Ial unison cnnlrol ccnlrcs are so Inadequate lhal they are more dangerous than none at all Ihe Canadiuu Agriqnllural ChemIA cals Association said Tuesday The associallnn of about 55 pesticide mnnulatlurers inrmu law and others in he pmduc lion field snid inadequnle poison control centres can wash val uable lime in emergencies few compclen centreswith min base in Ottawa to ensure Juli information on the expand lnlz list of available weed in sect and other killerswnuld be prolcrahlc Strgcanl George Taylur of The ETN Canadian Guard received cheque this Week for $200 from his Commanding omcer Lt Col JH Gregg The association was appear lng before the special Commons committee on food and drugs examining the actors involved In grawlng use thcmlcal pol sons commercinlly and In homcx Michel Chmalicn general manner at the Canadian Agri cultural Chemicals Asoclallun Id it has been manor prlde In snmc hospitals In labllsh poison man centres Bu has rrqulrcd Moundthe lock stuffing by specialists cnrflul index all the wall Able poisons and other hciliuns hich cost money Some than centres he said are no stood enough EVEUPENER Jac noiburï¬h IPNannlkL fruit Iarmnr called the slalo mgnl axe0mm Poison ContOl Centres Inadequacv Rapped Farm Minister Kclso Inhurls Inill Tnmlny lhu provincial nvrrnmcnl Imrl Imcd legal nhi dclrrmlnc riuhl Um Al Knmu Central Railway In charge cu nr hunUnKv ï¬sh Inx And mmpinK In 1150000 acres land nnnh Snull Sic Mum Onl Mr llnhrrls nlvl In nn Inm vlcw he gnurxmunl hm mtvl Inns wmu rnilwuy Immln lwlco III mnnlh nml Ill lm huld Inn mm In wmmlmn wilh the land use pmmit rhmm Tnurhl mIHIINrs rum Vflwn 110 milll nvrlh ul Sun 51 Mlulr hnh lqlxflhl hr 1325 per pmnn rhnurd by Hm rnll wny nr lwu yran Thu anu Cllnmlwr nmnwrce nnrl lmlrlxl nulllllrra Inivl he hnrur In ddllmrnlal In Hm In flmlry Mlnmn Cvmrnl wan ulvm LTOMM mm Inn Inml MINI ll nrlmnully hum IF null lly Hull rim Inn nlnco rm vnlul la the rnwn hlo lluuw Iml IrzL In My whrmrr an nulnp mu lamml on he Imtly Iluln mldrnl Jvhn Krnnnly Fm nmmulnmlrly nlun her lmnly WM Al Htlhruln MII nun mqullnl LN Friday mm ml only Fnlunln mnmlnl nlllnlu um ml hm rlnl In mrvnu nu may or mvzh Hm hml lwm Im nulnluy MUMMIK mmmlul wim IM me wullnml nlrmt llwu ann lmlhnf Hum TN Frnlnn null lhe mm omhllm Province Hires Legal Aid In Spat Over Hunting Fees QUAWA CPSnme huspl White House Wont Say If Autopsy Performed nl Kuwdyp nplml rd mm um mm IIIm Ir Ilw him of MI bull mu hm hm lull Mm IM In In hull of mm ml will mm mm my um MM In nmhm rcsmkoe SUDHUIIV lCIiLnnds Ind MP TM FORMER BOBDEN MAN RECEIVES AWARD cash medical doctor sald very wank paint is that farmer can buy and use chemi cal golsons wllhout airy chleck on hrlg compelcnce 61h Vlhnn the label which must saust fed erg apgmvalz ev er sald it seem dilllcult legislatively admln Islet more detailed poisonin belsl Psychologlcnl and other laclors were involved In slrik lng balance helwcen what the housewife would take lime to read and whnywas nycessnry at Cam Pelawnwa While employ at Camp Bordens Royai Canadian School or In fantry Sgt Tnylor submitted suggestion which has been adopted or us lhmughnul to go Scroé Vinsirucllmu Hr prgpgrzusage But he suggeslcd discusslons among mnkcrs cansumcrs gov ernmcnls and yackaicrl to cs tablish standards TORONTO CPlPolsnn can Irol was suggested as salcly projcd for 1964 at hn annunl board meeting or the Federated Womens Institute or Onlarlo hey Mrs Walker Hadley n1 Can Md Ont nld such II project wnuld Abe nalural or the womens insululu henllh olï¬clnls report 40 per cent of the uccldmh occurrinz among the twoMqur age group are caused by poisoning and 75 per cent or polsonlng occur In childnn hery one probably has some ype of poison right under nurrrkllthni ï¬nk sh whit Mrs Lymburncr of Port Calhornt past president he FWIO sald he program mlxhl cmphnsixe lhal people should In llu Imcmmml nl Arl In Ill rnnugh Ill mld lhn mllwny vlnlnlrd mm at Ihc nzrremrnl whlrh In ed hulllllnu Iowm nnd Irlllrmrnln nlnnl Hm lrnrh Dr Kvmp hrnln unr Iran who vm Mlmnmmd lu Iha cmnlomy 1mm Hit Inllnl hmvllnl whm lm VNIIIPM nulnkm all In nhonlhl um Hm build did mm me damn II IM rllhl mr ol the prudent hud 1qu Ille llltmllut mum muld In mum II had Mm or mm uul hm Hm II1 yrnldrntl dnlh hy Imwdlnl Ind mull nhumu an IM um mum of flu huln lhnl NM Imnlhlnl AM hurl ledI Imam In IMIIAI whv Mmln him4 rummm mulmrnl In Hm pmltlcnl ul tutday my mm mm 100 mm mmnn gin nnllmm mum MI ï¬liallihld 16 In KIM non mm not dlngnose and um their 111 mm csptclally with old me diclncs and €111ng Allen Nunlc of Snrnln suggeslcd the reasons raw lnz number 01 teenage buy nerve pep and aleeplng pllls mlght alsn he Investigated Mrs Hadley said the lnslilute hranches could ask locnl physl clans lor asslslnnce WiUI pol san salcw prog mollon that Ihc ladenalien follow the Farm Samy Cann clls lire 5111er project was re lented in favor of poison safely the Inlanlry CorpsuA cerllfl tale of the award and lo ler of congratulations from Ihe CGS was also presented He was posted to Petawawa in August 62 Thedebate in the Commons was gcnlle and politen or cry ram lherallucnl wrunxllnx that domlnnlz must the nine pre vious rcdlslribullnn when Pnrliamcnl ilsvll rcsrl Illlcnl burden nncr he myrnr ccnsusos Desplle Illc prevailing air lwcclncs und hnrmuny them were some hnslcnnd polm llnlly Mplmlvodmcrcnccs In nrpmach to H1 problcm slribullnn Slnle Secrclnry Plckcrsxlll pHoting lhu unvemmcnl mum Ion 1o tslnhllsh lhc miles rcprescnlnllon cammlulnner Inld he vacrnmmt wnuld crpl any changes In lrnlsln linn llvnrrd Izy majorlly 01 MP1 WANTS HEP 10 unit lhe chlxlrlhullon loh would he lnckltd by 10 rommls Ilunl mm or until prnvlnce Ench cnmmiuhm wnuld cnnxlxl Ihrre mtmhtrs plus lmlrlh Ilmon mlnlnly In Iva Chin Eleclnrnl nfllcer thnn Cusmn luny who would nil lll rcpm ummlon cnmmlulancr on till lo mmmlninnl nnd Id llnnnl cwrullnnlnr OTTAWA CmMP of all parties agreed Tuesday In let Independent outsiders draw up new boundaries hclr consu lucnclc In the llghl of populm Inn shlfls in ma last 10 years nut lhcy disnxrccd an who lhe oulsidvr should ho haw many mm shnuld he Involved In us In and whul lht prcrlsc zmund rule for redismbullon nolilicnl stnl should be Mr Ilrkerlnnl Inid lhn tom mlulnnn wnukl he Impnvllnl llzem drnwn lram lhn ndtrlnry and from Iurh nnn IHEII In Ililullnlll nu unhcr In npmlllnn Lender Dlrlcn mm nnpmtll lho MM III mmlnrlnl tommlulom cnn rndlnn lhnl unu nnllonnl hova our Julian plul Mr Culnn DEBATE GENTLE tnme nul Ina lmk nl MI hm uuslnl IonIve Inccrlllnm and In nl hum Hum lul Inlxl uk It he wnl unnMu In nnv uhMMr Hm wnumi In vmldcnll mi holnw lhc numu undo man the In 1M name Imllrl lull Iml cmmrd Hmth um pmlxlrnll mm llo uld lhm mulrl mm hren hm lrullm Malcolm Im at DIN who nlo lmlnl IM uth all Illmllfll hm uld on Pllday um urnMo lo Itlumlno whrlher no or In lmllol my lnvnlml Nu Imlloll were nmnml AI lb lllllll honpilal Mllcllll II naval hulplm In mum duclln ll whbllwr In nuloply an MA lvtmed Redistribution Split Continues BUT OTTAWA CF prlvnta member blll which would veterans the 1th to lake rn jetted pension claim In court of appeal was termzd unmr ccssary by Inc 110an Caulk dhgn Leglon Tucgdgy in npazo brie submillcd to the Gammon veinran inlu committee by lhe Leglon nuiianal lecrnlnry Donnid Thnmpson the Legion criilcized current apernling procedure and administration oi ihn pen sion commission but said that voterans lenlliaiion baslnnily spun Court appeals won no be necessary hand penslnn claim it Um mmmlsslon gave mom llbernl Inturprclallnn of the Veteran Penslun Ml laid ha brief in the opinion the Legion the mmmllniun was incorrectly interpreting Iho benefit oi the denial clause In no Pnnslnn Act The brie said It was UII responsibillly he mmmlsslnn to draw nll reasonable In ence and presumption In in vor of tha applicant sacking penslnn mum Sudbury Employees Get Five Days 011 Jack Mclnlosh PC Swift CurrentMaple Crack who drew up tho hill to pmvido or court appeals said that the chlmla bml although brinxlnz nut the palm contained In his bill was incgnplege The Lealnn has no sug gested rumcfiy to the problem SUDBURY CPIA fiveday chrlslmas halidny Is in slare or most city employees here The citys hoard of cunlrol Tuesday voted to operate on xkelnlon 5an Friday Dec 27 This means mnny employees wlll be on Chrlslmas Day nox lng Day Friday Saturday and Sunday Private Bill Unnecessclryi ThéFriday will he made up on lulurc Saturday or in war um work regular pay uuay muld do the Job just well nnd just as qulckly difference also loomed over the ground rules or rellccllnl the relative vnllng power ol rnl and urban elccxorknuhnps the must pondcrnul pruhlem he mnlvcd in the coming dlslrlbutlml Mr Dlvlcnbnkcr said rural rlding should he alloucd Inlcr mice 01 onurlhird nhnvo and he nw tho pnpulnllon lulnl deemed to he the avenue level for re vlscd cansliluendcs Mr Pick crsuill no scl any dellnile level olflmuzh the xuvurnmcnt understood In have In mlnd varinllqn ol nnulillh AWARDED MEDAL TORONTO CPLTho Mon nnllonn Cummlflro the Rod Crass has nwnrdcd he Ilarcncu Nlnhllnunle mcdnl lo Mann Vll mn Chnrlnllclown at her nursing walk In Canada nnd overseas helwctn 1m and mu She In lho Mn Cnnndlnn nuts to rccrlrc tho mulul Ilnce II was ulnhllxhcd In um REV CHARLES CATTO Innher appenll Ind has put rrwasd no concrctd augm nnl Ileplying In Mr McIntoshn ntntement Secretary Thompson said The machlnfl cry already there In the pm ent legislation to remedy any pmblemn which acutan further legislntlnnvln necessary If the net 15 pwparly 1mm meted SIMCOE PlAZA HWY AND JOHNSON ST PA 82429 FOR All DAY FREE DELIVERY ms Reg 39c 29c AURIMEL coUGH SYRUP Reg 200 cnssr TOéTHPASTE Reg 139 GERITOL noun Reg 3229 BAYER ASPIRIN 100s Reg 93f RESDAN Reg 150 Rug 540 FREE Thermometer NYLONS LIMMITS Bordens Westgate Ice Cream Reg 895 FLASHLIGHT CASES Reg 79c WRAPPING PAPER 280 Reg 98 KLEENEX 200 and 300s EGG CREME SHAMPOO Reg 125 FOR FAST PRECISE PRESCRIPTION SERVICE KODACHROME ll MUSICAL JEWEL BOX um mom FILM Whlln They Lu 399 53 2630 495 3er Blrln Rowe RewardS Markham Stildents MARKHAM 0M CF The 500 pupils It Jamel nablnson public ldmel hero were told Tuudny by Llw IcnnnlGovernnr Elrl now that Friday wlll be hull day or hum reward or man Canadian rec mjd mr pnhllcachool lately mm years when trai flc accldcnl Mr Rowe pmenled plaquu commemoratan Ihu record to Elizabeth Hamlll cnptnln an Ichual salcly palm Compu KODAK HAWKEYE BMM MOVIE CAMERA Fun Fllm par ultomlr WhllI Thcy Lm lel0 CeronI CIGARETTES 299 15 Denier Reg $109 W79 FOR 27¢ Blrlh 29c 79 With Every Prescription OOIpodal Rnlly In Thu Chunk mm lav Charm Cam Laorm Dlmmlon lot Unlltd Church Womou mooswim Item The Fm Vldor Mlubn 40073flFflm on Noern Modul llldu on The Cr Indlnm DIIplIyI And IIMHII ll THE BARRIEIXAMINER WEDNESDAY NOV 11 1M TORONTO CWDr Solmt laxmu vcepmidenL ol Camdhn Nlllonnl Balmya mldmesday railway mmly In lrlmpnmtlon ll zone but the regulation and vuubsidle Iud todonl wllh ll remnln Transportation 3035 Seeks Minimum Regulations vluue Canadian Lnnapumllni Dr Snlandt new vflcepresl den or lllwkewddley Camd COLLIER ST UNITED CHURCH Rug $1 2995 DRISTAN TABLETS Reg 135 DRISTAN SPRAY Reg 125 BlRITE ASA Reg 39c BALLET TISSUE COMMAND Reg 100 VICKS SINEX NASAL SPRAY Reg 125 99 PLAY DOH FORGE PRESS Reg 498 298 PLAY DOH FUN FACTORY Reg 498 298 PULLENS BABY TEARS DOll Reg 598 298 6TRANSSTOR RADIO Reg 1995 1288 Rug CHRISTMAS CARDS Undlr Tho Aulplcu Simon Pmbynry 500 Prolmor mm Blrlh WORLD MISSION FESTIVAL TOMORROW THURSDAY NOVEMBER 2M1 KODAK Par Box 9995 COME PROGRAM Blmo Special Blvlh Blvlto Speclnl IN for 45¢ LimlM wanted in In ad dreu lo the annuni meeting the Automotive Transport Am cintion of Ontario that free comv petition with minimum of re ulation would sum Cunadlm trgysportatiqn FREEPARKING nuiyvl Ha warned however that any ludden switch to other arms of transportation mluht hurt apa clflc arena and ahlppan POSTOFFICE Rog 56 Rng 25 HASH BULBS WHILE may usr AG M1 COUTTS WRAP PA 82429 Pinl For Chrlumn 119 79 BM 19° Blrlh 99a 99c l9