcu wnl con ducltdhy MrL Francis Cmne lhn lhmc bllnl nememr brnncc SALLYS SALLIES nry non valued and nmlul member wu pre Icnled um comma and many prlor In lcnvlng hi cammqpy 19 rglldq In Toronto Thnrnl United Church Wtr hm Nov In the Sun day Echo mm with 26 mm hm pr cnl Mn Mel Dlxnn wna no The r2min opcnrd wllh ling so 19 lllnr hymnl Miss KlmHal Sloane wax the flower alrlmmrcd in pale blue ilmflnr Lha mnld honour but wllh ï¬ll while eyelet pina tora and uwlda brimmed white raw hat nth matching rihands Mm Eugnln Johnston was tho mnId olhonoux She wns n1 tired In pl blue town Ilyled urging urine brldeg burr with arigs v3 blue lulleszlIaw and whim rum formed her bou giecyggecaï¬v um Given ln narrlage by Edward Silvls th bride wora lloar length whlil nylon and damn gown wlth anodllied scoop neck line and insuring wide panel oi pale blul hand embroidered flowersi Iha lull length the gown lhe dirt was allghtly ga thered £19 idea but had deuchahle mhered rain in the hack ller hodplece was mile coronal whla held In place two chapel lengli veils ana pale blue tulle with an over veil 01 while with an cmruldmd border The brldn calrid cascnda red roses Thornton UCW 10 051an Inlhe momlnz the sane day civil cere mony way performed the home and Mrs Charles Sloane by Hovammonz represenlaua of the Thua Thlen province once This was 011w ed by welding breakfast or the wcdqlnï¬ pagy TY Nam Gian candles bouquets pink gladlfl and carnation and pulled palm decorated the ML llnyjung fright opensian ale was solemnlzed by Chaplin George Foshee In lh Anerlcan Pmlcslam Ca geLflnltg Slate Inlnrmullan Miss 01 Edllh Mass laugh or nl and Mrs Ernest Mass at Mlilln Street became the brlde ol Willlam Donald We her son Mn Thelma Webar and the 119 Mr Weber ol Louis vllle Keiucky Al oclock ln Ule allerbqn Novembey up yinLA EMILAND MRS WILLIAM WEBER iss Ora Moss fedIn Viet Nani wuu mmu Upon llILlr relum from Dalnl the newlywed wlll mldn Duy Tan me for tha duuuon their bur nl duly In Vla The bride had been feted It luncheon and dlnnm by Oh American community In line Tho women the Wyclule Blbie Transistors wnn whom an brldl was uwclnlod before her mu Hnge held bridal Ihower the home Mn ohn null dal couple were delayed in their departure lor their honey moon lrip there had been coup cm the previous eve ning and all travel was curtailed However several days later they flew to Duiat Vial Nam moun tain mm For the Wedding trip tho bride wore black and whltu Ahepherdx check corduroy suit with black and whlia accessan iu ller carnage was yellow mums OutoHown guests at the wed ding were membm ol the Wy clllfe Bible Translators mm var lm allocations in Viet Nam and member at the Unittd State ID program from Saigon Mes sages from Interested friends In Canada and the United strata and cable tram thebridel church in Ottawa all added to that 103 all thy day Iuned nl Ihe Care Sport The reception had been prepared by Ihe American Women in Hue The mlour scheme for Ike bridal table was based on Inii mlourx during bronle candiesudu and punch bowl and yellow mainsarng gindiqll RECEPTION lï¬medlalgly allowing the wed bgutA 115 guesls wqre en Mrs Edward Sllvls plnynd the wedding music and special organ solo Jesu Joy Mans Desiring by Bach Georg Slogner was lha his man Frank Nelson Nguyen qunn Chou Lt Co New Ion Royce and Major Dewey Lowe are the ushers lmlllON 07 Till MU ANan MILL LTD When you Mlllldcr Ilarml nd mu mar hm lu um Ind vlnll Ilmlm drill lo III In WINTIMZAL IIIJJTOIIING COMBINATION WINDOW VIIII ml ulna IIII milu Ihl value allmu IIIde wllh bunly unmanned Iquu cmdncy 01 wool 11 Imullll In In pluu Cull hr Inland numb km Mmlllu or mama Hi It null luv Inn buy IMIII Inn my KNOW III mm ECONOMY CONVENIENCE IO WINDOWS DOOR AS 0W AS nl duly In v13 and Selfstoring Windows were too Expensive Changing Storm Windows other convene InduHQ Coun ty Store Mrs Barrett and Mn Shanahan Bake able Mrs GarveyMrl Chg cntIer fancy work Mm Knminz Mrs Garey Penny Sale Mrs Lukei Fllh nd Mn Moore Mn ard Ion Candy Mrs Daley Sew Ing Mrp Ianze Rellziéhfinlcle will he on tale convened by Mn Mb Leiland mg rm JMcBrlde Ther M11 be drlw or III decal cln opener three tier Christmas cake Ind turkey Th Kenaralmnvoner la Mm Eddie Lemmczyk with Mn JKelly comnvener Final pians were made lnr iha annual Chrisimns Bazaar to be heid Dec mm until 530 oclack In the afternoon and In the evenluzhlmm to 10 pm Beginning at pm euchre will played with prim far the winner This will he ioiloWed by reirelhmenls Thu November meeting 5L Johnyggnngy Cnlhnllc meenl League wax held Mend eve ning 1n the Farhh Ha Thu pmldent Mn Kelly open ed the meeting with Ihe League PEYU To Install Joed 01m gain during Ihclr flm term away from home Many Inm Hyums been Itarllcd 010 mm the buxom Iaula wnIk In tha from door at mm giving time One girl halting the lapaund turkey Innounced rucrully Grant day in Ihu mamlni Ive takenon My Iurkgylfl Christmas Bazaar And Euchre Party Planned By CWL In any get caught In kind of vlciou clrcla In he beginning there In lam cam but when this turns into hlhlt palm and the result over weiahl then elm become the naqu EEatingToSatisifYFdlse Hungér Adds To Problemef Dieters flï¬ï¬fï¬ï¬ï¬‚flflhï¬m wanted poundm When you on an um airman1cm cm mm one md ulna mum in at hm by rld thatturkey Who wage foodyou not really lolle the problem Fact ls you an gnarltezzng mum unnum pmblem aven welzhL Or take the ovurweluhl who Isuan nunsmo HOME STAYNER om F0 1th1 and 2m iaTuin room mama ed Nunu In mundane ii mam Email balling lorryrluh or ucflluu or Huh or myqu otgndcold gm INyTHE TRIM MARSHALL PHONE 124 l3°° selfstoring 0mele WINDOWS NOT ANY MORE with WINTERSEAI uuVr llfllnz loday as ho lined 20 yenmld zlrl $25 for Ileaflnl 11p dick and null polllh mm Ilore He Added that bhopllflen responalble for $0000000 Annual Ion In Canadian bull um FINES SIIOPLIPIER OSHAWA DBL CHMalla mu Hmy Jermyn uld than too many hoysevilvcg Ibo 48 ANNE ST PA 82496 To keep on mum to 1051 you are willing to mnh Lha mm youll llhmlefcnerzy Ind mp unexpected rewlrdl nuns is not always easy to accept Food excess food that is alters kind oi passive nrstliicstion but the eonsequences site to unsstlsisctory Sat course action is needed Activity means doing romethlnz When you just sit at home you my moped up with worries Hero is prombe take action and then you will ieelliks it When you look or ways to make llis more interesting you are on the right track Any measure that stirs your en tliusiasm helps you to hurdle that initial inertllt tha Idea lhal It will to exer younell 111m 85 pound later he realization the other had far mater nrohiem in their lives determined her to chlnn her atiiiudeand hemii Mental houseclunlnl llnnlly pulled her an ol the nu She recalled um the onset ol her weight problem lallled wlth the tlmo ol her huablndl rellre meat Resentment over tn chum ln her way nl llvlnz set her to constant nlbbllng Dr Luke Iheovurweighl who wmle that she couldnt let Into any her drossup clothe lo she couldnt many vim dur In tho holldm This depressed her drlvlnl her to tho consola tion of callnz which only mad miller warn mm cmnu sump mu lhlr hat uu PA 8459 Max1 Bind PERMANENT 99 hm Bel ll Perm mm in am Now um BEAUTY SALON NPWMOM Bl genrzel Anllicï¬n Church Alllndlll my rennin hive of mlvlty Nov 16 when the Simm CouMy Am Ind Cum Inn 11914 Chflu Mm decornllnnhrkshop Arts Crafts IiOId Workshop Flm qunllty Chlck Acrllan and Wu pllo loco ull Rug II lBx 30wlm mntch mm com Pink Vallow Brown amn Slut Whllc Gold Sandalwood BORG BATH SETS Rog 588 Saveiéonéhlnilie Spread with Heirloom wasDoubleriulndecoretorehedu Prlnied Chmmerpun Spread to enhance mum Twln or double bed size in pastel ahadu Reg 598 Luxurioun Chenille at generous levinï¬l Smeilciuse Ititch gives an expensive teuc goubi7e9saize in choice oi unreciive ehedee on WALKERS ï¬g BEDSPREADS 50 DUNLOP STREET EAST Hand Embroidered hen mme out the Cdunly Allended Vim Conn hick Bumvluzr Rematlaand Pith Departmanl Bclrbomkh lunmctm IlmIlIr nltcmoon workshop held In yet Inddlrecled by Mu Tucker had bun III we abort 16 um yur it will bald lrom 101m pm Fm whm Importd anon pillow cam doconlod wlth hind womoddulgnawmm mm Nucpallumldul lolhomo and mm Abqin 80 aluminium mem nla membnrg provided their PILLOW CASES 0NLY157 998 698 Sm $1 on PToxmudo mud flannelqu shun Subaund Irdsl Elulla comm Flu uafllyTmmudWflan neluLtblan WM pld girl ad In 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